1、给员工的英文感谢信英文感谢信作为一种日常信件, 对维系人们的社交活动具有重要意义。那么你知道给员工的英文感谢信怎么写吗 ?下面橙子整理了给员工的英文感谢信,供你参考。给员工的英文感谢信范文一Dear sirs:Thanks for your visit to our company,i hopeouradministrative model and product's quality levelhaveimpressed you.In XXX it is still hot these days,but it does notprevent your comming here,we w
2、ere touched deeplyandappreciated for your efforts and time.We believe thatourjoint efforts could lead to a fruitfulcooperation.and your visit would be a hopeful start.In fact,since 20XX,our company proceeded to extendbusiness on European and American market.our products gainedglory by its quality an
3、d our prompt and considerateservice.so ,we hope we could serve you similarly to gainbenefits for both of us.Action speaks louder than speak,we are looking forwardto our in-deapth cooperation,we believe that our establishingrelation will be lead to a bright and hopeful future.again,thanks for your vi
4、sit and efforts.if any question or further information about us,pls do not hesitate to contact with us,for your convenience,following is our contact methods:looking forward to your prompt reply ,thank you .yours faithfully给员工的英文感谢信范文二Dear XX,Thanks for your support to our company in the last year.We
5、 really appreciate our cooperation.and we hope we can continue our good businessrelationship and interactivity for the next year.Sincerely,给员工的英文感谢信范文三Dear staffI am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you.Now that I am home and on my own again I feel extremely happy.During the time I li
6、ved at the Rehabilitation center and wasmyself I would write aunder your tender care, I promised letter of thanks as soon as I was able. Abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuineconcern. It was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that I could walk again. I would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me.Forgive me for the times I lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me.Never stop your beautiful way of working with people.Your help really m
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