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2、le some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time.这是真的,你可以欺骗所有的人一些时间,你甚至可以欺骗一些时间的人所有,但你不能欺骗所有的人所有的时间。 Abraham Lincoln (USA, 1809-1865).亚伯拉罕林肯(美国,1809年至1865年)。 C ontent ç ontent 1. 1。 What the special relativity state
3、s.什么狭义相对论状态。 What is the postulate of the invariability什么是不变的假设 2. 2。 The optical experiments and observations that forced to receive the postulate of invariability of light speed.光学实验和观察,被迫接受了光速不变假设。 2.1. 2.1。 Arago's experiment.阿拉戈的实验。 2.2. 2.2。 Fizeau's interference experiment with moving
4、 water.斐索与流动的水干涉实验。 2.3. 2.3。 Michelson-Morley's experiment.迈克尔逊和莫雷的实验。 2.4. 2.4。 De Sitter's observation德保姆的观察 2.5. 2.5。 Doppler- effect.多普勒效应。 2.6. 2.6。 Ives- Stilwell's experiment.艾夫斯,史迪威的实验。 2.7. 2.7。 The stellar aberration.畸变的恒星。 2.8. 2.8。 The "consequences" of relativity.
5、的“后果”的相对性。 2.9. 2.9。 The electromagnetic experiments.电磁实验。 3. 3。 The influence of the medium on the speed of the light. 光影响的媒介上的速度。 4. 4。 The new explanation of the main known phenomena and experiments. 和试验新的解释已知的主要现象。 4.1. Arago's experiment 4.1。 阿拉戈的实验 4.2. The interference Fizeau's experi
6、ment with moving water 4.2。 实验用流动的水斐索干涉的 。 The received calculation of Fizeau's interferometer对斐索干涉仪收到计算 The change of the frequencies of the interfering beams作者:梁干扰的频率变化 in the interferometer with moving water在干涉仪与流动的水 The influence of the change of the frequencies了频率变化的影响 of the interfering be
7、ams on the fringe shift关于梁的干涉条纹变化 The fringe shift附带的转变 conditioned by the change of the frequencies of the interfering beams条件的改变光束干涉的频率 The total fringe shift总边缘转移 in the interferometer with moving water在干涉仪与流动的水 4.3. Michelson-Morley's experiment 4.3。 迈克尔逊和莫雷的实验 4.4. Why the light goes from t
8、he binary stars with identical speed . 4.4。 为什么光的速度去恒星具有相同的二进制代码 。 4.5. The Doppler-effect without the invariance of the light speed 4.5。 多普勒速度影响不轻的不变性 。 The observer moves relative to the medium, the source is immovable观察者相对于移动介质中,来源是不动产 The light source and the observer move relative to the medium
9、光源和观察者相对于中移动 4.6. The transverse Doppler-effect 4.6。 横向多普勒效应 4.7. The stellar aberration 4.7。 恒星畸变 4.8. About the "consequences" of the special relativity 4.8。 关于“后果相对论”特别 4.9 The cosmological red shift without the invariance of the light speed 4.9红移宇宙光速不变性的,但无 5. 5。 How the postulate of i
10、nvariability of the light speed can be disproved experimentally如何对光速不变假设可以推翻实验 5.1. Orbital experiment with the moving interferometer 5.1。 轨道试验与移动干涉 5.2. The other possible experiments 5.2。其他可能的实验 。 The experiments with change of the angle of refraction同折射角度变化的实验 The experiment with the "light
11、rod" moving in the air与“光杆在空中移动”实验 The change of the light frequency by the moving re-radiator由移动重新散热器改变光的频率 The transverse Doppler-effect横向多普勒效应 6. 6。 Conclusion结论 1. What the special relativity states. 1。 狭义相对论什么状态。 What is the postulate of invariability. 什么是不变的假设。 The special theory of relat
12、ivity is based upon two postulates.在狭义相对论是基于两个假设。 The first postulate or the principle of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference.第一个假设或相关国家的原则是,物理定律是在参考所有惯性系相同。 In accordance with this postulate all physical phenomena are identical in all frames m
13、oving without acceleration.根据这一假设是根据所有的物理现象都没有在相同的加速移动帧。 It means that any experiment carried out within an inertial frame of reference cannot determine in which direction and how fast the frame moves.这意味着,任何实验的职权范围内进行一惯性系内无法确定哪个方向和框架的行动有多快。 However, as pointed out Galileo Galilei, the observation o
