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1、2015钦州市中等学校招生暨初中毕业统一考试英语第卷 听力部分和选择题(共80分)一、听力部分(共30分)提示:答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,再将答案转涂到答题卡上。(一)听音辨图(每小题1分,共5分)请听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画,每个句子读一遍。(二)情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)请听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读一遍。( )6. A. Thats right.B. Thank you.C. Id like some juice.( )7. A. Hes four.B. Hes in the US.C. Hes lovely.( )8. A. Good id

2、ea. B. Wonderful.C. No problem.( )9. A. No, you cant.B. Yes, I am.C. Sorry, shes not in.( )10. A. With my parents.B. By plane.C. For two weeks.(三)对话理解(每小题1分,共10分)(A)请听五组短对话,每组对话后你将听到一个问题,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。( )11. A. Fans.B. Coins. C. Stamps.( )12. A. She slept well.B. She watched TV.C. She did

3、 her homework.( )13. A. To the bank.B. To the cinema.C. To the post office.( )14. A. Play more games.B. Do running.C. Do more exercise.( )15. A. Sunday.B. Saturday.C. Friday.(B)请听第一段长对话,根据对话内容回答第16、17小题。对话读两遍。( )16. What are they talking about?A. A meal.B. A festival.C. A party.( )17. What do family

4、 members eat after dinner?A. Moon cakes.B. Vegetables.C. Meat.(C)请听第二段长对话,根据对话内容回答第18至20小题。对话读两遍。( )18. Where was Jack last month?A. In France.B. In Shanghai.C. In Hangzhou.( )19. What was Jack good at when he was a pupil?A. Painting.B. Singing.C. Dancing.( )20. What does Sandy want to be in the fut

5、ure?A. An artist.B. A dancer.C. A singer.(四)语篇理解(每小题1分,共10分)(A)请听第一篇短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。( )21. When did Susan arrive in Sydney?A. Yesterday afternoon.B. Yesterday morning.C. Two days ago.( )22. Who met Susan at the airport?A. Her parents.B. Uncle Bill.C. Nobody.( )23. What animals did Susan like b

6、est?A. Kangaroos.B. Koalas.C. Snakes.( )24. Where did they go at about 3:00 p.m.?A. To a restaurant.B. To the zoo.C. To the Sydney Opera House.( )25. How long did they wait on their way back home?A. For over two hours.B. For two hours.C. For an hour.(B)请听一篇短文,根据所听内容完成表格信息,每空填一词。短文读两遍。LostTimeYesterd

7、ay afternoon.PlaceIn the school computer room.ThingA _26_ bag.Things insideA _27_, two erasers, an umbrella and some _28_.Please call Betty at 6384157 or _29_ it to Class 5, Grade _30_.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将题目答案的对应标号涂黑。( )31. There is _ old picture on _ wall.A. an; theB. an; anC

8、. a; theD. a; a( )32. -Who is the girl _ long black hair? -Shes my sister.A. hasB. haveC. withD. of( )33. Hurry up, _ youll miss the school bus.A. asB. orC. butD. and( )34. Ms Li teaches us English well. She is one of _ teachers in our school.A. popularB. more popularC. most popularD. the most popul

9、ar( )35. I like reading, and I buy the magazines when they _ every month.A. monthB. come outC. go outD. find out( )36. -_ your brother usually _ basketball at school? -No, he doesnt. He usually plays it in the clubs.A. Do; playB. Does; playsC. Do; playsD. Does; play( )37. -Is the white bike Lingling

10、s?-No, it _ be hers. Her bike is green.A. can B. mustC. cantD. mustnt( )38. The Chinese Characters Dictation Contest(汉字听写大赛) _ in our school next month.A. will holdB. will be heldC. is heldD. was held( )39. These strawberries taste _. I like them very much.A. goodB. wellC. badD. badly( )40. -Id like

11、 to know _ to the school-leavers party?-A dress, I think.A. who are you going withB. who you are going withC. what are you going to wearD. What you are going to wear三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将题目答案的对应标号涂黑。Qinzhou is my hometown. It lies on the south of China. _41_ it is not big

12、, most people know this beautiful place. It is _42_ “The Home of Dolphins”.Qinzhou has a long history. There are two famous national _43_. They are Feng Zicai and Liu Yongfu. They fought against the enemy bravely. We are very proud of themIn the past 10 years, my hometown has changed _44_ in many wa

13、ys. The biggest change is the _45_. The air is fresh and the streets are clean. Many people dont live in the _46_ houses anymore. They have moved into the new tall buildings and are enjoying the comfortable life. Builders have _47_ thousands of buildings of different styles. I think this change is _

14、48_ because it has made Qinzhou become more beautiful.To be honest, everything has changed _49_ my hometown. I think you should think about _50_ the beautiful city. Im sure you will love it.( )41. A. BecauseB. SoC. AlthoughD. If( )42. A. believeB. calledC. acceptedD. hoped( )43. A. heroesB. writersC

