1、大学四级-1921总分:713.00 ,做题时间:90分钟一、Part I Writing 总题数:1,分数:106.001 .良好的师生关系对教学很重要2 .建立良好师生关系的途径3 .作为一名大学生应该怎么做分数:106.00 正确答案:Good Relationship Between Teacher and StudentsA good relationship between teacher and students isessential to teaching and learning. It hasa positive influence on both sides. A go
2、od teacher-student relationship makes learning enjoyable and teaching worthwhile. If the relationship is not pleasant, it can discourage the students from learning and make teaching a boring task.The ideal relationship depends on the mutual efforts of both sides. On the one hand, it is important tha
3、t students should respect their teacher. Don't talk in the classroom when attending a lecture. Listening to the teacher attentively isinvariably a way to show politeness to the teacher.Onthe other hand , the teacher should be responsible for teaching and be ready to help any student in need. Par
4、tiality and prejudice may hurt some studentswhile kindness, patience and justiceare recommendable to every student. In actual fact , both respect and understanding lead to harmonious relationship.It seems that good relationship between the teacher and a college student is difficult to maintain. But
5、it's not necessarily the case. Making friends with his teachers,I believe , is one of theeffective way of improving the teacher-student relationship. Also, taking study as his key task may avoid many bad manners which greatly contribute to bad teacher-student relationship. 解析:解析 用词亮点:1在第一段首句中,es
6、sential意思为“根本的;重要的,说明某事物的重要性,相当于 important fundamental等.2第二段第四句中,invariably 意思为"总是",起强调作用,类似于always , constantly 等.3第二段尾句中,In actual fact意思为"事实上",起强调作用.类似表达法有In fact , Actually , Virtually 等. 句式亮点:1第一段首句利用If引导的条件状语从句进行推论.2第二段倒数第二句中while意思为"而",表示对照关系,起强调作用,相当于but , where
7、as, yet , and yet等.3第三段第三句中I believe 意思为“我认为,利用插人成分使句型富有变化. 篇章亮点:1第二段首句利用“depends on the mutual efforts of both sides 的结构引出某一 事物的两个方面.2第二段首句之后使用了 " On the one hand , - On the other hand ,表示列举的 结构.3第三段前两句中"It seems that -But it's not necessarily the case 是一个表示推论的结 构,值得模仿.二、Part n Readin
8、g Comprehension Skimming and Scanning总题数:1,分数:70.00First AidThe main purpose of first aid is to provide proper care to suddenly ill or injured persons until medical help becomes available or, for problems that do not need a physician's attention.Even a child can save a life by knowing what to do
9、. For example, by rolling an unconscious person's head to one side, anyone can save that person from drowning in his own saliva or choking on his tongue. Manyfirst-aid techniques are as simple. Others require preparation in advance, but almost anyone can learn most of the important roles and met
10、hods. PART I: Bas ic Rules1. Do not panic: control your emotions. Then reassure the victim if he or she is conscious.2. Ask for help. Send someone to call a physician, the police or fire department, or an ambulance. Ask others to stop traffic, get supplies, control crowds, etc. If you are alone, go
11、for help 0nly after you have completed the most urgent first-aid measures.3. Move the victim out of the way of danger. Otherwise, do not move him until professional help arrives. If the victim must be lifted, support all parts of the body as evenly as possible.4. If the victim's clothes or hair
12、are on fire and no water is at hand, smother the flames by covering them with a coat, or blanket or roll him on the ground. Do not try to beat out flames with your hands.5. If bright red blood is pouring out, put direct pressure on the wound immediately with any clean cloth or with your hand or fing
13、ers.6. Roll an unconscious person's head over to the side. This keeps the tongue from falling back against the throat. Then quickly loosen tight clothing and check for a bracelet, or card that might identify and provide instructions for any disorder the person might have.7. If the victim has sto
14、pped breathing, check the mouth and throat with a finger for any obstruction; then begin artificial respirationwhich is part of the CPR-cardiopulmonary resuscitation-lifesupport technique described below.PART n: CPR and Life SupportThe first part of CPR, clearing the airways, and the second part, ar
15、tificial respiration, areeasy to learn and are useful for many life-threateningemergencies. But the third part, externalheart massage, must be practiced in advance to he sure of using it properly and safely.If a person collapses and stops breathing, begin the ABC's of CPR. Do not go beyond A (ai
16、rway clearance. if breathing resumes. Do not go beyond B (mouth-to-mouth breathing. unless you are certain that the victim has no pulse. Use C (chest compression) only if you have prepared yourself in advance to do it properly. In all the steps, use proportionately lighter force for children.A. Airw
