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1、Gen eral TermsMotors and Comp onents List电机和元件列表(订货单位Customer:(车间)Pla nt:(代码)Code:(订货号)Order No.:位置 Location:(日期)Date:部门:姓名:电机和元件表编号.:修改时间(Rev.):印刷数目(概要)General:(机器一览表儿ist of machines 详细技术资料Technical Data:(传动筒图)Drive diagram:(主传动)Main drives(工艺测量装置)Technol. Meas. Devices: 电机与元件列表Motors & Comp. L

2、ist:Tianjin Iron Making Plant( 天津铁厂)Five Stand TCM(五机架连轧) TIANJIN390 66002Hilchenbach17. Nov 06(06年11 月 7 日)VKF 4REHA390 66002c29. Mrz 07V1 - V15ML1 - ML2TD1DD1MD1TM1-TM8L1 - L31修订本0abcde日期22. Mai 0601. Sep 0617. Nov 0629. Mrz 07通过校准的REHAREHAREHAREHA复制到:用户X西门子AKPAKW1AKW2AWM3AWM4VKFXXXCopying of this

3、 document, and giving it to others and the use of communication of the contents thereof are forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to payment of demages.All right are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design.Motors and Compo n

4、ents List电机和元件列表Gen eral TermsINHALTSVERZEICHNIS /TABLE OF CONTENSSeite / PageIn d./Rev.包封页/ Cover SheetV1目录列表 / List of ContentsV2一般说明 / General ExplanationsV3一般技术条件 / General technical preconditionsV4 - V5关于主驱动的特殊要求Special requirements for the design of the main drivesV6关于辅助驱动的特殊要求Special requirem

5、ents for the design of the auxiliary drivesV7Liefer- und Leistungsabgrenzungen zwischen Mechanik- und Elektro- Lieferanten / Supply interfaces between mechanics and electrical supplierV8 -V10供应密码/ supply codeV11Erkl?rungen der Abkurzungen und Kurzformen in der Motoren- und Komponentenliste / Abbrevi

6、ations used in the Motors and Components ListV12 -V15机械列表 / List of machinesML1 -ML2技术数据 / Technical DataTD1驱动模式/ Drive schemaDD1主驱动 / Main drivesMD1工艺测量仪表 / Technological sensorsTM1 -TM8电机和元件列表 / List of Motors and ComponentsL1 -L31ALLGEMEINE HINWEISE 概括说明Diese Motoren- und Komponentenliste ist Sum

7、mierung von Anlagen, Funktionen und elektrischen und/oder elektronischen Ger?ten, wie sie zum Betrieb der von SMS Demag AG angebotenen mechanischen und elektrischen Einrichtungen erforderlich sind.Sie stimmt mit der augenblicklichen Projektierung bzw. Konstruktion und der Ausgabe der letzten ?nderun

8、g uberein.Eine endgultige Motoren- und Komponentenliste von SMS Demag AG entsteht w?hrend der Auftragsabwicklung.GENERAL EXPLANATIONSThis motors and components List is a summary of equipment, functions and of the electrical and/or electronical devices, which are required for the operation of mechani

9、cal and elecrical equipment quoted by SMS Demag AG.It conforms with the present enquiry or design and the last corrected version.A final motors and components list will be made by SMS Demag AG during designing.ALLGEM. TECHNISCHE VORAUSSETZUNGEN 1*)GENERAL TECHNICAL PRECONDITIONS 1*)气候条件海拨高度环境温度短时最高温

10、度24小时温度平均值 最低温度相对湿度及温度冷却水温特殊情况水空气分析查阅合同相关章节Climatic Con diti ons< 200 m Altitude above sea levelAmbient temperature+ 42,5 °Cmomentary max. temperaturemax. temperature as mean value for 24 hours -19 °min. temperatureRelative humiditywith temperature35 °Cooling water temperatureSpeci

11、al conditionse.g. conditions of air, water analysis:refer to contract specification chapter网络数据频率频率偏差(2*)Network Data50 Hz Frequency+0,5 / - 0,5 % Frequency tolerance (2*)中压(三相交流)10 kV最大起始峰值和对称短路电流ISkA起动最大功率SK370,8 MVA电压误差(2*)+/-10%Medium voltage (three-phase AC)Peak value of initial symmetrical sho

