1、ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS L6118 )名称:比亚迪股份有限公司材料分析测试中心地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区比亚迪路 3009号23号厂房3楼No. CNAS L6118第 3 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.签发日期:2016年03月04日有效期至:2022年03月17附件1认可的授权签字人及领域序号姓名授权签字领域备注1林小芹全部检测项目2付昌维全部化学检测项
2、目3刘珍全部化学检测项目C/VASCHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMIT Y ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registratio n No. CNAS L6118)NAME:Materials Testi ng & An alysis Cen ter of BYD Company LimitedADDRESS:3/F., Building 23, No.3009, BYDRoad, Pingshan NewArea, Shenzhen.Guangdong,
3、ChinaDate of lssue:2016-03-04Date of Exp iry:2022-03-17SCHEDULE 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPENameAuthorized Scope of Sign atureNote1Lin Xiaoqi nAll accreditedtesti ng items2Fu Chan gweiAll accredited chemical testi ng items3Liu Zhe nAll accredited chemical testi ng items国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:C
4、NAS L6118 )名称:比亚迪股份有限公司材料分析测试中心地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区比亚迪路3009号23号厂房3楼认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025以及CNAS特定认可要求签发日期:2016年03月04日有效期至:2022年03月17附件2认可的检测能力范围检测对象项目/参数序号名称电子电气产铅、镉、汞、总铬、总溴检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明电工产品中特定有害物质的 测定一第3-1部分:使用X 射线荧光光谱仪对电子产品 中的铅、汞、镉、总铬和总 溴进行筛选IEC 62321-3-1:2013电子信息产品中有毒有害物质的检测方法SJ/T 11365-2006只用X
5、RF法ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5项目/参数检测对象检测标准(方法)名称及编号(含年号)序号限制范围说明序号名称No. CNAS L6118第 9 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.电子电气产铅、镉、汞、总铬、总溴总溴电子电气产铅、镉、汞电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求GB/T 26572-2011电子电气产品中有害物质检测样品拆分通用要求GB/Z 20288-2006电子电气产品 六种限用物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联
6、苯和多溴二苯醚)的测GB/T 26125-2011电工产品中特定有害物质的测定一第3-2部分:使用燃烧法对聚合物和电子产品中的总溴进行测定(筛选)离子色谱法IEC 62321-3-2:2013电工产品中特定有害物质的测定一第4部分:CV-AAS CV-AFSICP-MS测定聚合电子件中的汞IEC 62321-4:2013只用氧弹燃烧使用只用ICP-OESICP-OES物、金属和电工产品中特定有害物质的测定一第5部分:使用AASAFS ICP-OES和 ICP-MS 测定聚合物和电子件中的镉、铅和铬,以及金属中的镉和铅IEC 62321-5:2013只用ICP-OES只用XRF电子电气产铅、镉、
7、汞多溴联苯、电子信息产品中有毒有害物质的检测方法SJ/T 11365-2006电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求GB/T 26572-2011电子电气产品中有害物质检测样品拆分通用要求GB/Z 20288-2006电子电气产品 六种限用物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚)的测GB/T 26125-2011电工产品中特定有害物质的测定一第6部分:气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC-MS)测定聚合物中的多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚IEC 62321-6:2015电子信息产品中有毒有害物质的检测方法SJ/T 11365-2006只用ICP-OES只用ICP-OES只用GC-MS法电子电气产多溴联苯、六价铬
8、盐雾试验电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求GB/T 26572-2011电子电气产品中有害物质检测样品拆分通用要求GB/Z 20288-2006电子电气产品 六种限用物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚)的测GB/T 26125-2011电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求GB/T 26572-2011电子电气产品中有害物质检测样品拆分通用要求GB/Z 20288-2006电子电气产品 六种限用物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚)的测GB/T 26125-2011IEC 62321:2008电子信息产品中有毒有害物质的检测方法SJ/T 11365-2006电工电子产品环境试验第
