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1、Walls have ears.隔墙有耳.This is a red skirt.一般现在时根本用法介绍:一、一般现在时的功能:一表示经常性发生或反复发生习惯性的动作;这种用法中经常用到:often 经常,usually 通常,always 总 是, every 每个,sometimes 有时, at在几点钟,等做时间状语,也可以 说,这是一个一般现在时语法的特征.如:I usually get up at six.表示经常性的事情.He often has dinner at home. 经常性事情They always go to school on foot.他们总是步行去上学.“总是表

2、示经常性的事情二表示事物或人物主语的现 在的特征、状态,这种情形下,通常 不带时间状语.如:She likes bread , but she doesn like pizza .Do you speak EnglishThe sky is blue.天空是蓝色的.He works in a big company. 他在一家大公司工作.三表示客观现实、客观真理、科学事实、格言等;如:The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转.There are four seasons in a year.The sun always rises in the east.四

3、表示将来.如:1 .表示按时间表拟定的或安排好的到 了时间就会发生的事情或动作:The train arrives at 10:30 .There is sltill plenty of time.火车10:30才会到达,还有足够多的 时间.She comes back next week .她下 周就会回来的.2 .在时间状语从句中和条件状语从句 中代替一般将来时.I will give you some candy whenwe meet next week.If he arrives ,please give me a phone call .二、一般现在时构成:一 含有be动词的一般现

4、在时;This is a T-shirt. It's red .These are trousers.They're black.The trousers and the T-shirt are nice.This is the way I read a book, on a Tuesday Morning .小贴士:1. Be 动词:也就是:am isare2. am用在第一人称:“ I后面;3. is的用法:(1) is 用在 he she it 等 第三人称单数的主语后面;(三单:“不是你,不是我,只有一个! 一 般现在时时才变化) 比方:He、 she、 it、 Li

5、Ming 、XiaoHong、this、that以及this、that修饰的局部后面等等,但是 Li Ming and Xiao Hong 这就不是第三人称单数了,而是复数应该用:are(2)不可数的名词做成分用到be动词时也要用:is3. are 的用法:(1)第一人称复数:we ;(2)第二人称即:you(单数、复数的后面);(3)第三人称复数they后面、以及these , those或these , those修饰的局部等,表示复数的地方也就是说: 记住 am is 应该用 的地方就可以了,别的地方都是用的 are.This is a dress. This is 这是These ar

6、e socks. These are 这些是These are new shorts.This is a new dress.These are his shoesThis is her skirt.The trousers are nice.The trousers and the T-shirt arenice.(二) 不含有be动词,即含有实意动词的一般现在时;这里只有一个需要记住的地方:就是第三人称单数的后面,动词要加“ -s或“-es,别 的地方就只用动词原形就可以了.三单:“不是你,不是我,只有一个! 一般现在时时才变化举例:I like the shirt and the ski

7、rt.In the evening, I do my homework.In the evening, he does hishomework.In the evening, she does herhomework.In the evening, they do theirhomework.In the evening, Su Hai and SuYang do theirhomework.In the evening, Su Yang do hisIn the evening, the girls/ the boys do their homework.二、一般现在时句子的变化:否认句、疑

8、问句,特殊疑问句,其中特殊疑问句 放在后面介绍.否认句:简单来说,就是表示否认的 句子.一般疑问句:一般疑问句是疑问句的 一种.它是只用yes 是或no 否 来答复的句子.特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头,对 句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问 句.常用的疑问词有:what 、who、whose 、which 、when 、where 、 how 、why 等.一 含有be动词的一般现在时助动词.情态助动词:can1否认句:主语+ be动词情态动词+ not + 其它.如: He is a worker. He is not a worker.I can show you. I can '

9、t show you .2一般疑问句:将be动词情态动词 提到句子前面即可,即:Be 情态动 词+ 主语 + 其它.He is a worker. He is not a worker.Is he not a worker Yes , he is. No , he isn ' t.I can show you. I can ' t showyou .homework.的变化含有情态Yes ,I can. No , I cant.Can you show meI am a student . I am not a student .Are you a student肯定答复:Ye

10、s, I am. /否认答复:No, I'm not.These are my friends . They are not my friends.Are they your friendsYes , they are . No ,they aren ' t. (二)含有实意动词的句子1 .否认句:主语 + don't( doesn't ) + 壮语+动词原形(+其它、时间或地点壮 语).这里需要记住几点:(1)主语“三单时,要用助动词 doesn't ;(2)主语 + don't( doesn't) 后面要 加动词原形,即:去掉三单时动

11、词后面的(s或es). 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用 doesn't 构成否认句.主语+doesn't/I don't+动词原形(动词原来形状)如:He doesn't often play.I don't like bread.2 . 一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+壮语+动词原形+其它.这里的“ Do( Does ) 只是为了帮助 形成一般疑问句,没有实际意思! 这里需要注意几点:(1)当主语为第三人称单数时,要用 does替换do构成一般疑问句.(2)主语三单时,句子中的动词要变 为动词原形.如:-Do you often play fo

12、otball 肯定形式:Yes, I do.否认形式:No, I don't.如:-Does she go to work by bike 肯定形式答复:Yes, she does. 否认 答复:No, she doesn't.3 .小贴土:(这里是平时我们注意积累 的地方,可以把我们平时的积累、感 悟记在这里!)(1) “含有be动词的一般现在时 这里句型的变化上边已经说过,但是 弁不局限于一般现在时!更为准确的 表达是:含有 be (am、is、are、was、 were )动词的句子,将其提到句首, 句末打上问号即可;(2) 一般疑问句的答复,开头往往是 yes 或 no

