



1、Yummy Yams美味的山药Todd: So Abidemi, you're from Nigeria, right? 托德:阿比德米,你来自尼日利亚,对吧 Abidemi: Yes, I am, that's correct.阿比德米:对,没错.Todd: So, can you talk a little bit about food from your country?托德:你能谈谈尼日利亚的美食吗Abidemi: Yes, gladly. I love eating, so food is one of my favorite things to talk about

2、. In Nigeria, we eat a lot of food that's made of potatoes or yam so one of my favorite foods from Nigeria is called Inyan. Inyan is pounded yam. And what we do is we boil yam in a pot and then we put it into like what we call a pounder. I don't know how you say in English and we use a morta

3、r and a pounding stick. And we pound it for maybe 20/30 minutes, usually the women do this and it comes out really sticky. And we eat it with our hands and with a sauce, kind of like tomato sauce with a lot of meat or fish, depending on your region. And it's just really delicious. It's somet

4、hing we eat especially during festivals and like yeah, with lots of music, if you are happy, if you are eating, yeah, it's really good.阿比德米:好,我很乐意.我喜欢美食,所以食物是我最喜欢谈的话题之 一.尼日利亚有很多食物是由土豆或山药做成的,我最喜欢的尼日利亚美 食是Inyan.这道菜要把山药捣碎.我们先把山药放到锅里煮,煮好后把山英语口语 药放到捣具里.我不知道英语是不是这么说,我们用臼和棍子把山药捣 碎.通常这个工作由女性来做,大概 20到30分

5、钟以后,山药就会变成粘 稠状.我们通常用手拿着捣好的山药麻酱吃,一般是番茄酱,再搭配肉和 鱼类食用,搭配取决于你所在地区的习惯.非常美味.我们一般在节日期 间吃这道菜,周围会放音乐,如果你在吃饭的时候感到开心,那非常好.Todd: That sounds really good. So, you said though that it has sauce on it and you also eat it with your hands?托德:听起来很不错.你说要麻酱吃,而且是用手拿着吃 Abidemi: Yes. Normally, we eat it with our hands so t

6、hey put it in a plate, it's white in color and beside they'll put like a stew, it's tomato based with onions all mixed together, grinded together. And then they cook a fish or meat or even a mixture of both in the stew. So when you eat it, you're eating with your fingers and your, ye

7、ah, put it in your mouth, it's very savory, it's a very savory dish.阿比德米:对.通常我们用手吃,捣好后的山药是白色的,把它们放在盘 子里,然后搭配炖菜食用,炖菜就是把番茄和洋葱磨碎混合在一起.然后 再烹饪鱼或肉,把它们也混合在炖菜里.用手拿着放进嘴里直接吃,这是 一道非常美味的菜肴.Todd: That sounds good. So, how long does it take to cook?托德:听起来不错.那做这道菜大约需要多长时间Abidemi: Usually, I would say an ho

8、ur to two hours because you have to boil, peel the yams, boil the yams and then pound theyams so all that process takes time. And then there's the sauce, the stew as well that has to be prepared, so it takes time.阿比德米:一般需要一到两个小时的时间,由于要煮山药、去皮,然后捣 碎山药,这些步骤需要时间.接下来还要准备酱汁和炖菜,所以比较费时 间.Todd: That soun

9、ds like a lot of energy.托德:听起来要消耗很多精力.Abidemi: It is a lot of energy which is I think mainly why it's eaten during festivals or when people have a lot of time or people that are just at home, yeah, special occasions, that's when we have it.阿比德米:确实会花费很多精力,所以在节日或是人们有很多时间或是人 们赋闲在家时才会做这道菜,当然在特殊场

10、合也会准备这道菜.Todd: So when you pound the yams, do you just do one yam at a time or are you doing many yams at once?托德:在捣山药时,是一次捣一个山药,还是同时捣多个山药Abidemi: You're doing many pieces of yams so the yams have been cut, after they've been peeled. They've been cut into smaller pieces and you put these

11、 into the mortar and then you're pounding away, yeah.阿比德米:同时捣多个山药,所以在去皮以后要把山药切成块儿.把山药 切成小块儿以后,把它们放进臼里,然后捣碎它们.Todd: Oh, wow. So, and what foods does this go well with?托德:哦,哇哦.那这些食物一般和什么搭配着吃Abidemi: This is normally eaten by itself but when we have special occasions of course, we don't only ha

12、ve one dish. We have that, we also have rice that's made, we call one Jollof rice and it's made . cooked in . I would say it's similar to theSpanish pilaf. So it's tomato based as well and it comes out red, so you have that. We might have some what we call dodo which is fried plantai

13、ns in English. So we have different dishes around that, they're centered around, yeah, we love eating in Nigeria, so yeah.阿比德米:通常就这样吃,不过如果是特殊场合,不可能只有这一道菜. 我们通常要做辣椒炖肉饭,这种饭和西班牙的辣味菜肉饭很像.做这种饭 也要用蕃茄,所以它的颜色是红色的.我们还会做油炸大蕉.我们会准备 很多道菜,搭配着食用,我们尼日利亚热爱美食.Todd: Sounds good.托德:听起来真不错.重点讲解:1. be made of由构成的;由制成的;例句: This armchair is made of bamboo.这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的.2. depend on 取决于;有赖于;例句: Future growth, he argued, would depend on "how much private consumption can improve".他辩论道,将来的增长,将取决于“个人


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