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1、(英语)高考英语副词精编习题一、单项选择副词1. If an entire country gets richer at the same time, individuals wouldn't feel wealthier,since their relative positions in society haven't changed.A. necessarilyB. initiallyC. typically =D. sustainably【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词。句意:如果整个国家同时变得更富有,个人并不一定会感到更富有,因为他们 在社会中的相对地位并没有改变。

2、A. necessarily必要地;B. initially最初;C. typically代表性地;D. sustainably支撑得住。根据后面的since从句可推知,个人不一定感到更富有,not necessarily 不一定,故选 A。2. Faced with the exams, we should work as hard as we can., we shouldn ' tt alfcthe cost of our health.A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. MoreoverD. Furthermore【答案】B 【解析】考查副词的用法。句意为转折关系

3、,故用副词However然而,可是。3. The task wasn ' t easy, but we managed it.A. anyhowB. anywayC. somehowD. some way【答案】C 【解析】略4.(安徽新余市模拟 )Recently stock prices have been falling because of the influenceof the global financial crisis.A. sharplyB. absolutelyC. narrowlyD. universally【答案】A 【解析】考查副词辨析。句意为:受全球经济危机

4、的影响,最近股票价格急剧下跌。A.锋利地,敏锐地,急剧地;B.绝对地;C狭窄地,勉强地;D.全体地,无一例外地。根据题干中“globalfinancial crisis可知,此处指股票下跌。 答案: A5. Mary became homesick and critical of the United States, so she fled from her home inWest Bloomfield to her hometown in Austria.A. completely B. sincerelyC. approximately D. increasingly【答案】D【解析】考查

5、副词辨析。句意: Mary日渐思乡,同时也对美国感到不满,于是她从她西布 卢姆菲尔德的家回到了奥地利的家乡。A. completely完全地,彻底地;B. sincerely真诚地;C. absolutely完全地,绝对地;D. increasingly日益增加地。D项符合语境。6. Do you often come here to have a walk?-No, only, because we are much too busy.A. occasionally B. eventuallyC. merely D. frequently【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词。上句:你经常来这里

6、散步吗?下句:不,只是偶尔,因为我们太忙。A.occasionally 偶尔;B. eventually 最后;C. merely 仅仅;D. frequently 频繁地。故选 A。7. Computer-controlled robots are taking over jobs in many industries, which used to be doneA. artificially B. manuallyC. comprehensively D. gradually【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意为:计算机控制的机器人接管了许多行业中的工作,而这些工作 过去都是手

7、工完成的。 artificially人造地,人为地,不自然地; manually手工地; comprehensively全面地;gradually渐渐地。根据句意,选 B。8. He wasn ' _t to lift the case.A. too strong B . enough strongC. strong enough D . so strong【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查enough的用法。句意:他没有力气提起箱子。此处enoughi坦够”是副词,修饰形容词时放在形容词后面。故选Co9. -Do you think that the 16 thAsian Games w

8、ere a success?-Yes,!It couldn ' t be better.A. relativelyB. approximatelyC. absolutelyD. fortunately【答案】C【解析】词义辨析。Relatively 相对的;approximately 近似地,大约;absolutely 绝对的;fortunately幸运的。你认为第16届亚运会成功吗、绝对的,没有比它更好的了。选Co10. A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience,if you are travelling at high s

9、peed.A. eventuallyB. strangelyC. merelyD. especially【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查副词辨析。句意:突然停下可能是一个可怕的经历,尤其是如果你以高速运行的时候。A. eventually 最终;B. strangely 奇怪地;C. merely 仅仅地;D. especially 尤其。此处强 调高速运行时,故选 Do【点睛】副词辨析是试卷中经常出现的题型,所以平时一定要把词汇放在句中进行记忆。在复习词汇的时候,要依据语言的横向组合和纵向聚合,按照点一线一面的顺序,构建知识网络,对所学内容进行巩固、深化和提升,才能提高复习知识点的效率。这样,

