1、Unit EightShipment To learn the practices of making a shipment. To learn useful terms and expressions for shipment. To practice writing letters for shipment.ObjectivesShipment:nIn foreign trade, the goods sold have to be forwarded from one place to another. This is what we call shipment. the consign
2、er( (发货人发货人) ) who sends the goods; the carrier( (承运人承运人) ) who carries them; the consignee( (收货人收货人) ) who receives them at the destination. In business on FOB, C&F or CIF basis, shipment means delivery. In other words, so long as you ship the goods ordered on board, you have effected delivery. Bef
3、ore shipment, importers usually send shipping instructions to the exporters, stating means of shipment, packing, shipping marks, etc. As an exporter, he must always be kept informed of the names of steamers and their sailing dates from his port. On discussing shipment in a contract, the two parties
4、concerned should reach an agreement on the following points: time of shipment, loading port and port of destination, shipping documents, etc. No shipment being usually possible without an L/C, it is advisable for the exporters to sell for shipment within a certain period after receipt of the relativ
5、e L/C. In order to avoid asking for an amendment at a later date, the exporter should require an L/C allowing transshipment and partial shipment.Procedures of ShipmentnOn receipt of the relative L/C, he should contact the ships agents or the shipping company for the booking of shipping space and pre
6、pare for the shipment in accordance with the importer shipping instructions. As soon as the goods are onboard, the master of the steamer or the ships agents will give him a receipt of the goods shipped (mates receipt). That receipt is what we call the Bill of Lading. The exporter sends the Bill of L
7、ading together with the invoice and other shipping documents to his bank for the negotiation of his draft on the opining bank of the L/C. At the same time, he sends a shipping advice, usually by cable, informing the importer of the name of steamer, the sailing date and other details, enabling the im
8、porters to arrange insurance and prepare for taking delivery of goods. Thus, if the goods are overdue, the buyers can check with the transportation company.On CIF basis, it is the seller that should book the shipping space, arrange insurance and bear the premium, while on FOB and C&F basis, the buye
9、r should do all these things. As a rule, on FOB basis, the buyers arrange chartering steamer or the booking of shipping space. If he fails to do this duty, he will beheld liable for the losses thus sustained by the seller. Partial shipment If possible, the seller may choose to make several partial s
10、hipments of the contracted goods at different times. “Partial shipments allowed” should be stated in the L/C as well as in the contract. Transshipment If there is no steamer directly from the port of loading to the port of destination, transshipment is necessary. In order to avoid dispute that might
11、 arise in the future, the seller should first get the buyers permission for transshipment and then, “Transshipment is allowed” should be stated in the L/C as well as in the contract. It is the most important shipping document. It is a contract between the shipper and the shipping company; It is a re
