1、 词根:-plac- to please,取悦,使满意,使平静 placate vt. 抚慰,使和解 implacable a. 难和解的,不能缓和的 placid a. 平静的,温和的,沉着的 complacent a. 得意的,满足的 complaisant a. 顺从的,彬彬有礼的 意群:脾气坏的 cantankerous quarrelsome querulous irritable irritated irascible peevish petulant choleric fractious testy 意群:变幻无常的 capricious adj. 反复无常的;任性的 errat
2、ic adj. 古怪的 fickle adj. 浮躁的 inconstant mercurial adj. 水银的;雄辩机智的;活泼善变的 protean quixotic adj. 唐吉诃德式的;狂想家的;愚侠的 volatile whimsical adj. 古怪的;异想天开的;反复无常的 意群:冷漠的,无情的 apathetic callous adj. 无情的;麻木的 indifferent inexorable adj. 无情的;不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的 impassive nonchalant phlegmatic relentless adj. 无情的;残酷 unrel
3、enting adj. 无情的;不屈不挠的;不松懈的 unfeeling 意群:吹嘘的,夸张的 boastful bombastic pompous grandiloquent adj. 夸张的;夸大的;大言不惭的 orotund adj. 夸大的;做作的;朗朗的 意群:小心的,警觉的 prudent wary, discreet, cautious, leery, chary vigilant circumspect meticulous 意群:一丝不苟的 meticulous punctilious scrupulous conscientious principled adj. 有原则的
4、;有操守的 fastidious adj. 挑剔的;苛求的,难取悦的 意群:草率的,不谨慎的 indiscreet imprudent precipitate n. 化学 沉淀物 impetuous adj. 冲动的;鲁莽的;猛烈的 premature adj. 早产的;不成熟的 harsh adj. 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的 rash, cursory, reckless 意群:证实 certify, verify, testify to, justify, ratify validate, substantiate, corroborate, authenticate, wa
5、rranty 意群:坚定的 resolute determined steadfast tenacious, tenacity inflexible adamant unswerving 意群:平静的 placid tranquil serene halcyon n. 翡翠鸟 quiescent 意群:坦诚的,直率的 candid frank plain, sincere, unreserved, honest, straightforward, forthright, outspoken 词根:tain 持有 contain vt. 包含,容纳;控制,遏制 retain vt. 保持,保留;
6、雇佣 sustain vt. 维持,供养;遭受;承担 maintain vt. 维持,保持;主张;保养 attain/obtain vt. 获得,达到 detain vt. 耽搁,扣留 pertain vi. 关于,有关,从属 pertain to 意群:遏制,制止 preclude hinderhamper contain check deter deterrent derail encumber arrest 词根:chron-时间 chronic a. 慢性的,长期的 chronological a. 按时间顺序的,编年的 chronicle n. 编年史;vt. 编年,记录 chron
7、icler n. 编年史家 anachronistic/ anachronism a. 过时的,年代错误的 synchrony n. 同步性 词根:-voc,vok- 叫喊,声音 advocate v. 提倡,拥护 provoke vt. 激起,挑衅,煽动 equivocate vt. 推诿,含糊其辞 convoke vt. 召集,召开 evoke vt. 产生,唤起 revoke vt. 撤销,废除 意群:傲慢的,自以为是的 arrogant, masterful, haughty, supercilious, overweening, overbearing, insolent adj.
