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1、介词和连词1. 介词的功能介词不能单独使用,必须和名词、代词或动名词构成介词短语,在句中做表语,定语、状语、补语等成分。根据介词的用法, 通常可以分为:时间、地点、趋向和其他四类介词。例如:The boy over there is Johnbrother.定语)The girl will be back in two hours.(状语)Our English teacher is from Australia表()Help yourself to some fish.(宾语补足语)2. 常用介词的用法辨析(1) 表时间的介词1) at, in on表示时间点用at。例如:at six o&

2、#39;clock, at noo n, at mid night表示在某个世纪,某年,某月,某个季节以及早晨,上午,下午,晚上时,用 in。例如:in the nin ette nth cen turj/n 2002, in mayin win ter, i n the morning, in the after no等。表示具体的某 一天和某一天的上午,下午,晚上时,用on。例如:on Mon day on July 1, on Sun day morni n等。2) since, after由since和after引导的词组都可表示从过去某一点开始的时段,但since词组表示的时段一直延

3、续到说话的时刻,因而往往要与现在完成时连用。而after词组所表示的时段纯系过去,因而要与一般过去时连用。例如: I havenCheard from him since last summer.After five days the boy came back.3) in, afterin与将来时态连用时,表示“过多长时间以后”的意思,后面跟表示一段时间的词语。After与将来时态连用时,后面只能 跟表示时间点的词语。After与过去时态连用时,后面才能跟表示一段时间的词语。例如:He will be back in two mon ths.He will arrive after four

4、 Clock.He returned after a mon th.(2) 表示地点的介词1) at, in, onat一般指小地方;in 一般指大地方或某个范围之内;on往往表示"在某个物体的表面”。例如:He arrived in Shanghai yesterdayThey arrived at a small village before dark. There is a big hole in the wall. The teacher put up a picture on the wall.2) over, above, onover, on和above都可表示“在 上

5、面”但具体含义不同。Over表示位置高于某物,在某物的正上方,其反义词是unde。 above也表示位置高于某物,但不一定在正上方,其反义词是below。On指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。例如:There is a bridge over the river. We flew above the clouds.They put some flowers on the teachedesk.3) across, throughacross和through均可表示"从这一边到另一边",但用法不同。Across的含义与on有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行。Throgh的

6、含义与in有关,表示动作是在三维空间进行。例如: The dog ran across the grass.The boy swam across the river. They walked through the forest.4) in front of, i n the front ofin front of表示"在某人或某物的前面”,在某个范围以外;in the fro nt of表示"在的前部”,在某个范围以内。例如:There are some tall trees in front of the build ing.The teacher is sitt i

7、ng in the front of the classroom.3. 介词的固定搭配liste n to , laugh at, get to, look for wait for, hear from, turn on, turn off, worry about, thi nk of, look after/stptend, on time, in time, by bus, on foot, with pl easure, on oneway to, in trouble, at breakfast, at the end of, i n the end ,be late for, b

8、e afraid of, be good at, be interested in, be angry with, be full of, be sorry for, and, -boaind, notonly -but also, neithernor, or, either-or, but, while for, so,after, before, whe n, while, as, un til, till, sin ce, as soon as,if, uni ess, because, as, since, so that, i n order that, though, altho

9、ugh, ever so that, so-that, sucb that, than, as as that, if , whethe等。7. 常用连词的用法辨析(1) while, whe n,while+进行时。While mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework. When般时。When he finished his work, he took a short rest. When John arrived I was cooking lun当两个动作都表示发展变化的情况时或两个短动作同时发生时,表示"一 边一边&q

10、uot;时,常用 as 例如:As children get older, they become more and more interested in things around them.She looked beh ind from time to time as she went(2) (because, so这两个连词同样不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说"Because John was ill, so I took him to the doctOr.个句子应改 为 Because John was ill, I took him to the doctorJoh

11、n was ill, so I took him to the doctor.7(3) if, whether"是否”讲,在引导宾语从句是一般可互换。例如:I wonder whether (if) you still study in that school. I don' know whether (if) he likes that filn在句末是 or not时.只能用 whether不能用 if: I haven'tmade up my mind whether to go there(4) scthat, such.that1) scthat中的so是个

12、副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而such.tha中的such是个形容词,后接名词或名词短语。例如: I'm so tired that I ca'nt walk any farther.It was such a warm day that he went swimming.2) 如果在名词之前有many much, little, few时,用so不用such。例如:He has so little education that he is unable to get a job. I have had so many falls that I am black and bl

13、ue all over.(5) eitheor,neither- nor, not onlybut also遵循就近原则。例如: Either you or he is wrong.Neither he nor his children like fish. Not only the teacher but also the students want to buy the book.( 6) although, but这两个连词不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说"Although he is over sixtybut he works as hard as othei这.个句

14、子应 改为:Although he is over sixtyhe works as hard as otheTsHe is over sixty but he works as hard as others.一,单选一1. We traveled overnight to Paris and arrivedA. on; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; on'c5loockthe morning.2. Where'sLily? We are all here her.A. beside B. about C. except D. with3. She

15、 sent her friend a postcard a birthday present.A. on B. as C. for D. of4. Jack has studied Chinese in this school the year of 2000.A. since B. in C. on D. by5. -What is a writing brush, do you know?- I t 's w ri ti n g and drawing.A. with B. to C. for D. by6. English is widely used travellers an

