1、Unit 4 A Virtual LifeStudents are required to finish the following tasks in two weeks: 1 Preview and review Text A with the help of online learning system or your textbook and dictionary;2 Prepare the In-class activities with other group members;3 Finish the exercises of Text A; 4 Finish the listeni
2、ng tasks of Part B, C, D in Unit 7 & 8 from your listening book;5 Learn Text B by yourselves with the help of PPT online;6 Finish the Fast Reading of Unit 4;7 Finish the two online tests;8 Write an essay entitles “Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Colleges”, “The Internet Will Isolate Us f
3、rom One Another” or “The Internet Will Not Isolate Us from One Another”. In-class Activities1. Dictation (Words, phrases, or sentences from the text)2. Read aloud paragraphs 10-13 and learn them by heart; 3. Answer and discuss the questions concerning the theme of the text (See p.106);4. Retell Text
4、 A;5. Interpretation activity; l He _ since his retirement. (保持与同事的联系)l The more you explain, _ (我越糊涂). l But for his help, I _(我不可能这么早完成).l She felt fenced _(被家务事). l Dont worry. _(一切都安排好了). 6. Group discussion and presentation Choose one of the topics and discuss in small groups of four. Organize
5、the group opinions and to make it short but persuasive talk and get one student to report it to the class. l Is it necessary for people to be honest in cyber world? l Will computer take the place of man in every aspect of our life? l Is online education as effective as classroom education? Phrases f
6、or effective and coherent argumentationl we believe/as far as we concerned/in our opinionl to begin with/first of all/initiallyl besides/furthermore/in addition, secondly/thirdly/finallyl in short/in brief/to sum up/therefore7. Debate: cyberspace and isolation; Pro: Cyberspace isolates people more t
7、han connects them, e.g., most times they are sitting in front of a computer interacting with the web and not socializing with anyone. Con: Cyberspace connects people more than isolates them, e.g., they are using a computer to connect with others, although not always in real time. 8. Role play: l Sit
8、uation 1: The first meeting with your net pal; How is your first meeting? Make up a dialogue between you and your net pal and act it out. l Situation 2: Computer addiction You feel quite anxious and upset these days as you find yourself absolutely addicted to computer games and cyberspace, so you go
9、 to a physiologist for advice. Make up a dialogue with your doctor. Language Points of Text A1. virtual: 1) Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination. 虚拟的,内心的在头脑中存在的,尤指意想的产物。 e.g. Now, more and more people start to accept the concept of a virtual store.virtual life / community
10、 / office / reality 虚拟生活 / 社区/ 办公室 / 现实 2) Existing / resulting in effect though not in actual fact / form/ name实质上的,实际上的 (虽然没有实际的形式或名义,但在实际/效果上存在的) e.g. She is the virtual president, though her title is secretary. 虽然她的头衔是秘书,她是实际上的董事长。virtually (adv.) = actually = in fact 2. interpret: 1) vt. unders
11、tand e.g. He interpreted the silence as contempt. 他把这沉默理解为轻蔑的表示. 2) vt. give or provide the meaning of, explain 解释e.g. This dream can be interpreted in several different ways. Poetry helps to interpret life. 诗歌有助于阐释人生的意义。 3) vi. Translate what is said in one language into another e.g. No one in the
12、tour group spoke Spanish, so we had to ask the guide to interpret. I couldn't speak Italian so I asked Maria to interpret for me. interpret misinterpret 误解3. tone: a particular quality or intonation of a sound 声调,音色,基调 e.g. She spoke in an angry tone. Suddenly, he laughed again, but this time wi
13、th a cold, sharp tone. The violin has a beautiful tone. Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference. 她友好的开幕词确定了整个会议的基调。4. stretch: 1) vi./ vt (cause to)become longer, wider, etc. without breaking伸展,延续e.g. The fields stretched as far as the eye could see. 田野一望无际。My working day s
14、tretches from seven in the morning to eight at night. He got out of bed and stretched himself. 他下床伸了个懒腰。 2) extend beyond the proper limit 过分用力,滥用 e.g. He stretches the law to suit his purpose. 他曲解法律来达到自己的目的。 5. submit: 1) vt. offer sth. that it may be formally considered 提交 (submit sth to sb)e.g. I
15、 submitted my papers to the examiner. We should submit our plans to the council for approval. 我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。He has submitted an application letter for that job.他递交了一份求职申请,希望得到那份工作。2) vi. give in to the authority of, allow oneself to be subjected to sth. / to obey.屈服于, 服从于e.g. The defendant refuse
16、d to submit to an unjust ruling. 被告人拒绝服从不公正的裁决.I submit to your superior judgment. 我接受你的明智的判断。6. edit: vt. 编辑 (edited, editing) e.g. edit a textbook编一本教科书The teacher is editing famous speeches for use in school books. 老师正在把有名的讲稿编辑成学校教科书。He spent all morning editing the book. 他整个上午都在编写该书. editor: n.
