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1、2018 年贵州特岗教师招聘考试中学英语试题及答案第一部分:中学英语学科教学内容说明: 本部分测试考生对中学英语学科教学内容的掌握情况,本部分共 21小题,共30分。分为四节。第一节:单项选择;第二节:翻译;第三节:完形填空;第四节:书面表达。第一节:单项选择从每题所给的 A B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选 项。 ( 共 5小题:每小题1分,满分5分 )1.Advertisements give usabout products, such astheir prices and uses.A. informationB. newsC. wordsD. pictures2.-Which shi

2、rt will you take, Betty?-. The blue one is too long and the white one istoo short.A. BothB. NeitherC. EitherD. None3.During the last Paralympics, all the rooms in the Paralympic Village in Beijing are so designed that theyare tothe disabled.A. accessibleB. availableC. convenientD. valid4.-Jerry and

3、Lucy must both like movies. ! often meet them at the cinema.-is Lucy, not Jerry, who likes movies.A. SoB. ThatC. ItD. Such5.Morn, have a rest please. Youin the kitchen eversince you came home.A. had workedB. were workingC. have been workingD. would work第二节:翻译把下面的句子翻译成英文。( 共 5小题;每小题l 分满分 5分 )6几经周折,我才

4、在一家金矿找到一份工作。7 那时这被认为是一次技术革命,也是我从事人工智能研究的开始。8到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门。9昨天我们见了面,我做自我介绍时,他靠得很近。10事实的经过是这样的。第三节:完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10分 )Once there was a little girl who came to live in an orphanage ( 孤儿院 ). As Christmas time was drawing near, all of the other children 11telli

5、ng the little girl about the beautifulChristmas tree that would ap- pear in the hall downstairs onChristmas morning. After their usual 12, each child would be given their only Christmas gift, a small orange.The headmaster of the orphanage was very 13with the kids. Soon Christmas Eve, when he 14the l

6、ittle girl slipping down the stairs to peek ( 偷看 ) at the much-heard-of Christmas tree, he 15that the little girl would not receive her Christmas orange because she had been so curious as to disobey the rules.The little girl ran back to her room 16, crying at her terrible fate. The next morning as t

7、he other chil- dren were going down for breakfast, the little girl stayed in her bed. She couldnt 17the thought of see- ing the others receive their gift whilethere would be 18for her. Later, as the children came back upstairs, the little girl was surprised to be handed a napkin( 餐巾 ). As she carefu

8、lly opened it, there, to her19, was an orange all peeled and sectioned ( 分瓣 ). How could this be? she asked. Then, she real- ized that each child had taken one section from their orange for her so that she, too, would have a Christmasorange. What an example of the true meaning of Christmas those orp

9、han children showed that morning ! HowI 20the world would show the same kind of concern for others, not only at Christmas, but throughoutthe year !11.A. stoppedB. beganC. hatedD. avoided12.A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD. break13.A. patientB. satisfiedC. angryD. strict14.A. caughtB. tookC. heldD. kep

10、t15.A. noticedB. declaredC. explainedD. doubted16. A. open-heartedB. broken-heartedC. light-heartedD. warm-hearted17.A. standB. understandC. rememberD. find18.A. someB. noneC. manyD. one19.A. surpriseB. regretC. sorrowD. anger20.A. wonderB. thinkC. wishD. feel第四节:书面表达(1 题,满分10分 )21假如你叫李华,是南开中学的一名学生。

11、最近你校在为一批来自加拿大的学生征寻住宿家庭,你有意申请。请根据下表提供的信息用 英语给校长写封信,说明你申请的理由。申请理由住宿条件宽敞,整洁,环境优美语言优势擅长英语,父母也懂英语,不会有交流困难接待经验上个月刚刚接待过两名美国学生参观游览父亲可驾车陪同参观附近的名胜其他(内容由考生自己添加)注意: (1) 文章必须包括所有要点。(2) 字数:100字左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear sir , Im writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families for the Canadian

12、 students第二部分:高等学校对应于中学英语学科教学内容说明: 本部分测试考生对高等学校对应于中学英语学科教学内容的掌握情况,本部分共17小题,共30分,分为四节。第一节:单项选择;第二节:翻译;第三节:阅读理解;第四节:写作。第一节:单项选择从每题所给的 A B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ( 共 5小题;每小题1分,满分5分 )22. As one of the best-known American authors of 20th century, Ernest Hemingway wrote all the followingnovelsEXCEPT.A. For Whom

13、 the Bell TollsB. The Green Hills of AfricaC. The Sound and the FuryD. The Old Man and the Sea23. The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred toas in the literary history of theUnited States.A. the Age of EnlightenmentB. the Age of RomanticismC. New England TranscendentalismD. the Age of

