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1、Module 6 单 元 分 析教 学 目 标 分 析语言知识目标功能询问他人周末的安排,谈论居住地点以及个人的简要情况。语法全体学生能初步运用:What do you do on Sundays? Where do you live?词汇全体学生能理解:on, Sunday, park, great, goal, hooray, live, moon, sky, city2全体学生能初步运用:on, Sunday, park, live3. 部分学生能初步运用:great, goal, hooray, live, moon, sky, city语音进一步感知特殊疑问句结尾的降调语言技能目标听

2、全体学生能听懂:What do you do on Sundays? Where do you live?说全体学生能说:What do you do on Sundays? Where do you live?读全体学生能认读:Sunday, park, live部分学生能认读:great, goal, hooray, moon, sky, city写全体学生能拼写:what, school, boy, name全体学生能书写字母:Ll, Mm, Nn运用全体学生能运用“What do you do on Sundays? Where do you live?”提问学习策略积极运用所学英语进

3、行表达和交流文化意识积极参加征友活动,学写英文征友启事,提高跨文化交流能力情感态度乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语进行口头和书面交流任 务Unit 1:调查本组同学周末的活动,成立活动小组,邀请更多同伴一起参加。Unit 2:调查本组同学的居住地点和举爱好,制定周末活动计划。教 学 内 容 分 析l 本模块的话题是谈论周末活动安排、居住地点以及个人的简要情况。l Unit 1的课文情境是Daming和Sam在放学回家的路上相互询问星期日的活动安排,结果发现两人都去踢球,于是他们相约一起去踢球。l Unit 2的课文情境是北京小朋友Tingting贴出一张征友启事,她简要介绍了自己的兴趣爱好、居住地和

4、学校,并询问了未来朋友的一些基本信息。l 本模块的学习重点是“What do you do on Sundays? Where do you live?”语句结构。第一课时 总第22课时课题Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标1、 全体学生能初步运用:What do you do on Sundays? Where do you play football?2、全体学生能初步运用:what, where, on, Sunday, park, great, goal, hoorayl3、全体学生能初步整体感知:great, goal,

5、 hooray情感目标乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语进行口头交流教学重点词汇:what, where, on, Sunday, park, great, goal, hoorayl句型:What do you do on Sundays? Where do you play football?难点能够理解what, where,并以正确运用完整的句子进行提问和回答。课前准备点读机,单词卡片:get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, watch TV, go to bed教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图S

6、tep1Warming up1. Greeting.2. Lets chant. J is for jug. K is for kite. Lets fly my kite.为了帮助学生掌握好字母,可以每次都进行一次完整的复习,把之前的字母儿歌都复习一遍。 3. Play a guessing game. I do the actions and let the children guess what I am doing.(or ask volunteer to do the actions.) 4. Read the verb phrases with the word cards. 利用

7、幻灯片帮助学生复习大量的动词词组,比如 play ping-pong, watch TV, read books, dance, sing a song 等等。 学生边做游戏边复习词组, 对于学生后面的学习有极大的帮助。利用做动作猜词的活动来复习上一模块学过的动词短语,为本节课做好铺垫,同时,也激发学生的学习兴趣。Step2Presentation1. Show a calendar of November and teach the new word : Sunday. Teach the children to read. 2. Tell the children: I watch TV

8、on Sundays. Then, ask them, Wha t do you do on Sundays.? 这个句子对学生来说有些难说,所以可以先让学生听对话,看对话,通过提问小猴子和大象在星期天做什么,引导学生学会用这个句子向老师提问,这样学生学起来就快多了。 3 . Write the words on the blackboard and teach them to read again. 4. Let the children ask and answer in pairs. 5. Let the children ask and answer pair by pair.用已学过

9、的句子来引出新词进行新授的自然导入,会比较容易让学生理解语言的含义。板书生词让学生能从视觉上感知单词的构成,引导认读。Step 4 Learn the text.1. Ask the children to look at the pictures of activity 1 on page 32. Then, answer: What do Sam and Daming do on Sundays? 3. Listen and point. Play the record and ask the children to listen and find the sentences they h

