



1、金边瑞香论文:金边瑞香醇提物化学成分的分离、鉴定以及抗氧化活性研究【中文摘要】金边瑞香(Daphne odora var. marginata系瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae瑞香属(Daphne落叶常绿灌木,为瑞香的变种。产自被誉为“中国瑞香之乡”江西省赣南大余县的金边瑞香是瑞香中的佳品,叶绿金黄色,花淡紫,花瓣先端5裂,白色,其基部紫红,香味浓烈,以“色、香、姿、韵”四绝著称于世,深受海内外花卉爱好者的亲睐,故有“牡丹花国色天香,瑞香花金边最良”之说。用叶治咽喉肿痛、齿痛、血疔热疖,用花治疗无名肿毒及各种皮肤病。本文对金边瑞香水醇相(70%乙醇提取物褐色固体析出物的化学成分和抗氧化活性进

2、行了研究,以期寻找新结构的化合物物或有生物活性的先导物,为金边瑞香的开发利用提供进一步的科学依据。第一章绪论部分,对金边瑞香植物化学成分和不同组分生物活性研究概况进行综述;概述了近年来天然产物中黄酮类化学成分以及金边瑞香中已知黄酮类化学成分的提取分离方法。第二章以金边瑞香醇提物所得褐色固体析出物为研究对象,采用硅胶、ODS、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱,分离得到十个单体化合物。第三章对金边瑞香中分离得到10个化合物的结构采用核磁共振波谱、质谱及紫外光谱等谱学数据进行分析,并与相关文献对照鉴定了他们的结构:荛花醇B (wikatrols B、山奈酚(kaempferol、瑞香黄烷B (da

3、phnodorin B瑞香黄烷D2 (daphnodorin D2、瑞香黄烷A (daphnodorin A、瑞香黄烷C(daphnodorin C、瑞香黄烷D1 (daphnodorin D1、瑞香黄烷I (daphnodorin I、瑞香素(daphnetin,双白瑞香素(daphnoretin。第四章拟采用清除DPPH自由基能力,【英文摘要】Daphne odora var. marginata, family of Thymelaeaceae, is a famous flower and medical plant in the regions along the Yangzi Ri

4、ver. It has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for many diseases. Their leaves have been mashed up to kurashiki the affected part for the ulcerate, injury, and mastitis; Their flowers soaked by white spirit have been used to cure rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, carbuncle, furuncle, miliaria

5、, unknown toxin and traumatic injury. In this dissertation, the chemical constituents and antioxidant activity of the extracts from Daphne odora var. marginata were studied to find the main medicinal compounds with biological activity or novel structure. It would offer the theoretical foundation for

6、 the depth development and utilization of Daphne odora var. marginata.In the first chapter, we have described the progress of chemical constituents and pharmacological activity in Daphne odora var. marginata. Furthermore, the distribution and bioactivity of coumarin and daphnodorin which were charac

7、teristic components in Thymelaeaceae were reviewed.In the second chapter, the fractions was from Daphne odora var. marginata extracted by 70% ethanol, and then were subjected to column chromatography on silica gel, ODS and Sephadex LH-20. Ten compounds were separated and purified from this plant.In

8、the third chapter, the physical and chemical properties of the ten compounds were investigated by UV-vis, IR, ESI-MS, EI-MS,1H NMR and 13C NMR, as follow: wikatrols B, kaempferol, daphnodorin B, daphnodorin D2, daphnodorin A, daphnodorin C, daphnodorin D1, daphnodorin I, daphnetin, daphnoretin. This

9、 research showed great potential applications in medicinal plant.In the fourth chapter, the pertinence relation between structural and the antioxidant activities of nine compounds which separated and purified from this plant was respectively studied by the reducing power and scavenging activity of D

10、PPH radicals, total antioxidant activity, and OH- scavenging activity. Therefore, it would provide scientific foundation for curing disease related to radicals by using these compounds as safe, effective antioxidants or medicine.【关键词】金边瑞香 柱层析 抗氧化 荛花醇B 山奈酚 瑞香黄烷B 瑞香黄烷D2 瑞香黄烷A 瑞香黄烷C 瑞香黄烷D1 瑞香黄烷I 瑞香素 双白

11、瑞香素【英文关键词】Daphne odora var. marginata column chromatography antioxidant activity wikatrols B kaempferol daphnodorin B daphnodorin D2 daphnodorin A daphnodorin C daphnodorin D1 daphnodorin I daphnetin daphnoretin【目录】金边瑞香醇提物化学成分的分离、鉴定以及抗氧化活性研究摘要3-4ABSTRACT4-5第一章 引言9-241.1 金边瑞香概述9-101.2 金边瑞香不同组分生物活性研究概

12、况金边瑞香总浸膏生物活性研究金边瑞香水提取物生物活性研究金边瑞香有溶剂提取物生物活性研究金边瑞香在临床方面的效用121.3 化学成分方面的研究进展类属黄烷类的化合物类属香豆素类以及木脂素类的化合物类属其它类的化合物151.4 天然产物中黄酮类化学成分的提取分离概况黄酮类化合物的提取技术黄酮类化合物的分离技术17-191.5 金边瑞香中已知黄酮类化合物分离与纯化方法概述瑞香黄烷类化合物的分离纯化方法香豆素类化合物的分离纯化方法木脂素类化合物的分离纯化方法21-221.6 本课题研究的目的、意义课题来源研究意义22-24第二章 金边瑞香水醇相提取物柱层析分离24-302.1 引言242.2 仪器、

13、试剂及材料242.3 试验方法分离原理分离方法25-282.4 实验结果及讨论282.5 结论28-30第三章 金边瑞香水醇相提取物分离单体化合物结构鉴定30-383.1 引言303.2 仪器、试剂及材料30-313.3 提取与分离313.4 单体化合相关数据313.5 单体化合物的鉴定31-343.6 化合物的波谱数据34-373.7 结论37-38第四章 金边瑞香中化合物的活性研究38-474.1 前言38-404.2 实验部分主要实验仪器主要实验药品及试剂配置404.3 试验方法清除DPPH自由基实验原能力测定总抗氧化能力的测定清除羟基自由基能力41-424.4 结果与讨论原FE3+能力

14、清除DPPH自由基总抗氧化能力的测定清除羟基自由基能力讨论45-464.5 结论46-47结论与展望47-48参考文献48-54致谢54-55附录55-75附录A 瑞香黄烷A 1H-NMR谱图55-56附录B 瑞香黄烷B 1H-NMR谱图56-57附录C 瑞香黄烷B 13C-NMR谱图57-58附录D 瑞香黄烷C 1H-NMR谱图58-59附录E 瑞香黄烷C 13C-NMR谱59-60附录F 瑞香黄烷D_2 1H-NMR谱图60-61附录G 瑞香黄烷I 1H-NMR谱图61-62附录H 瑞香黄烷I 13C-NMR谱图62-63附录I 双白瑞香素1H-NMR谱图63-64附录J 双白瑞香素13C-NMR谱图64-65附录K 双白瑞香素ESI-MS谱图65-66附录L 荛花醇B 13C-NMR谱图66-67附录M 荛花醇B 1H-


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