12、ceipt for the consignment; It is a document of title. Bill of Lading On Board B/L ( (已装船提单已装船提单) ) Received B/L ( (备运备运/ /待装提单待装提单) ) Clean B/L ( (清洁提单清洁提单) ) Foul B/L ( (不洁提单不洁提单) ) Straight B/L ( (直交提单直交提单/ /不转让提单不转让提单) ) Order B/L ( (指使提单指使提单/ /指定收货人提单指定收货人提单) ) Ocean B/L ( (远洋提单远洋提单) ) Local B/L
13、 ( (当地提单当地提单) ) Stale B/L ( (陈旧提单陈旧提单) ) Negotiable /non-negotiable B/L ( (可转让可转让/ /不可转让提单不可转让提单) )Some kinds of bills of lading n Bill of Lading: issued by the captain or the shipping companies to testify that the goods have been received or shipped on board for delivery to a certain destination.n1
14、. On board B/L已装船提单: the goods have been shipped on boardn2. Received B/L备运提单:the goods have been received for shipment. n3. Clean B/L: has no unfavourable remarks by the carrier. This means goods are in good condition.n4. Unclean B/L: has unfavourable remarks such as “ package in damaged condition”
15、.n5. Straight B/L记名提单: has a specified name in the column of consignee of the B/L. thus, goods can only be received by the person specified and the B/L is not to be transferred to a 3rd person. n6. Order B/L指示提单: does not have a specified name in the column of consignee of B/L. In its place, usually
16、 to order or to the order of. It can be transferred to other by endorsement 背书。Classification of Bill of Lading(一)根据货物是否已装船,可分为已装船提单和备运提单(一)根据货物是否已装船,可分为已装船提单和备运提单 1.已装船提单(已装船提单(On Board B/L; Shipped B/L)是指货物装船 后由承运人或其授权代理人根据大副收据签发给托运人的提单。这种提单除载明一般的事项外,通常还必须注明装载货物的船舶名称和装船日期。由于已装船提单对于收货人及时收到货物有保障,所以在
17、国际货物买卖合同中一般都要求卖方提供已装船提单。这种提单在国际贸易中被广泛使用。2.备运提单(备运提单(Received for Shipment B/L)是指承运人已收到托运货物等待装运期间所签发的提单,这种提单没有肯定的装货日期,往往不注明装运船舶的名称,因而买方和银行不接受备运提单。备运提单如经承运人加注“已装船”字样等信息也可转为已装船提单。(二)根据货物表面状况,有无不良批注分为(二)根据货物表面状况,有无不良批注分为 清洁和不清洁提单清洁和不清洁提单1.清洁提单(清洁提单(Clean B/L)指货物在装船时表面情况良好,轮轮船公司在提单上未批注表示货物或其包装有缺陷词句的提单。银行
18、在办理议付货款时,为了安全起见一般都要求提供清洁提单。2.不清洁提单(不清洁提单(Unclean or Foul B/L)指轮船公司在提单上对货物表面状况或包装加有“不良”或“存在缺陷”等批注的提单,如“3件破损”、“被雨淋湿”、“铁条松失”等,但是并非提单有批注即为不清洁提单。诸如,“旧桶”、“旧箱”之类表示不能令人满意的批注不能视为不清洁提单。(三)根据收货人抬头可分为记名提单、(三)根据收货人抬头可分为记名提单、 不记名提单和指示提单不记名提单和指示提单1记名提单(记名提单(Straight B/L)指承运人按托运人的意图,签发给指定收货人的提单。在这种提单中,收货人栏内都填写有具体收货
19、人名称,只能由指定收货人提货,不能转让。这种提单很少使用,通常只在运送贵重物品或特殊用途货物时才采用这种提单。2.不记名提单(不记名提单(Bearer/Open/Blank B/L)指在“收货人”一栏内不具体写明收货人名称的提单。它不需要任何背书手续即可装让,或在“收货人“栏中仅填“来人”(bearer),持单者仅凭提单即可提货。这种提单如发生遗失或被窃,容易引起纠纷,故现在的对外贸易中很少使用这种提单。3.指示提单(指示提单(Order B/L)指“收货人”一栏内部不明确写明收货人名称,仅写“凭指示”(to order)或“凭某某人指示”(to order of )字样的一种提单。这种提单按
20、照表示指示人的方法不同,指示提单又分为托运人指示提单、记名指示人提单和选择指示人提单。如果在收货人栏内只填记“指示”字样,则称为托运人指示提单。这种提单在托运人未指定收货人或受让人之前,货物所有权仍属于卖方,在跟单信用证支付方式下,托运人就是以议付银行或收货人为受让人,通过转让提单而取得议付货款的。如果收货人栏内填记“某某指示”,则称为记名指示提单。如果在收货人栏内填记“某某或指示”,则称为选择指示人提单。记名指示提单或选择指示人提单中指名的“某某”既可以是银行的名称,以可以是托运人。 指示提单是一种可转让提单。提单的持有人可以通过背书的方式把它转让给带三者,而无须经过承运人认可,所以这种提单
21、为买方所欢迎。(四)根据运输方式,可分为直达提单、(四)根据运输方式,可分为直达提单、 转船提单和联运提单转船提单和联运提单1.直达提单(直达提单(Direct B/L)是指货物从装运港装船后,中途不换船而直接运到目的港的提单。2.转船提单(转船提单(Transhipment B/L)是指货物须经中途转船才能到达目的港而由承运人在装运港签发的全程提单。转船提单上注有“在某港装船”的字样,承运人只对第一程运负责。3.联运提单(联运提单(Through B/L)是指须经两种或两种以上运输方式(海陆、海河、海空、海洋等)联运的货物,由第一承运人收取全程运费后,在起运地签发到目的港的全程运输提单。联运
