【英语对话小故事加翻译】 幼儿英语故事带翻译_第1页
【英语对话小故事加翻译】 幼儿英语故事带翻译_第2页
【英语对话小故事加翻译】 幼儿英语故事带翻译_第3页




1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑【英语对话小故事加翻译】 幼儿英语故事带翻译 随着我国经济进展和开放程度的加深,我国参加国际经济活动越来越频繁,英语作为国际上的通用语言与我们的生活越来越亲密。我细心收集了英语对话小故事加翻译,供大家观赏学习! 英语对话小故事加翻译篇2 leo: hi lucy, are you pregnant? 露西,你怀孕了吗? lucy: no, why did you say that? 没有啊,为什么这么说? leo: then why did you put on radiation protection clothes? 那你干吗穿防辐射服? lucy: r

2、ecently i always go to check in the machine room, so i put one the clothes to protect radiation. 我最近要去机房检查,防止辐射啊。 leo: it is not enough. 这还不够。 lucy: what do you mean? 什么意思? leo: you should learn from those female white-collar workers to wear radiation protection mask. 你应当学那些女白领一样,带上防辐射面罩。 lucy: oh m

3、y goodness, it is like in the gas experiments lab. 天啊,这搞的像毒气试验一样的。 leo: while it is reasonable. 但是也不无道理啊。 lucy: yes, the radiation is everywhere. 是啊,辐射无处不在。 英语对话小故事加翻译篇3 bob: what was that noise? 那是什么声音? tom: what? 什么? bob: i heard something. 我听见有什么声音。 tom: are you sure? 你确定? bob: yes.it sounds like

4、 something drop on the ground. 是的。像是有什么东西掉地上了。 tom: but i didnt hear anything. 但是我没听见什么啊。 bob: maybe i am too nervous. 可能是我太紧急了。 tom: wait.there must be something up there.i heard it this time. 等等。上面肯定有什么东西在那。这次我听见了。 bob: yeah.me too. 对。我也是。 tom: ill go and take a look right away. 我这就去看看。 英语对话小故事加翻译

5、篇4 lily: ann, this is my marketing plan,here you are. 安,这是我的市场方案,给你看看。 ann: ok,thanks. i have a look. 好的,感谢。我看下。 lily: will you approve the proposal? 你同意我的方案吗? ann: good job, it is a full of originality design. 美丽,真是富有创意的设计。 lily: thank you. 感谢! ann: would you please sit down and tell me in details?

6、 能坐下来具体给我讲讲吗? lily: id love to. our products products have not yet in european market ,so it is almost a blank market. i think it is our opportunity to seize this market. 当然。在欧洲还没有我们这类产品,这方面几乎是一个空白市场,我想这是我们抢占市场的机会。 ann: that is right, i agree with you. 对的,我同意。 lily: when should we start to work? 那我们何时开头? ann: the sooner the better. 越快越好。 看了"英语对话小故事加


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