10、在做单项填空题 时,就会觉得游刃有余。对于英语中词汇的用法,平时要多归纳总结,而词汇的特殊用法 更要特别记忆。最好把词汇放在句子中,连同句子一起记忆。11. The girl used to be shy, but is getting active in group work and is more willing toexpress herself.A. graduallyB. usuallyC. previouslyD. merely【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:那个女孩过去很害羞,但现在团队合作越来越积极,(比以前)更愿意表达自己的想法。A. gradually逐渐

11、地;B. usually通常,经常;C. previously以前;D. merely仅仅。故选A项。12. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the lake. , neither of them could swim.A. particularly【答案】CB. RarelyC. UnfortunatelyD. Unconsciously【解析】【详解】考查副词辨析。句意:两名中年乘客掉进湖里。不幸的是,他们俩都不会游泳。A.particularly 特别地;B. Rarely 罕见地;C.Unfortunately 不幸地;D. Unconscio

12、usly 没意识地。根据句意,他们掉进湖里,但不会游泳,可知这是不幸的。故选C项。13. The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow othersA. blindlyB. unwillinglyC. closelyD. carefully【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:教育的目的是教年轻人要独立思考而不是盲目地听从他人。A.blindly盲目的;B.unwillingly不情愿地;C.closely紧密地;D.carefully仔细地。与前面的 thi

13、nk for themselves 相对,故选 A。14. , more Asian politicians are voicing support for clean power. In July, 2019, Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines' president, also instructed his energy minister to reduce his countrydependence on coal.A. SurprisinglyB. Unfortunately C. HorriblyD. Promisingly【答案】D 【解析】

14、【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:有希望的是,更多的亚洲领导人支持新能源。在2019年7月,菲律宾总统Rodrigo Duterte也指示他的能源部减少该国对煤的依赖。A. Surprisingly令人吃惊地;B. Unfortunately不幸地;C. Horribly令人害怕地;D. Promisingly有希望地。各国领导 人支持新能源,所以这里应该需要褒义词Promisingly表示有"希望地”,故选D项。15. The UK government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests A.

15、 otherwiseB. thereforeC. moreoverD. meanwhile【答案】A 【解析】考查副词辨析。otherwise用别的方法;不同样地;否则,要不然; therefore因此; Moreover而且;meanwhile与此同时;句意:英国政府声称经济正在恢复。但是这项调查 却说明实际情况是不一样的。本题 but是关键词。16. Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sitbefore computer screens for a long time.

16、A. likely【答案】A【解析】【详解】B. possibleC. sureD. probable考查形容词。句意:研究表明,如果人们总是坐在电脑屏幕面前很长时间会有背部的问题。ABC都是 可能”,D项是 确定”,根据句意,C项错误;这里使用的是句型:Sb./Sth. islikely to do ,其他两个单词不能用于这个句型,故选A。17. It was not surprising that when some of the terracotta warriors were taken to the BritishMuseum foran exhibition, they were

17、a(n)success. It seems that they' ll remain the number one touristattraction for foreigners for many years.A. immediate; along B. instant; aheadC. accurate; beyondD. primitive; through【答案】B【解析】句意:这并不令人感到奇怪,当一些兵马俑被带到大英博物馆展览的时候,他们立刻成功了。似乎他们还将要保持面向外国人的头号旅游景点很多年。Immediate和instant含义区别不大,都是表示立刻,马上的意思;本

18、题关键在于区别along与ahead的含义,along强调延续向前或继续向前”,含有没有止境的意思。Ahead意思是向前,多久没有确定时间。选A则表示会永远不间断的持续下去,从常识来说这是不可能的。故选B,意思是保持第一位的旅游景点还要许多年,没有确定时间。18. Jim went to answer the phone. 一 Harry started to prepare lunch.A. MeanwhileB. NeverthelessC. BesidesD. However【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:Jim去接电话。同时,Harry开始准备午饭。A. Meanwhile同时;B.

