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1、一. 授课目的与考点分析:Module 2 Experiences 3&难点回顾二、授课内容Unite 1 I've also entered lots of speaking competitions1、I'm entering a competition.我要能加一个比赛entering是动剑词形式,在此与am构成现在进行时态表示将来的含义。enter意为''参加”,与take part in的意思相 近。She refused to enter the discussion 拓展:enter 还可以表示“进入 My grandma entered

2、the house.2 And maybe you will win a prize或许你还会获奖。(1) maybe 副词,"可能:或许化 Maybe Fll go to the librar)r this afternoon. 辨析:maybe 与 may bemaybe:副词,“可能:或许”,在句中位置比较灵活 maybe: may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,意为“也许是,可能是” She may be angry Maybe she is angry.(2) vin(won.von),此处用作及物动词,意为“赢得”。win也可作不及物动词,意为“赢,获

3、胜”We all want to win the gameWhich team won?辨析:win与beatwin:贏得,获胜:宾语通常是 game, match, prize, race 等© She won the match.beat: *赢”,指游戏,比赛中打败对手,宾语通常是人或某支队伍。We beat them at chess.中考链接:The football team played well, but they didift the competition.A. score B. do C. succeed D win3 Yes, the first prize

4、is "My dream holiday".是的,一等奖是“我梦寐以求的假日” dream此处为形容词,“梦寐以求的”,只用于给词前作定语。Whafs your dream house like?你梦寐以求的房子是什么样子?That's my dream school.那是我梦寐以求的学校。拓展:Qdream,名词"梦;梦想My dream is to be a pilot.dream,动词“做梦:梦到:梦想S dreamof/about意为“梦见/梦想I dream of/about flying in space4、Have you ever won

5、any prizes before?你以前曾获过奖吗?(1) ever副词,“曾经:从来”,常用于现在完成时一般疑问句中,位于过去分词之前,以加强语气。"Have/Has sb. ever+过去分词+其他? ”常用于询问某人是否做过某事。Has your elder brother ever spoken to a foreigner?Have you ever seen him?(2) before,此处副词,“以前“,before常与现在完成时连用,也可与一般过去时连用,通常位于句末。He has never seen such a huge stone before拓展:bef

6、ore还可以用作介词或连词,意为“在之前”,可表示时间、位置、顺序等。My father usually goes to bed before 9:00 pm.Turn off the light before you leave the room.辨析:ago 与 beforeago:用于一段时间之后,不能单独用,指从现在算起一段时间之前,用于一般过去时before:单独用于现在完成时句子的末尾;用于某一时间点前,指某一时间点之前,用于多种时态 助记:时间点前before领,时间段后ago跟。5、But I can't afford it但是我负担不起。11afford及物动词,&q

7、uot;(有财力)买得起,付得起S afford常与can, could, be able to连用,表示有能力担负。The house is too expensive I caift afford it.拓展:afford后常跟帯to的动词不泄式,表示有能力支付做某事。I can't afford to visit Shanghai this summcr.6、I've stopped trying now现在我已不再尝试。stop doing sth.意为"停止做某事”。“stop +v.ing形式”中的v.ing形式为stop的宾语。They were ver

8、y tired, but they didn't stop working拓展:stop 10 do sth. “停下(原先做的事)去做(另一件事)”。todo是stop的目的。He felt rather tired. so he stopped to drink a cup of coffee 中考链接:I feel tired and sleepy.Why not stop for a while?A. rest B. to rest C. resting D. rested7 To win it, you need to write a short story about a

9、place you've visited要赢得这个比赛,你需要写一个关于你参观过的一个地方的简短故事。(1)在本句中动词不泄式作目的状语。动词不泄式作目的状语时可以位于句首,与后面的句子用逗号隔开,意为“为 了做某事”。To pass the driving test, he practiced again and again.(2)need此处用作实义动词,'需要”,后而可接名词或动词不立式。He needs to have a good rest. They don't need any helpneed的用法:实义动词表“需要”,后接名、代、不泄式。need后接动

10、名词,主动形式表被动。情态动词表“需要”, 没有时态、数、人称。其后直接跟动词原形,多用于疑问和否定。拓展:need 作情态动词时:You neednt become very nervous.Must I bring my homework now?No, you needift You can bring it tomorrow.(3)句中you've visited作左语修饰a place,表示“你参观过的一个地方”。一个句子在句中作定语修饰名词或代词, 我们把这个句子称为定语从句。I like the postcard Lingling sent me8、-but Fve ne

11、ver travelled a lot. 但我从不经常旅行。a lot在句中作状语,'非常,很”,相当于very much。She likes apples a lot. Thanks a lot.辨析:a lot 与 a lot ofa lot: “ 大量”,相当于 muchi 作宾语,We can learn a lot from Miss Li.“非常相当于 very much,作状语,Jenny enjoys reading a lot.a lot of:"许多,大虽:的相当于 many 或 much. They need a lot of milk.9 Doift