22、提单虽然包括全程运输,但签发提单的承运人只对自己运输的一段航程所发生的货损负责,这种提单与装船提单性质相同。(五)根据提单的签发日期,可分为预借提单、五)根据提单的签发日期,可分为预借提单、 倒签提单和过期提单倒签提单和过期提单1.预借提单(预借提单(Advanced B/L)是指承运人在货物未装船或未装船完毕时签发的提单。在托运人需要提前取得运输单据办理货款结算手续,或作为其他用途时,通常会要求承运人签发预借提单。签发这种提单承运人要承担很大的风险,也可能构成承、托双方合谋对善意的第三者收货人进行欺诈的行为。2.倒签提单(倒签提单(Anti-dated B/L)是指承运人在提单上签注的货物装
23、船完毕的日期早于货物实际装船完毕的日期。这种提单与“预借提单”一样,通常被认为是非法的和欺诈性的,应禁止使用。3.过期提单(过期提单(Stale B/L)是指出口商不按规定或法定的期限向银行交付的提单。即货物装船后,卖方向当地银行提交装船提单时,银行按正常邮程预计收货人不能在船舶抵港之前收到提单。(六)根据提单内容的繁简,可分为全式提单(六)根据提单内容的繁简,可分为全式提单 和略式提单和略式提单1全式或繁式提单(全式或繁式提单(Long Form B/L)是指在提单上列有承运人和托运人权利、义务、责任和豁免等详细条款的提单。由于提单正反面均列有繁琐的条款,所以又有繁式提单之称。这是一种在实际
24、业务中应用较广的提单格式。2.略式或简式提单(略式或简式提单(Short Form B/L)是指仅保留提单正面的必要记载事项,而无背面详细条款的提单。(七)根据提单使用效力,可分为正本提单(七)根据提单使用效力,可分为正本提单 和副本提单和副本提单1 正本提单(正本提单(Original B/L)是指提单上有承运人、船长或其代理人签名盖章并注明签发日期的提单。这种提单在法律上是有效的提单。正本提单上必须标明“正本”(Original)字样。正本提单一般签发一式两份或三份,凭其中的任何一份提货后,其余的即作废。2. 副本提单(副本提单(Copy B/L)是指提单上没有承运人、船长、其或代理人签字
25、盖章,而仅供工作上参考之用的提单。在副本提单上一般标明“Copy”或“Non-negotiable”(不做流通转让)字样,以示与正本提单有别。大副收据大副收据 mates receipt 又称收货单,指当托运人将准备装船的货物送到码头,并由承运人或其办理运输的代理人收讫备运,该承运人或其代理人主要是船上大副根据装载货物的实际情况向托运人签发的一种单证。 大副收据确认收到货物并记载货物的数量和状况,而且也可能记载托运人或货主的名称。由于大副收据是签发提单的重要依据,而且依照法律规定,承运人从货物装上船时起即承担对货物的责任,所以在装货的过程中,大副必须将货物的实际情况与装货单的记载进行细致核对。
26、只有大副收据的收受人或占有人,才有权要求将提单签发给他。大副收据在一般情况下并不是已装船货物的物权凭证,不可以向第三人转让或为第三人创造针对承运人的权利。Shipping DocumentsnCommercial invoicenInsurance policynBill of ladingnPacking listnSurvey reportnCertificate of origin Shipment lettersnUrging shipmentnShipping instructionnShipping advice The seller should let the buyer kn
27、ow as soon as the shipment is effected, by sending the buyer the shipping advice together with a set of shipping documents. Shipping AdviceThe date and number of Bill of LadingThe date and number of the Contractthe names of commodities and their quality and valuethe name of the carrying vesselthe na
28、me of the shipping port/loading portthe estimated time of departure (ETD)the name of the destination portthe estimated time of arrival (ETA) . . . . . . . .Contents of a shipping adviceFormat of Urging Shipmentlettersndraw their attention to the expiration date of the orderngive the reasons for effe
29、cting shipment as soon as possiblenwish for close cooperationShipping instructionn Before shipment, importers usually send shipping instructions to the exporter, stating means of shipment, packing, shipping marks, etc.Shipping InstructionnDear Sirs,nRe: Your Sales Confirmation No. C215 Covering 4000
30、 Dozen Shirtsn We have for acknowledment your letter dated 19th August in connection with the above subject.n In reply, we have the pleasre of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable letter of Credit No. 7634, amounting to 3500, has been opened this morning through the District Bank, Ltd, Manc
31、hester. Upon receipt of the same, please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the least possible delay. We are informed by the local shipping company that S/S “Browick” is due to sail from your city to our port on or about the 10th September and, if possible, please try your best to ship
32、by that steamer.Should this trial order prove satisfactory to our customers, we can assure you that repeat orders in increased quantities will be placed. Your close co-operation in this respect will be highly appreciated. In the meantime we await your shipping advice by fax.Shipping AdvicenDear Sirs
