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1、精品资源备战高考专题8定语从句考倩解读定语从句的用法较为复杂,高考除了单独考查定语从句知识外,还常常结合句式结构、时态等来综合考查。纵观近几年各地高考试题,不难发现其考点主要包括:1 .考查关系代词和关系副词的区分。如:that, which和where, when的区分;that, which和why的区分等。2 .考查whose的使用。whose可以指代人或物,在定语从句中作定语,后跟名词。指物时, whose十名 词=名词+ of which = of which 十 名词。如:The classroom whose door/the door of which/of which the

2、 door is broken is on the second floor.3 .考查as/which引导的非限制性定语从句。尤其要重视which , as引导的非限制性定语从句和it, what引导的主语从句的区分。4 .考查定语从句中的主谓一致现象。如:1, who am your close friend, will try my best to help you whenever you are in trouble.5 .考查 介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,关系代词指人时用 whom,指物时用which ,不能用that。关系代词作定语时也可用wh

3、ose。如:The teacher in front of whose house stands a tall tree is very patient with his students.同时还要重视 复杂介词或代词”出现时与并列句的区别。如:He loved his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him.( 定语从句 )He loved his parents deeply and both of them are very kind to him.( 并歹U句 )此外, 介词+ which +名词”结构,也是一个较为特殊的结构

4、。如:He was very ill, in which case( = and in this case) we sent him to hospital first.6 . 考查些特殊的先行词。 如:当 situation, point, case, activity , scene及 period, festival, occasion 等出 现时,要注意具体情况具体分析;作主语、宾语和表语时,用关系代词that/which;作状语时,用关系副词where/when或 介词+ which ",表示在某种特定的情形下。7 .考查定语从句、强调句、时间状语从句等的区别。如:The

5、news that he had passed the exam pleased him and his family.(同位语从句 )The news (that) he told me this morning is not interesting.( 定语从句 )It was 1914 when the war broke out.(时间状语从句)It was in 1914 that the war broke out.(强调句)重点知£只梳理知识点一、定语从句与并列句的区别请观察下面三个句子:1. WangHongfailed in the CollegeEntrance

6、Examination,disappointed his mother.2. WangHongfailed in the CollegeEntrance Examination and disappointed his mother.3. WangHongfailed in the CollegeEntrance Examination;disappointed his mother.第一句话:句中有逗号,根据句意可知,空白处的内容应该指的是前面整个句子的内容,是对前文信4. 补充说明,因此,此句是非限制性定语从句,用关系代词 which;第二句话:句中有并列连词and,因此整个句子是一个并列

7、句,所以可以用代词it指代前面句子的内容。第三句话:句中有分号,这表明整个句子是一个并列句,因此可以用代词it指代前面句子的内容。【解题技巧】判断是定语从句还是并列句,要注意句中的标点符号和句中的连接词。如果句与句之间有连词或者分号,则是并列句;如果是逗号,且逗号后的内容是对前面某一名词的补充说明,则是非限制性定语从句, 应该使用关系词。知识点二、 介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的选择介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的选择是一个常考点,也是一个难点。请看下面三个句子, 填上合适的介词,并从中发现一些规律。1. He was educated at a local grammar sc

8、hool,which he went on to Cambridge.2. This is the farm which he worked two years ago.3. In the dark street there was not a single person whom she could turn for help.第一句话:根据句意可知,他在一所当地的语法学校学习之后去了Cambridge,故介词用after。此句中介词的使用与句子的意义有关。第二句话:把从句补充完整为he worked two years ago on the farm (在农场"为"on

9、 the farm,"旬中介词的选用取决于先行词的意义,即介词跟先行词的搭配。第三句话:在黑暗的街道上,没有一个她可以求助的人。向某人求助“这个短语是"turn to sb. for help ,因此此处用介词to。此句中介词的选用取决于从句中的动词固定搭配。因此,考生在确定其中的介词时,可从以下三方面入手:1 .句子的意思;2.先行词的意义;3.从句中的动词固定搭配。【特别提醒】注意way(方式)后接定语从句时的引导词。先行词是way,当引导词在从句中作状语时,关系词用in which, that或者省略;当引导词在从句中作主语或宾语时,用that/which引导(作宾语

10、时,引导词也可以省略)。比较:The way(that/which) he explained to us was quite simple.( 把从句补充完整:he explained the way to us , 可以看出引导词在从句中作explained的宾语)The way(that/in which) he explained the sentence was simple.( 把从句补充完整:he explained the sentence inthe way ,可以看出引导词在从句中作状语)知识点三、引导词 as, which的区别2 .引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句内容