12、rt circuit current ISInitial symmetrical short-circuit power SKVoltage tolerance (2*)低压(三相交流) 起动最大电流IS 最大起动功率SK电压误差(2*)380/220 VLow voltage (three-phase AC)kAPeak value of initial symmetrical short circuit current ISMVAInitial symmetrical short-circuitpower SK+/-10%Voltage tolerance (2*)辅助电压Auxiliar

13、y Voltages控制电压(单相交流) 电池组电压MV开关设备 信号电压电磁阀电压PLC输入电压220 VAC Control voltage (single-phase AC)220 VACbattery voltagefor MV switchgear24 VDCSignal voltage24 VDCSelenoid valvevoltage24 VDCPLC input voltage1*) Soweit die Angaben nicht vorliegen, sind eventuell eingetragene Werte als Annahmen f u dieses Pro

14、jekt zu betrachten. Diese Werte sind in Klammern () gesetzt.2*) Soweit nicht anders angegeben entsprechend IEC bzw. VDE: Spannungstoleranz ±10 %Frequenztoleranz ±1 %Note:1*) Where no intormation is available, any vlaues entered should be regarded as assumption for this project. These value

15、s are placed in brackets ().2*) Unless otherwise specified according to IEC or VDE:Voltage tolerance: ±10 %Frequency tolerance: ±1 %Nicht erw? hnt sind innerhalb von Regel- und Steuer- systemen benutzte Versorgungs- und Signalspannungen.Supply and signal voltages used within control system

16、s have not been mentioned.U:66002 TIAN-PLTCM-VKFMuKKundeMuK TCM Rev.c KundeGeneralAllgemei ne Hi nweiseMotoren- und KomponentenlisteMotors and Comp onents List保护打措施中性点连接牢固接地()中压单独(接地)()通过灭弧线圈()低压系统多点保护接地()导线保护接地()保护接地()控制电压系统多点保护接地()导线保护接地()保护接地()Gen eralTermsProtective measuresNeutral-point connect

17、ion with medium voltage:Solidy earthedisolatedearthed through Petersen coilwith low voltage:Protective multiple earthingProtective earth conductorProtective earthingwith control voltage:Protective multiple earthingProtective earth conductorProtective earthing标准技术规范Stan dards and Specificati onsMa? g

18、ebend f n die Auslegung und Ausf uhrung der angebotenen elektrischen Ausr ustung sind die Normen des Deutschen Institutes f n Normung (DIN) und die Normen und Vorschriften (VDE-Bestimmungen) der Deutschen Elektrotechnischen Kommission (DKE).工厂设计的必要条件设备运行的环境环境温度:外界温度5.40C电气室温度15.25C电功率温度1035C电机环境温度5.

19、40CBesondere Vorschriften f nrdie Auslegungder elektrischen Maschinen:-Temperatur uberwachung f n Motoren mehr als kW;- witergehende Vorschriften siehe folgende Abschnitte zu drehzahl- ver?nderlichen Antrieben und Hilfsantrieben;The design of the electrical equipment offered is in accordance with th

20、e standards of the Deutsche Institut f n Normen (DIN) and the standards and regulations (VDE specifications) of the Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission (DKE).Requirements for the Design of the PlantAmbient temperature for the electical equipment:outside temperaturetemperature for electrical rooms

21、temperature for power electricity ambient temperature for motorsSpecial requirements for the designof electrical machines:- Temperature monitoring for motors more than kW;- detailed instructions refer the following itemsfor speed variable motors and auxiliary drives;Special requirements for the supp

22、ly of DC motors:Besondere Vorschriften f nrdie Speisung von drehzahlver? nderlichen Motoren:Besondere Vorschriften f tr den Anschlu? der elektrischen Maschinen:Special requirements for the connection of electrical machines:SPEZIELLE ANFORDERUNGEN an DREHZAHLVER?NDERLICHE ANTRIEBESPECIAL REQUIREMENTS


