



1、113 cases of Sinopec Service Center staffAnalysis of examination resultsPhysical examination is the early detection of disease, a preliminary master the primary means of physical health, the prevention of disease is extremely important guiding significance, while physical examination of the disease

2、early diagnosis, early treatment of the premise and basisof people s living standards, diet and major changes in lifestyle, the continual increase in the pace of life, some of the unhealthy work and living habits, has been a seriousthreat topeopleshealthandqualityoflife. With thecontinuedstrengtheni

3、ngofpeople shealthawareness,andenterpriseemployingtheconceptofcontinuousUpdates,corporatehealthworkershasbeenmoreattention in August by .2010 of a companys employeesonoccupationalhealthexamination,aboutthehealthstatus of workers.ObjectandmethodSurveyYichangChinaPetroleum&ChemicalServiceCente

4、rservingstaffshould check the number of 121, 113 the number of actual1inspection, examination rate was 93.4%, of which 95 were male, 18 female, male to female ratio 5.3: 1.Survey Methods The methods are summarized workers often suffer from the disease classification summary.Checkthe items checkedite

5、msto historytaking,physical examination(medicine,surgery,ENT. Auxiliaryexaminationcontentblood analysis,bloodbiochemicaltests (liverfunction,blood lipids, blood glucose, bloodimmunological tests (hepatitis B, two pairs of semi, urine,Chest X-ray, RestingECG, abdominalB ultrasound(liver,gall bladder,

6、 spleen.DiagnosticcriteriaOuyang<<ClinicalDiagnostics>>outsidethe normalrangeofbloodpressureabnormalitiesthan,bloodglucoseabnormal,refer to<<ChineseadultdyslipidemiaPreventionGuide>>1 todeterminethelipid abnormalities,withreferencetoHuangWan“cl

7、inicalelectrocardiography>>Diagnosticcriteriafor thediagnosis based on ECG abnormalities, with reference to2Wu Enhui “Medical Imaging (fourth edition)>> B-abdominal, chest X-ray abnormal urine diagnosis. as long as the inspection program in a abnormal physical examination

8、 is abnormalities.Analysisbytypeofstatisticaldistributionofabnormalphysicalexamination,calculatethe prevalenceof, and certain significantitemsanalysistodetectdataentry one by one, the application of SPSS 10.0 statisticalsoftware,a retrospectivesurveymethods,mainlybydescriptiveanalysismethodofdataana

9、lysisandprocessing.statisticalmethodsusing 2test, with P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.2results2.1Thebasicsituation:theexamination results of 113 people, including 95 males (18femalesaccountedfor84.07%(accountingfor15.93%.Normal ECG and normal in 59 cases, abnormal in 54 cases

10、in which arrhythmia in 20 cases, bradycardia in 16 cases,againsttheclocktothetranslocationin10cases,conductionblockin4cases,prematureventricularcontractionsin 2 cases, partof theT wavechangein 13case, left ventricular high voltage in 1 case.B-ultrasonicexaminationwasnormalin76cases, abnormal in 37 c

11、ases, of which 19 cases with mildfattyliver,fattyliverin2 cases,5 casesofgallstones,gallbladderpolypsin 4 cases, prostatecalcificationin 2cases, bileductstonesin 2 cases, 1 gallbladdertensioncases, kidney cyst, kidney stones and in 1 case.Urineexaminationwasnormal,80casesofabnormalities in 33 patien

12、ts in which white blood cells in10 cases, 8 cases of nitrite,occultbloodin 7 cases, theprotein in 4 cases, bilirubin in 4 cases.2.2Analysisofhealth2.2.1abnormalrate:The total of 113 inspection, found to have abnormal totalof 94 projects, abnormal rate of 83.2% were male and 78,accounting for 83.2% o

13、f the total number of men and 16women, accounting for the total number of 89 women %of totalno obviousabnormalities19, 16.8%of thetotalnumber of ratios, 17 were male, accounting for 17.9% of the total number of males and 2 females, accounting for411% of the total number of females.2.2.2 anomaly: The physical examination, fasting blood glucose, chest X-ray, two pairs of semi hepatitis B were not at all unusual to see the obvious, there are abnormalities of the first projects from highestto lowest according to the number of exceptions, see Table 1 The physical examination, electro


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