14、Realism24. The utterance We are already working 25 hours a day, eight days a week. is in violation of the princi-ple ofA. qualityB. mannerC. relationD. quantity25. The semantic components of the word gentleman can bewritten as.A. +ANIMATE, +MALE, +HUMAN, -ADULTB. +ANIMATE, +MALE, +HUMAN, +ADULTC. +A

15、NIMATE, -MALE, +HUMAN, -ADULTD. +ANIMATE, -MALE, +HUMAN, +ADULT26. As a salesman, he works on a (an) basis,taking10% of everything he sells.A. salaryB. pensionC. commissionD. income第二节:翻译把下面短文翻译成中文。(1 小题;满分5分)27. A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist whowas speeding down Main Street. B

16、ut officer,the mansaid, Ican explain. Just be quiet ! snapped the officer. Or Im going to let you cool off injail until the chief gets back.But officer, I just wanted to say.And I said KEEPQUIET!Nowyoure going to jail ! A few hours later, the officerchecked up on his prisoner and said, Lucky for you

17、the chiefis at his daughters wedding. Hell be in a great mood whenhe gets here. Dont count on it,said the prisoner. Im the groom; he is my father-in-law.第三节:阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、 B、 C和D中,选出最佳选项。( 共 10小题;每小题1 分,满分10分 )In recent years, we have all watched the increasing commercialization of the cam

18、pus. The numerous ad-vertising posters and the golden arches of fast food outlets may be an insult to our aesthetic sensibilities, butthey are, arguably, no worse than ugly. Some of the other new features ofcommercialized campus life do,however, constitute a serious threat to things we rightly respe

19、ct. Privatization and the business modelare the potential menace.What do these notions mean? To me, they involve an increased dependence on industry and charitableactions for operating the university; an increased amount of our resources being directed to applied orso-called practical subjects, both

20、 in teaching and in research; a proprietary treatment of research results,with the commercial interest in secrecy overriding the publics interest in free, shared knowledge;and anattempt to run the university more like a business that treats industry and students as clients and ourselves asservice pr

21、oviders with something to sell. Wepay increasing attention to the immediate needs and demandsofour customers and, as the old saying goes, the customer is always right.Privatization is particularly frightening from the point of view of public well-being. A researcheremployed by a university-affiliate

22、d hospital in Canada, working under contract with a medicine-makingcompany, made public her findings that a particular drug was harmful. This violated the terms of hercontract, and so she was fired. Her dismissal caused a scandal, and she was subsequently restored to herprevious position. The univer

23、sity and hospital in question are now working out something similar to tenure forhospital-based researchers and guidelines for contracts, so that more public exposure of privately funded research will become possible. This is a rare victory and a small step in the right direction, but the general tr

24、end is the other way.Thanks to profit-driven private funding, researchers are not only forced to keep valuable information secret, they are often contractually obliged to keep discovered dangers to public health under wraps, too. Of course, we must not be too naive about this.Governments can unwisel

25、y insist on secrecy, too, as did the British Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries,and Food in the work they funded in connection with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic. Thisprevented others from reviewing the relevant data and pointing out that problems were more serious thangovernment was

26、 letting on.28. From the first paragraph we can learn that the campuslifehas become.A. more convenientB. somewhat harmfulC. rather uglyD. no more aesthetic than before29. Privatization and the business model in this passage most probably mean.A. potential menace to lifeB. new trend on campusC. depen

27、dence on industry and charitiesD. new features of campus life30. The author believes that we should pay.A. due attention to the public interest in free, shared knowledgeB. little attention to applied subjectsC. considerable attention to the commercial interest in the secrecy of research resultsD. mo

28、re attention to the immediate needs and demands of our customers31. The researcher mentioned in the third paragraph was fired because.A. she worked for the rival of the companyB. she failed to keep her research results secretC. she was committed to a contract with a companyD. she was obliged to keep

29、 her discoveries secret32. It is implied in the passage that.A. the general public is too naive to accept the privatizationB. the notion that the customer is always right is out of dateC. it is a general trend that there will be more public disclosure of privately funded researchD. the bovine spongi

30、form encephalopathy epidemic in Britain was more serious than what was disclosed(二 )Justice in society must include both a fair trail to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punish-ment for those proven guilty. Because justice is regarded as one form of equality, we find in its earlier ex

31、-pressions the idea of a punishment equal to the crime. Recorded in the Bible is theexpression an eye for aneye, and a tooth for a tooth. That is, the individual who has done wrong has committed an offense againstsociety. To make repayment for this offense, society must get equally balanced, which c

32、an be done only byimposing an equal injury upon him. This conception of deserved-punishment justice is reflected in many partsof the legal codes and procedures of modern times, which is illustrated when we demand the death penaltyfor a person who has committed murder. This philosophy of punishment w