17、ay Clearance1. Place the victim on his back and support the neck.2. Lift the neck and tilt the forehead backward, and then lift the chin upward. Do not lift or bend the neck if you think it might be injured. Push the chin upward without moving the neck.3. Listen for breathing by placing your ear nea
18、r the mouth; meanwhile, watch the chest for signs of movement. If the person is breathing, roll him carefully onto his side.4. If there is no sign of breathing or breathing is inadequate, open the mouth and remove any foreign material that may interfere with resuscitation.B. Mouth-to-Mouth Breathing
19、1. With the victim's head in the up position, pinch the nostrils closed, take a deep breath, and place your mouth tightly over his mouth. Then blow quickly and deeply four times. After each time, raise your mouth and let air escape from the victim's mouth. Mouth-to-nose respiration may be us
20、ed if the mouth cannot be opened or is badly injured. With small children, place your mouth over the mouth and nose.2. If you feel resistance to your breath, and the victim's chest does not rise as you exhale or fall when you pause, the airway may still be obstructed. Bend the neck back farther
21、and lift the chin higher. (Do not bend an infant's neck too far back or the airway will close. ) If no obstruction is found, roll the victim on his side toward you and deliver four firm slaps between the shoulder blades.Then place the victim on his back again, put your fist just above the navel,
22、 and forcefully butcarefully push once. These movements combined may force air out of the lungs and remove any object trapped deeper in the airway.3. After assuring an open airway, check for a pulse by placing your thumb and middle finger on the neck on either side of the windpipe. If there is a pul
23、se, resume the inhalations anal exhalations at the rate of one cycle every five seconds, or 12 a minute. Use shallower breaths for children, about 20 a minute. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation must not be stopped for more than 15 seconds in adults, proportionately less in children, until the victim is b
24、reathing on his own.4. If these signs are present.a. the victim is unconscious,b. you feel no pulse, andc. the chest does not rise and fall, you may decide to proceed to C. First yell for help.C. Chest Compression1. Kneel alongside the victim.2. Place the heel of your hand just below the middle of t
25、he victim's breastbone and your other hand on top of the first. Do not let your fingers touch the victim's ribs, or you might possibly compress the wrong part of the chest; which could crack ribs or damage internal organs.3. Lean directly over the chest, and give a firm push straight downwar
26、d about two inches. Let the weight of your shoulders do the work rather than muscle power.4. Push downward about 60 to 80 times a minute. Do not stop until a pulse can be felt; if ribs have cracked, correct your position and proceed cautiously.5. Chest compression must be matched with mouth-to-mouth
27、 breathing. If there are two rescuers, one should give the mouth-to-mouth respiration at the rate of one exhalation for every five compressions. If you have no help, give two exhalations after every 15 compressions at the compression rate of about 80 per minute. For small children the compression ra
28、te should be higher, about 100 to 125 a minute.6. DO not interrupt CPR for more than 15 seconds at a time. Do not stop CPR until the victim is breathing adequately on his own.分数:70.00 (1) .The main purpose of the text to.A. provide proper care for suddenly ill personsB. explain the basic rules and p
29、rocedures of first aidC. inform the readers of what CPR isD. teach people how to deal with traffic accidents分数: 7.00 E.F. VG.H.解析:题干:本文的主要内容是什么.通读全文,我们发现原文PART I : Basic Rules介绍的是急救根本原那么,PART: CPR and Life Support详细表达了急救的方法步骤,所以B是正确的.(2) .When a victim's clothes or hair are on fire, you should n
30、ot .A. pour water on him B. roll him on the groundC. cover him with a coat D. beat the flame out with your hands分数: 7.00 A.B.C.D. V解析:题干:当伤病者衣服或头发着火时,哪项是不能做的.根据题干中的信息词clothes or hair are onfire 定位到原文 PART I: Basic Rules 标题下第 4 点 “If the victim's clothes or hair are on fireand no water is at hand
31、, smother the flames by covering them with a coat, or blanket or roll himon the ground. Do not try to beat out flames with your hands(当伤病者衣服或头发着火而又没水时,你可用一件大衣或毯子盖住受害者或者让他在地上打滚,但千万别用手去灭火),所以只有D)符合题意.(3) .Chest compression shouldn't be applied unless.A. the victim is still unconscious after the ai
