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1、一、单项选择A)单词辩音指出各组单词划线部分的读音与其它三个不同的一个,并将其代表字母填入题前括号内。( ) 1 A nearB dearC pear D hear( ) 2 A lunchB chairC machineD teach( ) 3 A computerB politeC cottonD common( ) 4 A knowB yellowC snowD brown( ) 5 A wantedB passedC knockedD dancedB)选择填空( ) 6 Whichis the _ to the bus stop,please?A roadB way C streetD

2、 address( ) 7 Runquickly,_we'llmissthe earlytrain.A andB but C so D or( ) 8 TheHuangheRiveris oneof _inChina.A the longriverB the longestriverC the olngestriversD the longerriver( ) 9 Stamps_by peoplefor sendingletters.A useB usingC usedD are used( )10 TheradiosaysShenyangwillbe _tomorrow.A rain

3、sB rainC raineeD rainy( )11 Ifyoudon'tknowthis word,_inthe dictionary.A lookforitB lookatit C lookitupD lookafter it( )12 Thegirl was_afraid_shethrew her bag away.A so; thatB too;toC too;thatD enough; to( )13 _iswrongwithmy watch.It has stopped_.A Something;workingB Something;toworkC Anything;wo

4、rkingD Anything;to work( )14 Whenshallwemeet,this evening ortomorrowmorning?I don't mind._timeis OK.A NeitherB EitherC Both D All( )15 Isthata girl swimminginthe lake?Sorry, I can'tfindout_it's a girl_aboy.A if; andB that; andC whether;or D either; or( )16 Who'sthebestfootballplayer_

5、inLiao NingTeam?Sorry. I don't know.A at the momentB for a momentC justa momentD a momentlater( )17 ThePartywas founded_July, 1921.A in B at C on D by( )18 Wouldyou please_openthe door?A don'tB not to C not D to( )19 “Whosebooksare these? ”“Theyare_.”A our B theirC his D her( )20 Thankyou ve

6、rymuchfor _yourpen_me.A lending;to B lent;toC borrow;fromD borrowing;from( )21 Johnliveson _floor.He doesn'tuse a lift to go up anddown.A nineB the ninthC ninthD a ninth( )22 Thestudentswillgo to the WestHill Farmon foot if it_finetomorrow.A will be B is C shall be D was( )23 Ourteacheralwaystel

7、lsus _inthe street.It's too dangerous.A not playB don'tplayC not to playD to play( )24 “Canyou tell me_?”“She'sa teacher. ”A whereis yoursisterB Whatdoesyour sisterdoC whatyoursisteris D what'syoursister( )25 _sunnyday! Let'sgo out for a walk.A Howa B HowC Whata D What二、词汇运用A)根据释

8、义写单词。1 a_ _ _ _ say “yes ”whensomeonehasaskedyouto do something2 t_ _ _ _ _ makea journey;visinotherplaces3 c_ _ _ _ putone thingoveranotherthing4 a_ _ _ _ _ _ beforethat time;beforenow5 f_ _ _ _ pieceof landwherecropsgrowor animalseat grass (草)B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。6 Tomorrowhe'll go _ withhisaunt. (s

9、hop)7 Englishismore_thanmusic, Ithink.(use)8 Who jumped_,LinTaoor WangHai? (far)9 Who is the _(win)in the girls' 100-metrerace?10 The _(thank)motherdidn't knowwhattosay to the policeman.C)根据句义填空11 Luckilytheweatherwasnotsowetas_today.12 Awomansawit happenshenshewaswalking_. She picked it up

10、andgaveit _tome.13 Are youcomingbacksoon?Yes, I think we'll _next week.三、句子改写。1 Shewentto schoolyesterday.Shedidn'tbringher bag.Shewentto school_herbag yesterday.2 Thegirl doesn'tknowwhathe shoulddo whensheis aloneat home.The girldoesn'tknowwhat_when sheisalone at home.3 It'svery

11、 darkhere.Wehavetostopthework.It's _darkhere_wehavetostopthe work.4 When I came back home,Ifoundthewindowswereall opened.WhenI_home,I foundallthewindow_.5 Hergrandmotherhasbeendeadfortowyears.It _twoyearssincehergrandmother_.6 Bikeis shortforbicycle.Bike isanotherway_bicycle.7 Thematchis soimpor

12、tantthatwe mustgotowatchit.It's suchan importantmatch,we_it.8 Thesnowwas very heavylastnight.It _lastnight.四、口语应用。A)情景交际( ) 1你想邀请朋友共进晚餐,你说:A You'dbetterhavedinnerwith us.BWillyou joinus for supper?C You will havedinnerwith us.D You shouldhavedinnerwith us.( ) 2饭店里几乎满座,你发现一个空位, 于是你走过去问旁边的人:A

13、Is this seatyours?B May I sit here.C I wantto sit hereverymuchD You shouldn'ttaketwo seats.( ) 3你请一位外国朋友吃荔枝,你问他荔枝用英语是什么,你说:AWhatEnglishis this?B Whatdo yousay in English?CWhat'sthisin English?D Howdo you speakEnglish?( ) 4你去作客,主人问:“Wouldyoulikesomecoffee? ”你表示要,你说:A It's verykindof you.B

14、 Yes, of course.C CertainlyD Yes, I do( ) 5你上课迟到了,在进入教室前,你向外籍教师说:A Sorry,but my watchis slow.B Pleaseforgive (原谅) me thistime.I won'tdo that later.C I'm late,let mein.D Pleaseexcuseme for cominglate.B)对话配伍( ) 6 Hello!MayI speakto Mary?A John,JohnBrown( ) 7 Howis the oldman?B Sorry,sheis out.

