



1、Passage 1I. Read the following p assage and answer the questions.1. CIass warfare is a politically charged term these days, from the Wall Street protests to the Capitol Hill negotiations over cutting the nation 'debt. But a new con gressi onal an alysis, obta ined by Newsweek, may fuel pop ulist

2、 outrage by show ing the exte nt of gover nment subsidies that go to the wealthiest people in America.2. From unemployment payments to subsidies and tax breaks on luxury items like vacati on homes and yachts, America ns earning more tha n $1 millio n collect more than $30 billion from government eac

3、h year, according to the rep ort assembled by Sen. Tom Cobur n, a Rep ublica n from Oklahoma. In all, milli on aires receive hefty help from Un cle Sam. What is more, the gover nment disclosed to Cobu rn that some rec ipients of farm subsidies got it by mistake. Tax records show that more than three

4、 fourths of high earners collecting farming money list their p rimary reside nee in a city land un suitable for farmi ng.3. T op ear ners, surprisin gly, also get sig ni fica nt amounts of unemployment in sura nee and disaster p ayme nts. The biggest money comes or goes, ratherthrough unp aid taxes.

5、 1More tha n 1,500 milli on aires p aid no in come tax last year, according to federal records, mainly due to tax loopholes and experienced accountants. Tax breaks taken by millionaires on things like mortgage in terest, ren tal expen ses and electric vehicles kee p cash from en teri ng the federal

6、treasury.4. “ Thecountry is sucking wind right now,” Coburn says. “ Weend up subsidizing the very wealthy and not helping the ones who really need the help. ” The Oklahoma n is one of the fewep ublica ns who support tax in creases as part of a plan to reduce the deficit. Mean while, an titax activis

7、t Grover Norquist, a freque nt opponent of Cobur n, says the whole system is too comp lex, and too un fair, and that lawmakers n eed to get rid of loop holes and to lower rates across the board.5. Cobur n' s report is certa in to gen erate argume nts on the other side abouttax fairness. Why, som

8、e might wonder, shouldn ' people who feed the gover nment get to reap its ben efits? Milli on aires“ pay a lot into the system,says Jose ph Thorn dike, head of the Tax History P roject.“ TJoa/er nmentcomes to the rescue of people in bad mome nts, and it should do that bli ndly. ”6.2Yet the crux

9、of the argument that millionaires are using the social safety net as a luxury shelterfuels an ongoing campaig n by the White House to raise some taxes on top earners “ Republicansieed to stop supporting tax breaks for the richest America ns so we can use some of that money to create jobs and reduce

10、the deficit,” says White House sp okes person Amy Brun dage.Or as Obama likes to put it, folks like him can afford to give more and take less.1. Which of the following is true according to the first three p aragra phs?A Both the Wall Street p rotests and the Con gress n egotiati ons are about class

11、warfare.B The in adequacies of tax rules can help many milli on aires avoid in come tax.C Only the high-i ncome gro up can enjoy tax breaks on luxury items.D All milli on aires get unemployment in sura nee and farm subsidies.2. The expression “sucking win( Line 1, Paragraph 4 ) most probablymeans.A

12、making great efforts in vainB sufferi ng econo mic dep ressi onC looki ng for a solutio nD p erformi ng very po orly3. Jose ph Thorndike ' s po int is cited in P aragra ph 5 to.A voice a totally differe nt opin io n on tax equalityB dem on strate the popu larity of the Tax History P rojectC stre

13、ss milli on aires' con tributi ons to the gover nmentD show that milli on aires have the right to get ben efits4. We lear n from the last p aragra ph that.A tax in crease for milli on aires is the on ly way to reduce the deficitB the White House has bee n fighti ng for rais ing taxes on top earn

14、ersC the White House and Republicans disagree on tax breaks for milli on airesD milli on aires should take respon sibility for creati ng more jobs5. Which of the following would be the subject of the text?A Welfare for America n milli on aires raises heated argume nts.B Billio ns of dollars of gover

15、 nment ben efit the wealthiest citize ns.C America is facing trouble in deali ng with tax fair ness.D Tax breaks and loop holes make America n economy worryi ng.答案:1.B2.D3.A4.C5.AII. Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the above p assage. 1. More tha n 1,500 millio naires p aid no in

16、come tax last year, accord ing to federal records, mainly due to tax loopholes and experie need acco untan ts.联邦政府的记录表明,去年1500多个百万富翁没有缴纳所得税,这主要是税收漏洞和老练的会计避税造成的。2. Yet the crux of the argumen that millionaires are using the social safety net as a luxury shelter fuels an ongoing camp aig n by the Whit

17、e House to raise some taxes on top earn ers.然而争论的焦点是百万富翁把社会保障体系作为奢华的保护伞,为白宫增 加高收入人群税收的持续斗争再添新火。词汇charged tFBdVi adj.充満(情绪)的i an emolionally charged annosphere 情绪激昂的氛Hobtain 'Eb5telw v.得到 s 获得:Adequate insurance corer is difficult to obtain.合适的保险不 易获得.fuel 充irEb v一 煽动=使强烈! His words fii&Uher

18、iff/ more.他的话火上浇油,她 更愤怒了 -*popviHst SpCpjEUst n.平民主义者;平民论者;民粹派outrage巧mUtrridV m义愤:愤慨:阴oice tr总恥闵"潮outrage她因愤怒之极而声音发subsidy皿 n.补贴:agriciiitural农业补!Ktaxljreakn.减税特怦?减税优惠*yaclit jCl n.快艇:游艇assemble Esembl v.收為 聚集;asssmble evidence material证据附料叫亡加巧血酣adj.大重的;可观的disclose dlsSfclEUz-' v.公开;透露=He

19、Jailed to disclose alt the 唤俪血呃 他没有透露所育 的信息.recipient«rI5sIpIEni' a.援受者j F陀 arepassri e recipien/s cf infinnation伽用 the 'world around us.我们被动地接收周围世畀的信息*Ioophole' 51u; phEW n.漏洞;空子treasury r 5aeTri il 财政部;国库 '廿迹ury departtneni 财政部mortgage 5 mK:gI dV;' m (尤指因购买地产所需的)抵押;/ M difficuli ta g a montage。打 an oldhous以I日房作抵押很难获准*suckwjEd (经济学常用语)表现灵隹end up doing sth最终处于(意料或意愿之外的境况等);结果瞰了 t意料或意!1之外 的事):Iexpect ru nduppayiri the till, as usual ftffi计到头来如往常一样还得由我付账. def


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