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1、班级姓名Don'tleave me . I'llfeel lonely.a lot of smoke抽烟 (v.) give up smoking 放弃抽烟_in the room. You 'd better air the room now.hurt one's leg/armhurt by fire = burn 烧伤badly by the bike on his way home. save one's life/lives, many people 's2.hear someone shouting 听到有人叫喊4.put out t

2、he fire with a blanket 用毛毯扑灭火 6.what happened to him 他发生了什么事8.be able to do sth. 能做某事10.think of others first 先人后己 12.practise doing sth 练习做某事14.No problem 没问题16.have a good memory 有好的记忆力18.lose one ' s way/ get lO迷路2O.get better results in在取得更好成绩 22.look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事 24.worry abo

3、ut = be worried about 为担忧 26.play with fire 玩火 play chess , play the violin 28.with eyes open wide 眼睛睁得大大的 30.feel/get /be tired 感觉累32.walk the dog / take the dog for a walk 遛狗34.be busy with sth be busy doing sth 忙于某事 36.brush the dog ' s给狗梳梳毛38.at the bottom/top of the tank 在缸底/顶部40.be differe

4、nt from 与 不同九年级英语复习(7B Unit 5 -6)命题人:张华梅 审核人:田敏 审批人:一、朗读背诵下列短语I. be careful / look out / take care 当心 /小心3.learn from each other 互相学习 help each other5. rush into Mr. Sun s kitchen跑进孙先生的厨房7.keep sb (away) from sth / doing sth 阻止某人做某事9. hear from sb.= get/receive a letter from sb. 收到的来信II. fall into t

5、he water 掉入水中13.know a lot about Chinese history 对中国历史了解很多15.do/try one' s betsot do sth 尽力做某事17.tell their differences between them. 说出他们的不同之处19.organize class activities well 班级活动组织的好21.plan everything well 每件事安排妥帖23.do sth. for your own safety 为你自己的安全采取措施25.ought to be more polite 应该更有礼貌27. t

6、he cleverest animal of all 所有动物中最聪明的动物29.do/play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人31.knock on/at the cage door 敲鸟笼的门33 take good care of =look after. well 好好照料35.don ' t frighten the ca别吓唬猫37.weigh about four kilograms 称重约四千克39. at least 至少 at most 至多二、掌握下列知识点:1. alone (adv./ adj.)= by oneself=on one 's o

7、wn 独自地2. smoke (n.) 烟,烟雾There's a lot of 3. hurt (vt.) - hurt-hurtHe was 4. save (vt . )挽救,节省save one's life/lives,save money,safe (adj.); safely (adv.); safety (n.)The brave soldiers many people's in the earthquake.5. danger (n.) be in danger, 处于危险 be out of danger 脱离危险dan gerous (adj.)

8、危险的endan gered 濒临灭绝的The n ews sounds.6. burn (vt.) -burned/ burntburned/ burnt The fire his neck terribly.7. 反身代词( oneself): myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselveshelp on eself to sth.enjoy on eselfkee p .to on eselfsay to on eselfMary, help to some fruit.Did y

9、ou and Mary enjoy during the vacation?The couples kept their secrets to terribly (adv.) 严重地,糟糕地8. terrible(a.)可怕的,严重的,很糟的The fish smelt .The environment was polluted after the war.9. match (n.) 火柴;比赛 matches 与 相配 (vt.) match sth. with sth.I don 'tthink this sweater your skirt well.10. help (vt.)