33、, nL/C No. 7634, S/C No. C215 covering 4000 Dozen Shirtsn We have pleasure in informing you that we have completed the above shipment in accordance with the stipulations set forth in the captioned Letter of Credit, and we confirm our cable of todays date, reading:n“S/CC215 L/C7634 4000DOZEN SHIRTS S
34、HIPPED FENGCHING SAILING26”n We are sending you under cover one set of duplicate shipping documents so that you may make all the necessary preparations to take delivery of the goods when they duly arrive at your port. Invoice NO. 44156 IN DUPLICATE Packing List No.56789 in duplicate Non-negotiable B
35、ill of Lading No.AD4567 Insurance Policy No. BG4563 Survey Report No. TF1445 we trust the above shipment will reach you in sound condition and expect to receive your further orders before long. We appreciate the business you have been able to secure for us and assure you that all your future corresp
36、ondence, enquiries and orders will continue to receive our careful attention. Yours faithfully,1. punctual adj. As we all know, punctual delivery of the goods is the basis for our good business relationships. If you can ensure punctual effectuation of this contract, we will consider placing repeat o
37、rders. n2. shipping company/instruction/advice/date/mark/port/space3. of utmost/special/ vital /great importance = very important Time of shipment is of vital importance for this order. Your cooperation under these circumstances is of great importance to our execution of the contract on time. 4. dis
38、patch v.t. send We confirm our fax of 8th and wish to inform you that the goods have been dispatched by S.S. “ANDES MARU”. We will arrange for the goods to be dispatched by the first available steamer upon receipt of your L/C. nIf the buyers fail to dispatch the vessel in time, the Sellers shall hav
39、e the right to claim compensation for their losses.n nWe are anxious to dispatch a business in hand.n 5. facilitate v.t. make it easy or convenient To facilitate your taking delivery of the goods, we are enclosing a full set of the shipping documents. We are now writing to give you shipping instruct
40、ions to facilitate your arrangement for the shipment of the goods. 6.consignment: goods consignede.g.nThe consignment has gone forward on S/S “Yantai”.nTwo out of a consignment of fifty machines shipped on S/S “Tianjin” were damaged during transit.7. in duplicate=in two copies in triplicate= in thre
41、e copies in quadruplicate=in four copies in quintuplicate=in five copies in sextuplicate in septuplicate in octuplicate8. explicitly adv. clearly It is explicitly stipulated in the contract that shipment must be effected by the end of this month. We have informed you explicitly that any further dela
42、y will lead to our canceling our order. 9.fulfill = execute = carry out Failure to fulfill the agreement punctually will lead to our loss of belief in your credibility. Please fulfill your responsibilities according to our contract. execute the agreement 履行协议履行协议execute the shipment of the goods 完成货物完成货物装运装运10.stipulate v. set forthAs is stipulated, you must provide us with goods of superior quality. It is stipulated in the relative L/C that clean B/L shall be p
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