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3、水在湿地系统中流动方式的不同可以分为表面流人工湿地、水平潜流人工湿地以及垂直潜流人工湿地。表面流人工湿地污水中污染物去除效率高于自然湿地处理系统,但与潜流湿地相比处理效率较低 ,且不适合在寒冷地区应用。垂直潜流人工湿地是指污水从湿地表面纵向流向填料床的底部,床体处于饱和或不饱和状态,氧气可通过大气扩散和植物传输进入潜流人工湿地中,主要用于处理氨氮含量高的污水,体积负荷较小,且对介质要求较高,不利于推广使用。水平潜流人工湿地是指污水从一端水平流过填料床另一端。它是由一个或多个填料床组成,床体充填介质,床底设有防渗层,以防止污染地下水;与表面流湿地相比,第一,对BOD5、C ODCr、SS、重金属



6、质标准为再生水回用于景观水体的水质标准(C JT952000。表1牦牛河废水水质及排放标准mgL 项目pH COD Cr BOD5SS废水水质范围6916022080120100160设计水质69180100120排放标准696020205运行结果和保证措施511运行结果该污水处理厂于2003年8月建成并于同年10月正式投产运行,经监测部门采样分析,将2003年11月至2004年3月列为冬季运行结果,2004年4月至7月列为夏季运行结果,如表2所示。表2污水处理厂运行水质结果表mgL(除pH项目pH COD Cr BOD5SS冬夏冬夏冬夏冬夏进水781578151862201732101061

7、2093115125160108145出水6868486742641626132515241233从表中数据可以得出:冬季运行出水水质较夏季运行略差,可能是由于冬季植物处于休眠期,温度较低,微生物代谢不够活跃所致。但通过采取一定措施,冬季的运行结果表明,出水水质仍然可以达到设计要求。冬季C ODCr去除率为7015%,BOD5的去除率为8119%,SS的去除率为8518%;夏季C ODCr去除率为7218%,BOD5的去除率为8113%SS的去除率为8612%。因此对于污染不是很严重,主要由生活污水组成的废水,应用人工湿地处理工艺是行之有效的。512冬季运行保证措施冬季为了保持人工湿地填料床一

8、定的温度,将夏季种植在湿地填料床上用于绿化和美化环境的芦苇、美人蕉、灯心草等植物收割,平铺在填料床上,其上再铺一层塑料薄膜。通过监测表明,经这样处理之后,填料床内被处理的污水温度可以保持在1518。特别在塑料薄膜上有比较厚的积雪,可以使湿地内待处理的污水温度有所提高。可能是厚厚的积雪起到保温作用。6结论(1通过沈阳市郊区城市污水处理厂的建设和运行,表明人工湿地处理城市污水在北方寒冷地区应用是可行的。不但节省污水处理厂的基建投资和运行成本,而且处理后水质达到了再生水回用于景观水体的水质标准(C JT9522000的要求。也就是处理后的出水可以用于绿地浇灌和景观湖泊、河流的补给水,节省了水资源,对

9、于运行资金困难的污水处理厂还可以产生可观的经济效益。(2从冬季和夏季的运行对比可以看出,去除率差别不大,均满足出水水质要求。(3人工潜流湿地这种工艺运行过程中不会产生难闻的气味,在夏季通过在填料床上种植植物,可以起到绿化和美化环境的作用。(4这种工艺有它明显的缺点是一旦填料床发生堵塞,影响运行效果,不易维护,不像曝气生物滤池可以通过反冲洗解决填料堵塞问题。因此,人工湿地填料床堵塞问题有待进一步研究。参考文献1何江涛,陈鸿汉等.污水土地处理技术与污水资源化.地学前缘, 2001.8(1:160162.2党奠胜,黄钟等.污水土地处理的研究现状及发展趋势.陕西环境, 2002.9(5:1719.3贾

10、宏宇,孙铁珩等.污水土地处理技术研究的最新进展.环境污染治理技术与设备,2001.2(1:6264.4郝火凡.污水土地处理中干湿周期的室内模拟试验研究.甘肃环境研究与监测,2001.14(2:7273.5张建,邵长飞等.污水土地处理中的土壤堵塞问题.中国给排水, 2003.19(3:1720.作者通讯处张显龙110142沈阳经济技术开发区11号街沈阳化工学院环境与生物工程学院电话(02489383904,89388160(OE2m ailzhangxianlong119.student2004-10-28收稿42环境工程2005年8月第23卷第4期 STUDY ON DIFFERENT O P

