1、大学四级-1793总分:712.00 ,做题时间:90分钟一、Part I Writing 总题数:1,分数:106.001.1. 越来越多的人采用“低碳的方式生活2 .低碳生活有很多益处3 .低碳生活,我们应该Lead a Low-Carbon Life分数:106.00 正确答案:Lead a Low-Carbon LifeWith the environmental problems on our planet going from bad to worse, reducing carbon emission has become everyones responsibility. Mo
2、re and more celebrities and ordinary people have embraced the low-carbon lifestyle by paying close attention to carbon emission from daily life. Low-carbon life refers to a kind of lifestylewith low energy consumption and carbon emissions.For one thing , it is significant in saving natural resources
3、 and energy such as forests, water and oil. Fo r another, it can protect our environment by emitting less green house gases.To lead a low- carbon life, we have a long way to go to bridge the gap between recognition and practices. For recognition, we need to pick up our long-standing Chinese traditio
4、n of frugality. And for practice, turning to public transitsystem for transportation is an advisable step. Leadinga low- carbon life is anything but easy, nevertheless, everybody should do something for theearth we live in. 解析: from bad to worse 越来越糟,每况愈下 embrace.lifestyle 米取生活方式 low energy consumpt
5、ion and carbon emissions低能耗和低碳排放列举益处 green house gases湿室气体 a long way to go任重道远 anything but easy绝非易事nevertheless然而,不过二、Part n Reading Comprehension Skimming and Scanning总题数:4,分数:70.00The Kids Cant Help ItThey say you never escape high school. And for better or worse, science is lending some credibi
6、lity to that old saw. Thanks to sophisticated imaging technology and a number of longitudinal 纵向的studies, were learning that the teen years are a period of crucial brain development subjectto a host of environmental and genetic factors. This emerging research sheds light not only on why teenagers ac
7、t the way they do, but how the experiences of adolescence from rejection to binge drinking 酗?酉can affect who we become as adults, how we handle stress, and the way we bondwith others.One of the most important discoveries in this area of study, says Dr. Frances Jensen, a neuroscientist at Harvard, is
8、 that our brains are not finished maturing by adolescence, as was previously thought. Adolescent brains are only about 80 percent of the way to maturity, she said at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in November. It takes until the mid-20s, and possibly later, for a brain to become
9、fully developed.An excess of gray matter the stuff that does the processing at the beginning of adolescence makes us particularly brilliant at learning the reason were so good at picking up new languages starting in early childhood but also particularly sensitive to the influences of our environment
10、, both emotional and physical. Our brains processing centers havent been fully linked yet, particularly the parts responsible for helping to check out impulses and consideringthe long-termresults of our actions. Its like a brain thats all cheered up not knowing where it needs to go, says Jensen.Its
11、partially because of this developmental timeline that a teen can be so quick to think of a stinging remark, or a biting insult, and so uninhibited in firing it off at the nearest unfortunate target a former friend, perhaps, or a bewildered parent. Theimpulse to hurl an insult is there, just as it ma
12、y be for an adult in a stressful situation, but the brain regions that an adult might rely on to stop himself from saying something cruel just havent caught up.In a paper published last year in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Dr. Jay Giedd, a scientist at the Ch
13、ild Psychiatry Branch of the National Institutes of Mental Health, wrote that, according to brain scans conducted over several years, gray-matter volume peaks around or just before the beginning of puberty 青春期,and then continuouslydeclines. In contrast, white matter the stuff that helps connect area
14、s of the brain increases right up to, and beyond, the end of puberty.These adolescent brain developments dont happen to all parts of the brain at the same time. The order in which this maturation of connection goes, is from the back of the brain to the front of the brain. says Jensen.And one of the
15、last parts to mature is the frontal lobe 大脑额叶,a large area responsible formodulating reward, planning, impulsiveness, attention, acceptable social behavior, and other roles that are known as executive functions.Its thanks in part to the frontal lobe that we are able to schedule our time with any sor
