



1、Exercise makes you happier than wealthInstead of logging extra hours at work in hopes of getting a raise, maybe you should hit the gym instead, as it could make you just as happy as that extra money.与其加班期望能升职加薪,也许你更应该去健身房,由于运动让你获 得的快乐堪比加薪.An interesting new study, published in the Lancet, found that

2、 people who are physically active have a greater sense of wellbeing than those who are inactive - and that active individuals feel as good as inactive people who earn $25,000 more per year.发表在?柳叶刀?上的一项有趣的新研究发现,积极锻炼身体的人比 那些不积极锻炼的人拥有更强的幸福感,而且积极锻炼身体的人的幸 福指数与每年多换 2.5万美元却不积极运动的人相当.Researchers from Oxford

3、 and Yale Universities used data gathered from more than 1.2 million Americans. They were asked, "How many times have you felt mentally unwell in the past 30 days, for example, due to stress, depression, or emotional problems?" 牛津大学和耶鲁大学的研究人员的研究数据来自120万美国人.他们被问及“最近30天你有多少次感到心理上的不适,比方,压力、消

4、沉、或者情绪问题Participants were also asked about their exercise habits and were able to choose from 75 diverse physical activities, including mowing the lawn, doing housework and childcare, running, weightlifting, and cycling.参与者也会被问到他们的运动习惯,并在75种不同的体力活动中选择(其中包括:修剪草坪、做家务带娃、跑步、举重、骑车).The researchers found

5、that people who exercise regularly feel bad for an average of 35 days per year, whereas inactive people feel bad for an additional 18 days.研究人员发现,经常运动的人平均每年会有35天感觉不适,而不怎么运动的人每年的不适天数多由18天.From the study:研究显示:Individuals who exercised had 43 percent fewer days of poor mental health in the past month t

6、han individuals who did not exercise but were otherwise matched for several physical and sociodemographic characteristics.在过去一个月里,有运动习惯的人感受到心理问题的天数比没有运动 习惯的人少43%,但在其它方面与身体特征和社会人口学特征相匹 配.All exercise types were associated with a lower mental health burden.所有运动类型都与较低的心理健康负担相关.Social physical activitie

7、s (i.e. team sports) had an even more positive effect, although cycling ranked highly.尽管自行车排名很高,但社交体育运动如团体运动能产生更积极 的影响.It is possible to get too much exercise. From Business Insider's writeup on the study, "The mental health of those participants who exercised for longer than three hours a

8、day suffered more than that of those who weren't particularly physically active."但人们也有可能运动过量.根据商业内幕网对这一研究的报道,“每 天锻炼超过三个小时的参与者的心理状况比那些不怎么运动的人有更 多的不适.The ideal amount seems to be three to five training sessions per week, lasting 30 to 60 minutes each.理想的运动强度似乎是每周进行3-5次锻炼,每次持续 30-60分钟.But the takeaway should be that any amount helps, so don't stress about hitting that perfect balance: "All exercise types we


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