10、, helpful (adj.) , helpless (adj.), helper (n.) 帮手 help sb. ( to) do sth. help sb.with sth.11. polite (adj.) impolite/ rude politely (adv.) be polite to sb.It 's to laugh at the disabled .12. unhappy /happy (adj.);unhappiness (n.)= sadness happily (adv.) be happy to do sth.13. fall (v.) 倒下,落下 fe

11、ll-fallenfall ill , fall asleep , fall down from = fall off , fall into the riverOur teacher told us leaves in autumn .14. forgetforgotforgotten -forgetting forget to do sth , forget doing sth.I will n ever forget( watch )his first match .15. cheer (v.)为欢呼,喝彩,鼓舞 cheer sb. up (n.)欢呼声 cheerful (adj.)兴

12、高采烈的16. grade (n.) 年级,成绩,评分等级 in Grade 9 = in the ninth grade , have good grades in Chin ese17. lose (vt.) lostlostlost (adj.) be/ get lost 丢失,迷路 loss (n.)损失Their team the match last Wedn esday because of theof the two good p layers.18. thi nk thought thought , thoughtful(adj.)考虑周全的thi nk of/about ,

13、 thi nk out, thi nk overHe can orga nize everythi ng well. We thi nk he is amon itor.19. recommend sb for sth / doing sth 推荐某人获得某物/ 做某事recommend sb to be / as sth推荐某人职务They 'eDa niel for the Grade 7 Most Hel pful Stude nt Award.The man was satisfied to be/the leader of the group.20. tha nk sb. f

14、or (doi ng) sth.因为(做)某事感激某人Thank you for( jo in) us this evening.tha nkful(adj.)感激的be tha nkful/grateful to sb. for doi ng sth. 对某人做某事表示感激Mrs Lu was very/for Zha o Aijia ' s help.夫人非常感激赵艾佳的帮助。21. Don leave the stove on.不要让炉子开着。 When you go out, don't leave the door(open).22. hold (vt.)握住;容纳

15、hold held held How often is the charity showin the city ?23. feed (vt.)喂,饲养 fed fed feed sth. to sb. , feed sb. on sth.You don 'have toyour dog at the table 不必在桌旁喂你的狗。24. catch (vt.)捉住,接住;赶上;染上(疾病)catchcaught caughtcatch the bus 赶车, catch a cold 感冒, catch up with sb.赶上How long have youthe stomac

16、hache ? Ever since last week .25. wide ( adj./ adv.) a wide river, a 50-meter -vide river with eyes openwidely (adv.) 广泛地En glish issp oke n in the world.26. hidehid hidde n;ride-rode-ridde nWeun der the table whe n the earthquake happen ed.27. fight (v./n.)-fought-foughtfight with / aga inst sb.= h

17、ave a fight with / aga inst sb.28. end (v./ n.) in the end=at last=finally ; at the end of ending(n.)结尾; 结局How does this story? = What ' the ending of this story?end with sth.以开始start /begin with sth.以 结束The farewell p artywith a sp eech andwith a song .29. knock (v.) knock on/at the door, knock

18、 sb./sth.over, knock dow nWho can it be that isthe door at the mome nt?30. full-e mpty;full-hu ngrybe full of = be filled withThe hall was so crowded that itof people .31. 表示责任、义务的情态动词:ought to should must have toought to 应该,情态动词 ought / oughtn 'tQdo sth.Youfeed your goldfish too much .we(greet)

19、 others po litely ?Yes, we ought (to).32. Fan tail goldfish are easy to look after.fan tail goldfish.(not read ) in bed .=easy _It ' important for you _33. make sure确保,确信the water is not too cold or too hot. 确保水不太烫也步太冷。34. 用can和could表达现在和过去的能力,或可能性(常用于疑问句和否定句)。In the p ast, Iswim, but now I.Whoi

20、t be outside the door? Itbe Tom, he has gone to France .35. 用how +形容词/副词形成感叹句,用 what +可数/不可数名词词组形成感叹句。valuable advice you gave me !n ice n ews report he has writte n!won derful songs they are liste ning to !carelessly he drove his car !little the shee p over there look!Exercises 一、根据汉语意思或首字母提示,完成单词,

21、使句子完整正确 1.Don 't p the soup over your clothes 2. Many v visit the museum every year 3.I f to bring our tennis rackets, so we couldn 't play tennis 4.I often stay at home a But I don 't feel lonely 5.The fridge is almost e , let me go to buy some food 6. Tom has good ( 记忆力 ) He learns thi

