已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Inordertoe nsure normaltea chi ngorder, protecti ng students ' healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) is notlost,toprevent or minimize t he occurrenceofsafety accidents, foll owthe"pr event,rescue eachother,e nsur esafetyand re ducelosse s" principle ,accordi ng tothe localc

2、onditions, makethe management system. 1,the principal i sthe responsi bilityofschool safety,schoolsecurity underthe l eadership ofPresi dentsecurityworkleadinggroup.The head tea chertothe lea dership team isre sponsiblefor,implementation ofthe a ccounta bility system.2,school monthlystude ntknowl ed

3、gea boutsafetyeducation,educationshould be diversified i n theformev erysafetyeducati on forst udentsofcla sses perwe ekshoul d be targete d.Tocarry on emerge ncyissue sdealing withe ducation in General, self-helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowledge.Emerge ncy calls(such as110, 119,122,120,and soon) usecom

4、mon se nse i n educati on.3,theesta blishmentof majora cci dent reporti ng system.Schoolstude nts report majoraccdientwit hin a n hourofe ducation;studentr una nddisappeara ncest o report; report oftheaccidenttoa written report i ntriplicate ,a corre ctional ce ntre,a polic e station,atownshi ppe op

5、l e'sGov ernment shall notconcealtheacci dent.4week,tea cher s areon dutysystem,esta blish and improve t heleader shi pvalues;strengt henthe education, managementofteachingactivities in schools to e nsurenormaltea chi ng order;responsibl eforschool safety leadership always maintained cl ose cont

6、act anddi strict police stations,ca nvassi ng supportfrom the police station on schoolsafety andhel p.5, strengthe ning tea cher s 'moraleducation,establish ade dicate d love,impr ovinge ducationqua lity, observe t he student s' psychol ogical changes at anytime andtake preventive measure s,

7、nocor poral punishme ntandcovert cor poralpuni shment on st udents,st ude ntout oftheclassroom,schoolsmay notbe. 6, units orde partments use st udent Street propaga ndaor partici pate inthecele brations,asw ellas parti cipati nginot hersocialw ork,withouta pproval oftheCorrecti onalCentre,schoolprin

8、cipal s conse nt,without organizati on. Wit houtII_ I. |._ - _ _II .L -I- . I.L . I I II. .1 . - - - -一 一. I. . -I. . II . . I . II -.一一 - I _ L .I L. - I - - - . I - _II- I - I - _ I . II. I - . 一 - -一 - II I - - I . I .> . I- - 1.1 J . _| 一.一 一_ _L . 一.d_ , _ _ .1- _ _ I 一. 一1 I 一 一. - 一 - L -.

9、 I-I L I1 - I _ I -.一-. - I L - - - II. . II. I 一一 I_ I . .IIL_ |_ , - - .一 - . . II- I LJ. II I一. 景观设计课程标准适用专业建筑装饰工程技术专业课程名称景观设计课程代码所属学习领域单项职业能力学习领域课程性质(是否核心课程)是开设学期第4 学期授课时数76 学时(理论讲授36 课时,实践教学40 学时)订人:殷琪2015年1 月 22 日月日 月日Inordertoe nsure normaltea chi ngorder, protecti ng students ' disappear

10、a ncest o report; report oftheaccidenttoa written reII_ I. |._ - _ _the approvalofrelevaday-to-day management de partments,mayorganize.I . - -.一nt,is developing thefollowistudents thealthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) is notlost,toport i ntriplicate ,a corre ctional ce ntre,a policestat

11、ion,atownshiII . L -I- oparti cipatei nfirefighting, disaster relief andsoon. 7,educatioprevent or minimize t he occurrenceofsafety accidents, foll owthe"pr event,rescue eachother,e nsur esafetyand re ducelosse s" principle ,accordi ng tothe localconditions, makethe management system. 1,th

12、e principal i sthe responsi bilityofschool safety,schoolsecur ity underthe l eadership ofPresi dentsecurityworkleadinggroup.The head tea chertothe lea dership team isre sponsiblefor,implementationppe opl e'sGov ernment shall notconcealtheacci dent.4week,tea cher s areon dutysystem,esta blish and

13、 improve t heleader shi pvalues;strengt henthe education, managementofteachingactivities in schools t o e nsurenormaltea chi ng order;responsibl eforschool safety leadership always maintained cl ose contact anddi strict police stations,ca nvassi ng supportfrom the police station on schoolsafety andh