11、ERATION MODES OF SUBMER GED MEMBRANE BIOREACTORS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT Wang Zhiwei et al (7Abstract Membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment must operate for long periods.Operation m odes are well related to the feature of M BR for long 2term run.Characteristics of the submerged M BR at diff

12、erent operation m odes at constant flux and at constant T MP during short period and long 2term practical run on a lab scale were studied.T est results suggested that it was fit for M BRs for long 2time operation when M BRswere operated in sub 2critical zone (at fixed membrane flux and under economi

13、cal TMP 3(at fixed T MP .Membrane fouling mechanisms were als o theoretically analyzed in different operation zones.K eyw ords submerged membrane bioreactor (S M BR ,fixed transmembrane pressure ,fixed membrane flux and membrane foulingCHARACTERISTICS OF PROCEDURE DESIG N FOR SHENY AN G NORTHERN WAS

14、TEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Sun Sheng et al (10Abstract It is introduced in detail that the design capacity ,S DAO process and the main parameter of each m onomer structure.A circular aeration tank is used for S DAO process and there is a creation in the structural design.The digestion process is als o

15、used for the sludge ,and the heating method of the sludge is scientific.K eyw ords S DAO process ,circular aeration tank and digestion of sludgeEXPERI MENT A L RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF PENICI LLI N WASTEWATER WITH THE METHOD OF MEMBRANE BIOREACTOR (MBR Sun Jingmin et al (12Abstract Based on systemat

16、ic analysis of the quality of penicillin wastewater ,it is studied the start up features and in fluence factors of treating penicillin wastewater by the process of membrane bioreactor.The result shows that the suitable operation is g ot on conditions :C OD Cr of thein fluent is 58kg m 3d and the con

17、centration of the sludge is in the range of 712g L.K eyw ords penicillin wastewater and membrance bioreactor (M BR TREATMENT TECHNOLO GY OF WASTEWATER FROM PRODUCTION OF TEXTI L E PRI NTI N G AND DYEI N G Wang Zhenchuan et al (15Abstract T extile printing and dyeing wastewater was treated by the pro

18、cess of coagulation sedimentation 2hydrolytic acidification 2suspended chain acrating 2biocarbon abs orption.A fter treatment by this process ,93percent C OD Cr is rem oved from the wastewater and all the indexes of the effluent consistently meets the first 2order of the National Emission S tandard

19、for P ollutants of the T extile Dyeing Wastewaters (G B4287292.K eyw ords dyeing wastewater ,coagulation sedimentation ,hydrolytic acidification ,suspended chain aerating and biocarbonEX AMPL E OF TREATI N G WASTEWATER FROM PRODUCTION OF HY DRO GEN PEROXI DE SOLUTION Liu Yanlin et al (17Abstract It

20、is briefly introduced the characters of waste water from the production of hydrogen peroxide s olution by anthraquinone process.An optimized treatment technology of the waste water is proposed ,i.e.the process of oil insulative deposition 2air floatation 2catalytic oxidation 2biocarbon.The actual op

21、erations of the engineering and then analyzing the problems during operations are als o introduced.K eyw ords waste water from the production of hydrogen peroxide s olution ,air floatation ,catalytic oxidation and engineering applicationEXPERI MENT A L STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF WASTEWATER FROM POL Y

22、ESTER A L K A LI 2DECREMENT PROCESS BY HY DROL YTIC ACI DIFICATION 2HY BRI D MEMBRANE BIOREACTOR PROCESS Yang Qiyong et al (20Abstract A hydrolytic acidification 2hybrid membrane bioreactor process was used in the treatment of wastewatr from polyester alkali 2decrement process.The results indicated

23、that the C OD Cr of effluent was only 26.668.03mg L and the process was efficient in the total rem oval of C OD Cr with 93%98%and T A with 94%.T A was hardly biodegradable with rem oval rate between 0.23%6.02%in hydrolytic acidificaton reactor ,but ethylene glycol was readily biodegradable with rem

24、oval efficiency up to 58.94%71.49%.T reated by hydrolytic acidification process ,the aerobic biodegradability B C of wastewater had been raised by 0.1370.227.On the one hand ,porous 2flexible suspended carrier potentiated the scour over the surface of membrane and decreased the cake on the membrane