13、 .也就是说,只要能看出是一般疑问句,那么它的答复开头往往就是 yes或no ;(3)如遇第一人称,最好将其变成第二人称;举例:I am a teacher.否认句: I am not a teacher.一般疑问句: Are you a teacher肯定答复:Yes , I am .否认答复:No ,I ' m not .My father is a teacher.否认句: My father is not a teacher.一般疑问句:Is your father a teacher肯定答复:Yes , he is .否认答复:No ,he isn ' t(4)在一般

14、疑问句和否认句中,要表达“一些时 ,some any ; 但是, 如果这个问句是用来表达 “建议、请 求、邀请等交际功能时 ,而且希望 听到肯定答复时,应该用 some.Is there any tea in the cup Do you have any children May I have some fish Would you like some tea Shall we buy some vegetables Can I borrow some money from youWhy not have some breadHow about some orange juice三特殊疑问句

15、:构成:疑问词+一般疑问句,同时注意 去掉划线局部.如: Where is my bikeHow does your father go to workI usually play football on Friday afternoon.When do you usually play footballI usually play football on Friday afternoon.What do you usually do on Friday afternoonWho is singingWho often helps your mother四一般现在时中,动词+s的变化规 那么即

16、:动词三单的变化规律:三单:“不是你,不是我,只有一个! 一 般现在时时才变化动词第三人称单数词尾变化有三种形 式.1 .一般动词在词尾加-s,-s在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音或元音后读/ z/.如:No ,help helps know knows get f getsread reads2 .以字母s, x, ch, sh或有些以字母o结尾的动词加-es ,guess guesses?万x fixesteach teaches wash washesbrush-brushes注意:gogoes?do does3 .以字母y结尾的动词,有两种情形:1以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y 为i,再

17、加-es ,carry carries , flyflies 2字母y前为元音字母,第三人称单数形式直接在动词后面加-s. play playssaysays举例说明:否认句: They are not my parents.他们不是我的父母.一般疑问句: Are they your parents他们是你的父母吗?肯定答复:Yes , they are .否认答复:No ,they aren ' t .2. They are playing basketballover there.他们正在那边玩足球;否认句: They are not playing basketball over

18、 there.一般疑问句:Are they playing basketball over there.肯定答复:Yes ,they are .否认答复: No ,they aren ' t .3. The boy is drawing a picture否认句: The boy is not drawing a picture now.一般疑问句:Is the boy drawing a picture now.肯定答复:Yes ,he is .否认答复:No ,he isn ' t.4. I am going to do myhomework .否认句:I am not g

19、oing to do my homework .一般疑问句: Are you going to doyour homework肯定答复:Yes ,I am .否认答复:I' m not .5. There is a bike behind the tree.否认句: There isn't a bike behind1. They are my parents.他们是我的now.the tree.父母;一般疑问句:Is there a bike behindthe tree.Yes ,there is . No ,there isn ' t .6. There are

20、some pencils in my pencil box.否认句: There are not any pencilsin my pencil box.一般疑问句: Are there any pencilsin your pencil box.肯定答复:Yes ,there are .否认答复:No ,there aren ' t .7. There are some fish in thewater.这里的fish是鱼的意思是可数名词所 以用are ,只不过是名词的单复数形 式相同而已.否认句: There are not any fish inthe water.一般疑问句:

21、Are there any fish inthe water肯定答复:Yes, there are .否认答复:No, there aren't .8. There is some water on Mars.英m a?z火星否认句: There is not any water on Mars.一般疑问句:Is there any water onMars这里的water是不可数名词,所以用is .肯定答复:Yes, there is.否认答复:No, there isn't.9. Jenny can speak Enlish珍妮会说英语.否认句:Jenny can '

22、; t speak EnglishCan Jenny speak English .肯定答复:Yes ,she can . /Yes , Jenny can .否认答复:No ,she can ' t ./No Jenny can t .10. I like English. He likes English.否认句:I don ' t like English.He doesn ' t likes English.Do you like English Does helike English肯定答复:Yes, I do. 否认答复:No, I don ' tY

23、es, he does. No, he doesn ' t.11. I do my homework every day.这里的单词do是行为、实意动词是 “做什么的意思.否认句:I don ' t my homework every day.一般疑问句: Do you do your homework every day.“你每天做作业吗? 这里的前面的“Do是助动词,后边的“ do是行 为动词,是干什么,做什么的意思.就像:“ What do you usually do on sundays Yes, I do . No, I don ' t .12. Li Mi

24、ng usually waters the flowers every day.Li Ming doesn't usually water theflowers every day.Does Li Ming usually water theflowers everydayYes, he does . No, he doesn ' t .Li Ming usually waters the flowers every day.Where does Li Ming water the flowersLi Ming usually waters the flowers every

25、day.What does Li Ming do everyday将 Ling Ming 换成:I、We、They、She、 He、 Tom、Ling Ming ' s mother、 Ling Ming ' s parents 、 Xiao Hong and Ling Ming逐一做一遍练习13. Is this your cap, DannyNo! It's Kim's cap.14. Are these your glovesNo. They're Li Tao's gloves.15. Are these your glovesYes,

26、they are. No, they aren't.16. This is a dress. These are socks.Are these her shortsIs this her dress Yes, it is. No, it isn't.17. These are new shorts.Are these her shortsYes, they are. No, they aren't.Are these his shortsYes, they are. No, they aren't.18. Is this her dress Yes, it i

27、s. No, it isn't.Is this his cap Yes, it is. No, it isn't.Are these his shoes Yes, they are.No, they aren't .Is this her skirt ? Yes, it is . No, it isn't.Are these her trousersYes, they are. No, they aren't.19. What is he/she wearing 他(她)穿着什么衣服?(1 )He is wearing a green sweater.H


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