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1、1The famousChinese painters2Gu Kaizhi - Originator of Painting 画祖顾恺之 (公元344405 ) Gu Kaizhi, known as the founder of traditional Chinese painting, and his scroll paintings, represented the painting style of the period.在绘画上,被尊为画祖的顾恺之和他的卷轴画最具有代表性。 3Picture of Lady Officials女史箴图女史箴图4The painting of Ode

2、to the Goddess in Luo 洛神赋图5Traveling in Spring游春图游春图6洛 神 赋 图7 The theme of the Luoshen Appraisal Painting (luo shen fu) was drawn from the article, Luoshen Appraisal, written by Cao Zhi, son of the Wei Emperor Cao Cao. The painting depicts the meeting between Cao Zhi and the Goddess Luoshen at Luosh

3、ui River, vividly capturing the mood of their first meeting and eventual separation. Gu emphasized his subjects expressions, with the stones, mountains and trees having an ornamental purpose. Gus paintings, which greatly influenced later traditional Chinese paintings, are similar in style to the Dun

4、huang murals.洛神赋图洛神赋图是根据三国时期曹操的儿子曹植所写是根据三国时期曹操的儿子曹植所写洛神赋洛神赋创作。创作。洛神赋洛神赋描绘了曹植与洛神相逢又相别的情节。描绘了曹植与洛神相逢又相别的情节。画家注重对人物情态的刻画,山石、树木都富有装饰性。这画家注重对人物情态的刻画,山石、树木都富有装饰性。这一作品,与同一时期的敦煌壁画有相近的风格,对后世中国一作品,与同一时期的敦煌壁画有相近的风格,对后世中国画产生了深远的影响。画产生了深远的影响。 洛神洛神8 Wu Daozi, Sage in Chinese Painting 画圣吴道子(公元713-755) Wu mainly cr

5、eated religious murals all his life and his abundant works had a wide range of subjects. According to records, Wu painted over 300 murals and more than 100 scrolls. While many of them involved Buddhism and Taoism, Wu also drew mountains, rivers, flowers and birds. 吴道子主要从事宗教壁画的创作,他创作的作品题材广泛,数量也很大。据说寺

6、廊壁画有三百余件,有记录的卷轴画有一百多件。其中佛教、道教题材最多,还有山水、花鸟、走兽等。 9Sage in Chinese Painting-Wu Daozi10Practicing and Working portrays 捣练图捣练图11golden pheasant(锦鸡)tingqin (听琴听琴)12送子天王图送子天王图13 The Presentation of Buddha is his most representative work. Unlike his predecessor Gu Kaizhi, whose line strokes were slender and

7、 forceful but lacked variety, Wus strokes were full of change and vigor, expressing the internal world of his subjects. Wu was always in great ferment when he was painting, and his works exhibit an expressionist style. 送子天王图送子天王图这幅画反映了吴道子的基本画风,这幅画反映了吴道子的基本画风,他打破了长期以来历代沿袭顾恺之的那种游丝线描他打破了长期以来历代沿袭顾恺之的那种游

8、丝线描法。吴道子开创兰叶描,用笔讲究起伏变化和内在法。吴道子开创兰叶描,用笔讲究起伏变化和内在的精神力量。他在创作的时候,处于一种高度兴奋的精神力量。他在创作的时候,处于一种高度兴奋与紧张状态,很有点表现主义的味道。与紧张状态,很有点表现主义的味道。 14Wang Weifamous painter 著名画家王维(701-761) A famous poet, is generally acknowledged as the first ink-and-wash painter in Chinese history. Yet what remains of is ink-and-wash wo

9、rk today is only a Northern-Song-dynasty(960-1127)copy of his A BROOK in the SNOW with his autograph.著名诗人,中国历史上公认的首位破墨山水画家,然而至今唯一保存的破墨画作品只有他题字的北宋副本雪溪图 。15雪溪图雪溪图16 This painting depicts a brook in the wild,using no color but black ink, yet still incredibly reproducing a carefree, peaceful snowbound w

10、orld.这幅画仅以墨色作画来描绘一条溪流。但仍然惊人地向世人展示了一个无忧无虑的,平静祥和的,白雪皑皑的世界。17Qi Baishi-modern famous painter齐白石现代著名画家(1863-1957) Qi Baishi injected his painting with typical Chinese farmers tastessimple, pure and humorous. His favorite subjects-flowers, insects, birds, landscapes and human figures.181920Xu Beihong- modern famous painter 现代著名画家徐悲鸿 Xu Beihong borrowed techniques from Western p


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