14、f the external signals allows discover the movement of the frame relative to other frames.然而,正如伽利略,外部信号的观察可以发现,与框架相对于其他运动的框架。 If you go out on the deck, you will see that your ship moves relative to the shore, he said.如果你走在甲板上了,你会看到你的船到岸的相对移动,他说。 This postulate states that only internal signals do n
15、ot allow discover the movement of the inertial frame.这个假设指出,只有内部信号不允许发现了惯性系的运动。 Einstain expanded the principle of relativity on electromagnetic phenomena and chiefly on the propagation of light. Einstain扩大了对电磁现象的相对性原则,主要是关于光的传播。 But at that time many experiments and observations seemed to contradic
16、t to the principle of relativity.但当时的许多实验和观测似乎矛盾的相对性原则。 In order to conform it to the principle of relativity he proposed his second postulate in accordance with which the speed of light received a strange property of the invariability.为了符合它的相对性原理,他提出了按照该光速不变性收到了奇怪的第二个假设的财产。 The second postulate of
17、the special theory of relativity the postulate of the invariability - states that the speed of light in vacuum is C=299 792 458 m/s in all inertial frames of reference and this speed depends neither on the movement of the light source nor on the movement of the observer measuring this speed.了狭义相对论第二
18、个假设 - 这是不变的假设 - 指出,光在真空中速度为C = 299 792458米/ s的参考,这一切惯性系速度既不取决于光的运动源也对这一速度测量运动的观察员。 In all real circumstances the speed of light does not depend on the movement of the source.在所有的光速实际情况并不取决于源运动。 The independence of the light speed from the movement of the source is verified by all known experiments a
19、nd observations.在从源是所有已知的实验和观察验证光速运动的独立性。 The observations of the double star systems most convincingly prove the independence of the light speed from the movement of the source.在双恒星系统的意见最有说服力的证明了从源光速运动的独立性。 However, the independence of the light speed from the movement of the observer has never bee
20、n proved by any reliable experiment or observation.然而,从观察者的运动光速独立性从未受到任何可靠的实验证明或观察。 What does the independence of the light speed from the movement of the observer mean?什么是从观察者的光速运动的独立性是什么意思? The independence of the speed of light from the movement of the observer means that both the immovable obser
21、ver作者以光的速度从独立是指观察者的运动,无论是不动产观察员 and the observer和观察员 which moves, for example, toward the light source receive absolutely identical value when both of them measure the speed of light of that source.这动作,例如,对光源得到完全一致的价值时,他们两个衡量该光源的速度。 In other words the postulate of invariability states that in the va
22、cuum the same beam of light goes relative to immovable observer with the same speed C as it goes relative to the observer which moves toward the beam with any great speed V.换句话说,国家的不变性去推断在真空同一光束的光以同样的速度C相对于不动产的观察员,因为它不用它相对于观察者对任何移动的速度梁五 The independence of the light speed from the movement of the ob
23、server necessarily leads to revolution in our ideas of time and space.作者从观察员光速运动的独立性必然导致革命在时间和空间观念。 它通常是在假想的情况与未来(图1.1)显示相关性。 The observer观察员 and the light source S are in the middle of a long space ship.与光源S在一个长期飞船中间。 The observer观察员 turn on the source S and sees that the light goes relative to him
24、 with identical speed C in all directions and reaches the points A and B simultaneously.打开源S和看到的光相对于他去在所有方向相同的速度C和到达点A和B同时进行。 The observer观察员 moves relative to the space ship to the right and that moment is beside the observer移动相对于飞船的权利和旁边的那一刻是观察员 . 。 In accordance with the postulate of invariabilit
25、y he supposes that the light goes with identical speed C in all directions relative to him too.在与不变的假设前提是根据他的灯亮了,在各个方向相同的速度C相对于他。 But, because the space shift moves relative to him to the left, the observer但是,由于移动的空间转移相对于他的离开,观察员 says that the light reaches the point B before than it reaches the poi