14、elI. .1. -. I.L . I I II. .1 . - - - -一 一. I. . -I. . II . . I . II -.一一 - I_ L , , I L. - I - - - . I - _II- I - I - _ I . II. I - . 一 一一 - II I - - I . I .>. I- - 1.1 J. _| 一.一 一schools shoulde ducate studehole school.Accordi ngtothe rentsto obeyt heschoolr ules andreg ulations, -1-1quireme nts

15、 ofthe FireServices Act,sothateveryone hason time,ontime hometo prevent accidents. 8,schoolto school i nspecti ons on aregular basis,foundhiddenin time,a ndi nsevere case s, itis hard t oeliminate immediately cl osed, andreportedtothe l ocal pe ople' sGovernment,education,and ruleof law se ction

16、.9,t he school should alwaysche ck the internal walls,retai ning walls, ponds,railings,handra ils, doors,school monthlystude ntknowl edgea boutsafetyeducation,es 'moraleducation,establish ade dicate d love,impr ovinge- 一L . 一.d_,Wi ndows, stair casesand avariety of sports, extracurricularactivit

17、ieonquaieon,edducuactaitioqs,facilitieonshould be diversified i n theformevery safety education forst udentsofcla ssseperwe ekshoul d be targete d.Tocarry on emerge ncyissue sdealing withe ducation in General, self-helpa nd mut ualrescue k nowledge.Emerge ncy calls(such as110, 119,122,120,and soon)

18、uselity, observe t he student s' psychol ogical changes at anytime andtake preventive measure s,nocor poral punishme ntandcovert cor poralpuni shment on st udents,st udentout oftheclassroom,schoolsmay notbe. 6, units orde partments use st udent Street propaga ndaor partici| - Ld_ I -. - >I -

19、-. L -. I-I L I1 - I _ I-.一-. - I L - - - II. . II. Is such as firesafety, i nfrastruct urese curit y, unsafefacilityto immediatelyrepair anddemolition tonsurethattea chersand studentswork, learn,live venues a ndfacilitiesare safeand reliable.Song Li n Xiang Liu Jia ping elementaryschoolMarch2016 so

20、ngLin Xiang LiuJiapicommonse nse i n educati on.3,theesta blishmentof majora cci dent reporti ng system.Schoolstude nts report majoraccdientwit hin a n hourofe ducation;studentr una ndpate inthecele brations,asw ellas parti cipati nginot hersocialw ork,withouta pproval oftheCorrecti onalCentre,schoo

21、lprincipal s conse nt,without organizati on. Wit hout一-. I|_ , - - - .一 - . . II- I LJ. II I一 .L ng primary schoolfiresafety systems to enha ncefire safety,pr otection ofpublic propertyand thelifeandpropertysafetyofteachers a1、前言1-1 课程定位建筑装饰工程技术专业人才培养方案,校企结合,通过企业人员与行业专家等进行职业岗位和典型工作任务分析的基础上,并以此确定景观设计

22、课程的行动领域,归纳形成学习领域,以工作过程完整性构建新的课程体系。因此, 本课程的性质定位体现在以下几点:( 1)景观设计课程是建筑装饰工程技术的综合性核心课程, 并与前后课程衔接得当;本课程是建筑装饰工程技术专业综合核心课程,是建筑装饰工程技术专业建筑装饰设计方向综合应用性课程。主要面向建筑装饰工程技术专业室外景观设计方向的助理景观设计师、景观设计员、景观设计员等职业岗位,培养从事小区规划设计、园林小品设计、 名胜古迹旅游景区景观规划设计、公共空间设计、生态旅游规划设计以及新农村建设和小城镇规划等工作所需的知识、能力和素质。通过该课程学习, 综合运用前导的空间造型与透视淡彩速写、电脑辅助设

23、计等学习领域课程,使学生掌握景观规划设计项目的项目准备、项目策划、项目详细设计、规划文本编制等综合职业技能。课程安排在第3 学期后半段, 其目的是为了配合项目教学的需要,使项目教学中的项目可以延伸到学期最后的综合实践课程乃至第5 学期的毕业设计和毕业实践课程,使学生可以参与并完成企业项目的完整过程。既可灵活地延伸项目教学的时间,也可拓展课程的空间,以真实的企业环境实训实现课堂与岗位的对接。( 2)景观规划设计课程对学生职业能力培养和职业素养养成起主要支撑作用;课程采取工学交替模式,把企业实际项目引入教学环节,使学生在项目实施工作过程中, 课程以典型工作任务作为教学情境的载体,按景观规划设计工作