32、rway clearance B. you cannot feel pulse after mouth-to-mouth breathing C. you have prepared yourself in advance to do it properly D. all of the above(分数:7.00)A.B. C. VD.解析:题干:如何才能实施心脏复苏法.根据题干中的信息词Chest compression 和applied定位到原文PART n : CPR and Life Support标题下第二段第四句"Use C (chest compression) onl
33、y if you haveprepared yourself in advance to do it properly(除非事前有过正确的练习准备,否那么不要实施心脏复苏法),所以C)是正确的.(4) .In breathing you take a deep breath and then blow quickly and deeply times into themouth of the victim.A. two B. three C. four D. five(分数:7.00 )A.B. C. VD.解析:题干:在实施人工呼吸时,深吸一口气对着彳病者的口吹几次.根据题干中的信息词bre
34、athing和blow 定位到原文 PART n : CPR and Life Support 标题下小标题(B) Mouth-to-Mouth Breathing 第 1 点第 、二句"With the victim's head in the up position, pinch the nostrils closed, take a deep breath, and place your mouth tightly over his mouth. Then blow quickly and deeply four times., 大意是将伤病者头向上,鼻掐紧,深吸一口气
35、对伤者嘴吹四次,所以 C)正确.(5) .Which the following sign is present, you may decide to proceed to C (chest compression)? A. The victim is unconscious. B. You feel no pulse.C. The chest does not rise and fall. D. All of the above.(分数:7.00 )A.B.C.D. V解析:题干:出现哪些现象时,可以实施心'脏复苏法.根据题干中的信息词sign和proceed to C (chest
36、compression)定位到原文 PART U : CPR and Life Support标题下小标题(B) Mouth-to-Mouth Breathing第 4 ,点“If these signs are present: (a) the victim is unconscious, (b) you feel no pulse, and(c) the chest does not rise and fall, you may decide to proceed to C. 意思是:出现以下现象,可以实施心脏复苏法,伤病者无意识、没有脉搏和胸腔不能起落.故 A)、B)、C)全是,所以选D
37、), (6).The order of the CPR should be.A (airway clearance. B (mouth-to-mouth breathing. C (chest compression)A. ABC B. ACB C. BAC D. CAB (分数:7.00 ) A. VB.C.D.解析:题干:CPR的顺序是什么.根据题干中的信息词order of the CPR定位到原文PARTU : CPRand LifeSupport 标题下第一段"The first part of CPR, clearing the airways, and the seco
38、nd part, artificial respiration, are easy to learn and are useful for many life-threatening emergencies. But the thirdpart, external heart massage, must be practiced in advance to be sure of using it properly and safely , 可知 CPR的顺序是 clearing the airways airway clearance, artificial respiration mouth
39、-to-mouth breathing, external heart massage chest compression, 所以选 A.(7) .Do not interrupt CPR for more than at a time.A. 5 seconds B. 10 seconds C. 15 seconds D. 20 seconds分数:7.00A.B.C. 7D.interrupt CPR定位到原文最后一解析:题干:CPR勺一次间隔时间不能超过多少.根据题干中的信息词的一次间隔时间不能超过(分数:7.00 )段第一句"Do not interrupt CPR for m
40、ore than 15 seconds at a timeCPR15秒,所以选C.(8) .The main purpose of first aid is to suddenly ill or injured persons.填空项 1: 正确答案: to provide proper care 解析:根据题干中的信息词The main purpose of first aid定位到原文第一段第一句"The main purposeof first aid is to provide proper care to suddenly ill or injured persons急救,
41、就是当有任何意外或急病发生时,临时及适当地处理伤病者,由此可得答案.(9) .Do not go beyond unless you are certain that the victim has no pulse.分数: 7.00 填空项 1: 正确答案:B mouth-to-mouth breathing 解析:根据题干中的信息词 no pulse定位到原文PART U : CPRand Life Support标题下第二段第三句"Do not go beyond B mouth-to-mouth breathing unless you are certain that the
42、 victim has no pulse只 有当你确定伤病者没有脉搏时,才可实施人工呼吸,由此得到答案.(10) .Chest compression must be matched with.分数: 7.00 填空项 1: 正确答案: mouth-to-mouth breathing 解析:根据题干中的信息词定位到原文 PART n : CPRand Life Support标题下小标题C Chest Compression 下第 5 点第一句 "Chest compression must be matched with mouth -to-mouth breathing 心脏复
43、苏必须 与人工呼吸相配合,由此可得答案.、Part m Listening Comprehension 总题数:0,分数:0.00四、Section A 总题数:4,分数:105.00分数:35.00 (1) .A. Because her order was the last one.B. Because she did not pay the dealer on time.C. Because she did not pay the dealer extra money.D. Because she lived far away. 分数: 7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析W: We
44、've been waiting for three months to get our car, and people who put in their order after us have already gotten theirs.M: Well, money talks.Whydon't you try giving the dealer a little something extra to move thingsalong?Q: Why hasn't the woman got her car?简析题目问女士为什么没有拿到车.女士抱怨说自己都等了三个月了还
45、没有拿到车,男士说有钱就好说 话,问她为什么不给经销商额外交些钱.(2).A. The man always rides a bicycle.B. The man used to drive to work.C. The woman wants to borrow the man's bike.D. The woman is asking for a lift.分数:7.00A.B. VC.D.解析:解析W: I saw you riding your bike to work today. You usually drive to work, I remember. What'
46、;s the matter now?M: I did until the prices on gas jumped high.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?简析题目问从对话中可以得到什么信息.女士说昨天看到男士骑自行车上班,然后说记得他通常是开车 去上班的.男士说在油价上涨前他确实是开车上班的.由此可以判断他以前通常开车去上班.(3) .A. Jason's new Italian sports car. B. Going for a ride in a new car.C. A famous new car in Italy. D
47、. A person winning a sports car.分数: 7.00A. VB.C.D.解析:解析M: That's Jason's new car! He finally got that Italian sports car he had been dreaming about.W: He sure did. When you see it, you'll get so excited you can hardly wait to go for a ride init.Q: What are they talking about?简析题目问两位在谈什么.