9、2部分:试验方法 试验Ka:盐GB/T 2423.17-2008ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5检测对象序号电子电气产汽车材料项目/参数检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称8湿热试验电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法 试验Cab 恒定湿热试验GB/T 2423.3-2006电工电子产品环境试验 第2 部分:试验方法试验Db:交变湿热(12h+12h循环)GB/T 2423.4-20081汞汽车禁用物质要求GB/T 30512-2014汽车材料中汞的检测方法QC/T 941-2013只用XRF法和ICP-OES法2六价铬汽车禁用物质
10、要求GB/T 30512-2014汽车材料中六价铬的检测方法QC/T 942-2013不测皮革3铅、镉汽车禁用物质要求GB/T 30512-2014汽车材料中铅、镉的检测方法QC/T 943-2013只用XRF法和ICP-OES法4多溴联苯、多溴二苯醚汽车禁用物质要求GB/T 30512-2014汽车材料中多溴联苯(P BBs) 和多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)的检 测方法QC/T 944-2013No. CNAS L6118第 15 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version
11、.序 号检测对象项目/参数检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称3钢铁及合金1碳、硫钢铁总碳硫含量的测定高频感应炉燃烧后红外吸收法(常规方法)GB/T 20123-2006只用方法A2氧钢铁氧含量的测定脉冲加热惰气熔融-红外线吸收法GB/T 11261-20063氮钢铁氮含量的测定惰性气体熔融热导法(常规方法)GB/T 20124-20064锰、磷、铬、镍、铜、钛、钼、钒、铝不锈钢化学成分测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱 法SN/T 2718-20104镍1硫镍化学分析方法硫量的测 定高频感应炉燃烧红外吸 收法GB/T 8647.8-20062碳镍化学分析方法碳量的测 定
12、高频感应炉燃烧红外吸 收法GB/T 8647.9-20065铜及铜合金1碳、硫铜及铜合金化学分析方法 第4部分:碳、硫含量的测 定GB/T 5121.4-2008只用方法一6铝及铝合金1铁、铜、镁、 锰、钛、铬、 锌、镍、锡、铅、钙铝及铝合金化学分析方法 第25部分:电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法GB/T 20975.25-2008镁及镁合金项目/参数序号名称铁、铜、钛、锌、镍、铍、钙、铝、锰、钕、铅、检测标准(方法)名称及编号(含年号)镁及镁合金化学分析方法第20部分:ICP-AES测定元素含量GB/T 13748.20-2009限制范围锌及锌合金铅、镉、铁、铜、锡、铝、砷、锑、镁、镧、铈锌
13、及锌合金化学分析方法铅、镉、铁、铜、锡、铝、砷、锑、镁、镧、铈量的测定电感耦合等离子体-发射光谱法GB/T 12689.12-2004金属材料及拉伸试验1011制品陶瓷维氏硬度金属材料拉伸试验第1部分:室温试验方法GB/T 228.1-2010金属材料维氏硬度试验1部分:试验方法GB/T 4340.1-2009只测kN; RmReL、A、Z、Rp0.2只测HV0.5、HV1、HV3HV5HV10维氏硬度精细陶瓷室温硬度试验方法GB/T 16534-2009只测HV5HV10热分析塑料差示扫描量热法(DSC第1部分:通则GB/T 19466.1-2004塑料差示扫描量热法(DSC第2部分:玻璃化
14、转变温度的测定GB/T 19466.2-2004ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5项目/参数检测对象检测标准(方法)名称及编号(含年号)序号限制范围说明序号名称No. CNAS L6118第 17 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.112印制电路板、塑料、12电池材料、电子电气产有机材料、13无机材料热分析湿热试验紫外灯老化塑料差示扫描量热法(DSC第3部分:熔融和结晶温度及热焓的测定GB/T 19466.3-2004硫化橡胶湿
15、热老化试验方法GB/T 15905-1995塑料实验室光源暴露试验方法第3部分:荧光紫外灯GB/T 16422.3-2014硫化橡胶人工气候老化(荧光紫外灯)试验方法GB/T 16585-1996机械工业产品用塑料、涂料、橡胶材料人工气候老化试验方法荧光紫外灯GB/T 14522-2008氯、溴废弃物特性描述-卤素和硫的含量-在密闭系统中氧气燃烧和测定方法EN 14582:2007(E)只用离子色谱材质结构定性分析红外光谱分析方法通则GB/T 6040-2002不测4.2.2,4.3.2-4.3.6,4.3.8-4.3.15,5.2.4,5.5,6.2.2,8ISO/IEC 17025 认可证
16、书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5序 号检测对象项目/参数检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称14固体、液体、浆状物质1热分析物质热稳定性的热分析试验方法GB/T 13464-2008热分析方法通则JY/T 014-199615固体材料及材料表面1微观形貌分析型扫描电子显微镜方法通则JY/T 010-19962表面成分半定量、化学态分析X射线光电子能谱分析方法通则GB/T 19500-200416固体材料1尺寸测量产品几何技术规范(GP S)光滑工件尺寸的检验GB/T 3177-2009只测:公 差等级:IT8-IT182公差测量产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 形状和位置
17、公差检测规定GB/T 1958-2004不测线 轮廓度、 面轮廓 度3盐雾试验人造气氛腐蚀试验盐雾试验GB/T 10125-20124物相分析转靶多晶体X射线衍射方法通则JY/T 009-1996只测常温17粉体、悬浊液、乳液1粒度分析粒度分析激光衍射法第1部分:通则GB/T 19077.1-200818液体1表面张力表面及界面张力测定方法SY/T 5370-1999只用悬滴法序 号检测对象项目/参数检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称19涂层1紫外灯老化色漆和清漆涂层的人工气 候老化曝露曝露于荧光紫 外线和水GB/T 23987-2009不测8.2.2No. CNAS