17、编辑,编者 e.g. an editor in chief 总编辑edition: The first edition of Robinson Crusoe was printed in 1719.鲁滨逊漂流记第一版是在1797年出版的。7. via: prep. by way of, by means of 经,由,以为媒介 e.g. He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。 The Olympics were telecast live via satellite. 奥运比赛经人造卫星做实况转播。8. communicate: 1)
18、vi. transmit thoughts and feelings, transmit information;交流, 传递 (communicate with sb.)e.g. Some young people depend heavily on email to communicate with each other. 2) vi. join or connect; e.g. The door immediately communicated with the back garden. 那扇门直接通向后花园。 communication n. 通信,交流 e.g. She is in
19、communication with her lawyer about this matter. 就这件事他与律师保持着联系。 9. at times: from time to time, now and then 有时 e.g. I like Bob but he's very annoying at time. 我喜欢鲍勃,但是他有时也很烦人。She calls on me at times. 她有时来看我。 Synonyms: on occasion, occasionally, from time to time, now and then, now and again, o
20、nce in a while, off and on; 10. take in: 1) absorb 收进,吸收e.g. The earth takes in heat and light from the sun.2) understand completely 完全理解e.g. I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in.3) trick or deceive sb. 欺骗 e.g. The teacher was completely taken in by his excuses. 11. spit: vt.
21、 吐出 spit sth. (out) (at/on/onto sb./sth.) (spat/spit, spat/spit, spitting)e.g. Its impolite to spit in public. She spat at his face in contemp. He angrily spat out the answer. 12. feel an aversion to sth.= have an aversion to sth. 对感到厌恶e.g. He has a strong aversion to getting up early. Do you feel a
22、ny aversion to hard study? aversion: a feeling of intense disgust; e.g. my pet aversion 我最讨厌的人或物; Washing dishes is his pet aversion. 他最讨厌呀洗碗。13. critic: n. 1) a person who gives judgments about the quality of sth. / sb. 评论家;批评家 2) a person who dislikes and expresses strong disapproval of sth. /sb.
23、吹毛求疵的人critical: (of) adj. 1) providing a careful judgment of; finding fault批判性的; 吹毛求疵的 2) of a moment of great danger/difficulty 危急的;关键时刻的Practice: blank filling We succeeded in the _ moment of the WTO negotiation. He is the news _ for CCTV.Why are you so _ of everything I wear?Keys: critical critic
24、 critical 我们在世贸谈判的关键时刻取得了胜利。他是中央电视台的新闻评论家.你为什么对我的穿着的每样东西都是那么挑剔。14. nightmare: a horrible dream; terrifying or deeply upsetting experience; e.g. Life with him was a nightmare. In his nightmares, they burned his house. I have a nightmare about falling off a cliff. 15. conversely: in a way that is oppo
25、site to sth. 相反地 e.g. You can add the fluid to the powder, or conversely, the power to the fluid. American educators fear that creativity should be acquired early, and conversely, skills can be picked up later. Conversely, work in applied science and technology frequently acts as a direct stimulus t
26、o the development of pure science. 相反,应用科学技术的成果在纯科学的发展中经常起到直接的促进作用。 Synonyms: on the other hand, or, otherwise;16. but then: yet at the same time; on the other hand 但另一方面; 然而e.g. Mary did a better job than the others in the final exam; but then, she spent much more time on it than they did. The meth
27、od is good, but then it will take too much time. but for: except for; without 除了以外; 若非/若不是but that: except that (后接从句) 若非Practice: Translate the following English into Chinese:大城市总是那么拥挤, 然而, 那里也能够享受到最佳的娱乐活动。要不是因为下雨, 我们的野餐本来会很惬意的。若不是因他必须得参加一个重要会议,他一定会来参加聚会了。Keys: Big cities are always crowded, but th
28、en they are also the place where you can get best entertainment. We should have enjoyed our picnic but for the rain. (=if it had not rained) He would have come to the party but that he had to attend an important meeting. (= if it had not been for the fact that he)17. jar: vi. 1) have an unpleasant e
29、ffect (on) 令人不快/难受/受刺激 (jarred, jarring) (jar sth.; jar on sb. / sth.)e.g. The loud bang jarred my nerves. The way he laughs jars on me / on my ears / on my nerves. She was badly jarred by the slam of the door. 2) out of harmony 不协调; 不一致 (jar with sth.) e.g. The paint of the house jars with the beau
30、tiful surroundings. His opinions jar with mine.18. suck in: draw in by suction; (usu. passive) involve sb. in an activity, an argument, etc., usu. against their will卷入 (suck in; suck sb. in/ into sth.; be sucked in)e.g. He sucked in air, then went under the water again. “Suck in the stomachs,” the g
31、ym teacher said. “吸气收腹,”体育老师说。I dont want to be sucked into the debate about the school reform. 19. keep up with: (= keep pace with), learn about or be aware of (the news etc.)e.g. Mother set the pace so that her children would keep up with her. He was walking so fast that I had to run to keep up (w
32、ith him). She likes to keep up with the latest fashions. 20. angle: n. 角度,立场e.g. The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this angle. Try looking at the affair from a different angle. These novels mirror life in todays Japan from various angles. angel: n. 天使21. in sight: 1) visiblee.g.
