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1、中考英语阅读理解训练Passage 1The car stopped.Minka's heart was beating fhst, but heiTeas carried hei fbrwaid.Faces flashed tliiough the car windows . She looked at the front passenger seat, but Betty Jane was not there. Tlnough the back window) she saw white hair. Minka stepped fbnvard, opened the door an

2、d was met with flowers.From behind them, she saw her daughters face, the one she'd seen only in photographs ? and heard the voice she'd heard only over the phone. Eveiything disappeared behind one longing (渴望)-to get her daughter into her amis. And then, she was.Minka's sight can't s

3、ee it clearly. Her voice stuck in her tluoat (喉 咙).Her amis wrapped tightly around her girl. She'd waited more than 28)OOOdays for this, her daughter safe in her embrace (拥 抱).Tlie joy of it was boundless.Filially Miiika let go a little, pulling back to see that dear face again - a face as lined

4、 as her own. But Miiika believed she knew those pale blue eyes . She lookedinto them, and then her daughter kissed her cheek. Miiika managed to speak, her words CI love you' that had never been spoken.“You are as wonderfill as I thought you would be. H Miiika said.They didn't look like stran

5、gers meeting for the fiist time. There was something weaving (编织)them together, riglit before their eyes.55. Wliat does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2mean? A Miiika was too weak to meet Betty Jane.B. Miiika was unwilling to meet Betty Jane.C. Miiika was not ready to meet Betty Jane.D. Minka

6、was neivous but looking fbrwaid to meeting Betty Jane.56 . when they met for the fiist time.Minka and Betty Jane hugged each otherMinka took a good look at Betty Jane.Betty Jane kissed Miiika.©Miiika and Betty Jane talked a lot.A.B.C.D.57 . In the sentence "There was something weaving them

7、 together, right before their eyes.n in the last paragiaph, what does “something" mean? A Tlie long wait for meeting each other.B. The fact that they hadn't seen each other for a long timeC Tlie love between a mother and daughter.D. None of the above.Passage 2The Aztecs were a native Americ

8、an people who lived in Central American between the 14th and 16th centuries.The Aztecs were originally from North America) but they niigiated south to the area that is now modem Mexico in search of a better place to live. When the Aztecs first amved in Central America) they were subjects of the Tolt

9、ec people who already mled the area. But, when the Aztecs had been there for about lOOyears, they stared to set up their own empire, this empire grew to cover the area that is now Mexico and Guatemala.64. AVliere were the Aztecs originally from? A. Latin America.B. Central America.C. South America.D

10、. North America.65. Wliat was the Aztecs empire set up? A . hi the 14th centuiy.B. hi the 15th centuiy.C. hi the 16th centuiy.D. hi the 17th centuiy.Passage 3Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is a lovely song for children, but it has two misunderstandings. First , stars aren't little. Some may beEart

11、h-sized, but most are bigger than Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Second , they don't twinkle; they shine. And the brightness and color of the light from each star provide information about its temperature, size and even its age.Viewing the stars from Earth is a bit like looking

12、 at them through a water filter(过滤器)because the air is thick compared to the emptiness of space. What is more, air is always moving, so starlight appears to be moving, too. The air also makes stars appear dimmer(暗淡的)than they would be if we could see them from space.If you stop and examine the sky o

13、n a dark and moonless night, it's easy to find color differences among stars. The color of a star is a signal of its surface temperature. The hottest stars are blue, and the next hottest are white. Yellow stars like the sun are next, while red stars are the coolest of the visible stars. Many red

14、 stars are so dim that people can't see them at all) and some stars hardly send out any light at all. One reason that stars differ in brightness is that hotter stars produce more energy than cooler ones, but another important reason is that some are much bigger than others.Some stars appear brig

15、hter to human beings simply because they're closer. Astronomers rank the brightness of stars which are seen from Earth by giving them a name known as magnitude(光度)the smaller the magnitude, the brighter the object. They have also designed a number that ranks stars according to how bright they ar

16、e when compared to each other. With a magnitude of minus 26.7, the sun is the brightest object in the sky.62. From the song quite known to children, the writer wants to prove that.A. most stars are smaller than JupiterB. Jupiter is bigger and brighter than EarthC. stars are very large and always shi

17、ne brightlyD. starlight9s brightness and color are the signs of its temperature63. From Paragraph 3) we can know that.A. a red star often sends out much brighter lightB. a blue or white star is hotter than a red or yellow starC. a yellow star like the sun is the hottest in spaceD. a blue star is muc

18、h bigger than stars in other colors64. Magnitude is designed to see.A. how far a star is from EarthB. how bright a star iscompared to other starsC. how far a star is from other stars D. how bright a star is seen from Earth65. Which is the best title of this passage?A. What do stars really look like?

19、 B. Which song do children like best?C. How to view the stars from Earth? D. Why are many stars so dim at night?Passage 4I was raised in a house where my sisters and I werent tmsted by our mother to manage our own appearance.As a result, there were rules, and fashion was largely ignored(忽视).A few ye

20、ars ago, I was home for a visit when my mom, now in her early 70s, called me into her bedroom. We were about ready to leave for diimerM dont know what to wear, “she complained from her seat ."You gills always look so good.”I paused in the doonvay and looked at her, wondering if Id misheard. &qu

21、ot;Wliat do youmean?'】 asked her ."You know what to wear.”"No,飞he answered:! dont. Can you pick something?”I was so suiprised.This was the same woman who, in 1989, told me I wasnt allowed to leave the house wearinga pair of ripped(有破洞 的)jeans; the same woman who, in higli school, calle