18、 L6118第 25 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.MSC/VASCHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMIT Y ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registratio n No. CNAS L6118)NAME:Materials Testi ng & An alysis Cen ter of BYD Company Limit
19、edADDRESS:3/F., Building 23, No.3009, BYDRoad, Pingshan NewArea, Shenzhen.Guangdong, ChinaAccreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC 17025 and releva nt requireme nts of CNASDate of lssue:2016-03-04Date of Exp iry:2022-03-17SCHEDULE 2 ACCREDITED TESTING SCOPEItem/ParameterTest ObjectItem/Title, Code ofStan dard
20、 or MethodLimitati onNoteP arameterElectrical andElectr onicp roductsP b,Cd,Hg,Cr,Total BrTotalDeterm in ati on ofcerta in substa nces inelectrotech nicalproducts -Part 3-1:Screening -Lead,mercury, cadmium,total chromium andtotal bromine byX-ray fluoresce neesp ectrometryIEC 62321-3-1:2013Testi ng m
21、ethods forhazardoussubsta nces inelectro nicin formati on p roductsSJ/T 11365-2006Accreditedon ly for XRFmethodTest ObjectItem/ParameterItem/P arameterTitle, Code ofStan dard or MethodLimitati onNoteElectrical andElectr onicp roductsP b,Cd,Hg,Cr,Total BrTotalRequireme nts ofconcen trati on limitsfor
22、 certa in restrictedsubsta nces inelectrical andelectr onic p roductsGB/T 26572-2011Gen eral disassemblyrequireme nts fortesti ng hazardoussubsta nces inelectrical andelectr onic p roductsGB/Z 20288-2006Electrical andelectr onic p roductsDeterm in ati onofsix regulatedsubsta nces (Lead,Mercury, Cadm
23、ium,Hexavale ntChromium,Polybro min atedBiphenyls,Polybro min ateddiphenyl Ethers)GB/T 26125-2011Accreditedmethodon ly for XRFTest ObjectItem/ParameterItem/P arameterTitle, Code ofStan dard or MethodLimitati onNoteElectrical andElectr onicp roductsTotal BrElectrical andElectr onicp roductsDeterm in
24、ati on ofcerta in substa nces inelectrotech nicalp roducts - Part 3-2:Screening -Totalbromine in poly mersand electr onics byCombustion -onChromatogra phyIEC 62321-3-2:2013Accreditedonly foroxyge n bombcombusti onmethodHgDeterm in ati on ofcerta in substa nces inelectrotech nicalp roducts - Part 4:A
25、ccreditedMercury inpoly mers, metalsand electr onics byCV-AAS, CV-AFS,ICP-OES andICP-MSIEC 62321-4:2013only forICP-OESmethodP b,Cd,CrDeterm in ati on ofcerta in substa nces inelectrotech nicalp roducts - Part 5:Cadmium, lead andchromium inpoly mers andelectr onics andcadmium and lead inmetals by AAS
26、,AFS, IC P-OES andICP-MSIEC 62321-5:2013Accreditedonly forICP-OESmethodISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5Item/ParameterTest ObjectItem/P arameterTitle, Code ofStan dard or MethodLimitati onNoteElectrical andElectr onicp roductsElectrical andElectr onicp roductsP b,Cd,CrP b,Cd,CrTesti ng methods forh