11、时的区别:表达 正如”之意时,用as,如果仅指代整个主句内容而没有芷如”之意,则用which。He went abroad, which was unexpected.他出国了,这让大家感到很意外。She is a good doctor, as her mother used to be.她是一个很出色的医生,和她母亲当年一样。(2)当从句位于主句前面时,只用as。As is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.3 .限制性定语从句中有such, the same时,其后常用as引导定语从

12、句(the same后也可用that,但意义不一样)。He is such a good teacher as we all love and respect.他是一个我们都爱戴和尊敬的好老师。This is the same pen as I lost.这支钢笔和我丢的那支一样。4 . as引导非限制性定语从句时,只能指代整个主句内容,而 which既可以指代整个主句内容,又可以 指代先行词。The river, which flows through London, is called the Thames.这条流经伦敦的河叫泰晤士河。(不用as)5 . as常与从句中的 know, se

13、e, hear, expect等动词连用,也常用于 as often happens, as is often the case常 有的事)等句子中。He was absent from school, as is often the case.他缺课了,这是常事。知识点四、分隔定语从句一般情况下,定语从句紧跟先行词,可是有的时候,先行词与定语从句之间插入了另外一些内容,这 样就把先行词与定语从句分隔开了,这类定语从句叫分隔定语从句。这类句子应特别注意:不要误把插入 部分当先行词。I was the only person in my office who was invited.( 先行词是

14、 person 而不是 office)知识点五、关系代词和关系副词的区别当先行词为表示时间、地点的词时,引导词用关系代词还是关系副词是定语从句学习中的一个难点。 要确定引导词在从句中所作的成分(如果引导词在从句中作状语,则用 why, when或where,否则用that或which),考生可以采用 补全法”,即依据句意把从句补充完整(补上去的部分在从句中所作的成分就是引导词在从句中所作的成分),这样就可以很容易地判断出引导词在从句中所作的成分。1. Do you still remember the chicken farm we visited three months ago?分析:把从

15、句补充完整为"we visited the chicken farm three months ago ,考生据此可以判断出引导词在从句中作宾语,因此填关系代词that/which。2. In an hour, we can travel to places would have taken our ancestors days to reach.分析:把从句补充完整为"the places would have taken our ancestors days to reach,考生据此可以判断出引导词在从句中作主语,因此填关系代词that/which。3. Some p

16、re school children go to a day care center,they learn simple games and songs.分析:把从句补充完整为"in (at) the day care center they learn simple games and songs , 据此可以判断出引导词在从句中作地点状语,因此用 where/in(at) which。【解题技巧】遇到时间和地点,判断成分是关键;主语、宾语用关代,状语才能用关副。(关代:关系代词;关副:关系副词)在考查定语从句时,有时命题人故意在空格处设置一些插入语等干扰信息迷惑考生。解题时,考生

17、可 以将其忽略,从而排除干扰。Is that the small town you often refer to?Right, just the one you know I used to work for years.分析:空白处应填 where。此题很容易受you know的影响而误填关系代词。其实 you know是插入语, 解题时可以将其忽略,简化句子结构:just the one I used to work for years ,这样考生就很容易判断出引导词在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词whereo【特别探究】表示时间、地点的先行词的模糊化。研究高考试题后,考生会发现近几年高考

18、试题中表示时间、地点的先行词有些已经不是一个明显的表示时间、地点的词语,如: period, ten years ago, the street, the museum, 而是已经模糊化的词语, 如:activity, business, occasion, point, case等。解题时考生要弄清这些词汇在句中的 意义,并结合其在从句中所作的成分选用恰当的引导词。【特别提醒】point, situation, case后的定语从句的引导词并非总是由where来引导,只有当引导词在从句中作状语时,才用关系副词where,否则用关系代词。知识点六、定语从句用法的其他要点(一)关系代词在定语从句

19、中作主语时,不可省略(二)定语从句中的谓语动词的形式与先行词的单复数保持一致当引导定语从句的关系代词在从句中作主语时,那么定语从句中的谓语动词在人称、数方面应该与先 行词保持一致。1 . one of+复数名词+关系代词+复数形式动词。如:The Great Wall is one of the world- famous buildings that draw lots of visitors.长城是吸引大批游客的世界著名的建筑之一。2 . the only one of +复数名词+关系代词+单数形式动词。如:The Great Wall is the only one of the bu

20、ildings on the earth that is seen from the moon.长城是地球上唯一一个能从月球上看到的建筑物。Titanic is the only one of these wonderful movies that has been produced in Hollywood.在这些精彩的电影中,泰坦尼克号是唯一一部由好莱坞制作的电影。3 .当关系代词as与which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰主句内容时,若 as与which作主语,则从句 的谓语动词用单数形式。如:Great changes have taken place in China, as is k