24、过程设计教学主题单元,学习掌握从项目准备(项目承接、现场勘察、项目任务书理解、客户沟通)-项目策划(创意主题、设计元素、风格定位、功能分区)项目详细设计项目文本编制(设计方案提交),以及通过观摩,并结合后续的综合实践课程和毕业设计毕业实习课程, 全面掌握景观规划设计工作完整工作过程,并掌握从事景观规划设计工作职业岗位所需的综合职业知识与能力。lectricity lines,equi pmentinspections,found hiddenintime for rectification, mainteWit hout usnigany household applia nces isnot

25、al lowed. 10,liveoncampusfaculty members, must leadbyexampluseofgas i nschools,to masterproper usag e,payattentiontothe lng valve afterusetoepreventa ccidents. 13,the adverse conse quencescausedbyignori ngfire safetyregulations,wilpine slopes surroundingsafety managementsystemteachers a nd students,

26、t he surrounding areashoulde ducate studentst orespectsocia lethi cs,aexplain the situati onto theschool to complywithofthe schoolgovernance coverspersonal a ndfood hygiene,culturaleventsand otheraspects,integratedgover nance shall obtain widesupportand fullcooperationofthecommunity.ning public orde

27、 r,and fight the badguy s,and graspt hecorrectway sand means of maintaini ng andimprovi ng students' self-care a bilit y.6,theestabli shmebeforethe li ne for repairs. 5,ea ch a ctivitymust havese curit y,emergency responseplanforaccide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, pi cni cto payattenti on tofire pr

28、ev enOn t hesurr ounding envirs i n schools,on highalertand de ploye d.Song Li nXia ngLi uJiapi ng elementary schoolaccidents 7,theactiv ities neartheriver s,reservoir s,nomeasure sordonot meetthe seMarch2016 songLi n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primaryschoolteachers and studentscurityrequirements oftheOr

29、ga nization and notletstudentsint othe waterorganizati onsout ofsafety managementsystem organizationactivities between tea chers a nd students,to draw up aprjoblessmigrantsfroms requireapproval by turalareas,forexample, harassmentofsthe De puty Dire ctor of theEducationBureaudents and avarietyofauin

30、 charge ofsecci dents,accordingtodifferentsituations recurit y.2,e ach activityshouldhave aspeporte d schoolofficialsorthepolicestation i na timelymanner,t o protectthesafety of students.4,everyday before school,teachersremindstudents,payattentisurveys shouldbe carried out i nadvance.4,activities fo

31、r tInorder toe sure normal tea chi ng order, probci ng students ' heaiy gr owth, e nsu.g that naina (papery s not “ toprevent or m.mze t he ocece of saety a_unt, fii ow the "r event-hot* e nsu e saety and e d ."”'e , a-oru g tie icai condi1ns mate the management system., the pricia

32、 i s the respons buy of scooi safety school _iy under the 1 eadersi of Pres dent securiy wk dig group. The head tea cer tote lea desi team s re sponsiie f or mpeme not. accunabih em* scooi monthy stude nt ki edge about safety ed-ag- educatonshoudbedversaedinthe.everysaetycatonfor st udents of cia pe

33、r ek soul d be tagee d. To carry .nemerge ncy ssue s deai g wih e d_aton i Gen nd muuai resue k nowedge. Emege ncy cals (such as ii0 19 m, and son).common - nse i n cation. 3 the esa bishment of mjr a cc det report ng system. School sude nts reort maor aent wt hi a n hour - edu-.n; dent r un a d.ppa

34、 n-st o epor; re iccdet t a n re , a cre cina ce nte a po sain, a to-wsip pe opi es Gv enment sal not cncel te acc -nt. 4 wet, ea ce s aeon duy .sem, esa bis ad impr'e t he eide ship vaLes sengt I e te e.n, manaement of eacig acf-i scoos t e nnue normal ea ci ng order esonsii e for scooi saey es

35、i amanaied c ooe cnac ad di src po sains nvasi ng rm tepol-staiononscooi-ey and hei p. 5, stegghe "gt- cher s ' moai-ucain,abis a de dcae d i<e, mpr ovig e _cain . .y obse-t I e su-nt s ' pschoi ogiai ccang- a ay -e ad tae prevent<e me * nocr pora punshme nt ad covet cor poai pui

36、sment on s u-ns, s udent out f te cassoom, “oois m. notbe6,unisrpamesuue s udent Stee prop” nna or paiic pae i the cee bratons as w el - pari ciat ng i ot her soca w ok, wihou a “rftec.recionaceetescooiprnciaiscnsentwtoutogaizain.WihoutsoudaK. che c te Intena wak, reai ning i ponds aiig s, haaisdors

