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1、和谐西湖 品质杭州 精彩西博在第九届西博会北京新闻发布会上的讲话杭州市政府副秘书长、市西博办主任 叶敏(2007 年 9 月 13 日)Harmonious West Lake, Charming Hangzhou, Spirited West Lake Expo-Address at the 9th West Lake Expo Press Conference in BeijingYE MinDeputy Secretary General of Hangzhou Municipal GovernmentDirector of Office of Organizing Committee

2、of West Lake Expo2007 年 9 月 13 日 北京Beijing, September 13, 2007和谐西湖 品质杭州 精彩西博在第九届西博会北京新闻发布会上的讲话杭州市政府副秘书长、市西博办主任 叶敏(2007 年 9 月 13 日)各位领导、各位来宾,新闻界的朋友们:下午好!非常感谢大家出席今天的新闻发布会。第九届中国杭州西湖博览会将于 2007 年 10 月 27 日至 11 月 5日在“东方休闲之都”杭州举行。我们真诚地邀请各位领导、各界朋友光临西博会。中国杭州西湖博览会自 1929 年举办第一届以来,至今已成功举办了八届。第九届西博会以“和谐西湖、品质杭州”为

3、主题,将由国家旅游局、国家体育总局、科技部、浙江省人民政府、中国工程院、中国贸促会、中华全国工商业联合会、中国轻工业联合会、中国纺织工业协会、中国商业联合会、中国科学院、香港贸发局等 12 家单位共同举办,杭州市人民政府承办。今年西博会展览、会议、活动等项目有 72 个之多,成为历年西博会项目之最,同时项目的丰富多彩也是历年西博会最精彩的一次。下面我就第九届西博会作一个概括性介绍:一、和谐品质演绎的舞台。西博会是展示“生活品质之城” 杭州城市品牌的重要载体。我们坚持以人为本、科学发展,共建共享“和谐西湖、品质杭州、精彩西博” 。一是亲民为民。西博会是中外游客和老百姓的节日。我们要求会展项目组织


5、业展家纺展、婴童产业展等展览项目积极为企业搭建产品展示和贸易合作的平台,促进行业和企业的发展;中小企业研讨会中小企业研讨会为中小企业提供与世界各国中小企业和专家学者的交流合作机会,加快企业核心竞争力建设;人才大会人才大会为在杭企业发展提供人才支撑。三是品质提升。今年西博会展览面积超过 32 万平方米,境外展位比率在 20以上。72 个西博会项目有序形成休闲生活、艺术生活、舒适生活、健康生活、美丽生活、数字生活、创业生活等七个序列会展,展现西子湖畔品质生活的幸福景象。二、经济贸易合作的良机。西博会是发展杭州会展业和招商引资的平台。自 2000 年恢复举办以来,西博会共举办了 387 个会议、展览

6、及活动项目,实现贸易成交 632 亿元,协议外资 49 亿美元,引进内资 676 亿元。今年西博会进一步挖掘浙江杭州的产业和消费优势,充分发挥会展活动的交流、贸易平台作用,打造产业品牌展会,积极为生产及消费领域服务。一是新成果发布。网上技术市场活动网上技术市场活动周暨杭州高新技术展示交易会周暨杭州高新技术展示交易会通过推荐全国 863 计划项目成果,让专家学者与中小企业家握手,推动科技成果的利用;福布斯杂志在举办论坛期间发布最新中国大陆最佳商业城市排行。二是新技术展示。电子信息博览会电子信息博览会与台湾电电公会合作,吸引 269 家国内外知名厂商参展,境外展位比例超过 50%;网商大会网商大会