24、机代码字母力矩马达交流滚筒电机鼠笼式转子步进电机鼠笼式转子步进电机滑环转子/鼠笼式转子 普通直流激励电机 直流复励电机 直流串联电机直流激励电机补偿绕组直流激励电机补偿绕组和Gleichstrom-Nebenschlu? motor mit ompensatigebechung joch直流激励电机补偿绕组 Gleichstrom-Nebenschlu? motor ohne 直流激励3电机补偿IffiSGleichstrom-Nebenschlu? motor ohne Kompensatigebechiung Joch直流滚筒式电机交流鼠笼式电机交流鼠笼式电机、极性变换线性电机步进电机 步

25、进电机励磁电刷同步电机 交流滑环电机 同步电机r 鼓形电机./齿轮电机r./电磁制动电机./防冷凝带加热器电机./滑环电机选择操作设备的字母代码普通电磁阀 煤气电磁阀 用于油水的电磁阀用于油水的比例电磁阀 Proportionalventil f u Hydraulik, ?l 伺服阀空气电磁阀电动阀 润滑剂电磁阀 水或乳化液电磁阀 普通蝶阀电动液压蝶阀电动蝶阀普通齿轮制动器松开电动液压齿轮制动器松开 电动齿轮制动器松开 完全的齿轮制动器(机械的和电动的) 盘式制动器涡流制动器普通磁铁电磁制动器 磁力起重机 感应离合器 电磁离合器 磁力松开制动器 电磁操作离合器 信号灯 混杂的字母代码MCod

26、e Letter for motorMDTorque motorMDRAC roller table motor with squirrel-cagerotorMFKInching motor squirrel-cage rotorMFSInching motor with slipring rotor/squirrel-cage rotorMGDC shunt-wound motor, generalMGDDCcompound motorMGHDCseries-woundmotorMGKDCshunt-woundmotor withcompensatingwindingMGKIDCshunt

27、-woundmotor withcompensatingwindingand laminated yokeMGNDC shunt-wound motor without compensating windingMGNIDC shunt-wound motor without compensating windingand laminated yokeMGRDC roller table motorMKLAC squirrel-cagemotorMKL/PAC squirrel-cagemotor, pole-changingMLLinear motorMSStep motorMSStep mo

28、torMSBSynchronusmotor with brushless excitationMSLAC slipring motorMSYSynchronusmotorMTDrum motorM./GGear motorM./YMotor with integralmagneticbrakeM./HMotor with anti-condensationheaterM./VSliding-rotor motorCode Letter for electically operated mech. equipm.Solenoid valve, generalSolenoid valve for

29、gasSolenoid valve for hydraulics, oilProportionally acting solenoid valve for hydraulics, oil Servo valveSolenoid valve for airMotor-operated valveSolenoid valve for lubricantSolenoid valve for water or emulsionAdjusting device, genaralAdjusting device, electro-hydraulicAdjusting device, electric-mo

30、tor typeBrake-release gear, generalBrake-release gear, electro-hydraulicBrake-release gear, electric motor typeBrake, complete (mechanical and electrical)Brake, disk typeEddy-current brakeMagnet, generalMagnetic brakeLifting magnetInduction clutchMagnetic clutchBrake-release magnetMagnetically opera

31、ted clutchSignal lampCode Letter for miscellaneous loads一般流体加热器EDFlow heater, general油加热器EDOFlow heater for oil水加热器EDWFlow heater for water普通加热器EHHeater, general幵关的字母代码SCode letter for switches接近开关SBEProximity switch扭动开关SDETorque switch限位开关SELimit switch, general一般旋转式极限开关SKRotary type limit switch,

32、general电动旋转式极限开关SKERotary type limit switch, electronic磁感应限位开关SMEMagnetic limit switch轴限位开关SPESpindle limit switch接线开关SRLPull rope switch来自转换器的开关代码BCode letter for converters fromnichtelektrischen auf elektrische Gr?ennon-electric to electric quantities加速度变送器BAAcceleration transducer压力变送器BDPressure

33、transducer差压变送器BDDPressure differential transducer延展率变送器BDEElongation transducer旋转方向变送器BDRDirection of rotation transducer测力变送器BFForce transducerFeuchtegeberBFTHunidity transducer普通光电管BFZPhotocell, general红外线光电管BFZIPhotocell for infrared beams物位变送器BHLevel transducer电导率变送器BLFconductivity transducer普通