33、 It was early in the morning and there wasnt anyone in sight on campus.2) likely to come soone.g. Two months passed, and victory was not yet in sight.lose sight of: 忽略了,看不见了;e.g. I watched the plane go higher and higher until I lost sight of it.out of sight: 在视野之外e.g. I waved my handkerchief until t
34、he train went out of sight, and then went sadly home. Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。near-sighted: adj. 近视 e.g. I am getting quite near-sighted. 22. insensitive: (to) adj. not able to feel sth 无感觉的; 麻木不仁的sensitive: (to) adj. 1) strongly/ easily influenced /hurt by sth. 敏感的;易受影响/伤害的2) being consc
35、ious of the feeling of others能敏锐意识他人感情/意见sensible: adj. reasonable; noticeable; knowing明智/合理的; 切合实际的; 可感知的sensational: adj. wonderful; causing excited interest/shock很棒的; 引起轰动的 (sensation)Practice: blank fillingIt was very _ of you to avoid rush hours when you go to work.He is very _ to his students
36、need for encouragement and knows when to praise them.She is very _ about (using) money.Its of no use for you to criticize him, since hes to criticism.Dont mention that shes put on weight, she is _about it.Have you heard the _ news on the radio today?Keys: sensible sensitive sensible insensitive sens
37、itive sensational你上班时避开交通高峰期十分明智。他能敏锐体察学生需要鼓励的心情,并且直到该在什麽时候表扬他们。她用钱很得当。批评他是没用的,因为他对这毫无反应。别说她胖了-她对此很敏感。你听到今天收音机里广播的轰动新闻了吗?23. remark: 1) n. a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief; sth. said briefly; e.g. He made a few remarks. They made rude remarks about her appearance.2) v. make or
38、 write a comment on; say something; e.g. Peter remarked that the pudding was too sweet.The editor remarked that article was well written. 24. project: vt. 1) throw into the space; cast 投映(onto /into)e.g. Project the slide onto a screen. 把幻灯片投映到屏幕上。 2) cause (an image) to appear on a surface投射;投影;(喻)
39、设想e.g. Project yourself / Project your mind into the future world. 想象自己处于未来的世界。 3) imagine (ones own esp. bad feeling or thoughts) as being experienced by others 以己之心度人之腹e.g. Dont project your guilty feelings onto me! 别以为我会有像你一样的内疚感。 4) express (oneself /ones qualities) outwardly 突出/表现(自己的特点)e.g. Yo
40、u must project yourself if you want to make a good impression on an interviewer. 要想给面试主事人留下好印象,你必须努力表现自己。25. emotional: determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason, of the emotions; 感情的,情绪的,易动情的;e.g. She sang an emotional song about love and death. His emotional language reduced many of the
41、 audience to tears. The boy got very emotional when I had to leave, and started to cry26. cue: n. 提示,暗示,线索; v. 给暗示e.g. at a cue from the director 在导演的暗示下 I threw her a cue but she missed it. The band director cued the drums to begin. I'll cue you in by nodding my head. 27. routine: 1) n. a
42、 fixed and regular way of doing things; 2) adj. occurring at fixed times; 常规的,例行公事;e.g. Our routine never varies. She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement.It was a rather routine performance.Routine office jobs have no relish at all for me.28. rely on/ upon: depend co
43、nfidently on, put trust ine.g. Some children relied heavily on the advice of their parents. British weather can never be relied upon its always changing! rely (vi.) reliant (adj.) reliance (n.) reliant: He is heavily reliant on bank loans. 他离不开银行贷款。 reliance: I put reliance on his promises. 我相信他的话。2
44、9. abuse: n./v. wrong or bad use or treatment of sth./sb. 滥用 (misuse); 虐待 (mistreat)e.g. Dont abuse the confidence they have placed in you. 不要辜负他们对你的信任。 Its easy to abuse ones power. 人容易滥用职权。The policemen are making an investigation of child abuse. 警察正在调查虐待儿童事件。The government has set up a working gr