7、汇集北京、上海、杭州、香港、广州、成都等地优秀网商并安排网络展示、体验和互动活动;汽车展汽车展(汽车零配件展) 、游艇展、健康睡眠论坛游艇展、健康睡眠论坛等项目同步举行新产品发布活动;有线电视研讨会有线电视研讨会在邀请国内外同行研讨有线电视技术新发展的同时,展出业内新技术、新成果。三是新项目对接。杭州投资合作周杭州投资合作周安排了 10 多场投资专题洽谈会,以丰富的活动、多样的形式向各国客商展示杭州良好的投资环境和诱人的商业机会。循环经济论循环经济论坛坛将邀请欧盟企业代表团来杭就节能环保项目进行对接、洽谈和合作。四是新行业交流。网站投资论坛网站投资论坛邀请风投机构参会对潜力网站进行投资合作;金


9、林衣秀 3 个项目针对丝绸这一传统的杭州特色产品,围绕丝绸生产与销售的产业链,以丝绸的历史文化、制造科技和服装设计为主线,通过展览、研讨和时尚秀等活动,全方位演绎东方丝绸的传统文化与时尚风韵;西泠印社艺术节西泠印社艺术节以奥运“中国印”为契机,通过全球性的大型艺术创作选拔和展览,向海内外文化界推广展示以西泠印社为代表的中国优秀传统文化的悠远魅力;老字号博览会老字号博览会集中展示中华民族的特色工艺、传统美食、养生保健等传统民族文化及其现代产业发展;中国民中国民间艺人节间艺人节以“传承民间文化,弘扬民间艺术”为主题,邀请全国各地的民间工艺大师前来参加,挖掘和保护一批百姓喜闻乐见的艺术形式或濒临绝迹

10、的民间手工艺;吴越文吴越文化交流活动化交流活动以吴越国钱王一生历程为素材,举办系列文艺和学术交流活动;吴山庙会吴山庙会将开展越剧票友 PK 赛、逛庙会、登吴山等一系列群众参与度高的活动,让市民休闲娱乐的同时充分体味逛庙会的乐趣;玫瑰婚典将演绎西子湖畔的现代爱情故事。同时,我们安排的西湖国际音乐节西湖国际音乐节将举办德国柏林交响乐团音乐会,民乐和钢琴、弦乐等演出活动;西湖国际杂技(魔术)节西湖国际杂技(魔术)节将举办魔术近景表演、学术交流和道具展示;海报双年展海报双年展将向观众展示世界各地海报设计的优秀作品;法国文化周法国文化周将举办香榭丽大街开街仪式、中法音乐交流会、卢浮宫珍品临摹油画展等系列

11、活动;创意创意产业博览会产业博览会将展示艺术设计、影视作品、出版、软件等最新文化创意产品。四、旅游会展升级的载体。杭州是中国最佳旅游城市,是东方休闲之都,也是较好的国际会展旅游目的地。今年西博会深入开发和包装旅游产品,进一步推进杭州旅游向观光旅游、会展旅游、休闲旅游“三位一体”发展。 “三评西湖十景”新景名将于 10 月 27 日晚在西博会开幕式西博会开幕式上发布。开幕式文艺晚会开幕式文艺晚会以西湖为舞台,在平湖秋月设主观礼区,白堤段沿湖设置数个表演区,以定点表演和巡回演出的主要手段,通过直升机航拍和湖面、岸边定点拍摄的电视行动,全景式展示“和谐西湖、品质杭州” ;国际烟花大国际烟花大会会将于

12、 11 月 3 日(星期六)晚在钱塘江绽放,规模为 10万发,高空烟花达到 2.5 万发,艺术效果将十分壮观,欢迎大家共享美丽的烟花盛会;休闲发展论坛与休闲产业博休闲发展论坛与休闲产业博览会览会将邀请国际知名专家及客商来杭交流世界休闲研究与休闲产业发展的最新成果。世界汽车飘移系列赛(中国赛世界汽车飘移系列赛(中国赛区)杭州分站赛区)杭州分站赛将举办世界顶级车手、车模竞赛和表演,激情、惊险、新奇、刺激、时尚的飘移活动将带给观众心灵和视角的巨大震撼;国际小丑嘉年华国际小丑嘉年华邀请 12 个国家风格迥异的 20 多个顶级小丑表演艺术团队及组合,共 70 位世界顶级小丑表演艺术家来杭汇集献上小丑艺术

