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1、1.There aren t any(work) in the factory.2.We don't(go)to school on Saturdays or Sun days.3.Let 's(take ) the bird to the forest.4.How many(teach)are there in the office.5.My father has a lot of(student ).6.Jack(help) his mother swee p the floor every day.7.Sam(have ) any appies?8.My frie nd(

2、like) (play) with my p arrot.9.My mother(cook ) nice food for us every day.10.(be) there a lot of milk in the glass? Yes, there11.There(be) a tree and some flowers in the garde n.12.The soup(be) very hot.13.There(be) any cakes in the fridges.14.Can you show(we) around your school?15.Give(they) some

3、water. They are very thirsty.16.Look at the cat.(it) eyes are blue.17.He ofte n pl ays football with(they).18.Look at(that) app les. They are bad.19.Miss Che n teaches(we) Maths.20.Would you like(any) coffee?21.It s time(have) lunch now.22.Jack is good at sports. And he is(too) good at23.24.25.26.Mu

4、sic.My father fishes veryMike' s sistersMiss Li ' $onYes, heBird can(good)(have) many hobbies.(have) any animal friends?(fly), but dogs(not).41.There (be)some milk in the glass.27.Mike likes(watch) TV. But he(not) TV now.Do you like(wear) y

5、ellow? Yes, I do. But my sister(n ot like)(wear) yellow.Nancy' s hobby is(fly) kites.It ' very cold. The water(turn) to ice. LetsgoWhat(skate).your sister(do) ? She is a teacher.My father(teach) Maths in my school.(have) a lot of stude nts.your mothershe' s aHe(cook)(good)?Yes,(cook). Sh

6、e is good atyour parents(cook)(speak) English at home?they on ly(sp eak) at work. They usuallyChinese. I usuallycan' tWhatWhereNo,(sp eak)(sp eak)Chin ese. Because I(sp eak) any En glish.he(do) on Sun days? He always(go)(climb) and(clean) his car.he(live)he(live) in Chi na? No, he(live) in the U

7、SA.What timeyou and your parentsWe all(get) up at seve n.In wi nter, water(get) up?(turn) to ice. And sometimes it(sno w).So whe n thewin terweather(come), we always(wear) warm clothes.Rubber duck likes the rain, but he does nweather. So whe n the summer sun(carry) an umbrella.Hele n always hasafter

8、 noons.'t like sunny(come) out, he(dan ce) less ons on Sun day42.Therebe) any milk in the glass.43.There be)some milk and some tea in the glass.44.There be)some sweets and milk in the fridge.45.There be) any sweets in the glass.46.There ome)chairs in the room?47.Is there hair) in the room?48.How

9、 many (room) are there?49.Ihave ) some app les.50.51.Ido) have any apples.52.The cat ave) two ears.53.The cat ave) two ears.you ave) (some) appi es?54.55.(do)the cat have two ears?Your father o) have any pens.56.I like (play) football.57.Helike) skate).58.They both like (swim).59.Letwe) go (shop).60

10、.Are you good at (swim)?61.Is Mike good at(ru n)?62.My father is a rite).He (write) stories.63.His mother is a _ ach). She(teach) En glish.64.He is a rive). He (drive) a bus.65.They are ork) .They (work) in a factory.66.Spring ome) after wi nter.67.Lethe) do) his homework first.68.Tom(sp eak) En gli

11、sh , but he cantsp eak)69.Chin ese,Hestudy)Ch in ese after school.70.(do) fish(eat)ora nges ?71.Hele n usually(get) up at seve n.72.They often(p lay) with (she)73.My sister ke) (fly) a kite.74.She usually (fly) kites at weeke nds .75.She can (_ fly) it well.76.They like hat) on the In ternet.77.They

12、 usually (chat) on the In ternet.78.Mike ofte n hat)with (I) on the Intern et.79.I likehave) a picni c. I always (have) a picinc atweeke nds.80.Liu Tao o) eat any turkeys in Chi na.81.Don t(s ing ) in an En glish class.82.Christmas Day (come) in December.83.Jim ' s mother usually(buy) p rese nts

13、 for his childre n.84.Childre n usually(put) stock ings on the beds beforeChristmas.85.What' s wrong with(they)? hey) are sick.86.Do you like an ce)? Can you(dance)well?87.My father and mother are both (p olicema n).88.His uncle is a (cook). He can (cook) nice food .89.He usually ook)for us .90.

14、How many(study)can you see in the p icture?91.I ofte n play football( 在之后)lunch.92.The boy behi nd(he) is David.93.The books on the desk are(child).94.My sister and brother(学习)of this school.95.Where' s Mike ? He is in the(图书馆)96.let s(wash)the clothes.97.Shall we do some(clean)?98. There are so

15、me(soup )i n the box.99. Tom would like(buy) some cakes.100.(明天)is Friday.101.My(friend) father is Mr Gree n.102.Hele n pl ays(和)my cat .103.The library is on the(two ) floor.104.My(parent )are(teach)105.106.(be ) there any juice in the bottle?(this)flowers are beautiful.107.Mr. and Mrs. Green(not )

16、,(work) onSun day.108. The ele phant has a big,(/b ?d ?/)109. How many(library)are there in yourschool?110.Can you show(she )aro und?111.112.Let ' s go and(fly) a kite.is the third day of a week.113.114.2. Thereany water in the bottle.115.I don ' t like(skate).116.My father can swim very(goo

17、d).117.(it ' s) name is Bobby.118.-What subjectsHele n(like)?119.She(like) En glish and Chin ese.120.He is a(work). He(work) in a big1. My brother J 喜欢)going to the cinema .factory.121. I like(tiger). And I like(draw)122.tigers.Helen and Mike (study ) Music afterschool?

18、, theyI canTim likesI would likeCan she(make) pupp ets.(make) model cars.(make) a T-shirt for my doll.(make) a model plane.(put) a grape on her no se?you like(read)?Would you likeThey can ' tWe don t likeWe wantHe ofte n(have) some bread?(ride) a hors

19、e.(sit) un der the sun.(p lay) basketball.(have ) dinner at home.Dan iel and Tommy(be ) in Class One.WeNickWhatday? watch) TV on Mon days.(not go) go the zoo on Sun days.they(like) the World Cup?they oftenyour parentsThe girlShe and IThereLiu TaoLet 'S

20、he usuallyYou can 't(do) on Saturdays?(read) n ews papers every(teach) us En glish on Sun days.(take) a walk together every eve ning.(be) some water in the bottle.(fly) a kite at weeke nds.(pl ay) basketball now.(have) a picnic in the park.(come) out now.(not) like(swim).He sometimes(do) his homework at home.My friend always (send) emails to( theIn ternet.150.She sometimes(study) Chin ese after school.151.152.My sister is aof her mother. Her moth


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