25、;on the other hand ,it increased the number of protozoa and metazoa in M BR ,which played an effective role in fouling control of the membrane.K eyw ords alkali 2decrement ,hydrolytic acidification ,m ombrane bioreactor ,purous flexible suspended carrier ,terephthalic acid and wastewater treatmentTR

26、EATI N G MUNICIPA L SEWAGE WITH ARTIFICI A L MARSH TECHNIQUE APPLIED I N THE NORTH Zhang Xianlong et al (23Abstract As an ecological treating technique ,the artificial marsh system is of g ood prospects because of its advantages ,such as simple facilities ,less investment ,convenient operation ,lowe

27、r cost of energy and better effect of purification.The artificial marsh system was rarely apllied in cold zone in the north.An engineering case of the artificial marsh system applied in the north success fully is introduced.2E NVIRONME NT A L E NG INEERINGV ol 123,N o 14,Aug.,2005K eyw ords artifici

28、al marsh system ,municipal sewage and ecological treating systemAPPLICATION OF ANAEROBIC PROCESS OF TWO 2ST AGE UPF LOW ANAEROBIC SLUD GE BED I N PHARMACEUTICA L WASTEWATER Pang Yan et al (25Abstract It is very difficult for a normal process to treat an antibiotic pharmaceutical wastewater with C OD

29、 Cr of 39000mg L and sulphate concentration of about 6500mg L.T w o 2stage anaerobic process is suggested and used for a pharmaceutical factory in Shangdong Province.Excellent effect and economic benefit have been obtained.K eyw ords pharmaceutical wastewater ,tw o 2stage anaerobic process and biode

30、sulphurationREG ULATION OF I NF LUENCE FACTORS FOR A O PROCESS I N TREATI N G AIR LI NE FECA L SEWAGE Zhang Zhiguang et al (27Abstract In addition to treatment of routine domestic sewage from airport zone ,Capital Airport Sewage T reatment Plant still treats airline fecal sewage.There was a loading

31、shock on the sewage treatment system in the first half year of 2004due to many causes.It is introduced how to regulate the process and restore a normal operation of the sewage treatment system on condition of a loading shock.K eyw ords airline fecal sewage ,activated sludge and regulationRESEARCH ON

32、 SI MULT ANEOUS NITRIFICATION AND DENITRIFICATION I N SBR SYSTEMZhang Long et al (29Abstract A single stage S BR system fed with a synthetic municipal wastewater containing organics and amm onia was investigated.By the addition of glucose as carbon s ource and amm onium sulfate as nitrogen s ource ,

33、the in fluences of varieties of C N and DO concentration on simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (S ND were als o investigated.The results showed that when the in fluent concentrations of C OD Cr and NH 32N were 244550mg L ,45.452.2mg L ,DO =110-310mg L and C OD Cr NH 32N =510respectively

34、,the rem oval rates of C OD Cr and NH 32N reached 87.1%91.0%,75.1%94.7%respectively.C onsidering the research results ,one typical cycle of S ND was analyzed simultaneously.K eyw ords biological nitrogen rem oval ,simultaneous nitrification and denitrification and S BR systemTHE EFFECT OF OZONIZ ATI

35、ON ON DISSOLVED OR G ANIC MATTER I N SECONDARY EFF LUENT AND ANA L YSIS OF REACTION K I NETICS Wang Lei et al (33Abstract A study on ozonization of secondary effluent was conducted with different retention time ,and the organics presented different m olecular size distribution characteristics ,which

36、 provided a theoretical basis for choosing the right process of ozone combination.The results showed that ozonization raised the biodegradability of organics ,which could be divided into three phases ,each of which was the first order reaction ,then the dynamic equation of ozonization of secondary e

37、ffluent could be obtained ,which provided theoretical proof for choosing the appropriate ozone retention time ,and realizing high efficiency and low energy consumption treatment of municipal wastewater.K eyw ords ozonization ,secondary effluent ,ozone reaction kinetics and sewage recyclingRESEARCH O

38、N PRETREATMENT OF REFI NERY OR G ANIC A L K A LI WASTEWATER WITH HIGH CONCENTRATION Zhang Dongmei et al (36Abstract It is compared that the degradation of refinery organic alkali wastewater with high concentration by UV O 3,UV H 2O 2and UV T iO 2H 2O 2systems.The results show that three methods all have g ood degradation effect.On condition of the experiment ,UV T iO 2H 2O 2process has an obvious effect of oil rem oval.In the UV O 3system ultraviolet li


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