27、azardousAccreditedsubsta nces inelectro nicin formati on p roductsSJ/T 11365-2006Requireme nts ofconcen trati on limitsfor certa in restrictedsubsta nces inelectrical andelectr onic p roductsGB/T 26572-2011Gen eral disassemblyrequireme nts fortesti ng hazardoussubsta nces inelectrical andelectr onic
28、 p roductsGB/Z 20288-2006Electrical andelectr onic p roductsDeterm in ati onofsix regulatedsubsta nces (Lead,Mercury, Cadmium,Hexavale ntChromium,Polybro min atedBiphenyls,Polybro min ateddiphenyl Ethers)GB/T 26125-2011only forICP-OESmethodAccreditedonly forICP-OESmethodNo. CNAS L6118第 27 页共 29 页The
29、 scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5Item/ParameterNoteTest ObjectItem/P arameterElectrical andElectr onicp roductsP BBs ,PBDEsTitle, Code of Sta ndard or MethodLimitati onDeterm in ati on ofcerta in substa nces inelectrotech ni
30、calproducts -Part 6:Polybro min atedAccreditedbiphenyls andon ly forpo lybro min atedGC-MSdiphenyl ethers inmethodpoly mers by gaschromatography -mass sp ectrometry(GC-MS)IEC 62321-6:2015Electrical andElectr onicp roductsP BBs ,PBDEsTesti ng methods forhazardoussubsta nces inelectro nicin formati on
31、 p roductsSJ/T 11365-2006No. CNAS L6118第 29 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5No. CNAS L6118第 31 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.Test ObjectItem/ParameterItem/P ara
32、meterTitle, Code ofStan dard or MethodLimitati onNoteElectrical andElectr onicp roductsP BBs ,PBDEsRequireme nts ofconcen trati on limitsfor certa in restrictedsubsta nces inelectrical andelectr onic p roductsGB/T 26572-2011Gen eral disassemblyrequireme nts fortesti ng hazardoussubsta nces inelectri
33、cal andelectr onic p roductsGB/Z 20288-2006Electrical andelectronic products -Determ in ati onofsix regulatedsubsta nces (Lead,Mercury, Cadmium,Hexavale ntChromium,Polybro min atedBiphenyls,Polybro min ateddiphenyl Ethers)GB/T 26125-2011ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5Item/ParameterTitle, Code ofS
34、tan dard or MethodLimitati onNoteTest ObjectItem/P arameterElectrical andElectr onicp roductsRequireme nts ofconcen trati on limitsfor certa in restrictedsubsta nces inelectrical andelectr onic p roductsGB/T 26572-2011Gen eral disassemblyrequireme nts fortesti ng hazardoussubsta nces inelectrical an
35、delectr onic p roductsGB/Z 20288-2006Electrical andelectronic products -Determ in ati onofsix regulatedsubsta nces (Lead,Mercury, Cadmium,Hexavale ntChromium,Polybro min atedBiphenyls,Polybro min ateddiphenyl Ethers)GB/T 26125-2011IEC 62321:2008Testi ng methods forhazardoussubsta nces inelectro nici
36、n formati on p roductsSJ/T 11365-2006No. CNAS L6118第 37 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.Test ObjectItem/P arameterElectrical andElectr onicp roductsSalt spraytestsEnvironmentaltesti ng for electricand electr onicp roducts-Part 2: Testmethods-Test K