21、nown to all.众所周知,中国发生了巨大的变化。He has passed the College Entrance Examination, which makes his parents quite happy.他通过了高考,这让他父母很高兴。4 .其他情况。如:1, who am your teacher, will try my best to help you.我作为你的老师,会尽全力帮助你的。(三)注意way和time后接的定语从句的情况1.当先行词是 way(意为 方式、方法”时,引导定语从句的关系词有下列三种形式。如:What surprised me was not

22、what he said but the wayt in idiiuh -i J-.he said it.最让我吃惊的不是他的话,而是他说话的方式。注意下面两个句子中关系词的不同,试比较:/ that 、.JI不填JThe way he explained to us was quite simple.他向我们解释的那种方法很简单。严,|in which jThe way " '源 ' he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.他向我们解释句子的那种方法不难理解。2.先行词是time

23、时,若time作 次数”讲时,应用关系代词 that引导定语从句,that可省略;若time 作 忆段时间”讲时,应用关系副词 when或介词at/during + which引导定语从句。如:This is the second time (that) the President has visited the country.这是总统第二次访问这个国家。This was at a time when/during which there were no radios, no telephones or no TV sets.曾经有一个时期,没有收音机,没有电话,也没有电视。高频考点变玻高频

24、考点一、考查关系代词引导的定语从句例 1. (2018 北京卷)She and her family bicycle to work,helps them keep fit.A. which B. whoC. as D. that【举一反三】 (2018 天津卷)Kate,sister I shared a room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia.A. whomB . thatC. whoseD. her【变式探究】(2017 江苏卷)In 1963 the UN set up the World Foo

25、d Programme, one of purposes is torelieve worldwide starvation.A.whichB .itsC.whoseD .whom【变式探究】 I live next door to a couple children often make a lot of noise.A.whoseB .whyC.whereD .which高频考点二、考查关系副词引导的定语从句例 2. (2019 江苏卷)We have entered into an agedreams have the best chance of coming true.高频必考攻克高

26、考B. whatD. thatB. whatA. whichC. when【举一反三】 (2019 江苏卷)We have entered into an age dreams have the best chance of coming true.A. whichC. when D . that【变式探究】(2018 江苏卷)Self-driving is an area China and the rest of the world are on the samestarting line.A. that B. where C. which D. when【变式探究】(2018 江苏卷)S

27、elf-driving is an area China and the rest of the world are on the samestarting line.A. that B. where C. whichD. when【举一反三】 The old couple will never forget the days they made a living by picking up rubbish onthe street.A. whereB . whenC. whichD. as高频考点三、介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句例 3. Many young people, most we

28、re well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase theirdreams.A. of whichB. of themC. of whomD. of thosewere published in the 1990s.【举一反三】 He wrote many children ' s bopknearly half ofA. whom B . whichC. them D. that【变式探究】 Creating an atmosphere employees feel part of a team is a big challeng

29、e.A. as B. whoseC. in which D . at which用where或 介词+ which”引导,根据与先行词 an atmosphere的搭配可判断介词用in,故选C项。【举一反三】 She produced another new record in 2017,she celebrated her 38th birthday.A. at which B . in thatC. with which D. about that【变式探究】 There were twenty students in this small sized class,came from th

30、e same mountainvillage.A. most of whomB . most of themC. most of which D. most of that高频考点四特殊定语从句例 4. I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week ,my classmates recommended to me.A. who B. whichC. when D . where【举一反三】 We ll reach the sales targets in a month we set at the beginnin

31、g of the year.A. which B . whereC. whenD. what【变式探究】Recently I have bought an iPad on the website of T,the price is veryreasonable.A. on whichB. in whichC. of whichD. from which真题感悟1. (2019 江苏卷)We have entered into an age dreams have the best chance of coming true.A.whichB.whatC.whenD.that2.(2019 汪苏

32、卷)We have entered into an age dreams have the best chance of coming true.A.whichB.whatC.whenD.that1 .【2018 天津】 Kae,sister I shared a 'room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia.A. whomB.thatC. whoseD.her2.【2018 江苏】 Self-driving is an area China andthe rest of the world are

33、on the samestarting line.A. thatB.whereC. whichD.when3.12018 北京】She and her family bicycle to work,helps them keep fit.A. which B. who C. as D. that1. (2017 W匕京)The little problems we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.A. that B. as C. where D. when2. (2017 江苏)In 1963 t

34、he UN set up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is to relieveworldwide starvation.A.whichB.it ' sC.whoseD.whom3. (2017 江苏卷 单项填空)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.A. whichB. itsC. whoseD. whom4. 【2017 江苏】28. In 1963 the UN se

35、t up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is to relieveworldwide starvation.A. whichB. it ' sC. whoseD. whom5. (2017 江苏卷)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is to relieveworldwide starvation.A. whichB. itsC. whoseD. whom6. (2017 江苏卷 单项填空)In 1963 the UN set up the