8、无礼的;傲慢的;粗野的;无耻的 presumptuous adj. 专横的;放肆的;冒昧的 pretentious imperious adj. 专横的;迫切的;傲慢的 effrontery n. 傲慢,骄傲 hubris 意群:简洁的,简明的 austere adj. 严峻的;简朴的;苦行的;无装饰的 concise adj.简洁的,简明的 compendious adj.扼要的,简明的 elliptical adj.椭圆的,简略的 laconic adj.简洁的,简明的 simplicity n.简单,朴素 succinct adj.简洁的 spare adj./v. 简朴的,节约的 te
9、rse adj.简洁的 unadorned adj.未加装饰的,简朴的 意群:华丽的 baroque adj.过分的装饰的,华丽的 embellished adj.装饰华丽的 flamboyance n.华丽,浮华 florid / floridity adj.华丽的,红润的 ornate adj.装饰华丽的 rhetoric n.修辞,华丽虚饰的语言 rhetorical adj.修辞的,辞藻华丽的 意群:严格的 rigorous adj.严格的 scathing adj.严厉的, 尖刻的 severe adj.严厉的,严峻的,剧烈的 stern adj.严格地,严厉地 stringent
10、adj.严格的 意群:赞美 complimentary adj. 称赞的,赞美的 laud, glorify, praise, acclaim, extol exalt vt. 提升;提拔;赞扬;使得意 taut adj. 拉紧的;紧张的;整洁的 vt. 使纠缠;使缠结 hail plaudit n.称赞,赞美 tribute n.赞美辞 eulogy, eulogize aggrandize vt. 增加;夸大;强化 lionize vt. 把奉为名人;游览名胜 celebrate 意群:混杂的,多种多样的,大量的 abundant, ample, amplify v. affluent a
11、dj. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的 copious heterogeneous adj. 化学 多相的;异种的;化学 不均匀的 multifarious motley adj. 杂色的;混杂的;五颜六色的 myriad adj. 无数的;种种的 opulent plethora, plentiful, plentitude, profuse, prolific redundant surplus, surfeit, superfluous variegated eclectic adj. 折衷的;选择的;折衷学派的 amalgam n. 材 汞合金,化工 汞齐;混合物 意群:少量,一点 deart
12、h, deficient, deficit meager adj. 贫乏的;瘦的 modicum paucity void scant, sparse 意群:有害的 deleterious adj.有害的,有毒的 detrimental adj.有害的 malignant adj. 有恶意的,有害的 意群:巨大的 enormous gigantic immense massive titanic vast 意群:根除,毁灭 eradicate vt.根除 raze vt.毁灭,把夷为平地 subvert vt.推翻,颠覆,毁灭 destruction n.破坏,毁灭 extirpation n
13、. 消灭,根除,毁灭 意群:倾向,性情 bent disposition inclination liability penchant predilection, preference, proclivity, propensity tendency 意群:人 humane a. 有人性的,道德的 humanness n. 神情,慈悲 humanism, humanitarian adj. 人道主义的 humanist humanity n. 人道,仁慈 意群:模范 exemplar epitome v. epitomize n. 缩影 paragon adj. 完美的 paradigm n.
14、 范例 prototype n. 原型;标准,模范 意群:装饰 adorn vt.装饰 baroque adj.过分装饰的,奇形怪状的 decorative adj.装饰的 embellish vt.装饰 garish adj. 炫耀的, 过分装饰的 garnish v.装饰 ornamentation n 装饰 ornate adj.装饰华丽的 ostentatious adj.装饰表面的,浮华的 意群:困惑的 adj. obscure, baffling, arcane, abstruse, cryptic v. confuse, confound, nonplus, disconcert
15、, baffle, bewilder, obfuscate 意群:责难,谴责 criticize reprimand n. v. reprehensive adj.rebuke n. v. reproach n. v. rebuff n. v. disparage, contempt blameberateupbraid condemncensure denounce chide impugn rail- diatribe n. 诽谤;恶骂 意群:中立、客观、冷漠 indifferent detached, objective, disinterested, impartial, impers
16、onal, dispassionate, nonpartisan 意群:有偏见的 biased, prejudiced, partial, partisan, bigotry adj. bigot n. 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者 词根:head- 思维 wrongheaded 倔强的 headstrong 固执的 hardheaded 顽固的 levelheaded 冷静的 figurehead 傀儡 headed 意群:跟法律有关的 legal 合法的、在法律框架内的 legit 合理的 legitimacy 合理性 合法性 reason 理由,理性 reasoning 推理 ration
17、理性 rational 理性的 rationalize 合理化,理性化 意群:慷慨,丰厚 munificence generosity, benevolence, philanthropy 博爱 charity opulence, affluence, abundance, richness, lavishness, magnificence, luxury 意群:讽刺 ironic adj.讥讽的,讽刺的 irony n.讽刺 sarcasm n.挖苦,讽刺 satirize vt.讽刺 意群:不偏向的,公正的 disinterested, dispassionate, impartial
18、impersonal indifferent nonpartisan just, unbiased, even-handed 意群:大方的 leniency (lenient) magnanimity (magnanimous) munificence (munificent) generosity (generous) 意群:小气的 petty, pettiness miserly stingy stinting penurious 意群:易冲动的 penurious impulsive impetuous, imprudent precipitate, spontaneous rash,