37、a:Salt mistGB/T 2423.17-2008Electrical andElectr onicp roductsDamp heatEnvironmentaltesti ng for electricand electr onicproducts -Part 2:Testi ng method- TestCab:Da mpheat,steady stateGB/T 2423.3-2006Environmentaltesti ng for electricand electr onicproducts -Part 2:Testi ng method- TestDb:Da mpheat,
38、cyclic(12h+12h cycle)GB/T 2423.4-2008AutomotivematerialsHgRequireme nts forp rohibitedsubsta nces onautomobilesGB/T 30512-2014Test methods ofmercury inautomobilesmaterialsQC/T 941-2013Accreditedon ly for XRFmethod andICP-OESmethodTest ObjectItem/P arameterAutomotivematerialsRequireme nts forp rohibi
39、tedsubsta nces onautomobilesGB/T 30512-2014Test methods ofhexavale ntchromium inautomobilesmaterialsQC/T 942-2013Except forleatherPb,CdAutomotivematerialsP BBs ,PBDEsRequireme nts forp rohibitedsubsta nces onautomobilesGB/T 30512-2014Test methods of leadand cadmium inautomobilesmaterialsQC/T 943-201
40、3Requireme nts forp rohibitedsubsta nces onautomobilesGB/T 30512-2014Test methods ofpo lybro min atedbiphenyls andpo lybro min ateddiphenyl ethers inautomotive materialsQC/T 944-2013Accreditedon ly for XRFmethod andICP-OESmethodISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5Item/ParameterNoteTest ObjectSteel and
41、 SteelalloysSteel and SteelalloysItem/P arameterC,STitle, Code of Sta ndard or MethodLimitati onSteel and ironDeterm in ati on oftotal carb on andsulfur contentin frared absor pti onAccreditedmethod afteron ly forcombusti on in anmethod Ain ducti onfurn ace(routi nemethod)GB/T 20123-2006Steel and ir
42、onDeterm in ati on ofoxygen content -The pu Ise heat inginert gas fusi onin fra-red absor pti onmethodGB/T 11261-2006Steel and ironDeterm in ati on ofn itroge n contentThermalcon ductimetricmethod after fusi onin a curre nt of inertgas (Rout inemethod)GB/T 20124-2006No. CNAS L6118第 39 页共 29 页The sco
43、pe of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/5Item/ParameterTitle, Code ofStan dard or MethodLimitati onNoteTest ObjectItem/P arameteralloysSteel and SteelMn,P ,Cr,Ni,Cu,Ti,Mo,V ,AlNickelDeterm in ati on ofchemicalcompo siti on insta ini ess
44、steel-In ductively coup ledp lasma atomicemissi onsp ectrometricmethodSN/T 2718-2010The methods forchemical an alysis ofn ickel -Determ in ati on ofsul phurconten t-I nfra-redabsor ptio n methodafter high freque ncyin ducti on furn acecombusti onGB/T 8647.8-2006The methods forchemical an alysis ofn
45、ickel -Determ in ati on ofcarbonconten t-I nfra-redabsor ptio n methodafter high freque ncyin ducti on furn acecombusti onGB/T 8647.9-2006No. CNAS L6118第 47 页共 29 页The scope of the accreditati on in Chin ese remai ns the defi nitive version.Item/ParameterTest ObjectCopper andCopper alloysAlu minum andAlumi num alloysMagn esium andMagn esium alloysItem/P arameterC,SFe,Cu,Mg,Mn ,Ti,Cr,Zn,Ni,S n,P b,CaTitle, Code ofStan dard or MethodMethods forchemical an alysis ofcopper and copperalloys-Part4:Determi natio n ofcarb on and s
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