10、ear. 4 . Listen and repeat. 5. Ask the children to look at the pictures of activity 1 on page 32. Then, answer, what do the monkeys on Sundays? What does the elephant do on Sundays? Where do they play? 6. Listen and point. Play the record and ask the children to listen and find the sentences they he

11、ar. 7. Listen and repeat.通过看图回答问题、听、指、读等环节帮助学生熟悉课文,正确朗读课文。板书设计Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays?A: What do you do on Sundays B: I play football.作业设计1、跟磁带朗读第3233页课文五遍。第二课时 总第23课时课题Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? (认读课)教学目标知识技能目标1、 全体学生能初步运用:What do you do on Sundays? Where do you play footba

12、ll?2、全体学生能初步运用:what, where, on, Sunday, park, great, goal, hooray3、全体学生能初步整体感知:great, goal, hooray情感目标乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语进行口头交流 教学重点词汇:play football, go to school, Sunday, at the park句型:What do you do on Sundays? Where do you play football?教学难点正确运用Where do you play football?进行问答课前准备点读机教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活

13、 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1. Greeting.2. Lets chant. J is for jug. K is for kite. Lets fly my kite.3. Review the dialogue on page 32 and 33. 4. Ask individuals to read the sentences of activity 3on page 34 in pairs.5. Ask two teams to read the sentences pair by pair.充分复习为句型的顺利练习打好基础。Step2Pra

14、ctice.A: Make your team. (activity 6 on page 37) What do you do on Sundays? I play football on Sundays. 在练习句型的时候要充分挖掘学生学过的词组,并且可以扩展更多学生想知道的词组,比如play the piano等等。 What do you do on Sundays? I go swimming on Sundays. What do you do on Sundays? We go swimming on Sundays. Ask individuals the questions a

15、nd let the ones who have the same answers stand together. B: Ask and answer in pairs. 1. Ask individuals: What do you do on Sundays? Where do you play football? 2. Ask volunteers to ask and answer in pairs. 3. Ask the class to ask and answer in pairs. 4. Ask the children to ask and answer pair by pa

16、ir. 通过这两个活动来进行充分训练,强化本课的重点句型。板书设计 Module 6 Unit 1 Where do you do on Sundays?A: What do you do on Sundays B: I play football. A: Where do you play football? B: At the park.作业设计跟随磁带朗读第3233页课文五遍。第三课时 总第24课时课题Unit 2 Where do you live? (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标1 全体学生能理解:Where do you live? I live in .2 全体学生能初步运用:W

17、here do you live? I live in .3. 部分学生能模仿课文来介绍自己。情感目标愿意大方地向别人介绍自己教学重点词汇:where, live in, city3 句型:Where do you live? I live in Beijing. Its a very big city.教学难点能够理解并正确运用所学语言来介绍自己。课前准备点读机,教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设 计 意 图Step1Revision1 Greeting.2 Lets chant. Bob, Bob, Bob is an orange dog. Im a cat, cat, ca

18、t in a cap, cap, cap.3Show one of the word cards and ask an individual to stand up. Ask all the pupils to ask him or her: Whats this? And let the individual to answer. Review the other words in the same way.通过这样一个全体问一人答的有趣方式来使全体学生共同复习所学句子和词汇。Step2Learn the text.!. Lets chant. Play the record and ask

19、 the children to listen and point. Teach the children to read the poem. Play the record again and ask the children to chant together with it. 2. Listen and say. Play the record and ask the children to listen and point. Ask some questions and let individuals answer. Whats the girls name? What does Ti

20、ngting like? Where does she live? Is Beijing a big or small city? What school does Tingting go to? Teach the new words: city and live teach the children to make sentences: where do you live? I live in Yinchuan. Its a small city. What school do you go to? I go to Yinchuan No .21 school. 通过老师示范、学生示范和失