34、挡光板BLSLight barrier, general红外线挡光板BLSILight barrier with infrared beams反射挡光板BLSRReflex light barrier摆动光线挡光板BLSWLight barrier with oscillating light普通光栅BLVLight curtain, general红外线光栅BLVILight curtain with infrared beams摆动光栅BLVWLight curtain with oscillating light转矩传感器BMTorque transducer转速传感器BNRotatio

35、nal speed trancducer流量变送器BQFlow transducer距离传感器BSDistance trancducer振动传感器BSWVibration transducer同步变送器BSYSynchro-transducer温度变送器BTTemperature transducer线速度变送器BVLinear speed transducer位置变送器、角度变送器BWLPosition transducer, angle trancducer张力检测装置BZTension measuring device带钢宽度测量装置BBBStrip width measuring de

36、vice带钢拉伸应力颁布测量装置BBSTransducer for strip tensile stress distribution带钢张力变送器BBZStrip tension transducer测厚仪BDIThickness gauge活套位置变送器BSLTransducer for loop position轧制力变送器BWFRolling force transducer保护装置字母代码FCode letter for protective device压力监控FDPressure monitor差压监控监控rFDDDifferential pressure monitor旋转方向

37、监控FDRDirection of rotation monitor频率监控器FFQFrequency monitor湿度监控器FFTHumidity monitor液位监控器FHLevel monitor电流监控器FICurrent monitor转速监控器FNRotational speed monitor流量监控器FQFlow monitorStillstandsw? chterFSTSandstill monitor温度监测器FTTemperature monitor电压监控器FUVoltage monitor水位保护报警器FWNWater protection alarm指示器代码字

38、母PCode letter for measuring instruments (indicators)温度指示器PTTemperature indicator线速度指示器PVLinear speed indicator转速指示器PNRotational speed indicator距离指示器PSDistance indicator压力指示器PDPressure indicator传输路径代码字母WCode letter for transmission path拖链电缆WKSCable drag chain电缆盘WKTCable drum电缆小车WKWCable trolley现场插头插座

39、WXOLocal plug-and-socket connector型号后缀功能描述Suffixes to describe the type and number信号输出of signal outputs.模拟量./A. analog.编码的./C. absolut coded.数字的./D. digital.齿轮连接./G. with gear.增量./I. incremental.附属于电机./M. attached to motor.19是接点,十是信号系统.1 to 9. with (1 to 9) contacts, signals or decadesAn zahl der Sp

40、ule n / Kon takteMultiplikatorAnzahl gleicher Einheiten (z.B. Geruste, Haspel, Tanks etc.)number Number of Coils / Con tacts(Column 3)multpl.Multiplicator(Column 4)Number of unique units (e.g. stands, reels, containers)An zahl der Ger? te, die un ter "CODE" deklariert sindquantity Number o

41、f Devices named at col. "CODE"(Column 5)参照说明:供货代码SUPPLY CODErefer to explanation:(第 6栅)SUPPLY CODE供给电源de3Power supply, feeder(Column 18)接触器代码字母 启动回路接触器 反转回路换向接触器.星/角启动.加入负载Code letter for contactorKAStarting cicuit, starting contactorsKRReversing circuit, reversing contactors./SD. for star

42、/delta starting./SW. for starting against heavy loads供电部分字母代码普通不变转换器普通可逆转换器带可逆的电流自动回路转换器串联同步转换器普通频率转换器固定式频率转换器(直流转换器) 双向离子变频器断路器GA GU GUG GKU GF GFS GFD GGSCode letter for power supplyStatic converter, generalReversible converter, generalReversible converter, circualtion-current-freeSusynchronous co

43、nverter cascadeFrequency converter, generalFrequency converter, static type (DC link converter) Cyclo-converterChopperDEC123(Col.20-22)Control: Desig n (ope n- / closed-loop con trolR-General term for closed-loop controlR-AAcceleration controlR-DPressure controlR-EEMF controlR-FEField controlR-FQFre

44、quncy controlR-GSynchronus speed controlR-HLevel controlR-ICurrent controlR-LaLoad balancing controlR-MTorque controlR-NRotational speed controlR-PPower controlR-QFlow controlR-SDistance control, position controlR-TTemperature controlR-UVoltage controlR-VLinear speed controlR-ZTension controlR-BKStr