22、ngs quickly.7. Do n '(吓唬)the pretty girl .She is so shy.8. The old man(刷)his dog ' fur every day .9. Liste n ! There is some one(敲)at the door.10. A baby panda(重)100 grams at birth二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.We can 't live (with) air or water (care) at a112.She often makes a lot of mistakesShe is not

23、 3. Millie was(surprise)to hear the bad news 4. Pandas are so(1ove)I love watching them eat bamboos5. The players practiced (row) the boats every day last month 6.It's(danger) to play with fire An accident may happen.7. The children made so much noise .It 's too(noise)8. Daniel planned every

24、thing well, he was very (think) 9. Look! The soldiers are (rush) into the burning building to save the students 10. Don'tbe (worry) about your English study We'llhelp you)1. 一 Can you post these postcards for us on your way home? 一 A. FineB. No problemC. It's all right)2.Youlisten to the

25、 teacher carefully in class A. canB. mayC. could)3.I don'tknow what kind of pet A. gettingB. to getC. to get it)4. 一 Must I clean my rabbit 's hutch every day? No, you A. mustn 'tB. needn'tC. can't)5. It ' s beautiful mountain. I love it very much.A. so aB. a suchC. such a三、单

26、项选择D. hopeD. ought toD. getD. don 'tD. a so()6.Therea friendly basketball match at school this afternoon D. are going to haveA. is going to have B. is going to hasC. is going to be)7.The house caught the fire last night, but the firemensoonD. put it outA. put down it B. put it downC. put out it)

27、8. Listen! I heard Tom in the next room.D. singingA. singB. singsC. sang)9.-May I play with Jack, Mom? -. He is a lazy boyA. leaveB. leftC. forgetD. forgot( )11. He is looking forward to _ with you online soon.A. chatB. chattedC. chatsD. chatting( )12.-did he catch a fish?- -Within five minutes.A. H

28、ow much B. How longC. How soonD. How often( )13.Remember toyour homework to school tomorrow.A. takeB. bringC. buyD. worry()14. nice feather it is!A. What aB. How aC. WhatD. How(D. Yes, you may her watch at home.A. No, I can'tB. No, you mustn'tC. Yes, you do)10. His sister didn ' t know t

29、hbeetcimauese shefirst ?C.dances()15. Would you p lease teach meD.to danceA. dance B. dancing四、完形填空Barry is a working dog . It is a very 1 dog . It has worked On Swiss Alps for 12 years . It 2 over 40 people . One day, a little boy is 3 in the snow . Barry goes out to look for him . It walks and sni

30、ffs(嗅)4 thesnow . It stops and digs the 5. Here is the boy ' face. Barry licks (舔)the boy ' face over and 6 again. But theor sta nd up.Barry puts the 9coat in his mouth . It 10()1 .A .afraidB.rudeC .braveD. happy()2 .A .1ivedB.savedC .1ikedD . worked()3 .A.lostB.play ingC .goi ngD. dead()4 .

31、A.forB.atC .un derD . in()5 .A.boyB.sa ndC .snowD . rain()6 .A .overB.onC .outD . off()7 .A .eatsB.warmsC .coolsD . calls()8 .A .dow nB.outsideC .upD . to()9 .A .herB.hisC .boys'D . boy'()10.A.putsB.takesC .tookD. savesboy does n'tmove . Barry gets close to the boy and 7 him up . The boy

32、 wakes _8 at last . But he can 'walk him to a small house . The little boy is saved.五、阅读理解Once there lived a very clever man whose name was Aesop(伊索).One day as he was taking a walk。he came across a traveller . The traveller stopped him and asked , Excuse me . can you tell me how soon I 'get

33、 to town? ” Go." Aesop answered .“know I must go. " said the traveler, but 1 want to know how soon I 'get to tow n. ” Go!" Aes op said aga in angrily .This man must be mad," the traveller thought and went on . After the traveller had gone some distanee。 Aesop shouted after him , You 


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