19、Nevertheless (尽管如此)还是,然而;C. Besides而且;D. However然而。结合语境可知,选Ao考点:考查副词的用法。19. These natural parks are important for preserving animals, which would risk dyingout.A. merelyB. ratherC. otherwiseD. moreover【答案】C 【解析】本题副词辨析。句意为:对于许多动物的保护来讲,这些自然公园是很重要的,否则,这 些动物将面临灭绝的危险。C项表示 否则”;B项表示 相当”;A项表示 仅仅”;D项表示然而”。根据

20、句意,应选 C项。20. Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets escaped disaster.A. hopefullyB. narrowlyC. suddenlyD. practically【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】考查副词辨析及固定搭配。句意:两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程更加严格了。A. hopefully有希望地;B. narrowly勉强地,险些 ;C.suddenly突然地;D. practically尤其是,特别地。句中修饰动词escaped,要用副词形式。在

21、两架飞机侥幸逃脱灾难(差点出灾难)后,起飞和降落程序更严格了。“narrowly escape为固定用法,意为侥幸逃脱”。故选Bo21. Tomorrow there will be sunshine with cloudy intervals so he has made a plan for apicnic with his family.A. mainlyB. occasionallyC. roughlyD. Extremely【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查副词。句意:明天的天气主要是晴天,但有时多云,他计划和家人一起野餐。A. Mainly 主要是;B. Occasionally 时

22、不时;C. roughly 粗糙;D. Extremely 极度;天 气好才会想到去野餐,所以天气主要是晴天,故选 A项。考点:考查副词22. He had planned to make a compromise , but he changed his mind at the last minute .A. thereforeB. otherwiseC. anyhowD. somehow【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查副词辨析。 therefore因此otherwise否则anyhow无论如何Somehow意 为不知何故。句意为,他本打算做出承诺,但是不知何故他在最后一刻改变了主意。选Do

23、考点:考查副词辨析23. Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious,.A. evenB. eitherC. thenD. though【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考察副词用法。Even甚至,表示上下文的递进关系。曰ther用于否定句中,表示 也”;then在那时;though作为副词放在句末,表示转折,意为然而”。句意:昨天我正在下楼,在这时我失足摔下,然而并不严重。根据句意说明D正确。考点:考察副词辨析点评:把相似、相近的词语或结构放在一起作为干扰选

24、项,若我们基础知识掌握不牢就难 于区分。解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项副词的意思,可以像数学中的代 入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。24. - Do you think that the 11th Chinese National Games were a success ?-Yes,! It couldn ' t be.A. relatively ; betterB. approximately ; worseC. absolutely ; betterD. fortunately ; worse【答案】C【解析】考察副词,形容词辨析。R

25、elatively相对地approximately大约absolutely绝对的fortunately幸运地it couldn't be worse意为再糟糕不过了it couldn't be better意为再好不过了句意为,-你认为第十一届中国全运会成功吗?-当然,绝对是成功的,再好不过了。25. The lively boy suddenly appeared to be quiet, so his mother knew somethingunusual must have happened.A. casuallyB. consequently C. curiously

26、D. constantly【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。Casually随便的,偶然的 consequently因此,结果curiously好奇地 constantly 持续地句意为那个活泼的男孩突然看起来出奇地安静,因此他的妈妈知道不寻常的事情发生了。26. Let your child learn to be independent, for he will leave home to lead his own life asa fully independent adult.A. thankfullyB. alternatively C. definitelyD. eventually

27、【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:让你的孩子学会独立,因为他最终会离开家,作为一个完全独 立的成年人过自己的生活。A. thankfully感谢地;B. alternatively或者;二者择一地;C.definitely当然;明确地;D. eventually最终。依据句意可知,孩子最终会离家独立生活。 故选Do27. This car is environmentally friendly because it uses electricity instead of gas. it is less expensive.A. Besides B HoweverC. Inste