13、厚礼;香港香港时尚购物节时尚购物节将展示香港时尚服装、服饰、礼品玩具、钟表、电子产品、小家电和化妆品,是一次地道的家门口的时尚购物节;上海世博会将在杭举办大型主题展览活动。此外,萧山钱江观潮节萧山钱江观潮节、淳安千岛湖秀水节、富阳龙门古镇民俗淳安千岛湖秀水节、富阳龙门古镇民俗风情节和杭州野生动物园百兽狂欢节、建德新安江龙舟邀风情节和杭州野生动物园百兽狂欢节、建德新安江龙舟邀请赛、桐庐纪念叶浅予先生诞辰请赛、桐庐纪念叶浅予先生诞辰 100100 周年系列活动周年系列活动等区县(市)旅游特色活动也将在西博会前后粉墨登场。我们在“西博之旅西博之旅”中还安排了西博会专题游、杭州休闲品质游等旅游线路,为

14、参会中外客商提供个性化的特色服务。各位领导、各位来宾、朋友们,第九届中国杭州西湖博览会各项筹备工作已基本就绪。热情好客的杭州人民欢迎您的到来,多姿多彩的西博盛会期待您的参与。办好西博会,接轨奥运会。让我们相约金秋十月,相聚在西博盛会!谢谢大家!HARMONIOUS WEST LAKE, CHARMING HANGZHOU, SPIRITED WEST LAKE EXPO-Address at the 9th West Lake Expo Press Conference in BeijingYE MinDeputy Secretary General of Hangzhou Municipal

15、 GovernmentDirector of Office of Organizing Committee of West Lake ExpoSeptember 13, 2007Distinguished leaders, guests, friends,Good afternoon! Thank you very much for being present at todays press conference! The 9th China (Hangzhou) West Lake Expo is to be staged in “Oriental Capital of Leisure” H

16、angzhou on October 27-November 5, 2007. Hereby, we would like to sincerely invite leaders and friends from different circles of life to come to the Expo. The 9th West Lake Expo, taking as its theme “Harmonious West Lake, Charming Hangzhou”, will be jointly sponsored and supported by China National T

17、ourism Administration, China General Administration of Sport, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Provincial Peoples Government, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, China National Light

18、Industry Council, China National Textile Industry Council, China General Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and organized by Hangzhou Municipal Peoples Government. So far, as many as 72 events, including exhibitions, conferences and other activi

19、ties, have been confirmed for the Expo, making it the largest and also the most colorful and diversified event in the history. Now, please allow me to give a brief account of some major features of the upcoming 9th West Lake Expo.I. Features of HarmonyUpholding scientific development and social harm

20、ony, we put people first, pay close attention to peoples well-being, and work hard to construct a harmonious socialist society. The city centers on Hangzhous brand as “City of Quality Life” and constructs the brand in the convention and exhibition industry “the West Lake Expo in a city of quality li

21、fe”. As many as 72 events of the West Lake Expo are arrayed into seven theme series aiming at quality life, namely Leisure Life, Artistic Life, Comfortable Life, Healthy Life, Beautiful Life, Digital Life and Entrepreneurship Life, contributing to the colorful and joyful scenes of the convention and

22、 exhibition industry in Hangzhou and West Lake. Meanwhile, this West Lake Expo will meet the requirements for “closeness to the people, benefits of the people and happiness by the people”, bringing the Expo into full play as a festival of the common people. It is required that the events shall not o

23、ccupy roads or affect residents travel. Complimentary tickets for major events of the West Lake Expo, like the opening ceremony, will continue to be given to some people of special groups, poverty-stricken people, migrant workers, veteran cadres, retired workers, senior model workers, community work

24、ers and other representatives from the working fields of different walks of life. Major festivals and activities, such as 2007 Hangzhou International Fireworks Show and Opening Ceremony and Gala Show of the West Lake Expo is to be broadcasted live on TV to benefit more people, and have the local res