12、worry.不用担心。worry此处用作不及物动词“担心”。worry也可用作及物动词,意为“使担心”。You don't need to worry. When something worries me I always ask Miss Gao for help拓展:worry about “为担心”,相当于 be worried aboutoDon't worry about me I can do it well10、-then I will invite you to come with me.那么我会邀请你和我一起来。invite及物动词,意为"邀请”,常

13、用结构为invite sb. to do sth.,意为“邀请某人做某事二They invited their parents to watch the movie together.拓展:invitation 名词,“邀请化 Did you get an invitation to the party?中考链接:Lucy is shy She would not invite her classmates dancing with her.A. practiceB. practices C. practicing D. to practice11、The first prize is onl

14、y the book called Around the World in 80 Days!23一等奖只是一本叫80天环游世界的书!called是动词call的过去分词,此处构成的短语作book的圮语。过去分词做后宜立语时通常含有被动的意味。I like the photos taken during the trip to Suzhou.Do you like the table made of wood?12、Her dream was to study at a university one day.她的梦想是有一天在一所大学学习。one day “ 某一天 I met him in t

15、he street one day last month.辨析:one day 与 some day前者表示过去或将来的某一天:He took a walk with the dog one day.后者只表示将来的某一天:Fll visit the Great Wall some day.13、Although my family cannot afford to buy a ticket for the match. I can watch it on TV尽管我家不能负担得起一张比赛 门票的费用,但我可以在电视上观看。although连词,“虽然;尽管”,相当于thoughoAlthou

16、gh it is raining hard, they are still working拓展:although, though是从属连词,“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。but是并列连词,“但是”,表示转折。汉语中习惯 使用“虽然但是”,但是英语中althouglVthough不可以与but连用,但可以与yet连用。Althougli/Though he is not rich he is very happy. = Althougli/Though he is not rich ycl he is very liappy.=He is not rich, but he is very happ

17、y.中考链接:The boy can speak both English and Japanese he is only tenWow, what a clever boy!A. ifB. because C. although D. butUnite 2 They have seen the Pyramids1、Mike Robinson is a fifteen-year-old American boy and his sister Clare is fourteen.迈克罗宾森是一个 15 岁的美国男 孩,他的妹妹克莱尔14岁。fifteen-year-old为合成形容词,意为“ 1

18、5岁的”,其结构为“数词攻词.形容词”形式,其中的名词必须用单数形式: 另外也有"数词-需词”结构的合成形容词。合成形容词只能放在紅词前作泄语,不能作表语。My best friend is a sixteen-year-old girl from a villageWe'll have a three-day holiday.中考链接:What a pity! Liu Xiang didift win the hurdles(跨栏).A. 110-meter B. 110-meters C. 110 meter2、At the moment, Mike and Clare

19、are in Cairo in Egypt, one of the biggest and busiest cities in Africa.现在迈克和克莱尔在 埃及开罗一一非洲最大、最繁华的城市之一。(1)at the moment为介词短语,相当于now,意为“现在:此刻”。用于一般现在时或现在进行时的句子中作时间 状语,其中moment为可数名词,意为“瞬间;片刻”。I have nothing to do at the moment. We arc watching a movie at the moment.(2)one of the biggest and busiest citi

20、es,意为“最大、最繁华的城币之一其结构为uone of +the+形容词最髙级+ 可数轻词复数”,表示“最之一”。Mozart is one of the most famous musicians in the world拓展:oncof意为“之一”,英结构是“one of+复数划词或代词”,当他作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。One of my questions is how to speak English well.中考链接:Mrs Zhang is one ofteachers in our school. We all like her.A. popular B more pop

21、ularC(he most popular3 Tliey moved here with parents two years ago两年前,他们同父母一起搬到这里。moved是move的过去式。move动词,此处表“迁移:搬家”,作及物动词和不及物动词均可。move to表示“搬到 (某地)”。They are moving to Beijing in a month.He moved his family to a bigger house344 The Robinsons love seeing the world.罗宾森一家人喜欢在世界各地观光。the Robinsons表示"

22、罗宾森一家人”。“thc+姓氏复数”通常表示“一家人”或“夫妇二人”,作主语时,谓 语动词用复数形式。The Smiths are having dinner.5、Tliey have been to many interesting places.他们去过许多有趣的地方。have been to 的用法:(1)have been to意为“曾经去过”,表示一种经历,实际上讲的是过去的情况,强调去过,着重指到目前为止 的一个结果。I have been to the Great Wall.(2)have been to后可接次数(如once, twice, three times等),表示“去

23、过某地几次S也可与just, never, ever等连 用。He has been to England three times中考链接:Julie's fatherto London last month. He there three times.A. went; had gone B. has gone; has been C. went; has beenD. has been: had gone6、For example, in Egypt, they have seen the Pyramids-例如,在埃及,他们看过金字塔for example 意为“例如Student