36、 World Food Programme, one of purposes isto relieve worldwide starvation.A. whichB. its C. whoseD. whom7. (2017 江苏卷)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is torelieve worldwide starvation.A. whichB. itsC. whoseD. whom8. 【2017 江苏】28. In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Prog

37、ramme, one of purposes is to relieveworldwide starvation.A. whichB. it ' s C. whoseD. whom9. ( 2017 江苏)28. In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of purposes is to relieveworldwide starvation.A.whichB.it ' sC.whoseD.whom10. (2017 江苏)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme

38、, one of purposes is torelieve worldwide starvation.A. whichB. itsC. whoseD. whom11. My eldest son,work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.A. that B. whose C. his D. who1 .【2016 北京】22. I live next door to a couple children often make a lot of noise.A. whoseB. whyC. whereD. wh

39、ich2 .【2016 江苏】 23.Many young people, most were well -educated, headed for remote regions to chasetheirdreams.A. of whichB. of themC. of whomD. of those3.12016 天津】9. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,the weather may be better.A. thatB. where C. which D. when4.【2016 浙江】11. Scient

40、ists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears , none of has been proved.A. whomB. whichC. whatD. that以下内容为:高中英语到底怎么学?开学伊始,对于所有的同学来说,都是新的开始,新学期到底该如何学好英语?这是很多同学高中三年都一直追问的问题。看了那么多英语学渣变身学霸的逆袭故事,为什么还是学不好英语?我只能说:愿望是好的,行动是关键!今天,一位高考英语137分的学姐和大家分享高中三年英语到底该怎么 学,希望你不只是看一看,唯有行动才能结出硕果!进入高中的第

41、一天起,你的人生就开始了一个崭新的阶段。高中三年,你要为你的将来打拼,你 要知道,能够对自己人生负责的只有自己。不要想着刚刚开学,一切都不着急,高中的每一天都不能 懈怠,因为别人一直在进步,你停滞不前就是退步。更不要觉得初中底子好,短期内吃吃老本儿没关 系,久而久之,你就会为你的懒惰和厌恶改变埋单。英语学习也是这样,你要做好改变的准备,改变 以前初中时的英语学习方法,你要做好打一场持久战的心理准备。如果你是高二、高三的同学,以上 说的这些同样适用。单词方面,大家都知道,初中英语1600词,高中英语3500词,这只是量的比较。从单词长度和用法来讲,高中英语远远难于初中。没有一定的词汇量,英语水平

42、和成绩的提高便无从谈起。所以, 你要制定一套不同于初中的记单词方法。下面推荐一套完整的高中英语记单词方法:1 .买一本课本同步参考资料。课本上的单词不仅要记住,其固定搭配、句型和用法也非常非常非常重要,而这些你都可以在参考资 料上找到。2 .准备一个单词笔记本。把课本同步资料上的重点单词、短语、句型及其用法用心摘抄到笔记本上,一周至少复习三次。3 .买一本3500词。没错,高一开始就可以刷 3500词了,你可以利用零碎时间看和记。这样做的好处是,到高考前夕,一本3500词你至少应该可以翻个七八遍了, 相对于那些一遍都没翻过的同学, 你领先的可不是一点点哦!4 .保存做过的每一篇完形和阅读。这样

43、做的目的是,要定期翻看上面的生词注释,避免遗忘。前提是,做完每一篇之后你要把生词查出 来标注在相应位置。我不建议把文章中的生词摘抄到笔记本上,脱离语境的记忆印象不深刻、记忆不 持久、用法不清晰。5 .看名著简写本。阅读英语名著,可以增加词汇量、提高阅读能力、了解英语本土文化、滋养身心真是好处多多啊! 给大家推荐书虫和床头灯系列,大家可以根据自己的英语水平选择读哪些。书虫系列分年级,床头灯 系列分字数,价钱都不贵,书店和网上都可以买到。6 .背新概念2和新概念3。适合高中生英语水平的新概念大概就是这2册了。头天晚上把要背的文章理顺,生词解决掉,结构划分出来(有利于背诵),第二天早上早起半小时在户外找个相对安静的地方,大声朗读并背诵。背诵最 多不超多20篇,不仅词汇量有增加,听说、阅读和写作都会有很大提升,这一点我自己深有体会。语法学习较之单词积累要相对容易一些,只要肯下功夫钻研,短期内都会有比较大的进步。我们 来看看高中英语到底都学哪些语法内容:动词时态和语态;非谓语动词;定语从句;名词性从句;并 列句;状语从句;情态动词;虚拟语气;介词;特殊句式。总共也就10个语法专题。根据我多年学习语法的经验,给大家几点建议:1 .高一、高二时,课本单元语法必须掌握。这样做的好处是,可以


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