25、idents and tourists from home abroad to share the happiness in celebrating the 17th National Congress of CPC and the achievements of Hangzhou in constructing a harmonious society. Wushan Temple Fair will stage a series of activity with average peoples participation, such as the PK contest for amateu

26、r performers of the Yue Opera, visiting the temple fair and ascending the Wushan Hill, so as to enable the residents to enjoy leisure, entertain themselves, and fully appreciate the delight of visiting the temple fair. The West Lake Expo also promotes civilization and harmony and guides the resident

27、s to improve their spiritual qualifications. The Expo 2007 is to incorporate some activities, like Unique Cultural Square, approach the average people in the form they love, and promote good manners and good behavior. II. Features of Economy and TradeThe West Lake Expo is a great platform of Hangzho

28、u for developing economy and trade, and attracting investment. Since the Expo was resumed in 2000, it has staged 387 conferences, exhibitions and activities, received a total of 72.1937 million person/time visitors, and concluded trade deals valued at 63.241 billion RMB yuan, attracted contractual f

29、oreign direct investment totaling 4.924 billion US dollars and contractual Chinese investment totaling 67.553 billion RMB yuan. The Expo 2007, by relying on the industrial advantages in Zhejiang Province and specifically in Hanghou City, will bring into full play its role as a platform for conventio

30、ns, exhibitions and trade, staging famous exhibitions in industries and actively serving the production area. For instance, China-Europe Sustainable Economy Forum is to organize activities such as energy-saving and environmental protection project matching, consultation and signing. China Industry N

31、etwork Investment and Development Summit Forum is to invite venture capital organizations for investment cooperation. The International Financial Services & IT Symposium is to actively display Hangzhous strength as a base for outsourcing and expand international cooperation. The First Forum on S

32、ix Featured Potential Industries in Hangzhou, on the basis of the reality in Hangzhou, is to explore the route and key areas for the development of the six unique potential industries, propose measures to promote the rapid healthy development of the industries. The Chain Store Purchase Conference, F

33、amous Brands Fair is to further push forward the local chain store development, enhance the exchanges and cooperation between domestic and overseas suppliers and purchasers, and promote more brand commodities to enter the chain stores. Hangzhou Thousand-Islet-Lake International Yacht Exhibition aims

34、 to give impetus to the rapid development of the yacht industry by staging the yacht exhibition. International CATV Technology Conference is to organize exhibitions and carry out cooperation in service and trade. China Net Businessmen Congress is to attract outstanding net businessmen from Beijing,

35、Shanghai, Hangzhou, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Chengdu, to provide net demonstration, experiencing and interactive activities to counterparts from all over the nation, and appraise the top ten net businessmen in China. Online Technology Market Activity Week, Hangzhou Hi-Tech Demonstration Trade Fair,

36、through the conferences to promote the projects under the 863 Program, is to enable experts to meet entrepreneurs so as to promote the utilization of scientific and technological achievements. West Lake Expo Talents Fair is to support economic development with talents. West Lake International Confer

37、ence on SMB is to strengthen the relations and exchanges between the small and medium-sized enterprises all over the world and the academic circle, so as to enhance their competitiveness. China Hangzhou International Electronic Information Expo has been jointly sponsored by Taiwan Electrical and Ele

38、ctronic Manufacturers Association, with the stalls of the exhibitors from abroad and Taiwan accounting for about a half, thus creating a new opportunity for speeding up the development of the electrical and electronic industry in Hangzhou. Hangzhou Investment Cooperation Week is to stage over 10 inv

39、estment consultation conferences within a week, to display to businessmen from all over the world the outstanding investment environment and the business opportunities in Hangzhou. In addition, the maternity & baby industry exposition, the home textiles exhibition, the bicycle exhibition, the si

40、lk fair, the electronic information expo, the automobile exhibition (the automobile spare parts exhibition) are also to be staged, which have some brand influence and been appealing in their respective industries. III. Features of CultureWe aim at fully displaying the richness of Hangzhou, a nationa