45、ip edge controlR-BMStrip center controlR-DGStrip elongation controlR-DIThickness controlR-GMGauge meter controlR-MZMinimum tension controlR-SEShear controlR-SHLoop position controlR-SLLoop lifter controlR-WFRolling force controlS-General term for open-loop controlS-ELIndividual controlS-FSSequence c

46、ontrolS-GPGroup controlS-HLevel controlS-LTCoordinated controlS-NSpeed controlS-PGAProgrammed sequence controlS-PZAProcess sequence controlS-QFlow controlS-SPositioning controlS-STAAutomatic shutdown controlS-TTemperature controlS-ZSTime cycle controlU-General term for monitoringU-BLStrip travel mon

47、itoringU-DPressure monitoringU-DDDifferential pressure monitoringU-HLevel monitoringU-QFlow monitoringU-SFSlip monitoringU-TTemperature monitoring控制设计:开环、闭环控制系统普通闭环控制加速度 压力控制 电动势控制 磁场控制 频率控制 同步速度控制 物位控制 日常检查 负载平衡控制 力矩调节 转速调节 电源控制 流量调节 距离控制、位置控制 温度控制 电压调节 线速度控制 张力控制带钢边缘控制 带钢中心控制 带钢延伸控制 厚度控制 厚度仪表控制 最小

48、张力控制 剪切控制 活套控制 撑套器控制 轧制力控制普通开环控制单机控制 顺序控制 群控 物位控制 联动控制 速度控制 程序顺序控制 工艺顺序控制 流量控制 位置控制 自动停机控制 温度控制 周期时间控制普通监控带钢行程监控 压力监控 差压监控 物位监控 流量监控 滑差监控 温度监控GenLIST OF MACHINESRevc29.03.2007Ind. / Rev.eral TermsItem1.00 入口设备 Equipment atthe entry sideNA 1.02 1#轧机带钢张力测量装置 Strip tension measuring device in front of

49、mill stand #1NB1.03带钢线上的辅助绞车 Auxilliary winch for strip threadingNC1.041#轧机带钢速度测量装置 Strip speed measuring device in front of mill stand #1ND1.05 带钢夹持器 Strip clamping deviceNE1.06 焊缝探测仪 WeldseamdetectorNF1.07横切剪 Cross-cut shearNG1.081#轧机测厚装置 Strip thickness measuring device in front of mill stand#1NH

50、1.091#轧机前带钢侧挡板 Strip side guide ahead of mill stand No 1P2.001-5# 轧机 CVC6 附件 Mill stand No 1 - 5 in CVC6 design with accessoriesPA2.031-5# 液压调整装置 Hydraulic adjusting system for mill stand No 1 - 5PB2.041-5# 轧机楔块调整装置 Wedge adjusting system for mill stand No 1 - 5PC2.051-5#轧机支撑辊平衡装置 Backuproll balanci

51、ngformill stand No 1 -5PD2.051-5#轧机中间辊和工作辊弯辊装置Intermediateandwork roll bending systemfor mill stand No 15PE2.061-5# 轧机中间辊系统 Intermediateroll CVC-shiftingsystem for mill standNo1 - 5PG轧机 乳化液喷淋装置 Emulsion sprayingequipment for mill standNo1 - 4PH 轧机分段冷却乳化液喷淋 Emulsion spraying equipment with multi-zone

52、 cooling for mill stand No 5PI 空气压缩机站 Compressed air stationPK工作辊和中间辊的更换 Work and intermediate roll changing cars for mill stand No 1 - 5PL支撑辊的更换 Backup roll changing devicesPM 支撑辊输送小车 Backup roll transportation trolleyPO 7.02 手动换辊 Roll-up doorsPP 2.02 1-5# 支撑辊推动汽缸 Backup roll pusher cylinder for mi

53、ll stand No 1 - 5PQ2.02/06/05 1-5#轧辊 Roll keeper formillstand No 1- 5PR2.161 -5#带钢夹持器 Strip clampingdevice in frontof mill stand No 1-5PS2.13/14 1 -5#上下辊抗粘结挡板 Top/Bottom work roll anti-sticker guides for mill stand No 1 -5PT2.151-4#防止串辊 Strip hold-downrollsbehind ofmill stand No 1-4PU2.171 -4#轧机带钢张力检测 Strip tensionmeasuringdevice behind ofmill stand #1-4PV2.18 1# 轧机


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