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1、Altium Designer10 如何导出 Gerber 文件 版本:AD10.818目的:Gerber文件导出备忘目录:Stepl :设置原点Step2: Gerber 文件导出Step3:钻孔文件导出文档组织结构:Stepl :设置原点原点设置为PCB板左下角图1设置原点Step2: Gerber文件导出1) 打开 Gerber Files 选项。欢迎下载#/ Jkltun Standard 2DQpen.Cttl-tOJtiporLa.,OOHCIT14F4QpenPreije-ct.,.Open Degn odgspace.Check OuL.»$aveCtrl *5Sav

2、e As.Sah/t Copf As. tximpie PcbDocSave Design Worfcs>ace Asink to Rd* V*Release PCS To Iaijl.,.ComponentRetewe Manager5abncatm Ou toutsAswmtfy Outputs,明e Setys :mtPreew j阶必.CErl+P甚 Smart FCF.,.Import Wizardftflcert OceJFrMRflMM PfO)«CtSRecent Dtsor!四or*sD4«*卷联A1T4F4GetnKiH OutpuUfs.0 C-

3、 = Ml-Ccriposiie :>1 Guide5d 守 * Gerber Files HsskSet 俄 Dfil Fdes OOB+N« Pov.'er-PJane Set Tist Pant Epdrt图 2 Gerber files 选项2.参数设定。1) 在"General”选择 Units (单位)Inches , Format (格式):2: 5;欢迎下载7:Genera Lasers Drill Drawng Apertures AdvancedSpecify the units and format to be used in the o

4、utput files.This conlrols the units iriches cr rnMirn国bfe and the number cJ digits before and aHeF the decimal pointUnit®Fwt国jnckijTj2:3改时总2:4二,一The numbeF fcumt should be set to iui* the requirements of you Riojecl.The 2.3 forma! tias a 1 mrlr&salution, 2:4 has a 0 1 nil resold io rt and 2

5、:5 has a 0.01 mil resolulionIf jiou are using one of the higher resolliions you sFihjH check that the PCB nnandacturer stippolls that format.The 2: 4 and 215 formal only need to be chosen if (here are objects o(n a giid finer than 1 mil.KCancel图 2.1 General 设定2) 在"Layers”选择需要用的Layer,双面板包含:GTO,G

6、TS,GTL,GBL,GBS,GBO,GKO.(7个)。右边选项不要勾选,镜像层选择:" AllOff” ;Gerber SetupGeneralLayer* Diill Drirg Apertures AdvancedE MtensiorLaer NameI=tot Mir.GTGT opOverlaGTPT opPateGTST opSofdeiJGTLT 叩 LayerJGBLB ottomLayerJGBSBottomDlderJ霭选择使用的层BottcmPasteDotlomO TerlayGM1Me曲如词1QKQ%即口血游【JGPTT叩 P4d MasterGPBB ot

7、tom Pad Mast|_|Layers To PlotM echanicel L averts to Add to All PlotsLayer N amePlotMechanicall不要选择.否则 外框线会被复制 到每一层.ElotL却,$ , Mirror Laer TInckicfe uriconri&cted mid-ler pad?图2.2 Layers设定Gerber SetupPlot Liers 回门斗 SFH即W2匕:也与手为13Layers To PlotE岷n司onLayer N ameIMir.GIOT opOverlayGTPT opPaiteGTST

8、opSqHurGTLT opLayer/GBLEl oltomLayerGBSBottoms old er*GBPBoitomPasGBOBottomOmlayGM1Mechanicd!GKOK.eepOutLajiergptT Qp Pwj M esterGPBB ottom Fad MastiL褂营g Drill Dr启向g Aperturas . AdvancedMechanical Lapere(s) to Add to All PlotsInclude unconnected mid-laer padsLayer NameMeeh 电 nic 曲图2.3 Layer设定3) 在“Dr