24、s like junk food for example, they often eat hamburgers for lunch辨析:for example 与 such asfor example: 一般用于列举同一类人或事物中的一个例子;位宜灵活,句首,句中,句末均 可,与被列举事例之间用逗号隔开:I like fruit .for example, I often eat bananas in the eveningsuch as: 一般用于列举同一类人或事物中的几个例子,但必须少地前而所提及的总数;位置只能在所列举的名词或动名词之前,中间无标点符号:He knows several

25、languages, such as English and Chinese7、Tliis language is different from English in many ways-讴种语言在很多方而与英语不同be different from "与不同",与the same as (与相同)意思相反°My plan is different from yoursEnglish names are different from Chinese names中考链接:This school is different others. It has many out

26、-of-class activities.A. offB. from C. of D. for8 -and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.他们发现单词很难拼写和发音it在此做形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不泄式。本句的结构为"find +it+形容词+to do sth.”,意为“发现做某事”。 Do you find it easy to have a conversation in English?I found it boring to play computer games中考链接:All of us fin

27、d necessary to take exercise every day.A. this B. thatC. them D. it9、So far they have learnt t speak German. French. Chinese and Arabic.目前为止,他们已经学习讲徳语、法语.汉语和 阿拉伯语。sofar “到目前为止”,指从过去某一时刻开始一直到现在的这一段时间,常用在完成时态,多位于句首或句末。So far wc'vc planted more than 2000 trees10、They are counting down the days.(随着回

28、国日期的临近,)他们开始倒讣时了。(1)count down意为"倒数;倒计时"©They are counting down the days until the end of this summer holiday.暑假快结束了,他们开始倒计时。(2)count动词,意为“数,淸点”。The little girl can count from one to a hundred in English44Please help me count the money.11、How long have the Robinsons been in Egypt?罗宾森一

29、家人在埃及待了 多长时间 了 ?how long意为“多长时间”How long have you learnt English?辨析: how long, how soon, how oftenhow long: “(延续)多长时间”,用“for”或“since”引导的时间状语回答How long have you lived here?Since I was soon: w还要多少时间才”,多用于将来时,用"in+段时间"回答How soon will they come back?They'll come back in two weeksh

30、ow often: “多久一次”,提问动作发生的频率How often do you go home?Once a week中考链接: have you been married?For twenty yearsA. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon12、Are they looking forward to going home?他们盼望回家吗?look forward to为动词短语,“希望;盼望;期望”,其中to为介词,后而接需词、代词或动名词。I'm always looking forward to buying a n

31、ew car.The students are looking forward to the English party.考链接:Every one of you is looking forward getting a good result Better think carefully before writing downyour answers. Wish you success!A. on B. in C. toUnit31、travel by train乘火车旅行by train 意为“乘火车S We went there by train.拓展:交通方式常用的表达方法:(Dtak

32、e+thc+表示交通工具的名词,在句中作谓语° He takes the train to Yiwu every year.I usually take the subway to go homeQby+表示交通工具的爼词,泛指乘某种交通工具。如by bus. by bike, by taxi等。该介词短语在句中作状语。Hcgoes to Shanghai by train every yea匚 I usually go home by sca/wa忙r/ship 乘船 by air/plane 乘飞机 by land 经陆路®0H/in+限左词+表示交

33、通工具的名词,可用来表示具体的交通方式。一般情况下,无厢、无舱的只能用on,如on (he bike,其它的既可用in,也可用on,如in/on the plane。但只能说in the car,不能说on the car。I hope more and more people go to work on their bikesI usually take my daughter to school in my car.动词+to+地点划词。动词walk, ride, drive,fly等可直接表达交通方式,后接to再跟地点劣词,表示“通过/用 (交通方式)去某地”。I hope more a

34、nd more people ride to work.2、I'm having a wonderful time in China.我在中国过得很愉快have a wonderful/good/great/nice time 意为“过得愉快:玩得开心",与 enjoy oneself 和 have fun 意思相近。The children had a wonderful time in the park yesterday. 中考链接:I'm going to Sanya for my holiday tomorrow.A. Have a good time B.

35、 You're right. C. It's good. D. Goodbye! How many times has Winnie been to the US?温妮去过美国多少次? 55how many “多少S后面接可数名词复数,对可数名词的数量进行提问。how much "多少”,后而接不可数名词,对 不可数名词数量进行提问。How many girls are there in your class?How much money have you got?中考链接: apples do we need to make fruit salad?Let me t

36、hink. We need three applesA. How long B. How oftenC How muchD. How many4 Call today to find out more!今天打电话来了解更多信息!find out意为“査明;发现:了解”。I will try and find out who broke the machineRead this passage, and find out the answer to this question.辨析:find out, find 与 look forfind out:査明,找出:指通过观察、探索等努力才查明结果find:发现,找到:强调结果look for:寻找;强调动作言辨异:I lost my pen. I have l


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