41、lly famous city of cultural and historic importance, striving to enhance the informational, cultural, and scientific and technological contents of the Expo, exchanging new ideas, disseminating new knowledge through economic and culture forums and hosting a number of influential projects. China Time-

42、honored Brand Masterworks Expo is to display the culture of Chinese time-honored brand masterworks, arts and craft of distinct national characters, traditional Chinese foods, Chinas wine culture, health preservation products, national culture and arts. China (Hangzhou) Creative Industry Expo is to s

43、how the citys latest cultural creation products like art designs, film and TV works, publication and software. Xiling Seal-Engravers Society International Art Festival is, by way of global large scale art creation competition and exhibition, to promote and display among domestic and international cu

44、ltural circles the age-old charm of traditional Chinese culture represented by “China Seal” and Xiling Engravers Society. China International Poster Biennial is to solicit the world best poster works, and show the world international poster design trend of the 21st century. West Lake International M

45、usic Festival is to stage the concert of Berlin Symphony Orchestra, and performances of folk music, piano and string music. Wuyue Culture Exchange Activities is to stage a series of art performances and academic exchanges, with the life of King Qian of the Wuyue State as raw materials. Silk Fashion

46、Week and Wulin “Fashion Show” is to have silk and women fashion shows to highlight the citys silk culture. The Automobile Exhibition is to not only offer the traditional auto industry exhibitions, but also hold an auto cultural festival, disseminate automobile culture and expand the connotation of a

47、utomobile expos. Prestigious Teachers and Principals Forum is to invite experts, prestigious teachers and principals from the field of education to hold discussion on basic education and relevant issues. French Culture Week is to feature a number of attractive new activities, such as the LElysee Ave

48、nue Opening Ceremony, Chinese and French music concerts, and an exhibition of copies of famous oil paintings in Louvre Museum collection. China Folk Artist Festival, with “inheriting folk cultures and promoting folk arts” as the theme, aims at inviting folk art masters from all over China to partici

49、pate, to explore and protect popular art forms and folk arts and craft on the verge of extinction. West Lake International Acrobatics (Magic) Festival is to stage magic performances, close-up magic show, and academic exchanges on magic, exhibition and sale of magic props. IV. Features of TourismAs o

50、ne of the Best Tourism Cities in China, Hangzhou is an ideal destination for leisure tourism. The Expo this year will continue to develop and package tourism products to promote convention and exhibition tours and leisure tours. Opening Ceremony and Gala Show of the 9th West Lake Expo is scheduled o

51、n the evening of October 27 (Saturday) in the West Lake Scenic Area, using West Lake as the stage, taking as its theme “Harmonious West Lake, Charming Hangzhou” and employing as the main thread the announcement of the final results of New Ten Best Views of the West Lake from three appraisals. Autumn

52、 Moon over the Calm Lake will be the main audience area, and several performance areas be set up on the Bai Causeway. Performances at a fixed venue and in the process of movement will be the main means. Shot from a helicopter and some fixed sites on the lake and on the bank, a panoramic view of “New

53、 West Lake, New Hangzhou” will be presented. Except the Bai Causeway used for invited guests, other areas around the lake will be open to residents and tourists. 2007 Hangzhou International Fireworks Show is scheduled on the evening of November 3rd, Saturday, on both banks of the Qiantang River. A t

54、otal of 100,000 rounds will be launched. High altitude shells make the number of the kind to 25000, thus creating an even more spectacular sight. The sections of the riverbanks between the Rivers No. One and No. Four bridges will be open to free access of general public. Special seating will be rese

55、rved for tour groups in the Tidal Shooting Square of the Citys Bingjiang Park. World Automobile Drifting Series Tournament (China venue) Hangzhou Stop is to stage tournaments and performances by world-class drivers and models, featured by enthusiasm, risks, novelty, excitement and fashion and bringing audience mental and visual shocks. International Clown Carnival is to attract the participation of more than 20 world-class clown performance groups and teams of different styles from 12 countries all over the world. As many as 70 worl


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