45、oup to look into the problem of drug abuse. 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题。He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他见到我就连声辱骂。30. restore: bring back to a former condition; bring back 恢复,归还,修建 (restore sth.; restore sb. to sth.;)e.g. The stolen watch has been restored to its owner.Law and order will be quickly resto
46、red after the earthquake. Winning three games restored their confidence. I feel quite restored to health after my holiday.31. arrange: prepare or plan; 安排 arrange sth.; arrange to do sth.; arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. arrange with sb. about sth. )e.g. The teacher arranged the books on the shelves
47、.I have arranged to meet her at ten o'clock. I could arrange a taxi for you to pick you up at 8:00 am tomorrow morning. I have arranged for the boy to leave school next Easter. I arranged with him about swimming. 32. flee: vt./vi. 逃走;逃掉 flee from/ to (fled, fled, fleeing) e.g. In order to escape
48、 capture, he fled to the countryside.During the war, thousands of refugees fled the country. 33. interview: n.& v. 采访,会晤,面试 e.g. a press interview 记者采访 ask (beg) for an interview with sb.请求面见某人 hold (have) an interview with sb 会见某人 The professor was interviewed on the radio yesterday. 教授昨天在电视台接受
49、采访。34. appointment: 1) n. a meeting arranged in advance e.g. I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon. 2) n. the job to which you are (or hope to be) appointede.g. The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper.the appointment of a person to the position指派某人任该职35. tune: a p
50、iece of music, an air of melody 曲调e.g. He played a tune on the violin. She whistled a happy tune all the way home. in tune: 一致, 协调 out of tune 不协调,格格不入 e.g. The curtain is not in tune with the atmosphere of the room. The piano is not in tune with the violin. A person out of tune with his surrounding
51、s will not be happy. Grammatical points from Text A 1. Some adjectives are often followed by an infinitive active in form but passive in meaning. (p.113 Usage) 有些形容词后常常接不定式的主动形式表示被动的意思。e.g. easy, difficult, hard, tough, possible, impossible, fit, unfit, comfortable, uncomfortable, boring, interestin
52、g, good, bad; This sentence is easy / difficult to understand. This problem is impossible to solve.Polluted water is unfit to drink.This movie is interesting / boring to see.对该句子的理解: 可看作句子中省略了不定式的逻辑主语。This sentence is difficult (for us) to understand.Polluted water is unfit (for people) to drink. 2.
53、 of +名词作后置定语和表语的用法 (p. 114 Structure 1) CF: They are not useful to me. They are of no (possible) use to me. 1) 这两个句子汉语意思基本相同。但英语语法结构与内涵意义有别。 2) 第一句结构是系动词后加形容词作表语; 而第二句系动词后加“of+名词”短语,这种结 构通常强调某种性质或状态,有时也可在译文体现出来。e.g. The reform of the old educational system is very important. 对旧教育体制的改革非常重要。 The refor
54、m of the old educational system is of great importance. 对旧教育体制的改革具有极大重要性。3. find +宾语 + 宾补 (p.114 Structure 2)1)I find myself shyer. (find + 宾语 + 形容词) 2)I find myself sucked in by soap operas. (find + 宾语 + 过去分词短语)3)I find myself attacking everyone in sight. (find + 宾语 + 现在分词短语)Notes: 1)这一组句子是为了学习“find + 宾语 + 宾补”的用法。 2) find 后面的宾语补足语可以用形容词、过去分词(短语)、现在分词(短语) 担任。通常过去分词(短语)有被动含义,与宾语之间是被动关系;现在分词(短语)为主动含义, 与宾语之间为主动关系。3) Find 后面的宾语补足语也可用介词短语担任。 e.g. When she woke up, she found herself in hospital. 4)写作中要注意“find + 宾语 + 宾补
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