16、t of efficiency, plan in advance to arrange for a designated driver on a night out, and restrain ourselves from getting into fights any time we get involved in an argument. Unfortunately, its just these sorts of behaviors that teenage brains are not fully endowed to deal withand theconsequences are
17、potentially fatal when it comes to high-risk behavior like drinking and driving. This blast of teen-brain change is compounded by profound social and psychological shifts. Of particular importance is that adolescence is the time when we develop stronger social connections with our peers, and more in
18、dependence from our parents.Before the transition to adolescence, kids interactions with one another, and the kinds of friendships that they have, are substantially different, explains Dr. Mitch Prinstein, professor and director of clinical psychology, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hil
19、l. After adolescence they can really confide in friends, they turn to them as first sources of social support.This cuts both ways. Healthy relationships have a positive effect on how an adolescent navigates through a noisy period of life. But at the same time, this reliance on friends makes young pe
20、ople susceptible to the influence of peer pressure, even when it is indirect.The most effective predictors of why adolescents engage in all kinds of health-risk behaviors substance use, sexual behavior, even recently, self-cutting is very much related to how much they perceive that their close frien
21、ds are doing the same thing, or someone that they consider very cool and popular is doing the same thing, says Prinstein.And, the latest research shows that some of these risky behaviors may have surprising lifelong consequences. Toni Pak, assistant professor in the department of cell and molecular
22、physiology, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University, Chicago, recently demonstrated that rats exposed to binge drinking as adolescents developed some troubling issues as adults.Meanwhile, a Harvard study found that kids who smoked pot before age 16 had more lifelong cognitive problems than tho
23、se who started smoking after 16. The tests were done on subjects with an average age of 22, and those who smoked pot 大麻earlier had problems remembering details, making decisions, and responding quickly when directions changed.Another study found that peer rejection and public speaking create a great
24、er chemical stress response in adolescents compared with children. The authors of the paper on this study noted that an increased stress response might be a biological strategy that allows adolescents to adapt to their environments, but that in high-risk individuals this upward shift in stress respo
25、nse may tip the balance toward stress-response deregulation associated with depression and other psychopathology. As Kevin Beaver, a Florida State University researcher who studies adolescence and crime, says, Stress can pull the trigger on the genetic gun.The good news is that most of us make it ou
26、t of adolescence just fine. And while a better understanding of the teenage brain may bring into focus dangers we hadnt known existed, it may also allow us to identify who is at risk.分数:49.00 (1) .Through imaging technology and many studies, what factors do we learn that affect the brain development
27、 of the teen years?A. Psychological and physical factors.B. Academic and scientific factors.C. Sleeping and dieting factors.D. Environmental and genetic factors.分数:7.00A.B.C.D. V 解析:解析根据题干关键词imaging technology , studies定位到第一段第三句:Thanks tosophisticated imaging technology and a number of longitudinal
28、studies, were learning that the teen years are a period of crucial brain development subject to a host of environmental and genetic factors.可知,通过复杂的成像技术以及许多纵向的研究,我们得知青少年时期是一个关键的大脑发育阶 段,它会受到许多环境和基因因素的影响.应选 D项.(2) .What does Dr. Frances Jensen say about adolescent brains?A. They experience temporary s
29、uspension of maturing.B. They are fully developed as adult brains.C. They are about 80% of the way to maturity.D. They can be easily affected by the environment.分数: 7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析根据题干关键词 Dr. Frances Jensen , adolescent brains 定位到第二段第二句: Adolescent brains “are only about 80 percent of the way t
