已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一般疑问句,否定句以及对划线部分提问的答题方法 改为一般疑问句:1. 先找 am, is, are, was, were 或 can, would , 放在最前面 2如果没有 am, is, are, was, were 或 can, would ,则看动词 : (1)动词是过去式, 句前加 Did ,动词变原形,其余照抄; (2)动词是第三人称单数, 句前加 Does, 动词变原形,其余照抄。(3)动词是原形,则 句前加Do,其余照抄。改为否定句:或 can, would , 再后加 not ,其或 can, would ,则看动词:人后加 didn 't ,动词变原形,其余照抄;

2、人后加 doesn't, 动词改为原形,其余照抄。(3)动词为原形,则 人后加 don't ,其余照抄1方法和上面一样,先找 am, is, are, was, were 余照抄 ;2如果没有 am, is, are, was, were( 2)动词为第三人称单数,( 1)动词为过去式,对划线部分提问:1. 用适当的疑问词代替划线部分2. 将剩余部分 改为一般疑问句(注:如划线部分为主语,则用who代替,其余照抄;如划线部分为动词或动词短语,则用do代替,句前加 what,再改为一般疑问句。)学习小贴士:1在 be 动词 (is, am, are, was, were) 或情态

3、动词 (can, may, must, should, would, could) 后面加 not ,可以缩写成 n' t. ( 情态动词后面动词用原形 )如: I am a student. 7 I am not a student. (am not不能缩写 )They are on the desk.7 They are not on the desk.(are not = arent)2. 在动词前加 don' t, doesn ' t, didn ' t如: I have a pen.7 I don ' t have a pen.She like

4、s watching TV.7 She doesn ' t like watch TV.(doesn ' t 后面用动词原形 )7 We didn 3 祈使句的否定形式在句首在如: Open the door.7 Don' t open the door. (We went to the park yesterday.' t 后面用动词原形 )t go to school yesterday. (didn注意 Don' t 后面的单词开头字母不要大写 )some要改成anyDon' t注:在改否定句时,如果句子中有 如: There are so

5、me birds in the tree.7 There aren ' t any birds in the tree改一般问句和否定句要 注意: some 要变成 any如: There are some toys on the bed.T Are there any toys on the bed? 第一人称 ( 我)要与第二人称 ( 你)互换 如: I am at school now.T Are you at school now? ( IMy father likes reading magazines.T Does your father like reading maga

6、zines?对划线部分提问要 注意 :根据划线内容找出相对应的疑问词how和wh-词(what, when, where 等),后面如有 be 动词或情态动词就跟 be 动词或情态动词,没有 be 动词或情态动词,后加 do/does/did ,划线部分的内容在问句中不出现。注意点:同改一般疑问句(some变any,第一人称(我)要与第二人称(你)互换)要变成 you, 所以 be 动词改成 are)时间:如:地点:如:what time / whenI get up at seven o'clock.T What time do you get up ?(没 be 动词,后加 do;

7、人称互换) whereThe book is on the desk.T Where is the book ? ( 有 be 动词就跟 be 动词 )人: who如: I have a nice sweater.T Who has a nice sweater? (who 后必须跟三单形式 ) 事情或物品: what如: The book is on the desk.T What is on the desk?He is watching TV.T What is he doing?谁的 ( 所有格 ) : whose如:年龄:如:数量:如:价钱:如:颜色:如:This is Tom

8、9;s pen.T Whose pen is this? how old My brother is four years old.T How old is your brotherhow manyThere are six apples on the table.T How many apples are there on the table how much This watermelon is five yuan.T How much is this watermelon what colour I like red. ( 红色,名词 ) T What colour do you lik

9、e?形容词: The green pen is on the school bag. (T Which pen is on the school bag绿色的,形容词 )固定提问:12345问几点钟问星期几问日期问感觉问(标志的 )意思What ' s the time? / What time is it? What day is it today?What date is it today? / WhatHow do you feel (now)?What does it mean?'s the date today?根据要求改写句子英语复习资料一一句式变换1. L am

10、going to go to Bejing next week.一般疑问句)否定句)划线提问).划线提问)划线提问)划线提问)2. She sings in the music room every Friday.一般疑问句)否定句)划线提问).划线提问)划线提问)划线提问)3. It often rains in summer .一般疑问句)否定句)划线提问)4. His sister went to school by bike yesterday.一般疑问句) 否定句) 划线提问).划线提问) 划线提问) 划线提问) 划线提问) 划线提问)5. They usually do homework at home at 7:00.一般疑问句) 否定句) 划线提问).划线提问)划线提问) 划线提问)6. This desk is green.7. There are fiftystudents in the c


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