16、d business people all over the world.A. to B. for C. as D. by7. the help of my teacher, I caught up with the other students.A. Under B. In C. With D. On8. Hong Kong is the south of China, and Macao is the west of Hong Kong.A. in; to B. to; to C. to; in D. in; in9. -You'd better not go out now.&#

17、39;sItraining.-It doesn'tmatter. My new coat can keep rain.A. in10. Japan lies the east of China.A. to11. -Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008?-I don'tthink so. Now the young the old can speak some English.A. either orB. not only but alsoC. n eithe r nor12. We

18、didn'tcatch the train we left late.A. so13. Tom failed in the exam again he wanted to pass it very much. A. if14. I won'tbelieve that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand wordsA. after B. when C. if D. until15. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours A. when B

19、. until C. after D. before16. -This dress was last ye'sarstyle.-I think it still looks perfectA. so that B. even though C. as if D. ever since17. Hurry up, you will miss the train.A. and B. so C. however D. or18. The mountain was steep few people in our city reached the top.A. soas B. scthat C.

20、asas D. tooto19. -Do you remember our pleasant journey to'aXni?-Of course. I remember everythingA. as soon asB. even though C. rather thanD. as if20. you ca'ntanswer this question, we have to ask someone else for help.A. Although B. While C. Whether D. Since二单选二1. The film, The Barber, direc

21、ted by Chen Yifei, was first shownA. i n 0 n B. on in C. at- - .o n D. i n in2. The train runs about 120 miles an hour.rain.B. of C. with D. offB. in C. about D. atD. both orB. because C. but D. thoughB. so C. though D. asI have tested him myself.he realized it.ShanghaiA. onit has gone out this year

22、.it happened yest.erdayApril 9, 2006.B. in C. atD. forbicycle3. Most of the students in our class come to school _ A. by B. on C. with D. in4. _the teache'sr joy, all the students passed the exam.A. To B. For C. At D. After5The terrible storm prevented us going home after school.A. to B. from C.

23、 on D. by6.Who knows the answer the question?A. with B. about C. to D. for7.Several bridges have been built the Huangpu River in the past ten years.A. on B. by C. above D. over8. Mary lives in a small village. She has never traveled .A. on a train B. by a train C. on train D. by the train9.It's

24、necessary the waiter to keep smiling all the time.A. for B. of C. to D. from10. He was waiting a bus the bus stop.A. for at B. on beside C. orr at D. for in11. John fell asleephe was listening to the music.A. afterB. before C. while D. as soon as12.Its'getting dark, the'rye still working.A.

25、andB. butC. so D. or13. - She didn'tgo to party yesterda.y - Really, D. neither did IA. so did IB. neither did I C. so did I14. Mary is clever she knows everything.A. such a, that B. as, so C. so, that D. so, as15. boys girls like to watch cartoons.A. But, andB. Both, and C. Neither, or D. Eithe

26、r, nor16.She has lived in Shanghai 10 years since she came to China.A. andB. or C. in D. for17. She is nice a girl that everyone likes her.A. suchB. so C. enough D. even18. you I am a worker.A. Both; and B.Either; and C. Both; or D. Neither; nor19. He up until eight'colock this morning.A. getsB.

27、 didn'tget C. doesn'tget D. will get20. you put on your coat, y'ollucatch a cold.A. IfB. Unless C. Beside D. Without21. The girl does'ntrun the bo.yD. so fast as.A. so faster asB. as faster as C. such fast as三,完型When you are invited to a meal in Thaila(泰国),The words of the invitation

28、 means "come and eat rice." In fact, nearly all the Thai dishes are 1.with rice, which grows there ea2i_the climat(气候)is warm and there is much rain.The food that is served is 3. cut into pieces, so there is no need to use knives or forks but, instead, special spoons and forksare used. The

29、 Thais 4. to eat with their hands and now there are still some people who eat in. tThhisewreaiys a special 5. ofdoing it. First, they wash their 6. hands in a bowl of waterthey only eat with their right hands. They are careful not to let thefood 7.the p aln(手掌心) of their han ds. After the meal, the

30、8.are aga in carefully washed.The meal usually has severaldiffere nt dishes. They are all hot. The dishes are served in bowl which every one shares (共 享),9.each person has their own bowl of 10. As Thailand has a long coO海岸线),it is not surprising that fish andshellfish (水生有壳动物) play an important part

31、 in Thai cooking.()1. A. eatenB. usedC. smelledD. tasted()2. A. whenB. ifC. becauseD. so()3. A. neverB. perhapsC. hardly.D. always()4. A. wentB. hadC. wantedD. used()5. A. reasonB. wayC. ideaD. result()6. A. dirtyB. rightC. leftD. big()7. A.touch.B. catchC. feelD. drop()8. A. forksB. spoonsC. handsD

32、. bowls()9. A. becauseB. thoughC. sinceD. untilB. riceC. water)10. A. fish 阅读D. shellfish( 四,Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a (U庞大的)clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So no matter where you stancyou can read the time on the face of Big

33、Ben. Each face is the size of a double (dUcker bus. The hands are about four metres long. It is about the size of two people standing on top of each other. If you go to,Lyoonudon may want to visit the Houses of Parliamet国会大厦).There you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock towg塔)in the Houses of Parliament. Maybe you will hear it as well as see it. The huge clock makes such a loud“nDoisneg. dong,ding dong,” it goes every quarter of an hour.The clock was named after a big man. He was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man did much building work in London many years ago.1. Big


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