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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Module 1 Lost and FoundUnit 1 Whose bag is this?同步练习20.A. singB. danceC. read 一、根据句意和图片提示写出所缺的单词1. I have got some _ .2. Is this your _ , Lily? Yes, it is.3. My mother has a pair of _ .4. Whose _ is this? Its my brothers.5. Is this your _ ? No, it isnt. Its Marys.6. There are two _ on t

2、he table. They are my brothers. 二、基本句型及交际用语1. _ _ _ school, everyone!欢迎大家回到学校!2. _ _ is this? Oh sorry! Its _.这是谁的书包?哦, 对不起! 它是我的。3. Are _ crayons _?这些蜡笔是你的吗?4. _ _ are these? They are _.这些是谁的磁带?它们是我的。5. 这儿有一个紫色的钱包!_ a purple wallet.6. _ _ its Bettys.我认为它是贝蒂的。7. _ _ some nice gloves.这儿有一些漂亮的手套。 三、单项

3、选择1. Can I help you? Yes. Id like to buy _ eraser.A. a B. an C. the2. The man over there is _ old friend. He is a policeman.A. I B. me C. my D. mine3. Is this _ backpack? No, _ is on the sofa.A. yours; mine B. yours; myC. your; mine D. your; my4. Here _ my gloves. Would you like to try them on?A. is

4、 B. areC. have D. has5. The teacher often asks us to be careful _ our things.A. for B. withC. on D. over6. I live near the station. Its only about five _ walk.A. minutes B. minuteC. minutes D. minutes7. _ father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday? Peters.A. Whose B. Wha

5、tC. Which D. Who 四、根据汉语意思翻译句子1. 欢迎回到学校, 莉莉。_ _ _ school, Lily.2. 这是谁的眼镜?_ _ are these?3. 这些是你的磁带吗?不, 它们不是我的。 Are these _ _? No, they are not _.4. 我觉得那是一个好主意。_ _ thats a good idea.5. 首先, 请听我说。_ _ _, please listen to me.6. 失物招领箱里有什么?Whats in the _ _ _ _?7. 请小心地照看你的物品。Please _ _ _ your things.8. 从现在开始,

6、 请保持安静。Please be quiet _ _ _. 从方框中选出合适的句子, 填在对话空缺处, 使对话内容完整、连贯。方框中有两项多余选项。Mr. White: Can I help you, Sonia?Sonia: Yes, please. _1_Mr. White: We have a bag here. _2_Sonia: No, it isnt.Mr. White: _3_Sonia: Its red. But this one is white and black.Mr. White: _4_Sonia: I think its Bens. He likes white a

7、nd black very much.Mr. White: Look! There is a red bag on the table. Is it your bag?Sonia: Yes, it is. _5_Mr. White: Youre welcome.A. Thank you, Mr. White.B. Is this yours?C. I cant find my bag.D. Whose bag is this?E. What colour is your bag?F. Are these your books?G. Im sorry.参考答案一. 1. crayons 2. e

8、raser 3. gloves 4. wallet 5. watch 6. Tapes二. 1. Welcome back to 2. Whose bag; mine 3. these; yours 4. Whose tapes; mine 5. Heres 6. I think 7. Here are三. 1. B解析 由题意可知, 我想买一块橡皮, 表示“一块橡皮”要用an eraser, 故答案为B。2. C解析 本题考查代词的用法。句意为“那边的那个男人是我的老朋友, 他是一名警察”, old friend前要用形容词性物主代词my, 故答案为C。3. C解析 本题考查代词的用法。句意

9、: 这是你的背包吗? 不是, 我的在沙发上。backpack前要用形容词性物主代词your, 先排除A和B; 第二空要用名词性物主代词mine, 故答案为C。4. B解析 本题考查“Here+be+名词主语”结构的用法, 主语是my gloves, 故所缺的be动词是are。5. B解析 本题考查be careful with的固定搭配。句意为“老师经常要我们小心看管我们的物品”, 根据be careful with的固定搭配可知答案为B。6. C解析 本题考查名词所有格。第二句意为“只有大约步行五分钟的路程”, five minutes walk意为“步行五分钟的路程”, 故答案为C。7. A解析 结合答语“Peters”可推断问句是“昨天谁的爸爸参加了街区的慈善活动”, 故所缺的特殊疑问词是whose。四. 1. Welcome ba


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