33、as supported by the German idealistHegel, who believed that society owed it to the criminal to put into operation apunishment equal to the crimehe had committed.The criminal had by his own actions denied his true self and it is necessary to do some-thing that will eliminate this denial and restoreth

34、e self that has been denied. To the murderer nothing lessthan giving up his own life will pay his debt. The demand for the death penalty is a right the state owes thecriminal and it should not deny him what he deserves.Modern jurists have tried to replace deserved-punishment justice with the notion

35、of corrective ( 改造式的)justice. Theaim of the latter is not to abandon the concept of equalitybut to find a more adequate way toexpress it. It tries topreserve the idea of equal opportunity for each individual to realize the best that is inhim. This does not mean thatcriminals will escape punishment o

36、r be quickly returned to take up careers ofcrime. It means that justice is to heal theindividual, not simply to get with him. Therefore, hisconviction ofcrime must not deprive him of the opportunity to make his way in the society of which he is a part.33. According to the Bible, the concept of equal

37、ity in justice means.A. a criminal must be severely punishedB. a criminal must be given a punishment that is exactly the same as the crime he has doneC. a criminal must be given a punishment that he deservesD. a criminal must be pay for his crime with his eyes and teeth34. The result of deserved-pun

38、ishment justice is.A. the criminals winning of a true hfeB. the criminals taking death penalty for the crime committed by himC. the criminals denial of his true selfD. the restoration of the criminals guilty self to the self before the crime35. In the sentence: society owed it to the criminal to put

39、into operation a punishment equal to the crime hehad committed the underlined part can be interpreted as: society .A. was in debt to the criminal and must put him into operation as a punishmentB. should consider punishment as something it must do so that the criminal can get paid back for his crimeC

40、. owed the criminal equality and must first show it in actionD. owed an operation of equal crime to the criminal36. The main difference between deserved-punishment and corrective justice is.A. the latter is for non-punishment equalityB. the latterhates an eye for an eye equality of punishmentC. the

41、latterplaces the criminals equal rights in life aboveeverything elseD. the latter focuses on both reforming the criminal and giving him new opportunities in society37. Comparedwith the old justice concept, modern law as shown in this passage is.A. less vengefulB. less effectiveC. less justD. less re

42、asonable第四节:写作(1 题;满分10分 )38以On Oil Price Increase 为题,写一篇长为120一 150词的小作文。第三部分:英语课程与教学理论知识说明: 本部分测试考生对英语课程与教学理论知识的掌握情况,本部分共 14小题,共40分,分为四节。第一节:单项选择题;第二节:填空题;第三节:简答题;第四节:论述题。第一节:单项选择题( 共 5小题;每小题l 分,满分5分 )39按照基础阶段英语课程分级总体目标的要求,普通高中英语课程标准 ( 实验 ) 对语言技能、语言知识、 、学习策略和文化意识等五方面都提出了相应的、具体的标准和要求。A.认知心理B.基本原理C.目

43、标体系D.情感态度40 一般而言,中学英语单元教材可以分为三大系统,它们主次分明,是源,作业系统和图表系统是流,三者相辅相成。A.非文本系统B.主题系统C.知识结构系统D.文本符号系统41英语与汉语不尽相同,英语是 。就英语阅读过程而言,阅读首先是个体把文字符号转换为语音码的过程;其次,英语语音与字母或字母组合有着相对的对应关系,其语音操作由语义潜势;其三,Baddeley的研究表明,语音是短时工作记忆的载体A.语言符号系统B.音节文字系统C.拼音文字系统D.表意文字系统42 Austin 和 Searle 的理论是任务型教学研究的一个十分重要的理论来源。 Searle 认为,语言交际单位不是

44、单词或句子等语言单位而是。A.语言行为B.言语行为C.文字符号D.心理表征43 There are two general rules for giving instructions ; they must be kept as simple as possible , and theymust be A 109icalB feasibleC authenticD natural第二节:填空题( 共 5小题;每小题l 分,满分5分 )44. Theory is in the practice of language teaching.It reveals itself in the assum

45、ptions underlyingpractice, inthe planning of a course of study, in the routines of theclassroom, in the value judgementsabout language teaching, and in the decisions that the language teacher has to make day by day.45. Theview of language sees language as alinguistic system made up of various subsys

46、tems: thesoundsystem (phonology);thediscreteunitsof meaningproducedbysoundcombinations (morphology) ; and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax).46. learning emphasizes the task rather than thelanguage in learning process.47. PPP stands for Presentation, Practice and. In

47、PPP method classes or sequences, the teacherpresents the context and situation for the language, and both explains and demonstrates the meaning andform of the new language. The students then practice making sentences before going on to another stage in which they talk or write more freely.48. The th

