



1、Unit-2-A-Biography-of-Isaac-Asimov-教学案例+蒋杰+高密四中Unit 2 A Biography of Isaac Asimov教学案例凤城中学蒋杰教学内容人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书第七册第二单元课 型 阅读课一.教学目标1 .语言知识目标:1)学生能够正确读写及运用以下单词:biography; imagination; staff; junior; talent; theoretical; divorce; obey2)学生掌握下列词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用:be known for; as a result of; help out; give

2、 up; take seriously; be based on2 .语言技能目标:1)强化略读、查读等阅读技能,训练通过寻找关键词,主题句等方式更快速并准确地确定文章的段落大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络。2)继续运用已经掌握的基本猜词技巧猜测文章中的部分单词,增强阅读理解能 力。3 .情感态度目标:1)通过阅读课文是学生们了解有关Isaac Asimov的有关信息包括他的生平, 成就及在文学界的地位等。2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作精神与分享意识。3)培养学生自主学习的能力。二.教学重点难点1 .教学重点:学生通过阅读了解Isaac Asimov;初步认识相关单词,短语的用法。2

3、.教学难点:听力的训练及学生的阅读理解能力三.学情分析通过掌握学生对预习案的完成情况,对 Isaac Asimov的生平把握的不是很好, 按照时间顺序进行总结出现错误;对个别长难句的把握不是很准确,句子分析 还需要进一步练习。四.教学方式1 .本课采用“阅读前一阅读中一阅读后”三大板块构成的阅读教学模式,即课前预习,课内探究,课后拓展。2 .培养学生与老师、同学交流信息,交换看法,小组合作学习和自主探究学习。3 .采用多媒体课件作为主要的教学手段,将文字、图象、声音三者结合起来,更加活泼生动,易于为学生所接受,也能够更好地服务于教学。同时,借助黑 板、粉笔等辅助手段开展教学活动。五.教学过程S

4、tep I创设情境,导入新课1. Last class we have read a story about a robot, this class we will move to the second text. In this text, we will learn about some basic information about this story s author Isaac AsimoFirst, let s listen to a short passage as the beginning of this class.2. Listen to a discussion be

5、tween two friends Molly and Kate who have different opinions about the story Satisfaction Guaranteed.1) Who really likes the story?A. MollyB. Kate2) How does Kate think Claire was hurting herself?A. By taking Tony away.B. By her lack of confidence.C. By falling in love with Tony.3) What does Kate th

6、ink the company s biggest mistake was?A. Making the robot look so much like a real man.B. Making the robot hurt Claire.C. Making Claire fall in love with the robot.2. Listen again and finish the conversation.M: Don t you think that was a great love story, Kate?K: No, not really!M: You didn t? Well,

7、I loved it. There was so much emotion between Tony and Claire.s thK: Molly, that s rubbish. Tony was just amachine . Yes, maybe Claire fell in love with him, but I don t believe robots can feel emotion of any kind. That .difference_ between them and us.M: Well, I _ disagree_. I think Tony loved Clai

8、re. Remember he said to her that he didn t want to leaver her the next day, and that he felt more than just the wish to please her? Then he kissed her.K: Yes, Molly, but that was just part of Tony sole. They made him so he couldn t allow a human being to be hurt. He could see that Claire was hurting

9、 herself by her lack of _ confidence . It had nothing to do with emotion- that was just how he was made.M: Yes Kate, but he did hurt Claire.K: How?M: He was so kind to her that she fell in love with him. So it must have hurt her when he was taken away.K: True, true. I _ guess that s why tCompany had

10、 to rebuild him er the machine I mean.M: Yes, such a shame really. I dike a robot like Tony living at my house Imagine a handsome man whose only purpose in life is to please you!K: Actually, I _ suppose that was the company s grtemietake.M: Er?K: They made the robot look so much like a real man, so

11、it was bound to cause trouble!M: Yes, you re right.设计说明听一段相关的短文,层层设置问题,引入本课话题,引导学生思考, 使学生自然而然地进入教学中,激发学生学习本课话题的欲望。Step II阅读课文,探究相关内容1. First readingSkim the passage and then answer the questions.1) How many years did Issac Asimov work in store? (13 years)2) When did he start having stories published

12、?(In 1939)设计说明快速阅读后要求学生了解文章大意,并能独自解决阅读理解问题。2. Second reading (同义句替换)In New York, his parents bought a candy store and they operated it for more than 40 years.(There his parents bought a candy store which they ran for the next 40 or so years.)3. Third readingRead about Isaac Asimov and complete the t

13、imeline of the events in his life.DateEvent1920 Born in Russia.1922 Sister born.1923 Move_with family to New York_. Parents bought a candy store.1929 Started working in a candy store. Mother had her third child.1931 Started to take himself seriously as a writer.Began having stories published in Scie

14、nce fiction magazines19391941Gained Master s degree in chemistry.1942Finished working in the candy store.Got married.1942-1945 Worked as junor chemist, Philadelphia Navy Yard.1948 Got PhD in chemistry.1949 Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine.1950 Published his first n

15、ovel.Published I: Robet” . Developed three laws for robots.1951-1953 Published“The Foundation Trilogy ” and won an award for it.1953Published first science book1958Became a full-time writer.1973 Divorced his first wife.Married for a second time.1983 Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV

16、.1992 Died in New York.设计说明仔细阅读是快速阅读的延续。仔细阅读后要求学生先找出全文的大意,再找出具体的细节内容,从而对文章有更深入的了解Step III合作探究1. Analyze and translate the difficult sentences:It (Asimov s life) ended in New York on 6 April, 1992 when he died as a result of an HIV infection that he had got from a blood transfusion nine years earlier

17、.2. Discussion:Read Asimov s laws for robots nd discuss what might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimov s three laws didn t exist.Asimov s laws for robots1st law : 祗A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.2nd law : 也A robot must obey the orders given to it by

18、human beings (as long as human beings are not injured).3rd law : 祗A robot must protect its own existence ( as long as humanbeings are not injured and as long as the robot does not disobey human beings).Possible answer: Robots will injure people. Robots will control people and the world. The survivin

19、g human beings may be used in the way that we use machines today: they have to make electricity for the machines, repair them when theybreak down, and do everything the robots tell them to. The world will be dark, dirty and in mass.设计说明学生四人一组,谈论自己的想法和看法。在交流中统一认识,由其 中一人向全班汇报讨论结果,然后全体同学进行交流和补充。通过这一环节, 进一步拓展话题,并引导学生运用相关语言,有效地培养学生的口语表达能力。Step IV有效训练Learn to write a biography of Isaac Asimov. You can write a few sentences first and then finish the whole passage.Possible answer:Isaac Asimov(1920-1992) was a Russian-born


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