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1、Unit 4How life bega n on the earth教学设计【教学内容】)英语高一(必修-ReadingHow life began on the earth(人教新课标3) Unit 4Astr ono my:The scie nee of the stars【教材分析】 本单元的中心话题是“天文学”,内容涉及太阳系、地球上生命的起源、 宇宙大爆炸、月球探秘、黑洞效应等,主要内容是围绕地球上生命的起源 展幵的。How life began on the earth这篇阅读文章讲述了地球上生命的起源,所使用的文体是说明文。文章通过对宇宙大爆炸理论进行科学性分析, 推断出地球上生

2、命的由来以及生物进化的过程。【学情分析】 教学对象为高一的学生。经过高一上学期的英语学习,他们已经储备了一 定的高中英语词汇和基础知识, 认知和分析水平比初中阶段有了进一步的 提高,能就给出的话题展幵讨论,发表自己的看法,渐渐具备了用英语获 取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。学生对“天文学”这一话题并不是很陌生,由于本篇阅读文章的脉络清 晰、结构分明,读起来很有趣味,引人入胜,给学生留下了很大的思考空间,能够激发学生的想象力,积极去探索文意,了解生命的起源以及生物 进化的过程。所以在设计这堂课时,我重点从学生对“天文学”这一话题 的兴趣出发,设计探究点,借助电影片段创设情景。在合作探

3、究的基础上, 感悟、体验生命起源及生物进化过程的科学性。【教学目标】1、能力目标:通过学习,使学生能读懂文章内容,理清文章脉络,总结地球上生命的由 来以及生物进化的过程。通过速读、细读和设计问题的引导,培养学生获取、分析和处理信息的 能力。创设问题情境,在质疑、探究的学习过程中,培养学生独立思考、 推理、判断和创造性思维能力。2、情感目标:通过学习本篇文章,让学生了解地球上生命的起源以及生物进化的过程, 培养学生对科学的兴趣,激发学生探索科学的热情,以及增强学生保护地 球的意识。【教学重点】1、让学生了解地球上生命的起源及生命进化的过程。2、在了解课文内容的基础上,重视阅读方法和技巧的点拨,培

4、养学生良好的阅读习惯。【教学难点】 了解文章写作风格,感悟、体验课文主要内容,理清地球生命发展的顺 序。【教学理念】 根据新课标的教学理念,结合当前的素质教育实际,把过去只注重教 师讲的传统的教学模式转变成教师引导、学生积极参与并自己发现问题、 解决问题的教学模式,从而体现“以学生为主体”的教学新理念。为了保证让后进生能够听懂,中等生有所收获,尖子生有所启发,体现“以 学生为主体”的教学理念,本堂课采用合作学习与任务型阅读相结合的学 习方式,使全体学生能够积极主动的参与到课堂中来,成为课堂的主体, 使他们的自主性得到加强, 让他们体验到学英语其实是一件非常快乐的事 情。【教学准备】 多媒体课件

5、,相关资料及习题【教学过程】情景导入Good morning, boys and girls! Weare living on the earth.Do you think it is beautiful? However, do you know how life bega n on the earth? P lease look at the scree n.Play a short video about some beliefs of the beg inning of the earth:(1) Chin ese lege nds: Pangu sep arates the sky

6、from the earth; Nvwa圣经),God created thethe sky.(2) Religious beliefs: Accord ing to Bible (world and the first man, Adam (亚当)and the first woman, Eve (娃).(3) Scie ntific Theories: The uni verse bega n from the BigBang.(4) Other beliefs: Life first bega n in the sea on the earth; Life was brought to

7、the earth by ET from outer sp ace.; Life came froma comet which hit the earth.Which one do you think is reliableand scie ntific? Now lets comeinto the passage HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH to find out the truth.播放电影片段,导入新课。(设计意图:问题导入能激发学生的想象力。电影欣赏能调动学生的积极性,达到激疑生趣的目的.)、理解文意I. Fast read ing 速读Ask the st

8、udents to read the passage quickly and match the main ideawith each p aragra ph.(让学生速读课文,掌握段落大意。)ParalP ara2The formatio n of the earthThe impo rta nee of water for lifePara3The arrival of humansand their impact on theearthP ara4The development of plants and animals on theearthP ara5A widely accepte

9、d theory about the formationof theuni verse(设计意图:掌握文章大意,培养学生自主探究及概括总结的能力。II. Careful read ing细读Task I: Ask the stude nts to read the p assage carefully and an swerthe questi on s.(让学生仔细阅读文章,筛选或概括文中信息,相互之间低声讨论,解决问题。)I. Whe n did the Earth settle into a solid globe?2. Why do scie ntists think there ha

10、s n ever bee n life on other plan ets?3. Why did ani mals first app ear in the seas?4. Why were mammals differe nt from other ani mals?5.What made p ossible the rise of mammals on the earth?Suggested an swers:1.Betwee n 4.5 and 3.8 billio n years ago.2. Because there is no water on other plan ets?3.

11、 Because water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into the ocea ns and seas.4. They were differe nt because they p roduced their young from with in their bodies.5.That dino saurs disa pp eared made p ossible the rise of mammals on(让学生按照the earthTask II: Put the followi ng eve nts in correct

12、 order.行文线索,对下列句子进行排序。)Put the order of devel opment of life in to a timeli ne. Use the read ing p assage to help you.1 In sects and amp hibia ns app eared.2 Dino saurs app eared.3 The earth became a solid ball.4 Small plants grew on the water.5 Rep tiles app eared.6 Plants bega n to grow on dry lan

13、d.7 The earth was a cloud of dust.8 Water app eared on the earth.“Big Bang ”9 Shellfish and other fish app eared.10 The uni verse bega n with a11 Clever ani mals with hands and feet app eared.12 Mammals app eared.Suggested an swer:107384961521211(设计意图:培养学生在理解文意的基础上,梳理文章结构的能力。)三、合作探索Task I The devel

14、opment of the earth(a huge expl osi on around 15 billio n years ago)a cloud ofmov ing aro und the sun;expl oded withand p roduce the cooled dow n;app eared;harmfulwere dissolved;Earth.Task II An alyze the devel opment of lifewater; water plants;land plants;dino saurs;clever an imals(forest s;(设计意图:让

15、学生弄清文章的行文线索,即地球上生命的起源和发展历程。)四、拓展探究I.What does the writer try to tell us through such a p assage?(设计意图:把握本文的主旨并引导学生树立探索科学的意识。2. Many scie ntists believe that the Earth will become too hot to live on. What can we do to p rotect our land from beco ming too hot?(设计意图:增强学生的环保意识,树立正确的价值观、人生观。五、课堂延伸How can we protect the earth and make it a bett


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