28、ad D. Meanwhile【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词。A. Besides另外;B. However然而;C. Instead相反;D. Meanwhile与此同时。句 意:这辆汽车是环保的,因为它用电而不用汽油。此外,它更便宜。结合句意可知答案为Ao28. I call him; even when there is not much to say.A. now and then B . by and byC. step by step D. more or less【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词短语辨析。句意:即使没有太多的话要说,我也会时不时的给他打电话。A. nowan

29、d then 时而; B. by and by 不就之后;C. step by step 逐步地; D. more or less 或多或少。根据句意,结合四个选项可知是我时而会给他打电话,故选 A.29. It was_beautiful house that we decided to buy it.A. so a B. such aC. a such D. a so【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查such与so用法的区别。句意:它是如此美丽的房子,我们决定买下它。such是形容词,用来修饰名词(名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带 )。如果修饰单数可数名词,其后 需加不定冠词a或an, so是

30、副词,用来修饰形容词或副词,当单数可数名词前面有形容词 修饰时,也可以用 so,但要改变冠词的位置,故选Bo30. he has not pleaded the guilty.A. So far B. AsC. Till far D. By far【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查So far的固定用法。句意:到目前为止,他还没有认罪。So far到'目前为止”,与现在完成时态连用,故选 Ao31. Each ticket, unless stated, admits only one person.A. otherwiseB. elseC. othersD. rather【答案】A【解析

31、】试题分析:考查副词。句意:每一张票,除非另外说明,否则只允许一个人。此处用otherwise表示 另外地”来修饰state一词,B项的else也可以表示 另外地”之意,但是通常 只是用来修饰不定代词或疑问代词且放在它们的后面,故选 Ao C项是代词,代指其他人";rather表示 宁可",不符合语境。考点:考查副词32. Linda's health is improving day by day, and the doctor has advised her to stayhome for a couple of weeks.A. frequentlyB. gr

32、aduallyC. fluentlyD. actually【答案】B【解析】根据improving和day by day可知,琳达的身体在一天天逐渐地(gradually)康复。frequently频繁地;fluently流利地;actually实际上,均不符合语境。答案: B33. - I was walking along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down .-You can never be in the street.A. careful enough B. much careful C.

33、very carefully D. too carefully【答案】A【解析】句意:我正沿着街道走,突然一辆汽车冲过来,把我撞到了。在街上你多小心都不过分。和be连用,后跟形容词,排除 C,D;且根据句意,所以选Ao34. Success means working hard, but working hard doesn mean success.A. certainlyB. necessarilyC. probablyD. possibly【答案】B【解析】词义辨析。.certainly肯定的,一定的; necessarily必然;必定;probably和.Possibly可 能的。成功

34、意味着工作努力,但努力并不意味着必然成功。选Bo35. In a second-hand book store, one might, pick up an old book for a few pence that might worth many pounds.A. specially B. normallyC. occasionally D. essentially【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:在二手书店,人们可能会偶尔花几便士买到一本可能值很多英镑的旧书。A. specially 特别地,专门 B. normally 通常 C. occasionally 偶尔 D.

35、 essentially 本 质上。根据句意可知,选Co36. For all the failure of his business, he remains optimistic and untroubled by hisproblems.A. hopefullyB. seeminglyC. rarelyD. frequently【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管他的生意失败了,但他仍然很乐观,似乎没有受到自己问题的困扰。hopefully充满希望地;seemingly似乎,好像;rarely很少地,罕见地;frequently频繁地。根据 "he remain

36、s optimistic可推知:生意失败似乎没有困扰他。故 B选 项正确。37. A dog ' s eating habit requires regular traing before it is established.A. properlyB. widelyC. originallyD. temporarily【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词辨析。句意:在狗的饮食习惯被正确地建立之前,需要定期的训练。A. properly正确地;B. widely广泛地;C. originally最初;D. temporarily临时地。狗的饮食习惯不可能 是被广泛地、最初地、临时地 ”建立,故选Ao38. Office furniture like chairs and sofas should be attractive as well as comfortable.A. manuallyB. visuallyC. physicallyD. securely【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查副词词义辨析。A. manually手动地;B. visually视觉上、外表上;C. physically身体


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