1、希望对您有帮助,谢谢英文谚语 100 句导读: 本文是关于英文谚语 100 句,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、日落胭脂红,非雨便是风。Sunset carmine, rain or wind.2、不知则问,不能则学。Ask if you don't know, learn if you can't.3、宁在锅里争,不在碗里争。Better fight in the pot than in the bowl.4、口说不如身到,耳闻不如目赌。Speech is better than experience, and hearing is betterthan gambling
2、.5、四川太阳云南风,贵州落雨如过冬。Sichuan sun Yunnan wind, Guizhou rain like winter.6、人怕理,马怕鞭。People are afraid of reason and horses are afraid of whips.7、仁义道德,为人莫缺。Humanity and righteousness are indispensable to humanbeings.8、根深不怕风摇动,树正何愁影子斜。Deep roots do not fear the wind to shake, the tree is why sad shadow obl
3、ique.9、老鼠过街,人人喊打。When the mice cross the street, everyone shouts and beats.10、三里不同乡,五里不同俗。Three miles are different townships and five miles are different customs.11、人越嬉越懒,嘴越吃越馋。The more you play, the lazier you are, the more you eat.12、若要人不知,除非己莫为。If you don't know, you can't do it yourself
4、.13、祸从口出,病由心生。Misfortunes come from the mouth and diseases from the heart.14、火烤胸前暖,风吹背后寒。The fire is warm in front of the chest and the wind is cold behind it.15、吃酒不吃菜,必定醉得快。If you don't eat food or drink, you will get drunk quickly.16 、病急乱投医,逢庙就烧香。When the patient is in a hurry, he will burn in
5、cense in every temple.do.17 、人而无信,不知其可。If a man does not believe, he does not know what he can18、三年不喝酒,家里样样有。No alcohol for three years, everything at home.19、不怕乱如麻,只怕不调查。Not afraid of disorder, just afraid of not investigating.20、只有千里的名声,没有千里的威风。Only a thousand miles of fame, not a thousand miles o
6、fprestige.21、人怕老来穷,禾伯寒露风。People are afraid of being poor when they are old.22、不怕年老,就怕躺倒。If you are not afraid of old age, you are afraid to lie down.23、此去泉台招旧部,旌旗十万斩阎罗。Here we go to Quantai to recruit the old ministry, with abanner of 100,000.24、莫吃过头饭,莫说过头话。Don't eat too much, don't talk too
7、 much.25、当用时万金不惜,不当用时一文不费。When it is used, it costs nothing, if it is not used properly.26、逆水行舟,不进则退。If you sail against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.27 、宁可锅里放坏,不可肚里硬塞。Better spoil the pot than stuff it in your stomach.28、横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。The frown is cold to the finger of
8、a thousand men, and the bow is sweet to the cow.29 、是好说不坏,是坏说不好。It's good to say it's not bad, it's bad to say it's not good.30、打人两日忧,骂人三日羞。Two days to worry about beating people, three days to shame cursing people.31、不怕学问浅,就怕志气短。If you are not afraid of shallow learning, you are afr
9、aid of short ambition.32、管中窥豹,只见一斑。Looking at the leopard in the tube, you can see only one spot.33、邻舍好,无价宝。Good neighbors are invaluable.34 、两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。The mountains on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are facing each other and the sails are on the edge of the sun.35 、秦岭山脉一条线,南吃大米北吃面。There is a
10、 line in the Qinling Mountains, where rice is eaten in the South and noodles in the north.36 、天无一月雨,人无一世穷。There is no rain in January, and no man is poor forever.37 、儿大分家,树大分杈。Children divide up, trees divide up.38、刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。Knives must rust without grinding, and people should not lag behind.39、
11、品行是一个人的内在,名誉是一个人的外貌。Character is a person's inner, reputation is a person's appearance.40、只有上不去的天,没有过不去的山。There are no mountains that can't be crossed except those that can't be crossed.41、鸟美在羽毛,人美在勤劳。Bird beauty is in feathers, and man beauty is in diligence.42 、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。Suppor
12、ts the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost.43 、一分耕耘,一分收获。No pains, no gains.44 、树挪死,人挪活。Trees move to death, people move to life.45 、好事多做,恶事莫为。Do more good than evil.46 、只可劝人家圆,不可劝人家离。We can only persuade others to be happy, but not to leave.47、娘家的饭香,婆家的饭长。Mymother's food is fragrant, but my