26、nt A. Thus, two events - the arrival of the light in the point A and the arrival of the light in the point B - turn out to be simultaneous in one inertial frame of reference and not simultaneous in all other frames.光达说,比之前的A点到达B点因此,两项活动 - 这是在到达一个点光源和光在B点的到来 - 变成在一个惯性系同步同时参考而不是在所有其他帧。 It is necessary
27、 to emphasize that such unusual situation is possible only on the condition that the speed of light does not depend on the movement of the observer.要强调的是,这种不寻常的情况是可能的,条件是只以光的速度不依赖于观察者的运动。 As the result of similar reasoning the theory of relativity draws the conclusion that the time slows down, the m
28、ass increases and the length contracts in the moving frames of reference (so-called "consequences" of the special relativity).由于类似的推理相对论的结果得出的结论是,时间缓慢,群众增加和参考帧运动(即所谓的“后果特别相对论”)的长合同。 2. The optical experiments and observations that forced to receive the postulate of invariability of the lig
29、ht speed . 2。 光学实验和观察,被迫接受光的速度不变的假设的 。 In accordance with accepted in 19 th century hypothesis of the light ether, the speed of light had not to depend on the movement of the source but it had to depend on the movement of the observer that is the observer moving relative to ether had to measure the
30、light speed that was different from C.根据醚的光接受19世纪的假设,光的速度并没有依赖于代码运动的,但它依赖于测量运动的观察员,是相对于以太运动的观察员不得不光速度是不同的从C 2.1. In 1810-1813 D.Arago carried out several experiments in order to discover the influence of the orbital movement of the Earth with which the light of a stars entered his measuring instrume
31、nt. 2.1。1810至1813年四阿拉戈进行了几次试验,以发现影响其测量仪器的运行轨道与地球的光其中一星级输入。 Moving together with Earth with orbital speed V=29,9 km/s, he watched through a telescope the star toward which the Earth moved at that moment and then he watched the star from which the Earth at that moment receded.与轨道运动速度V = 29,9公里的地球一起/ s
32、时,他通过望远镜观看的星对地球的感动在那一刻,然后他看着从哪个明星在那一刻地球消退。 He supposed that the light met with the object lens of his telescope with speed (C+V) in the first event and with the speed (CV) in the second event and wanted to discover the change of the focal distance concerned with the light speed change.他以为光用他的望远镜与速度(
33、V对象的C +镜头会见)在第一个事件,并在第二个事件速度(CV)和想探索与光速有关焦距变化改变。 D.Arago carried out the analogous experiments with the prism in which he wanted to discover the change of the index of refraction if the speed of light changed from (C+V) to (CV).四阿拉戈进行的棱镜,他要发现了类似的折射指数变化的实验如果改变光速的(C + V),以(简历)。 Though in these experim
34、ents the observer moved together with the Earth with great speed and watched the signals which were external to his inertial frame, he detected neither the change of the focal distance nor the change of the index of refraction.在这些实验的观察员一起搬到虽然以极大的速度与地球的信号,并观看了他的外部惯性系,发现他既不是焦距的变化,也不是对折射率的变化。 Therefore
35、 it is generally assumed that the Arago's experiments prove that the speed of light does not depend on the movement of the observer.因此,这是一般人都认为阿拉戈的实验证明了光的速度不依赖于观察者的运动。 2.2. 2.2。 The interference experiment with moving water carried out by Fizeau in 1851 and similar experiments with the movement
36、of a transparent media are considered in the relativity as the proof of the postulate of invariability.透明的媒体的干扰与斐索实验中流动的水进行了类似实验,1851年和运动与被认为是在相对不变为假设的证据。 The fringe shift in these experiments was less than it was expected for a complete dragging of the light by the moving medium.在这些实验的边缘转移少于它是一个完整的
37、光拖动预计到移动介质。 It is generally assumed that these experiments prove an impossibility to force the light to go relative to the interferometer at speed人们普遍认为,这些实验证明是不可能的事,迫使以速度去光相对于干涉仪 that is the Fizeau's experiment confirms the main thesis of the relativity that C is limiting value of the light spe