30、o maturity, 可知, Dr. Frances Jensen 说, 青少年的大脑“只到达了 80%勺成熟度.应选 C项.(3) .Why cant adolescents stop themselves from saying something cruel?A. They received insufficient education.B. The brain regions that prevent them have not caught up.C. They regard yelling a good way to let off anger.D. Teens can be s
31、o quick to think of a stinging remark.分数: 7.00A.B. VC.D.解析:解析根据题干关键词 stop , something cruel定位到第四段第二句:The impulse to hurl an insult is there, just as it may be for an adult in a stressful situation, but the brain regions thatan adult might rely on to stop himself from saying something cruel just have
32、nt caught up.可知,青少年也有想要说侮辱的话冲动,正如在紧张的形势下成人也会有的一样,但是像成人所依赖的可能 阻止他说出残忍话语的大脑区域还没有形成.应选B项.(4) .How does the gray-matter develop, according to Dr. Jay Giedd?A. Its volume continuously declines around or before the beginning of puberty.B. It increases right up to puberty, and continues beyond the end of p
33、uberty.C. It reaches the highest point around or just before the beginning of puberty.D. Its volume increases before puberty and declines in the middle of puberty.分数: 7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析根据题干关键词 gray-matter , Dr. Jay Giedd定位到第五段第一句: Dr.Jay Giedd, wrote that, according to brain scans conducted over s
34、everal years, gray-matter volume peaks around or just before the beginning of puberty.可知,Dr. Jay Giedd 写到,根据几年内所进行的大脑扫描,灰白质的数量在青春期开始前后或就在青春期开始前到达顶峰.应选 C项.(5) .Jensen said that the maturation of connection follows the sequence of.A. from the back of the brain to the front of the brainB. happening to
35、all parts of the brain at the same timeC. from the frontal lobe to the back lobe of the brainD. from the gray matter to the white matter in the brain分数: 7.00 A. VB.C.D.解析:解析根据题干关键词 Jensen, maturation , sequence定位到第六段第二句: The order in which this maturation of connection goes, is from the back of the
36、brain to the front of the brain, “ says Jensen.可知,Jensen说:“这种成熟连接的顺序是从大脑的后部到大脑的前部.应选A项.题干中的sequence 是原文中 order 的 同义替换.(6) .What activity will the frontal lobe make us engage in?A. Making reasonable decisions when facing choices.B. Arranging our time with any sort of efficiency.C. Taking risky behavi
37、ors like drinking and driving.D. Getting into fights when we involve in arguments.分数: 7.00 A.B. VC.D.解析:解析根据题干关键词the frontal lobe , make us定位到第八段第一句:Its thanks in part to the frontal lobe that we are able to schedule our time with any sort of efficiency, 可知,这在局部程度上是由于前叶我们才能以任何形式的效率安排我们的时间.应选B项.(7) .
38、According to Dr. Mitch Prinsteins explanation, what is extremely different before kids turn to adolescence?A. More independence from parents and strong capability.B. Their friends as their first sources of social support.C. Their confidence in their friends and family members.D. Their interactions w
39、ith one another and their friendships.分数: 7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析根据题干关键词 Dr. Mitch Prinstein 定位到第十段第一句:Before the transition to adolescence, kids interactions with one another, and the kinds of friendships that they have,are substantially different, After adolescence they can really confide in friends,
40、 they turnto them as first sources of social support.可知,Dr. Mitch Prinstein 解释道:在转变至 U青少年之前,孩子和其他人的交流,以及他们所拥有的友情类别是非常不同的在进入青春期后他们可能非常依赖朋友,把朋友作为社会支持的第一来源.应选C项.题干中的turn是原文transition的同意替换.2 .The recent research indicates that some of the adolescents health-risk behaviors may cause 1.分数:7.00填空项 1: 正确答案:
41、 surprising lifelong consequences 解析:解析根据题干关键词 the recent research , some of , behaviors定位到第十三段第一句:And,the latest research shows that some of these risky behaviors may have surprising lifelongconsequences.可知,最新的研究显示,这些有健康风险的行为中,有的可能会有令人吃惊的、持续一生 的后果. 故填 surprising lifelong consequences .3 .A Harvard
42、study found that kids who smoked pot earlier had difficulty in making 1 when directions changed.分数:7.00填空项 1: 正确答案: quick responses 解析:解析根据题干关键词 smoked pot earlier定位到第十四段第二句:The tests were done onsubjects with an average age of 22, and those who smoked pot earlier had problems remembering details, m
43、aking decisions, and responding quickly when directions changed,可知, 这些测试的研究对象是平均年龄为22岁的人,而且那些更早吸食大麻的人在记忆细节、做出决定以及当指示改变时迅速做出反响方面都存在问题.故填quick responses .此题需将respond转换为response o4 .Another study found that compared with children, adolescents may have a greater stress response in face of 1.分数:7.00填空项 1