13、 mother's food islong.48、君子报仇三年,小人报仇眼前。A gentleman's revenge lasts three years, and a villain's revenge is at hand.49、好事不瞒人,瞒人没好事。There is no good in keeping good things from others.50、水里泛青苔,天有风雨来。There is moss in the water, and rain and wind come.51、离家十里路,各处各乡风。Ten miles away from home,
14、 the local customs everywhere.52 、不怕吃饭拣大碗,就怕干活爱偷懒。Not afraid to eat and pick big bowls, but afraidto work lazy.53、瓜无滚圆,人无十全。No melon is round, no man is perfect.54 、打空拳费力,说空话劳神。Empty boxing is hard, empty talk is hard.55、耳听为虚,眼见为实。Hearing is false, seeing is true.56、知已知彼,百战百胜。Know the other and win
15、every battle.57、水滴石穿,坐食山空。Drops of water and rocks pierce the sky.58、朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。Shuo Qi spreads to Jin Qi, and cold light shines on iron clothes.59、水不流会发臭,人不学会落后。If water does not flow, it will stink. People do not learn to lag behind.60、人心换人心,八两换半斤。People change hearts and minds, eight or two chan
16、ge half a kilogram.61、南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。Southern Dynasty 480 monasteries, how many buildings in the smoke and rain.62、井掏三遍吃甜水,人走三省见识广。Three times a well is digged to eat sweet water, andpeople go to three provinces with wide knowledge.63、灯不亮,要人拨;事不明,要人说。If the light is not on, someone should dial it;
17、if somethingis unclear, someone should say it.64 、山大压不住泉水,牛大压不死虱子。Mountains can't hold down springs, cattle can't kill lice.65、灯不拨不亮,理不辩不明。If the lamp is not turned on, it is not clear.66、路遥知马力,日久见人心。Lu Yaoyao knows horsepower, and he sees people's heartsand minds for a long time.67、不怕天寒
18、地冻,就怕手脚不动。If you are not afraid of the cold, you areafraid of notmoving your hands and feet.68、学如逆水行舟,不进则退。Learning is like sailing against the current;if you don'tadvance, you will retreat.69、祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。Misfortune and fortune depend on eachother, whilefortune and fortune lie in the wake of eac
19、h other.70、挂羊头,卖狗肉。Hang sheep's head and sell dog's meat.71、鸟无翅不飞,鱼无水不游。Birds do not fly without wings, fish do not swim without water.72、水涨船高,风大树摇。When the water rises, the boat rises and the wind blows, the tree sways.73 、人不亏地皮,地不亏肚皮。No man loses his skin, no man loses his belly.74、丈夫有泪尽情弹
20、,英雄流血也流泪。Husbands shed tears and heroes shed tears.75 、买卖不懂行,瞎子撞南墙。Business does not work, blind people hit the South wall.76 、寒从足下起,火从头上生。Cold starts at the foot and fire starts from the head.77 、若要不怕人,莫做怕人事。If you want to be afraid of people, do not be afraid of people.78、江山易改,本性难移。Rivers and moun
21、tains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change.79、不怕山高,就怕脚软。If you are not afraid of mountains, you are afraid of feet.80、宁打金钟一下,不打破鼓千声。Better strike a golden bell than break a thousand drums.81、贪小失大,惜指失掌。Greed is small, but loss is great.82、是饭充饥,是衣遮体。It's food to fill hunger, clothing t
22、o cover the body.83、蜻蜓低飞江湖畔,即将有雨在眼前。Dragonflies fly low along rivers and lakes, and there will be rain in front of them.84 、天下无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who are willing to do it.85 、火大无湿柴,功到事不难。Great fire without damp wood makes it easy to achieve success.86 、水大漫不过船,手大遮不住天。The water is too big to cover the boat, and the hands are too big to cover the sky.87 、事在人为,人定胜天。Man makes man, man conquers nature.88 、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。The grace of dripping water should be reported by the gushing spring.89 、久雨闻鸟声,天气要转晴。It's going to clear up after a long rain.90、当局者迷,旁观者清。Au
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