15、( ) 8 What'swrongwith you?C He is seventy.( ) 9 Haveyouever beento a D I'vegot a headache.foreigncountry?E He is muchbetter( )10 What'syourfirst nameplease,MrBrown?F No,but I'd liketo go, oneday.C)补全对话。( A )A: Excuseme. Couldyou11 tell me 12 the LiaoNingHotelis?B: Go downthisstreet,1

16、3 the first 14 on the left. Thehotelis on our right.A: Thankyouverymuch.B: You are 15 .(B )June :What'swrongwith you.Mary?You don'tlook16 .Mary : I havea badcold.June : 17 to hearthat.Haveyou seenthe doctor?Mary : Yes, I have.He told meto takesome18 andstayat homefor two days.June : But whya

17、re youhere at school?Thedoctoris right.You needsomerest.Mary : I'm19 I'ss misstoo manyof my lessons.June :Don't20 .Take careof yourself.I can helpyouwhenyou arewell again.Mary : That'svery kindof you.五、完形填空The writer had a quickbreakfastandthenwenttoschool.He found itdifficulttowork

18、1 classbecausehekept onthinking 2the match3theafternoon.Schoolended a little4 . Their team was playing 5theteamfromNo.64 MiddleSchool.TheteamfromNo. 64 MiddleSchool wasbigandstrong.Thewriter'steamfelt alittleafraidofthem. Their team was 6 verybig7very strong,8 theywerevery sure they were a good

19、team 9 beat the otherteambecausetheycouldplaytogethervery well. The other team had some verygoodplayers, 10 they didn't have verygoodteamwork.( ) 1 A in B afterC beforD on( ) 2 A aboutB of C on D over( ) 3 A on B in C afterD before( ) 4 A late B laterC earlyD earlier( ) 5 A with B withoutC again

20、stD on( ) 6 A neitherB eitherC bothD also( ) 7 A nor B eitherC tooD also( ) 8 A but B or C and D yet( ) 9 A on B in C to D for( )10 A andB butC or D so六、阅读理解。A)根据所学课文内容判断正(T )误( F)( )1Man-madesatelliteshavebeensentup into spaceby all the countriesin theworld.( )2 ChristmasEve is on the nightbeforeCh

21、ristmasDay.( )3ThomasEdisonlearntlessonsall byhimselfafterhewassentawayfromschool byhisteacher.()4 ChinahasbuiltanewGreetGreenWallacrossthenorthernpartofthecountry.( )5 Thepopulationproblemmaybe thegreatestoneintheworldtoday.B)根据所给短文判断下列句子正(T),误( F)Englishisthemostwidelyspokeninthe world.Englishissp

22、okenasafirst languageby mostpeopleintheUSA,GrratBritain,Canada,Australiaand New Zealand.Butit'salsousedwidelyasaforeignlanguageinmanyothercountriesinthe world. Englishis widelyusedforbusinessbetweendifferentcountries.Mostbusinessletters aroundthe worldarewritten in English.Threequartersoftheworl

23、d'sbooks andnewspapersarewritteninEnglish.()6 Englishisspokenasafirstlanguagebymostpeopleintheworld.()7 Englishisonlyusedinfivecountriesaroundtheworld.( )8 MostCanadianscan speak English when they are very young.()9 Englishisverywidelyusedforbusinessbetweendifferentcountries.()10 Threequartersof

24、theworld'stelephonecallsare madein English.C)根据所给短文选择正确答案。Mr Whitelived inthecountry,and onedayhewantedto goto anofficein the city. Hefoundtheaddressona letter. He got into hiscaranddroveto thecity. Hedrovetotheofficewithout anytrouble.He stoppedandlocked (锁上) hiscarandstartedtogointotheoffice,b

25、utthenheturnedaroundandwent backtohiscar.“I've lockedmykeysinit, ”hesaidtohimself.Hetelephonedhiswifeandsaid,“Excuseme,butI' velockedmy keys in my car. Pleasebringyourkeys. ”Mrs Whitegot intotheirsecondcaranddrovetwentykilometrestohelpherhusband. Butwhilehewaswaitingfor her,hewalkedaroundhis

26、carandtriedtheotherdoor.Itwasnotlocked!Helockeditquicklybeforehiswifearrived.( )11 MrWhite_.A livednextto the office.B didn'tworkin the office.C livedin the centreof the cityD didn'thavea phoneat home.( )12 It wasfor Mr. Whiteto get to the office.A difficultB hardC easyD right( )13 Mr. White

27、thought_.A he put the keysin the door.B he didn'tlockthe otherdoor.C he lockedhis keysin his house.D he left his keysin the car( )14 Mrs.White_.A was helped byherhusbandB wenttohelp Mr. WhiteC wantedtolookforthekeysD waitedfor Mr. white to come( )15 Fromthe storywe know that at last _.A Mrs White openedthedoorand gotMr. White's keys.B Mr. Whitegotthekeyshimself.C Mrs.Whitewas veryangry.D Mr. Whitehelpedto try theotherdoor.七、书面表达A)看图填词A Excuseme! Canyou tell me wayto themarket?B Yes. Go alongthestreet,andtakethe 1 turningon the right.Go alongGuanghuaRoad,andtake the 2tur


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