37、 W ndw, sai ss ad a <ar iey of spors exticuricula acviesacitiesuch-iesaetyi"rstrct ue se cui y unsae aciy t o mmldiaey epair ad ddmoiton t e nnure ta ea ces a d su nts wrk l r, ive -nuls a nd facites ae sae ad eial e. Song Li I Xag Lu Ja pig eimeay scooi tach 206 song Lin Xiag Liu Jia pi ng

38、prmay scooi fiesaeysss t e nha n fire saey pr otcton of puic propey ad the l ie ad propey iabey of teches andsudes,scooiiesaeyinto广的理工职业技木皆陵."工卬F力娱”“皿皿"皿1""" CM"*建筑装饰工程技术专业课程标准(3)课程对学生职业素质养成起到明显的促进作用;通过项目教学,注重发挥学生主体意识,培养团队协作精神和与人沟通能力,并 在真实的环境中养成从事建筑装饰工程技术设计岗位的良好职业素质,为从事

39、职业工作岗位和自主创业打下良好基础。2、课程学习要求2-1对学生已有知识技能的要求:要求学生在学习本课程之前具备如下知识能力2-1-1建筑制图与识图的读图、识图、绘图的相关知识能力。2-1-2具有专业绘画基础的造型能力、装饰工程制图能力、装饰设计与施工技术 知识能力。2-1-3熟悉中外装饰发展简史,理解与建筑装饰相关的政策、法规、标准和规范 的能力。2-1-4掌握本专业所必备的计算机辅助设计知识能力。2-2对教师的资格要求:2-2-1具有熟悉景观设计的设计施工工艺的能力。2-2-2具备一定的项目设计能力和项目组织经验。2-2-3课内实践部分指导教师必须掌握更多领域的文化专业知识。2-2-4具备

40、设计基于行动导向的教学法的设计应用能力。2-2-5能采用先进的教学方法,具有比较强的驾驭课堂的能力。2-2-6具有良好的职业道德和责任心。2-3课程类型:本课程是建筑装饰工程技术专业的专业基础课程,课程的设计思路是遵循职业能力 发展的需要,打破传统的教学理念,注重知识结构的建立,在教学中不仅要传授必要的 专业知识,还要讲解哲学、社会科学、历史学 、心理学、宗教学、教育学、艺术学和 美术学等相关知识,开拓学生的知识面,增加学生的视野。从而培养出具备综合素质能 力的建筑装饰工程设计人员。因此这也对教师的能力提出较高的要求。教师要精通本专 业的相关专业知识外,还要有一定的高素质文化知识,要懂得与人体

41、工程学等相关领域 学科相联系的科学基础知识。该课程为项目课,以知识的运用能力培养为主。3、课程目标3-1具体目标Inordertoe nsure normaltea chi ngorder, protecti ng students ' healthygr owth, e nsuring that national(property) is notlost,topreventorminimize the occurrenceofsafety accidents, foll owthe"pr event,rescue eachother,e nsur esafetyand re

42、 ducelosse s" principle ,accordi ng tothe localconditions, makethe ma nagement system. 1,theprincipal i sthe responsi bilityofschool safety,schoolsecur ity underthe leadership ofPresidentsecurityworkleadinggroup.Theheadtea chertothe lea dership team isresponsiblefor,impleme ntation ofthe a ccou

43、nta bility system.2,school monthlystude ntknowl edgea boutsafetyeducation,educationshouldbe diversified i n theformevery safety education forst udentsofcla ssseperweekshoul d be targete d.Tocarry on emerge ncyissuesdealing withe ducation in General, self-helpa nd mut ualrescue knowledge.Emerge ncy c

44、alls(such as110, 119,122,120,and soon) usecommonse nse i n educati on.3,theesta blishmentof majora cci dent reporti ng system.Schoolstudents report majoraccdientwit hin a n hourofe ducation;studentr una nddisappeara ncest o report; report oftheaccidenttoa written reportintriplicate ,a corre ctional

45、ce ntre,a policestation,atownshippeopl e'sGov ernment shall notconcealtheacci dent.4week,tea cher s areon dutysystem,esta blish and improve t heleader shi pvalues;strengt henthe education, ma nagementofteachinga ctivities in schools to e nsurenormaltea chi ng order;responsibl eforschool safety l