48、对话开始男士说“那就是Jason的新车!他终于得到了梦寐以求的意大利跑车了.可见他们在谈论Jason的新车.(4) .A. In the cinema. B. At the airport.C. In a restaurant. D. In the supermarket.分数: 7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析M: What're you going to order? We've been sitting here for 20 minutes.W: I know. It's just hard to decide when I see so much de
49、licious food on the menu.Q: Where does the conversation take place?简析题目问对话发生的地方.男士说你什么时候点菜,我们都等20分钟了.女士说菜单上美味的食物太多了,很难确定选什么.根据对话中的order和menu很容易确定对话地点应该是餐厅.(5) .A. They should wait a little longer. B. Calling the police is not reasonable.C. They should try to find their daughter. D. Another method mu
50、st be found out.分数: 7.00 A.B. VC.D.解析:解析W: Still no sign of Carol? I am worried so much. I'm going to call the police.M: And what are you going to say? It's 1 a. m. and our 18-year-old daughter isn't home yet?Q: What does the man mean?简析题目问男士的意思.女士对 Carol还没回家表示担忧,准备报警.男士问她“你怎么和警察说,难 道要说现
51、在是凌晨一点,我们18岁的女儿还没回家不成可见男士觉得报警不合理.分数:21.00(1) .A. She is breaking her diet. B. She is as big as a horse.C. She is worrying about her weight. D. She is watching horse race.分数: 7.00 A. VB.C.D.解析:解析W: On a diet? I'm so hungry. I could eat a horse!M: If you do not watch your weight, you're going
52、to end up as big as a horse.Q: What do we know about the woman?简析题目问通过对话对女士有何了解.女士说自己在节食,现在已经饿得能吞下一匹马了.可见女士太 饿了,需要吃东西了,也就是要打破节食的限制.(2) .A. To change a job. B. To turn the boss down.C. To strike the iron. D. To ask for a raise.分数:7.00A.B.C.D. V解析:解析W: I want to ask for a raise, but I'm afraid my
53、boss will turn me down.M: I think you've been doing a great job. If I were you, I'd strike while the iron is hot.Q: What is the man advising the woman to do?简析题目问男士建议女士做什么.女士说想要求老板加薪,但又怕老板拒绝.男士说女士干得很好,如 果自己是她的话肯定会趁热打铁.其意思就是趁自己表现好向老板要求加薪.因此 D正确.(3) .A. He failed to attend the salon the day be
54、fore.B. He fell down the steps when he walked.C. He had an operation on his knees.D. He knocked the woman down while walking. 分数: 7.00 A.B.C. VD.解析:解析W: I bumped into Nick at the salon yesterday. He looked great, but I noticed that he had a very strange kind of walk.M: Last month he told me that his
55、 knees hurt. Last week he had the operation.Q: What happened to Nick?简析题目问Nick发生了什么事.女士说昨天碰巧遇到Nick,并发现他走路有点怪.男士说上个月他膝盖受伤了,上周刚彳了手术.因此C与之相符.Questions 19 to 21 are bused on the conversation you have just heard.Questions 19 to 21 are bused on the conversation you have just heard.(分数: 21.00 )(1).A. A new
56、 English Language examination testing four different skills.B. An examination testing Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.C. A new Business English examination having three certificates at three different levels.D. A new Business English examination testing certain business knowledge and skills
57、.(分数:7.00 )A.B.C. VD.解析:解析19-21W: Cambridge Business English Certificate is very popular nowadays, but I don't know much about it. Could I ask you some questions?M: My pleasure.W: What is Cambridge Business English Certificate?M: It is a new Business English examination. There are three certific
58、ates at three different levels. Each examination tests Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills (19).W: When can we take the Cambridge English Certificate exams?M: All three exams start in February and are available six times a year, that is about every 9 weeks.W: Then where can we take the exams?M: At any examination center approved by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (剑桥大学测试委员会).W: OK. Now how mu
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