



1、欢迎阅读Three pigsNarrator: There are three little pigs . P ete and Pat are brother pi gs. They arevery lazy (懒惰).They eat and slee p all day. P aula is the youn gest(最年幼的)pig. She helps her mother do the housework(家务)Mother p ig: Oh, my dear childre n. You have grow n up(长大),pl ease go to buildyour own

2、 houses. Goodbye.P igs: OK, Mum. Goodbye.Narrator: They leave(离开)their mothersTtousmeet a man. He sellsstraw.Pete : May (可以)I buy your straw?Straw-seller: Sure. What for?Pete : I am going to build a house.Straw-seller: Straw is not strong.Pete : That ' s OK没关系。)I need a house before(之前)wi nter.N

3、arrator: P ete builds his straw house. Pat meets a man. He sells sticks.Pat: May I buy your sticks?Stick-seller: Sure. What for?Pat: I am going to build a house.Stick-seller: Sticks are not strong.Pete : That s OK. I n eed a house before win ter.Narrator: P at builds his stick house. P aula meets a

4、man. He sells bricks.页脚内容欢迎阅读Paula: May I buy your sticks?Brick-seller: Sure. What for?Pat: I am going to build a house.Brick-seller: Great!(太棒了) Bricks are very strong.P ete: Its hard to build a brick house.P at: Bricks are heavy.Paula: My Brick house will be harder(更坚固)than your houses.Narrator: P

5、 aula builds her brick house. A hungry wolf comes. He goes to the straw house.Wolf: Little pi g, little pig. Open your Door!(那么我要吹倒你的房子)P ete: No. No. Go away!Wolf: Then I will blow your house dow n(大灰狼吹倒了皮特的房子,皮特跑到帕特的房子。大灰狼来到了帕特的木房子前。)Wolf: Little pi g, little Pig* °Pen your Door!Pete: No. No.

6、 Go away !Wolf: Then I will blow your house dow n.(大灰狼吹倒了帕特的房子,皮特和帕特跑到宝拉的房子。大灰狼来到了宝拉的砖房子前。)Wolf: Little pig, Little p ig. Open your Door!P ete, Pat and Paul: No. No. Go away!Wolf: Then I will blow your house dow n.欢迎阅读Brother pi gs: Hel p! Hel p! P aula. The wolf is coming. Let me in!P aula: Come in

7、. Don't worry. My house is strong.Wolf: Little pig, little pig. Open the door!Three pi gs: No. No. Go away.Wolf: Then r II blow your house dow n.(大灰狼吹啊吹,吹不倒,他就使劲撞房子。)Wolf: r II hit it.P aula: Let's boil the water.大灰狼逃跑了 .)Brother p igs: OK.Wolf: Oh, oh! It's too hot. It's too hot.(Three pi gs: Hooray!(猪妈妈来了。)Mother: Oh, my dear. Are you OK?Three pigs: Yes, mym. We _ Jre OK.Mother: P ete, P at, You must be hard-work ing. You should lear n from P aula.P ete a


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