9、ill Drawing ”保持默认设置;欢迎下载#欢迎下载17Gerber SetupG eneral | Lqyais | pSrillTi riwig lAperturss j Ad van cedDrill Drawing PlotsPlot all used layef pairsM tfror plolsDrill Drawrg SjrnholsD ohomLdyer-T opLayer+ Graphic symb(jhSize of hole stungCharactersiynbol si7e50mliDi ill Gude Plots£lot all used 卸er

10、 pai用or plotsB oltomLajpef-T opLaier图 2.4 Drill Drawing 设置4) 在"Apertures ”保持默认设置;b 314门虱力Jf匕摘卯2次9宴附目图 2.5 Apertures 设置5) 在"Advanced” 选项中:file size不动,取默认值;Leading/trailing zeros: 选择 supress leading zero 【省略前导 0.position on film: 选择 reference to relative origin 【使用相对坐标原点】其他默认值就行了。图 2.6 Advan

11、ced 设置6) 点击确认按钮,将会输出 Gerber文件(PCB文件建立在PCB工程下面,将会自动保存到输出文件夹)。图2.7 gerber文件生成Step3:钻孔文件导出1、 选择"NC Drill DrawingProjectToolsAuto Route ReportsV?'ind ,41PtWorkspace七白一PrqjerFie View-L_l Sc啰:富一二I GtI- uOpen 匚 trl+DImpact Close,钎4Open Propel.Open Design Worlrapace.*.二脸才 63*号馆匚灯$5Save As.Save Copy

12、. As.Save AlSave Project As.衣伯 C1sin V-;2rk5PflCt 制.Link to Release VaultRelease RGB To Vui:.Component Release Msnege.Fa br canon OubulEAssemMy OutputsPage Setup.,. Print Preview.,.、当?rint.匚 trf 铲Default Pnnts.随 Smart PDF.,Import V/izardRecent DocumentsRj&tent ProjectsRecent Design WorkspacMblog

13、,sinaxom-cn/u/26l05819l3舞事 example PcLCogCAM-tastidCompoEi t& DnB GuiceDrill Dr己咖nQMMask. SetNCDril FilesODG+ FilesTest Point ReportGet nnare Output«rs图 3.1 选择"NC Drill Drawing2、钻孔文件选项设置,设置完毕后点击 OK。OpticnsNC Dr I FormatSpecify the units end form lo be used jn the MC Drill output files.

14、This contiols the units小g or rnillimeiers), and the number of digits before and after thedecirnd poinrt.,广 、iUnitsFormalMl metersThe number foicnat should be seUo suit the requiremenls of your design. The 2:3 fcumat has a 1 mil resoludon,2A lias a 0.1 rr>il resaluNon, and 25 h器 a 0.01 mil resolut

15、ion. If you are usirg one of the higher resolutions youshould check Iha I the PCE manufaclurer mpports that format. The 2:J and 2:5 forrmats onliJ ne-ed lo be chosenif there are holes on a grid! firmer than 1 milLuddinoM raiilinigZeroesCoordinate PositionsKeep I coding and 匕 ai&ng 之白口。字Reference

16、 tc abdute origin+ 5 up卬e. w归日dingZ已口已3】> j蓬.图型汇g:6-钟曲赚.比Suppnes baihng zeroes7 Optimise change locatiori connmancisGenerarte £ep3(Jt& MC 口曲 files for plated & nortf)latBd holesUse drilled slot coirimand (G85)Generate Elaard Edge Rout PathsGenerate EIA Bin训 Drill File ( DHL)图3.2钻孔文件选

17、项设置3、出现如下对话框,确认蓝色选中区域内的格式设置,点击OkImport Drill EXataSettings _Start Lhits£-订向g 4b5 Inch Sits Shape/befault Mele Si20.0320:0.0320loci Tatis.-,OKCancel图3.34、生成钻孔文件 XXXX.TXT (XXXX为PCB命名)图3.4钻孔文件文件中级包含了 PCB加工需要的5、在 .exampleProject Outputs for PCB_Project1光绘文件Proj«JL DutjMEt krr PCB ProJ«±l文愕®查看耽藏 XMW 郭助宏SF< 文伴典刁地址支国and Setfjp举旧用m的otprl亨硼定一个新文件夷 4C


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