38、ed.这是斐索的实验证实了相对论C是光速限制的价值的主要论文。 The result of the Fizeau's experiment has exerted an influence on the explanation of other phenomena and experiments with the movement of the source and the observer.该斐索的实验结果产生了对实验现象和其他与该运动的源泉和观察员解释的影响。 2.3. The purpose of the interference Michelson-Morley's e
39、xperiment (1886) was to discover the movement of the Earth relative to the hypothetic ether in which the light spread. 2.3。 实验的目的,干扰迈克尔逊和莫雷的(1886年),是发现了地球的运动相对于假设的以太中传播的光。 Both the light source and the observer moved with the orbital speed of the Earth V=29.9 km/s, that is in that experiment the obs
40、erver dealt not with the external light signals but with the light of the source that was immovable relative to the observer and his inertial frame of reference moving with speed V relative to the ether.无论是光源和观察员提出与地球公转速度V = 29.9公里/秒,在该试验是观察员不处理与外部光信号,但是随着源是不动产相对于观察者光和他的惯性参考帧运动目标的速度V相对于以太。 This expe
41、riment with the great accuracy proved the falsity of the ether hypothesis because no influence of the speed V on the speed with which the light moved relative to the interferometer was detected.这与伟大的准确性实验证明了以太假说是虚假的,因为没有的速度移动的光相对于干涉仪的检测速度V的影响。 Although the ether hypothesis was discarded, the special
42、 relativity considers the Michelson-Morley's experiment as the proof of the postulate of invariability of the light speed.虽然以太假说被丢弃的狭义相对论认为迈克尔逊和莫雷的作为对光速不变假设的实验证据。 2.4. Later, when the first articles on the relativity were already published, the most important confirmation of the postulate of inv
43、ariability was found when De Sitter (1911-1913) showed that the observations of the double star systems proved that the light from the moving stars went to the Earth with the identical speed. 2.4。后来,在相对论的第一篇文章已经发表,假定不变的最重要的是确认保姆时发现德(1911年至13年)表明,系统的观测证实的明星一倍的移动光从明星去了相同的速度与地球。 At that time, when the
44、ether hypothesis was already discarded, it was impossible to image that in the absolute vacuum of the interstellar space the light speed did not depend on the movement of the source.当时,当以太假说已被丢弃,这是不可能的形象在星际空间的真空光速的速度绝对不依赖于源运动。 But the observations of the double star systems convincingly proved that
45、the light speed did not depend on the movement of the source.但是,双星系统的观测雄辩地证明,光的速度并不取决于源运动。 Because in the special relativity, in accordance with the first postulate, the movement of the observer is equivalent to the movement of the source, the conclusion was drawn that the light speed did not depend
46、 on the movement of the observer, too.因为在狭义相对论,依照第一假设,观察者的运动相当于源的流动,得出的结论是光的速度不依赖于观察者的运动了。 2.5. In accordance with the Doppler effect moving at speed V observer sees the increased frequency when he approaches a light source or the decreased frequency when he recedes from it. 2.5。根据看到的多普勒观测V 对在高速移动的频
47、率增加时,他的做法一光源或下降时,它的频率从回落。 But when the speed V is considerably less than C, the frequency change is practically the same if with speed V the source moves and therefore the Doppler effect does not allow to distinguish the movement of the light source from the movement of the observer.但是,当速度比C V是相当少,频
48、率的变化几乎是如果与速度V源移动的多普勒效应,因此同样不允许区分从观察者的运动光源运动。 2.6. Ives and Stilwell in 1938 experimentally discovered the transverse Doppler effect. 2.6。 艾夫斯和史迪威在1938年实验发现了横向多普勒效应。 It is generally assumed that the transverse Doppler effect arises because of the time dilation that is this effect is the relativistic