19、brash 意群:不确定的 ambiguous, ambivalent dubious equivocal 词根:-gress- walk digress ,digression 离题 transgress越界 progressive进步的, regressive退化的 aggressive侵略性的 词根:greg- 群体 aggregate聚集的, congregate集体的 gregarious 合群的,群居的 segregate隔离 意群:乏味的 monotonous prosaic insipidvapid pedestrian tedious humdrum 意群:悔恨的 remor
20、seful compunctious repentant, penitent, contrite regret, rue v./n. compunction, remorse, penitence 意群:减轻,缓解 mitigate/alleviate/assuage/appease quell/lull/mollify placate/palliate reconcile/console/solace/soothe意群:好斗的,好战的Belligerent, belligerenceBellicoseCombatJingoismPugnaciousConfrontationMilitant,
21、 militarytruculent意群:控告 accuse charge incriminate recriminate indict, verdict, jurisdiction 意群:沉默寡言的 tacit taciturn reticent, reticence serene reserved acquiescent意群:话多的,冗长的 talkable loquacious garrulous(garr-to utter) verbose voluble effusive rambling interminable prolix circumlocution意群:谦逊的,有礼貌的 h
22、umble unpretentious unassuming unaffected self-effacing decorous courteous decent refined decorum 意群:自鸣得意的,以自我为中心的 smugness complacent egotistical narcissistic 意群:固执的obstinate obdurate opinionated headstrong inexorable意群:不屈不挠的 unyielding uncompromising tenacious, tenacity adamant intransigent indomi
23、table unrelenting, relentless意群:顺从的,听话的 obedient docile tractable submissive malleable compliant yielding pliant amenable resigned deferential (deterrent)意群:紧张的,慌张的 disturbed perturbed disconcerted agitated flustered ruffled nonplussed overwrought (wrought a. 锻造的) undone意群:疲惫不堪的 exhausted weary fati
24、gued jaded worn-out意群:没创新的,守旧的 derivative, routine, conventional, conservative, orthodox, conformist, commonplace, unimaginative, unoriginal, predictable, stock, formulaic, rehearsed pedestrian, banal, hackneyed, cliche, bromide, timeworn, shopworn stereotyped意群:创新的 novel innovative avant-garde orig
25、inal inspired imaginative ingenious unprecedented groundbreaking revolutionary意群:指导的 edifying enlightening didactic(-说教的) heuristic instructive instrumental意群:节俭的 economical frugal thrifty sparing parsimonious provident husbandry意群:挥霍的,浪费的 extravagant lavish luxurious prodigal(pro-too many or too mu
26、ch) prodigious prodigy squandering improvident profligacy, profligate 意群:贪吃的 voracious gluttonous 暴食的 ravenous(rav,rap,rapt-snatch 捕,夺) rapacious edacious(ed-eat) epicurean gourmand意群:逃避,绕开evade elude eschew avert skew shun shirk skirt circumvent bypass意群:阻止,阻碍 halt, block, hinder, ward off, prevent
27、 impede, impediment obstruct occlude preclude, derail, contain, arrest, check bar, forestall, thwart, foil, hobble意群:促进,加速 incite, stir, spur, inspire, provoke, instigate promote, advance facilitate, expedite accelerate precipitate意群:推迟,拖延 delay, dilatory defer prolong protract temporize procrastina
28、te detain retard respite意群:迅捷,迅速 hurry, hasten, prompt, instant instantaneous with dispatch with alacrity意群:欺骗 deceive, deception, delude, delusion, dupe, duplicity, beguile, trick, trickery intrigue, swindle, finagle, spoof, flatter, coax, cajore, cajolery, fraud, chicanery subterfuge, sophistry, m
29、endacity, mendacious humbuggery, quackery, imposture, charlatan, disingenuous 意群:胡说 nonsence, nonsensical balderdash gibberish blather意群:轻信的,怀疑的 credulous, credulity gullible, gullibility naive, naivete doubtful, incredulous, dubious, skeptical 意群:沉思,冥想 reflect, ponder, meditate, contemplate, delibe
30、rate, ruminate pensive, wistful melancholy cogitate muse意群:晦涩难懂的 elusive, evasive, esoteric, abstruse, arcane, occult, opaque, recondite unintelligible, impenetrable, unfathomable, insrutable, inexplicable, enigmatic, riddling, oracular, delphic意群:迷惑人的 baffling perplexing bewildering mystifying意群:清晰的 lucid unequ
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