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1、博才中学八年级英语上学期学案主备人: 柏媶 主审人:胡小姝课题TopicChapter 5 Reading Look it up 课型Type 归纳训练课学习目标Learning aims1 To review some words and expressions2 Recite the text according to the mindmap3 Solve the problem学习策略Learning strategyGroup co-operation inquiry learning教学环节I课前展示II激情引趣A song <<dinosaurs>>III合

2、作探究与小组展示i 小组竞赛(competition)(Focus on Learning aim 1) word and expressionsii Recite the articles (Focus on Learning aim 2) 1 Team leaders pick any of the mindmaps 2 In teams, students prepare the reciting. 3 In teams, students reciting the paragraph according to the mindmaps.iii Game (Focus on Learni

3、ng aim 1) IV小组展示,拓展提升(Focus on Learning aim 1,3) (1)译短语Team 1:1 生活在地球上 2 像 一样3 因 而著名 4 看到 正在做 5 扔掉 Team 2:6 一个游乐场 7 分发信件方 8 尽可能少的东西 9 数百万的 10 离开学校后Team 3:11 留下 12 由创立的 13 更加快乐 14 查找 15 跪在泉水边 Team 4: (2) 改写句子. ( I )就划线部分提问1. He sold newspapers last year. _ _ he _ last year?2. Diogenes was a famous th

4、inker. _ _ Diogenes?3. Walt Disney was born in America. _ _ Walt born?Team 5: ( II )同义句改写1. My English is not as good as yours.My English is _ _ yours.2. Ben is 10 years old and so is Ken.Ben is _ _ _ Ken.3. Her daughter is so beautiful a girl that we all like her.Her daughter is _ _ beautiful girl

5、that we all like her.Team 6:(III.) 用所给词的适当形式填空1. -Which animal do you like _(well)?- Dogs are my favourite.2. Diogenes lives in _(Greek) about 2000 years ago.3. Some dinosaurs are even _(big) than a whale.4. There are some _ (sheep) on the hill.5 We saw him _(draw) in his room now.(IV)选择填空Team7 :( )

6、1 The new machine is invented _ Mr. Brown. A. in B. to C. for D. by( )2 The _ problem is money, but not time. A. harmless B. real C. rich D. famous( )3 Charles is strong _ his brother David who often gets ill. A. with B. by C. unlike D. LikeTeam 8:( )4 Vivian teaches me English _ well _ my English t

7、eacher. A. not; as B. as; not C. as; as D. as; so( )5 It is _ for Caroline to pass the exam if she studies hard. A. possible B. sad C. hard D. helpful( )6 Some of them are very small; _ are huge.A. other B. another C. the other D. OthersTeam 9:( )7 She draws as _ as her brother. A. good B. well C. b

8、etter D. Best( ) 8 When I walk past, I saw him _ in the garden. A dancing B to dance C danced D dances( ) 9 Jack _so _ as his brother. A is,strong B is, stronger C isnt, strong D isnt strongerV 验收训练 课文填空 学习反思(教学反思) 验收训练:Chapter Fiveon harmful Nobody about be possible So leaving while Others unlike h

9、armless millions behind byDIINOSAURS Dinosaurs lived 1 earth more than sixty million years agoThis was a long time before people existed. There were 2 of dinosaurs. They lived everywhereSome were as small as chickens. 3 were as big as ten elephantsSome dinosaurs had wings and could fly Many dinosaur

10、s were 4 They were as gentle as sheep and ate plantsOthers were 5 They were fiercer than tigers and ate meat, 6 most other dinosaurs Dinosaurs all died suddenly 7 knows whyWe know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons,eggs and footprints they left 8 DIOGENES Diogenes was a famous thinkerHe

11、 lived in Greece 9 two thousand years agoHe taught that the way to 10 happy was to own as few things as 11 All he owned was a big jar that he lived in,a coat,a purse and a cup He was very happyOne day,he saw a small boy kneeling by a fountain The boy was drinking water from his hands12 Diogenes thre

12、w away his cup and became even happier. DISNEY,WALT Disneyland is a famous amusement park in the United States of America There are also Disneyland Parks in Japan and FranceDisneyland Park was created 13 Walt Disney(19011966),who is famous for his cartoon characters:Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,Goofy,Sn

13、ow White and many others Walt was born in the USAAfter 14 school and studying art at night, he sold newspapers and delivered mailFinally he got a job that he really liked-drawing cartoons for films Walt's most famous cartoon character, Mickey Mouse,was a real mouseIt sometimes sat on Walt's

14、desk 15 he was workingWalt drew the mouse and put it in a cartoonSoon Mickey became a star and Walt became rich and famousdinosaur - 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16_describe- 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _

15、-14_ -15 _ -16_thinker- 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16_ exist - 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16_skeleton- 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16

16、_Arica - 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16_create - 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16_kneel - 1 _ -2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16_harmless - 1 _ -

17、2 _ - 3 _ - 4_ - 5 _ - 6_ - 7 _ - 8_ - 9 _ - 10_ -11 _ -12_ -13 _ -14_ -15 _ -16_A dog is a kind of animal. It often lives with people at home. Its one of the pet animals. Many people like to keep a dog for pleasure because it is clever and it can understand them. People feed the dog and build a hou

18、se for it. Dogs can do lots of things for people. In cities, people keep a dog not only for pleasure but also for safety. A dog can be a good guard. In the country, farmers like to keep dogs for pleasure too. Besides, some of the dogs can help farmers to look after animals, such as sheep and pigs. Dogs can be a great help to army soldiers and policemen. Dogs often do important work for t


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