1、最新【精品】范文 参考文献 专业论文Carbon Trade Hot for BanksCarbon Trade Hot for BanksCan the in itiati on of carb on trade market bring any opport un ities to the commercial banks ?The no tice from Shen zhe n En vir onment Excha nges said that the carb on trade market was officiallyin itiated as of June 18.the fir
2、st group of key players include 635 enterprises and over 200 big public buildings. Additional information shows that Shan ghai En ergy Trade Cen ter has en tered the last period of impleme nti ng the pla n of carb on finance market.“ The first group of pilot en terprises in clude 197enterprises , co
3、vering 16 industries, such as petroleum,steel , non ferrous metal , electricityand other in dustries(10in total ), as well as airlines , port , airport , hotel , etc(six service-based industries ) . ” said an official from the Sha nghai En ergy Trade Cen ter.Both orga ni zati ons' in itiati ons
4、of carb on trade weredrive n by the no tice about carb on trade from the Nati onal Developme nt and Reform Commissi on. Accord ing to the no tice,the pilot project of carb on trade must be started in 2013; the base of carb on trade market should be formed by 2015; and the n ati on wide trade should
5、be fully available duri ng the“ 13thFive- Year Plan ”(2016-2020).This made commercial banks , which has formed the professi onal operati ng system, see the new bus in essopport un ities. A source close to Shan ghai En ergy Trade Cen ter said that manybanks had already started to negotiate with the o
6、rga ni zati on , hop ing to be give n the opport unity of cooperati on.Active Chin ese and Foreig n Banks“Commercial bankscan develop the index of climate change, as well as finan cial products of carb on con sumpti on. The activity is n ot limited to the corporate level, but also theprivate prod- u
7、cts concerning carb on finance, such as thelow-carb on con sumpti on , loa ns for en viro nmen t-frie ndly cars and gree n mortgage,” said Lia n Ping , chief econo mist of Bank of Communi cati ons.“ In additi on , commercial banks could thi nk of directly and in directly rais ing funds for new en er
8、gy and clea n tech no logies ,” L ia n Ping added.Actually , there are pioneers in this field.An in sider from In dustrial Bank said that this bank has adepartme nt of susta in able finance has already built five professi onal teams of project financing, carb on finance ,market research , tech no lo
9、gical service and Equate Prin ciple exam in ati on .it built an assets operat ing platform comb ining product desig n , tech no logical support , assets man ageme nt , marketi ng orga ni zati on, trad ing service and bus in esscooperati on.It is known that In dustrialBank has alreadyraised over 10 m
10、illion yuan for its green finance project , and has laun ched two kinds of services - financing for gree n projects and finan cial services for carb on emissi on. In additi on , In dustrial Bank has already established a major str ategy of“dedicating to becoming a green bank with theall-process and
11、wide-area professionalfinancialservices forthe gree n finance market.In dustrial Bank is joined with Shan g-hai Pudo ngDevelopment Bank, which also built a professional green credit team. By the third quarter of 2012, this bank has already lent loans of 3.3 billi on yua n to 53 gree n projects, in c
12、ludi ngsteel , cement, coal , chemistry , thermal power , administration, non-ferrous , ceramics , food , devicemanu facturi ng , com muni catio n and recyclable en ergy.Actually , many foreign banks are paying close attention to the carb on trade as well. A source close to Deutsche Bank said that t
13、his Germa n bank is going to have close cooperative relati on ship with several en vir onment protecti on orga ni zati ons in China.“ Foreig n banks can help Chin ese banks en ter the fields they are not familiar with, such as the fundraising projectsand capital lease. Chinese and foreign banks can
14、closely work with each other in these fields. In addition , the cooperation betwee n Chi nese and foreig n banks is not n ecessarily limited to the financial capital. In the long period of market developme nt in the future , tech no logical tran sfer could possible play an importa nt role in the coo
15、perati on betwee n Chinese and foreign banks,” said an anonymous director ofDeutsche Bank.Still in the Low End of Value Cha inLia n Pi ng said that the projects of assets of China lacked the experie nces of developme nt. Thus commercial banks have no profo und un dersta nding of the carb on trade ,
16、and have to afford great risk of developme nt and trade. So, banks are at adisadva ntage in the cooperati on.“ This is mainly because theChi nese commercial banks are still offeri ng sin gle carb on finance bus in ess , which is mostly in the dow nstream part with low value-added , and are rarely in
17、voIved in the project con sulta ncy and sec ond- tier market. ”“ In truth , commercial banks in Chi na do not fully un dersta nd the carb on trade , leadi ng to the lack of spontan eous drive to develop this bus in ess. The developme nt of carb onfinancial needs great support of taxation, environmen
18、tprotecti on and foreig n excha nge man ageme nt. But these supporting measures are extremely rare in China, which has not yet given out a complete plan of lowcarbon economic development and systematic guid ing policies. Some in itiated measures n eed to be further improved and refined ,” said Lin B
19、oqiang , an expert of carb on finance work ing at Xiame n Un iversity.Inhis opinion , China has a huge carb on emissi on market, but has not pric ing right in the intern ati onal carb on market.Therefore , it has to accept the low carb on price fixed by foreig n carb on trade orga ni zati ons. In additi on, Chin esein termediary orga ni zati ons and thirdparty approval organizations are still in the initial phase of development.They have little use in review ing projects and purchas ing of carb on emissi on right. This further restricts thed
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