22、d my younger sisterwhile she was out at a paity to ask if her hak was up. "You look better with it down , 飞he toldthe girl, before she could answer.I realized, suddenly, that my mother -always so strong -not only wanted my opinion,but needed it.I pulled a pair of blue jeans from the closet and

23、a light blue sweater from her drawer.“Wear these with your black shoes, 'I told her. She did as I suggested.My mother certainly doesnt need anyone to take care of her. In fact, she still cares .for mygrandmother who lives with her. But with that one question, my mother and I started the role cha

24、nge that happens with all parents and all children, from care giver to receiver.Now, if lin visiting or weie together, it§ rare for her to wear anything without checkingwith me first.But sometimes, it seems that she asks me just to be able to disagiee with my answer and pick out sometliing on h

25、er own. And when she does, I just tell her what I think of the way she looks. Sometimes itS'great? And sometimes itf awfiil:、61. When the writer was young, sheA. could never know what to wearB. always wore fashionable clothes and haiistylesC. was not allowed to go to parties at nightD. had to pi

26、ck her clothes according to her mother mles62. Tlie first time the writer§ mother asked her for advice on clothes, she .A. was uiiliappy to do something for her motherB. began to realize that her mother needed her careC. was womed that her mother was too old to live aloneD. had no idea what was

27、 suitable for her mother63. What§ the meaning of the imderlined woid'paused'in the fourth paragraph?A. ranB. criedC. stopped D. lauglied64. Wlien the writer gives her opinion about clothes, her motherA. always accepts her suggestions happilyB. sometimes chooses to follow her own ideas C

28、. is often suiprised by what the writer says D. is still imcertain about what to wear65. Tlie write】 wrote tliis article mainly to .A. show what irt is like to have a strict motherB. remind readers to visit their parents oftenC. show her mother great influence on herD. show how the role of parents a

29、nd their childi en can changePassage 5Hermelin the Detective MouseHermelin is a special little mouse. He was bom in a box of cheese and lives in a building at 33 Offley Street. He can read books and type notes on his typewriter. Most importantly, Hennelin can solve mysteries. And the people of Offle

30、y Street are in need of a detective!Again and again. Hennelin is on the case the hidden hero. But when his neighbours invite him to a thaiik-you paity in his honor and find out who Hennelin really is a MOUSE!will he still be welcome in Offley Street?Product DetailsAge Range(范围):5 8 yearsHardcover: 3

31、2 pagesPublishing Date: 5 August 2019Language: EnglishProduct Dimensions(尺寸):10.9x9.6X0.5 inchesDetective DinosaurFirst, Detective Dinosaur solves the mysteiy of the missing hat. Then he solves the case of the shoe which always makes a sound. Tlien he goes on night patrol(巡逻),and finds out a tenible

32、 shadow(影子)in a dark street. Can it be a monstei,(怪物)?Help Detective Dinosaur follow the clues and find out!Product DetailsAge Range: 4 8 yearsPaperback: 48 pagesPublishing Date: 17 Januaiy 2019Language: EnglishProduct Dimensions: 8.5x5.5x0.2 inches48. From the passage, we can know that the hvo book

33、s .A. are for teenagersB. have the sameD. have differentpagesC. are published in the same year sizes49. According to the infbnnation above , the two detectives are .A. animalsB. heroesC. childrenD. adults50. Vhich of the following is tme?A. Hennelin lives in a small building at 33 Offley Street.B. P

34、eople in Oflley Street don't know who Hemielin really is.C. Dinosaur finds a monster in a dark street one night.D. Dinosaur follows the clues and finds out what the shadow is.Passage 6nAll right, are you ready? Okay, the camera's rolling.n I was really realizing my dream. I stood inside the

35、empty school hallway on a spring afternoon. In my sliglitly shaking hand, I held the script Ou Patrol. nFor this scene) n I explained, “all I need you to do is walk quietly/1 hi front of the camera was my best friend, Gavin, wearing a blue unifbnn. nWould it be fiimiier if I looked into the camera?1

36、1 Gavin suggested.n I said. nYeah, youfre riglit. Let's do it that way." Tliis was certainly not a Hollywood blockbuster. I didn't have a producer, a script director, or even something as simple as a light setup. The only equipment(设备)1 had was my camera and my tripod(三脚架),but they were

37、 enough to make my dieam come true. "Okay, are you good?” I asked. Gaviii nodded his head. nOkay. Action!n I said.Since as far back as my preschool years, movies have been my life. Some people may think back to their childhood as they hear the sound of table teimis or see a baseball flying into

38、 the blue sky during a backyard game. Some people may smell the salty air of the ocean during a family vacation. As for me, I hear the sound of the video recorder, as it replays the tape of a video. Tlie movie I watched most as a cliild was Sam Rainii's Spider-Man. From then on) I watched as man

39、y movies as I could and my mom and dad often said to me, "Nathan, you need to stop watching movies and go outside.nWlien I began high school, I was considering what I should choose as a job. After months of not having any idea of what I would become, an idea appeared: if I love movies so much,

40、why not make it a career? During high school) experience seemed to be key in turning my dieam into a reality. With this realization, I wrote my fiist short film, On Patrol, a ten-miiiute silent video about a hall monitor tiying to stop someone from throwing mbbish at a school. After I finished my fi

41、ist script, I was veiy excited. Tlien I was thinking) nNow it is up to me to make my first movie.nThe short script was filmed over the course of a weekend at my school. Hie hallway was dark, giving off a cold atmospheie(气氛).It was perfect for my movie. Tlie filming process was anything but perfect. The liglitiiig never matched up; my cheap camera batteiy kept dying, which forced me to record on an iPhone. Though I was veiy tiled, I was still learning. I was learning to work with my actors and liste


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