48、eory of language learning was initiatedby the psychologist Skinner, who applied Watson and Raynors theory of conditioning to the way humans acquire languages.第三节:简答题( 共 3小题;每小题5分,满分l5 分 )49英语教学设计既是一门艺术,又是一门科学。其设计过程的科学性应该体现在哪些方面?50什么是教学模式?请举典型例子说明。51为什么说英语语法教学是基于语法学习而存在的?第四节:论述题(1 题,满分15分 )52 论述英语阅读教

49、学中生词量和语法难易度应如何控制,并举例说明。答案与点评第一部分:中学英语学科教学内容第一节:单项选择1. A【点评】本题考查名词的辨析。句意:广告能给我们提供很多关于产品的信息,比如它们的价格和用处等。A项information意为“信 息、消息”;晒news为“新闻”;Cwords意为“言语、话语”;颐pictures意为“照片”A。2. B【点评】本题考查不定代词的辨析。句意: 一贝蒂,你想要哪一 件衬衫?一两件都不想要,蓝色的太长,白色的太短。A项both表示“两 者都 ;B neither表示“两者都不 ;C either表示“两 者中的任何一个”:颐none表示三者都不”。所以答案

50、 为 B。3. A【点评】本题考查形容词的辨析。句意:上一届北京残奥会期间,残奥村所有的房间都是经过精心设计的以便于残疾人进入。beaccessible to 意为 “ 容易进入的,容易接近的” ; be availableto意为“可用的;可被 利用的;be convenient to意为“方便的;be valid to意为“对 有效”。结合语境可知,A项更符 合。4. c【点评】本题考查强调句型。句意:一杰里和露西一定都喜欢看 电影,我经常会在电影院遇见他们。一是露西喜欢看电影,而不是杰里。本题考查It is thaFwho 的句型,所以答案为Co5. C【点评】本题考查动词时态。句意:妈

51、妈,请休息一下,自从你回家以后就一直在厨房里忙。本题中 since 在句中引导时间状语从句,从句用过去时,主句用现在完成时的进行时表示动作一直持续到现在。所以答案为C。第二节:翻译6【答】After trying hard , I got a job in a gold mine7【答】At that time , it was considered as a technologicalrevolution and the start of my study of ar-tificialintelligence 8【答】By now his restaurant ought to be ful

52、l of people9【答】When we met yesterday , he moved close to me as Iintroduced myself 10【答】This is how the story goes 第三节:完形填空11. B【点评】句意理解题。句意:当圣诞节来临的时候,别的孩子就开始给她讲述关于美丽圣诞树的故事。所以答案为B。12. A【点评】语境分析题。联系下文的-were going down forbreakfast ” 可知,本题答案为A。13. D【点评】语境分析题。分析下文,根据校长因为小女孩下楼偷看圣诞树而没有给她发橘子可知,校长对孩子们要求很严格。

53、所以答案为D。14. A【点评】语境分析题。根据下文小女孩受到了校长的惩罚推理可知,此处则是校长抓住了小女孩偷看圣诞树。所以答案为A。15. B【点评】词义辨析题。句意:他宣布:小女孩将不会收到圣诞节的礼物 橘子,因为她太好奇而违反了规定。notice 意为 “ 注意 ” ; declare 意为 “ 宣布,宣称” ; explain 意为 “ 解释 ” ; doubt意为 “ 怀疑,疑惑” 。所以答案为B。16. B【点评】语境分析题。联系上下文可知,小女孩未收到圣诞礼物,所以很伤心。答案为B。17. A【点评】语境分析题。联系上文可知,小女孩不能收到礼物,所以她不能忍受看着别人收到礼物。答

54、案为A。18. B【点评】语境分析题。根据上文可知,小女孩没有收到礼物。所以答案为B。19. A【点评】语境分析题。联系上下文可知,小女孩本不该收到礼物却收到了礼物,所以她很惊讶。所以答案为A。20. c【点评】语境分析题。纵观全文,由孩子们在圣诞节给小女孩 送橘子献关爱这件事可知,作者希望人们一直要关爱他人,而不仅仅是在圣诞节这一天。答案为C。第四节:书面表达21. One possible version:Dear sir,Im writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families for the Canad

55、ian students. Thereare following reasons. Firstly, Our house is large and clean and it lies in a beautiful area of the city, whichmakes the students live a comfortable life. Secondly, I am good at English and my parents also know someEnglish, therefore, there is no trouble communicating with the students. What is more, we received twoAmerican students and we have a great time for all of us. Finally, my father is a great driver, who can showlots of places of interest in our town to the students and Im sure they will have a glad visiting in our to


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