44、: 正确答案:peer rejection and public speaking 解析:解析根据题干关键词 compared with children 定位到第十五段第一句:Another study found thatpeer rejection and public speaking create a greater chemical stress response in adolescentscompared with children.可知,另一个研究发现和儿童相比,同龄人的排斥和公共场合的发言给青少年造成更大的化学压力反响.故填 peer rejection and publi
45、c speaking .三、Part m Listening Comprehension 总题数:0,分数:0.00四、Section A 总题数:4,分数:105.00分数:35.00 (1) .A. He cant get a room at the hotel.B. He didnt get the type of room he wanted.C. He expected the room to be more expensive.D. He thought he had already made a reservation.分数: 7.00 A.B. VC.D.解析:解析W: Im
46、afraid this is the only room in the hotel we have free at this time, Sir. Wewerent expecting you.M: Oh, dear. I guess Ill take what I can get. Next time Ill be sure to call in advance and make a reservation.Q: What can be inferred about the man?听前预测根据选项中room, reservation等词推测此题与宾馆预订有关.答案详解女士对男士说这是现在宾
47、馆唯一空闲的房间,他们没料到他会来,男士说下次他会提前打 预订,由此可以推知男士没能得到他想要的房间.(2) .A. Shell be on the same airplane as the man.B. She doesnt take very good note.C. Shes looking for a ride to the airport.D. She cant help the man. 分数:7.00A.B.C.D. V解析:解析M: Mary, Ive got to fly home for winter break early. Im actually leaving tom
48、orrow. Do you think you could take notes for me in our American History class on Thursday?W: Oh, Jim. Im leaving tomorrow too.Q: What does the woman imply?听前预测根据选项中airplane推测此题可能与乘飞机有关.答案详解男士说他明天要乘飞机回家过寒假,并问女士能否帮他在周四的美国历史课上记笔记,女士说她明天也回家,所以女士在暗示她帮不了男士.(3) .A. She left the videos in her other bag.B. S
49、he will return one of the videos today.C. She returned the videos last week.D. She forgot how many videos she had borrowed.分数: 7.00 A.B. VC.D.解析:解析M: Mariah, I lent you a couple of videos last week. Id like to pass them on to another student today.W: I have one in my bag, but could I keep the other
50、one until tomorrow? I havent quite finished it yet.Q: What does the woman imply?听前预测根据选项中video推测此题与影碟有关.答案详解男士说上周他借给女士几张影碟,他想再把它们借给另一个学生看,女士说她包里有一张,问 男士能否明天还给他另一张,自己还没看完,所以女士在暗示她今天只能归还一张影碟给男士.(4) .A. She has plans to work in a supermarket this summer.B. She wants to take a class in marketing.C. She
51、doesnt want to work this summer.D. She hasnt finalized her plans for the summer.分数:7.00 A.B.C.D. V解析:解析M: Have you decided what you are going to do over the summer break?W: Well, Ive given it some thought, and Id like to get a job in something related to marketing. But I havent come up with anything
52、 definite yet.Q: What does the woman mean?听前预测根据选项中plans , summer推测此题与夏天的方案安排有关.答案详解男士问女士暑假作何打算,女士说她想做些关于营销的工作,但是还不太确定,因此女士还没 有完全规划好夏天的安排.A Refuse to lend Mary her jacket.B. Use the jacket less often.C. Buy Mary a jacket.D. Wear one of Marys jackets. 分数:7.00 A. VB.C.D.解析:解析W: Mary borrowed my jacket
53、 again this morning. Its getting so cold. I almost never get to use it.M: You gonna put a stop to that. She has plenty of her own things to wear.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?听前预测根据选项中jacket推测此题与夹克有关.答案详解女士说Mary今天早上又借走了她的夹克,天气变冷,她自己几乎都没穿过那件夹克,男士说女士最好别再那样做,Mary自己有很多衣服穿,所以男士建议女士不要再借夹克给Mary
54、.分数:21.00(1) .A. Turn on the television.B. Change the channel immediately for the man.C. Continue watching the nature program.D. Check to see when the nature program is on.分数: 7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析M: The soccer championship is on right now on channel 8.W: If you dont mind, Id like to see the end of t
55、his nature program; it should only take another ten minutes itself.Q: What will the woman probably do?听前预测根据选项中television , program推测此题与电视节目有关.答案详解男士说现在八频道在直播足球冠军赛,女士说如果男士不介意的话,她想看完自然节目的结尾,只需多花十分钟,因此女士可能会继续看自然节目.(2) .A. The man and the woman use the same computer.B. The man cannot help the woman.C.
56、The woman cannot turn off the computer.D. The man has helped the woman with her computer before.分数: 7.00 A.B. VC.D.解析:解析M: I wish I could help you. But, Im not really good with computers. Whenever have a problem with my computer, I just turn the whole thing off and then start all over again.W: Well,
57、 Ive tried that already about a dozen times.Q: What can be inferred about the conversation?听前预测根据选项中computer推测此题与电脑有关.答案详解男士说他很想帮助女士,但是他不擅长电脑,他的电脑遇到问题时,通常是把全部东西关掉再 重新启动,女士说她已经那样试过很屡次了,因此可以推知男士不能帮助女士解决电脑问题.A. She does not like it.B. It does not fit her very well.C. It is too formal for the occasion.D. The man likes the other dress better.分数:7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析M: Which dress are you going to wear7W: I like t
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