49、effect.这是一般人都认为横向多普勒效应由于时间膨胀是产生这种效应是相对论效应。 The experiments of Ives and Stilwell and similar modern laser experiments are considered as the confirmation of the time dilation effect in the moving frames.和史迪威的艾夫斯和类似现代的激光实验实验被认为是作为在移动帧的时间膨胀效应的确认。 2.7. In 1727 Bradly discovered the phenomenon of the stel
50、lar aberration . 2.7。布拉德利在1727年发现的畸变现象的恒星 。 That phenomenon is that the visible positions of the stars shift in the direction of the observer movement and therefore the moving observer sees the stars not in their real positions but in the shifted positions.这一现象是,在观测恒星运动方向转变的明显的位置,因此,移动观察员看到的星星不符合他们的
51、实际位置,但在转移阵地。 The phenomenon of the star aberration evidently contradicts to the special relativity because the star aberration takes place when the observer moves and absents when the light source moves.恒星的畸变现象明显违背的狭义相对论,因为恒星发生畸变时,观察员的行动和absents当光源移动。 2.8. It is generally assumed that that two of th
52、ree so-called "consequences" of the relativity the time dilation and the increase of the mass - have an experimental confirmation and that it confirms the validity of the relativity theory. 2.8。一般假设有两个三个所谓的“后果相对论”的-时间膨胀和群众增加了-有实验证实,它证实了理论的有效性,相关性。 But the third "consequence"- the
53、 length contraction has no one experimental confirmation.但是,第三个“后果” - 长度收缩没有人实验证实。 2.9. In order to confirm the theory of relativity many different electromagnetic experiments were carried out. 2.9。为了证实相对论的许多不同的电磁实验进行。 But all these experiments confirm the postulate of relativity and have no concern
54、 with main postulate of the relativity theory - the postulate of invariability of the light speed.但是,所有这些实验证实了相对论假设,并没有相对性理论的主要假设的关注 - 以光速不变的假设。 3 . The influence of the medium on the speed of the light. 3。 光影响的媒介上的速度。 In 19 th century they thought that the light could propagate in the ether only.在1
55、9 世纪 ,他们认为光在传播可以醚只。 In accordance with wave theory the light couldn't propagate in the absolute vacuum.按照波浪理论根据光线不能传播的绝对真空。 The hypothesis of the ether was well confirmed by the phenomenon of the stellar aberration.该假说是乙醚以及由恒星畸变现象证实。 With help of the ether hypothesis Fresnel could explain the st
56、range result of the Fizeau's interference experiment with moving water.随着以太假说帮助菲涅尔可以解释斐索的干涉实验与流动的水奇怪的结果。 However the results of the Arago's experiments contradicted to the ether hypothesis.然而调查结果的阿拉戈的实验,以以太假说相矛盾。 Michelson-Morley's experiment had convincingly proved that the ether hypoth
57、esis was wrong.迈克尔逊和莫雷的实验已经令人信服地证明了以太假说是错误的。 The hypothesis of the ether was forgotten but the new stranger hypothesis arose.该假说被遗忘,但醚的新假说陌生人出现。 The light received the property of the invariability that became the base of the special relativity.光得到了不变性,成为了狭义相对论的基础属性。 In 20 th century the postulate o
58、f invariability received a strong confirmation when De Sitter had showed that the speed of light did not depend on the movement of the stars in double-star systems.在20 世纪的不变性假设收到一个有力印证时德保姆已经表明,光的速度并不取决于系统的运动,明星的明星一倍。 Because at that time they thought that the space between the Earth and the stars wa
59、s absolute vacuum, this new fact was considered as the proof of the independence of the light speed from the movement of the observer in absolute vacuum.因为当时他们认为,与地球和星星是绝对的真空空间,这种新的事实是作为对从绝对真空光速运动的观察员认为独立的证明。 The fact that the speed of light in absolute vacuum did not depend on the movement of the source compelled to believe that the speed of light did not depend on the movement of the observer, too, because in absolute vacuum the movement of the observer, in accordance with the principle of relativity, had to be equivalent to the movement of the light source.事实上,在绝对真
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