46、eadership always maintained close contact anddistrict policestations,ca nvassi ng supportfrom the police station on schoolsafety andhel p.5, strengthe ning tea cher s 'moraleducation,establish ade dicate d love,impr ovingeducationqua lity, observe t he student s' psychol ogical changes at an

47、ytime andtake preventive measures,nocor poral punishme ntandcovert cor poralpunishment on st udents,st udentout oftheclassroom,schoolsmay notbe. 6, units orde partments use st udent Street propaga ndaor participate inthecele brations,asw ellas parti cipati nginot hersocialw ork,withouta pproval ofth

48、eCorrecti onalCentre,schoolprincipal s conse nt,without organizati on. Wit houtthe approvalofreleva nt de partments,mayorganizestudents t oparti cipatei nfirefighting, disaster relief andsoon. 7,schools shoulde ducate studentsto obeyt heschoolrules andreg ulations, on time,ontime home to preve nt ac

49、cidents. 8,schoolt o school i nspecti ons on aregular basis,found hiddeni n time,a ndi nsevere case s, itishard t oeliminate immediately cl osed, andreportedt othe l ocal pe ople'sGovernment,education,and ruleof lawse ction.9,t he school should always che ck the internal walls,retai ning walls,

50、ponds,railing s,handra ils, doors, Wi ndows, stair casesand avar iety of sports, extracurricularactivities,facilitie s such as firesafety, i nfrastruct urese curit y, unsafefacilityt o immediatelyrepair anddemolition toe nsurethattea chersand studentswork, learn,live venues a ndfacilitiesare safeand

51、 reliabl e.Song Li n Xiang Liu Jia ping elementaryschool March2016 song Lin Xiang LiuJiaping primary schoolfiresafety systems to e nha ncefire safety,pr otection of public propertyand thelifeand propertysafetyofteachers and students, schoolfire safetyintoday-to-day manageme nt,is developing thefollo

52、wingfire safetysystem.1,strengthen fire safetyeducation ofthewhole school.Accordi ngtothe requireme nts ofthe FireServices Act,sot hateveryone has ofkeeping fire control safety,pr otecting fire controlfacilities,fire preve ntion,reports offire3-1-1 知识目标3-1-1-1掌握景观设计所必须的理论知识,了解景观设计方面的发展状况以及最新动态。3-1-1

53、-2掌握景观设计的理念。3-1-1-3掌握创新思维的理论知识并能结合专业学习熟练应用。3-1-1-4掌握掌握景观设计所必须的原理、方法。3-1-1-5掌握较强的徒手绘画技能。3-1-1-6掌握独立进行原创景观设计和表达的技巧。3-1-2 能力目标3-1-2-1使学生具有利用景观设计等相关知识,解决在建筑装饰工程技术设计过程中的实际问题的能力。3-1-2-2使学生具有运用景观设计中的设计与建筑装饰风格相结合的能力。3-1-2-3使学生在设计过程中有充分思考和全方位思考的能力。3-1-2-4 能熟练进行建筑装饰设计和周围景观设计,解决建筑装饰设计的一般性问题。3-1-3 素质目标3-1-3-1 培

54、养学生在设计过程中真正做到“以人为本”的精神。3-1-3-2培养学生树立为人民服务、敬业爱岗的主人翁意识,这样才能处理好人-机-环境在设计环境中的关系。3-1-3-3培养学生思维的全面性,在做相关设计中都养成一个全面思考的职业习惯。培养学生良好的思想品德。3-1-3-4 培养学生正确的人生观、价值观。3-1-3-5培养学生正确的职业操守。3-1-3-6培养学生承受工作压力的能力。3-1-3-7培养学生自学和钻研能力。4、课程内容及教学设计4-1 课程任务设计本课程开设在第四学期,是建筑装饰工程技术的基础课程,是培养学生的综合素质能力的课程。掌握景观设计的原理和基础,学会使建筑装饰设计的风格和周

55、围景观相结lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hiddeni ntime for rectification, maintenance,and security.9, do notuse an open flamein the classroom, pr ohi bitburni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,no sm oking,a nd banning messy wiring.Without usnigany household a pplia nces isnotallowed.

56、 10,liveoncampusfaculty members, must leadbyexample,and educatefamiliesand chil drenrea dy to fire.11, householduseofgasi nschools,to master proper usag e,payattentiontothe leak-pr oof, explosion-proof,fireproof,closi ng valve afterusetoensure se curity.12,di ningroommustbequalified,and annualtesti ng ofpressure vessels,t oregularly che ck,the cantee n workersmustbe certified,stri ctlybyoperation operati on,gasta nk andstov


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