15、. scientistsD. artists( )44. A. a littleB. a fewC. a lotD. a bit( )45. A. pollutionB. foodC. peopleD. environment( )46. A. oldB. newC. expensiveD. cheap( )47. A. given upB. stood upC. set upD. got up( )48. A. greatB. strangeC. awfulD. worse( )49. A. forB. aboutC. toD. in( )59. A. leavingB. visitingC

16、. protectingD. making四、阅读理解(1)(A篇每小题1分;B、C篇每小题2分,共25分)阅读下面材料,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将题目答案的对应标号涂黑。ADo you watch TV every day? Yes! So you are a TV lover. Can you think of living without TV? No. Well. You can have a try this week.A group of Americans, TV-Turn-Off Network, have a good idea. From April

17、 25 to May 1, they are asking children all over the world to turn off their TVs for one week. They hope children can find more interesting things to do. They say that watching TV too much can bring children many problems.Bad for your study-American scientists have a study of 13,000 children. They ha

18、ve watched the children for four years. They find that if children watch too much TV, they dont do well in school.Bad for your health-More children are getting heavy because they watch too much TV. Fat children become ill more easily. And they eat more food when sitting in front of TV. Too much TV i

19、s also bad for your eyes.Bad for your family- About 40% of the American families watch TV at dinner time. They dont talk very much when they eat together.Turn off TV for a week. Find something good to do. Maybe you can read some books, learn to swim, or draw a picture. You can have fun without TV.(

20、)51. If you are a TV lover, you will _.A. live without TVB. never turn on TVC. seldom watch TVD. watch TV every day( )52. TV-Turn-Off Network asks _ to have fun without TV for some time.A. children all over the worldB. all children at schoolC. 13,000 childrenD. 40% of the American children( )53. Chi

21、ldren are asked to turn off their TVs for _.A. one dayB. seven daysC. twenty-five daysD. four years( )54. Watching too much TV can make children _.A. get fat more easilyB. talk too muchC. be more healthyD. do well in school ( )55. TV-Turn-Off Network advises children not to _.A. read more booksB. le

22、arn to swimC. watch TV too muchD. draw a pictureBBecause of Chinas fast development, more and more young people from other countries are showing great interest in Chinese culture, and some are starting to learn Chinese. In order to help more people know Chinese National Hanban(中国汉办) has held Chinese

23、 Bridge since 2002. Its a competition for foreign college students. The competition has different parts to test contestants(比赛者的) language abilities, knowledge of China and Chinese culture and learning abilities.Last year, 126 excellent contestants from 87 countries got together in Changsha, Hunan p

24、rovince for the 13th Chinese Bridge Competition. The beautiful girl Shi Moli from Brazil won at last. She became the winner not only because she is smart and hardworking, but also because she loves China and dreams to travel around in China. Because of her wonderful performance, she has won the chan

25、ce to study in China. “I like Chinese Bridge because its really a great bridge that links many young people together to learn about China and her culture.” she said.( )56. Chinese National Hanban holds Chinese Bridge to _.A. make China develop fastB. show Chinese characters(汉字)C. help more people kn

26、ow ChineseD. attract tourists from other countries( )57. Which of the following about the test is NOT mentioned(提及) in the passage?A. Learning abilities.B. Language abilities.C. Knowledge of Chinese culture.D. Working abilities.( )58. Who can take part in Chinese Bridge Competition?A. All young peop

27、le.B. Foreign college students.C. Chinese college students.D. All foreigners.( )59. How many times has Chinese National Hanban held Chinese Bridge?A. 13.B. 87.C. 126.D. 2002.( )60. What does the work “link” in paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A. 增强B. 促进C. 连接D. 吸引CWhen the bell rings, every student takes

28、out an iPad. The light from the screens makes their young faces pretty and lively.Thats what happens every day at Mars school in the US. Mary usually takes one thing with her-an iPad to school. They use iPad in class.Mary felt surprised and excited when she got an iPad the first day she arrived at t

29、he school. But it was not free. She paid about $100(607 yuan) to use it for three years.Every iPad at her school has a special learning system called Focus. Teachers put their teaching materials like textbooks and PPTs on it. When they have classes, they enter the system and download the materials w

30、ith their iPads. They can read the e-books, listen to music and watch videos in class.It makes the classes interesting and efficient(高效的). For example, several weeks ago, Mary learned about former South African president Nelson Mandela. Her teacher prepared a video. In the video Mandela made an enco

31、uraging speech. Because of the video, Mary knew more about the great man.Mary also does her homework with iPads. If she does multiple choices(选择题), she can know her marks right after she submits(提交) her homework. And teachers mark their homework online, without needing to look through so many papers