21、物招领游戏来练习句型,让学生理解并能运用所学句子。Step 3Practice speaking.Talk about you. My name is . I like . and . I live in . I go to . School. Teach the children to make sentences one by one. 1. My name is. Choose a team to talk one by one. 2. I like . And . Choose another team to talk one by one. 3. I live in . practi

22、ce in the same way as 1 and 2. 4. I go to . school. Practice in the same way as 1 and 2. Ask volunteers to make the four sentences into one passage to introduce themselves. Ask the children to work in groups of four. Ask several groups to introduce themselves.对于二年级的孩子来说,说一段话来介绍自己还是第一次,而且有难度。因此, 我先把整

23、段话分成几个句子来单独练习,等学生完全掌握后,再将所有的句子整合在一起练习说一段话,这样分解难度之后,学生会比较容易说出来。板书设计 Module 6 Unit 2 Where do you live? 1. My name is .2. I like . And .3. I live in .4. I go to .作业设计1、 背诵32-35页课文。2、 将课堂上练习自己的一段话说给父母听。第四课时 总第25课时课题Unit 2 Where do you live? (字母学习课)教学目标知识技能目标1、学生能够正确书写字母Ll, Mm, Nn2、学生能够正确唱出课本第36页的字母韵诗。情

24、感目标学生能够乐于唱字母韵诗,能够感受书写的美感。教学重点字母韵诗:Lis for lion.书写字母:Ll, Mm, Nn教学难点正确书写Mm, Nn课前准备点读机、写字本、字母卡片教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动Step1Warming up and revision1. Introduce yourselves. 2. Lets chant. J is for jug. K is for kite. Lets fly my kite. 3. Look and read the 26 letters. Review the letters with the letter car

25、ds.课前巩固上节课所练习的介绍自己。唱前面学过的字母韵诗,活跃课堂气氛的同时也复习了字母。再用字母卡片来帮助学生强化字母的认读。Step2Presentation.1. Lets chant. L is for lion. Play record and ask the children to listen carefully. Teach the children to read the words of the chant. Play the record and ask the children to listen and chant together with it. Chant c

26、ompetition. Ask four groups to chant. 通过听、指;听、指、读;叫学生当小老师领读等各种方式来帮助学生认读课文。Step 3Write the letters.1. Demonstrate. Write the letter Ll on the blackboard and ask the children to watch carefully. Then, ask individuals to talk about the space and the order of stroke. 2. Ask the children to write on thei

27、r writing books. 3. Write the letter Mm, Nn in the same way. 老师先示范写,让学生认真观察并说出占格和笔顺,在学生充分注意到书写时应注意的重点问题。板书设计 Module 6 Unit 2 Its my ruler. 作业设计1、背诵背诵32-35页课文。2、书写字母Ll, Mm, Nn二行。第五课时 总第26课时课题Module 6 (练习课)教学目标知识技能目标1、通过练习强化巩固本模块所学重点内容。2、大部分学生能够正确完成活动用书的练习。情感目标对介绍物品有兴趣。教学重点1、复习词汇、句型和课文。2、完成活动用书Module

28、6的练习。难点正确完成每一个练习题。课前准备点读机,课堂活动用书、单词卡片教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision.1. Lets chant. L is for lion. 2. Review the words of clothes with the word cards. 3. Read the dialogue of unit 1 and unit 2. 4. Read the dialogue in roes. 充分复习本模块的单词和对话。Step2Do the exercises.1. listen, match

29、and say. Read the listening material and ask the children to listen and match. Then, ask individuals to say the sentences. Check the answers together. 2. Read and answer Ask individuals the four questions and let them answer. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs. 3. Make a survey, tick and sa

30、y. Ask the children to ask and answer. Then, tick and say. 4. Read and match. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully and read the sentences. Then, match the sentences to the pictures. Ask individuals to read the sentences. Check the answers together. 5. Listen and tick. Read the listening material and ask the children to listen and tick. Th


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