32、.However, there are still some bad points about learning with iPads. Some of her classmates play games in class. Mary believes the key to use iPads well is to have good self-control.( )61. What does Mary usually take to school?A. Homework.B. Textbooks.C. E-books.D. An iPads.( )62. How was Mary feeli

33、ng when she got an iPad?A. Excited.B. Worried.C. Bored.D. Sad.( )63. What does Mary do with an iPad?A. Download textbooks and other teaching materials.B. Listen to music and watch videos.C. Do and submit her homework.D. All of the above.( )64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

34、A. IPads are free for students.B. Students use iPads for study in class.C. IPads are not used on weekdays.D. Students can use iPads for less than 3 years.( )65. What can we know from the passage?A. No one plays games with an iPads in class.B. IPads make students lose interest in study.C. Class in th

35、e US is very different from that in China.D. IPads are helpless for those who have good self-control.五、补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出5个最佳选项补全对话(其中有一项多余),并在答题卡将题目答案的对应标号涂黑。W: Excuse me, Sir?M: Yes? _66_W: Can you tell me how I can get to Xinhua Bookshop?M: Sure. Its about two kilometres away. Youd bett

36、er take a bus or take a taxi.W: _67_M: Yes, you can take No.28 bus. Get on the bus near the train station, and get off at Garden Hotel. then walk 300 metres to the north. _68_W: OK. _69_ I think I have to take a taxi.M: Im sorry to tell you that there are few taxis at this time.W: Youve been very he

37、lpful. _70_M: My pleasure.A. I prefer taking a bus.B. But Im in a hurry.C. What can I do for you?D. Thank you very much.E. Is there a bus stop near here?F. Its next to a fruit shop.第卷 非选择题(共40分)六、综合填空(共15分)(一)词形变换(每小题1分,共5分)根据句意,用括号中所给的单词的正确形式填空。71. Lets enjoy _(we) on Childrens Day.72. -How far is

38、it from your home to school? -Its about ten _(minute) walk.73. Fathers Day is celebrated on the _(three) Sunday of June.74. They havent _(see) each other for nearly two years.75. Ann wont go out to have a picnic with us because of her _(ill).(二)单词拼写(每小题1分,共5分)根据汉语提示拼写单词,并注意使用其正确形式。76. His brothers f

39、avourite subject is _(数学).77. The Wolong Panda Reserve _(允许) people to get close to pandas.78. Though they were _(累的), they still kept on working.79. Its time for you to _(回答) the questions.80. Tony studies _(努力地) and he often gets the best grade in the exams.(三)选词填空(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面短文,从方框中选出适当的词,并用其正

40、确的形式填空,使短文意思完整。每词限用一次。 depend, since, success, bring, goodHe is a cool young man. He likes acting very much. Of course, he is also interested in other things, such as riding a bike and skiing. Who is he? He is Kim, an actor from South Korea. This young man acted _81_ in the TV play My love from the

41、star. The TV play was popular with lots of people. And as a result, Kim became a _82_ actor.That was not the first success for the young man. _83_ he became an actor seven years ago, Kim has won more than twenty prizes for acting. Kims serious attitude(态度) towards acting has _84_ him great success.

42、He always studies the story carefully before acting out the character.Now we know attitude is everything. Our success _85_ on our attitude! Come on!七、阅读理解(2)(每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文的内容完成句子或回答问题。 At this time of the year, when you look up at the sky, some “man-made birds” may catch your eyes. These “b

43、irds” are colourful kites.Kites were invented in China. In the beginning, they were made of wood and bamboo. People used them to pass messages or as warming signals(警告标志) during wartime.Later, paper kites became popular and people flew kites to get rid of(除去) bad luck and bless themselves.Today, the

44、 custom is still alive in the traditional patterns(图案) of some kites, such as the bat stands for blessing.However, modern kites come in different shapes and patterns. The largest kite in the world is a big “octopus”. Its 1,500 square metres, which is as big as three basketball courts. A kite team fr

45、om Tianjin made it in three months.Kite flying is an enjoyable sight in the sky. In China, the best time to enjoy colourful kites is during the Weifang International Kite Festival in April. The festival has competitions for kite-flying skills and new styles of kites.Kite flying is also a healthy spo

46、rt. It is good for your neck and eyes. When looking at the flying kites in the sky, your neck and eyes become relaxed.86. The “_ birds” that you see in the sky are _.87. During wartime, kites were mainly used to _.88. Why did people fly kites later on?89. How large is the big “octopus” kite?90. What does the Weifang International Kite Festival have competition for?八、书面表达(15分)假如你是李华,上周星期五你们学校举行了校庆活动。请你用英语写一封电子邮件给你的好友王林,向他介绍校庆活动的情况。内容包括以下要点:1. 全校师生参加;2. 上午举行运动会,同学们参加了跑步、跳高、足球、等体育比赛,你们班足球队参赛获得了第一名;3. 下午


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