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1、-Who can reach the book on the top of the shelf?-John can. He is _ of us all.A. the oldestB. olderC. the tallestD. tallerC根据句意“谁能拿书架顶上的书”可知应选形容词tall, 根据后面的of us all, 应用最高级,故选C。2、This is my friend. He is _outgoing than I am.【选项】A. muchB. more muchC. a little moreD. a lot of moreC根据than可知用形容词比较级,选项A不是

2、比较级,应除;more, much, a little都可以修饰比较级。选项B中应该改为much more;选项D中应把of去掉。Is the flower beautiful?Yes,at_its_the one you bought f or me【选项】A.last;as bad asB.least;not better thanC.least;no worse thanD.last;no better thanC句意:这朵花漂亮吗?漂亮,至少和你以前给我买的那朵一样漂亮。at last最后,不符合提议,可排除,at least至少。as bad as和一样不好,not better t

3、han不如好,no worse than 和一样好,no better than和一样不好。根据句意可知答案。4、What a nice watch it is!Yes. Its one of all.【选项】A. expensiveB. more expensiveC. the most expensiveD. much more expensiveC根据表示范围的of all,可知用形容词最高级。5、Which season do you like _ , spring, summer or winter?【选项】A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best三者比较应该用最

4、高级。6、There is _pollution and _fishes in the river now than 20 years ago.【选项】A. more, lessB. more, fewerC. less, muchD. fewer, manyB连词and连接两个并列的成分,由than可知两处形容词都用比较级,排除选项C和D。less修饰不可数名词,fewer修饰可数名词复数。又fishes是可数名词复数,排除选项A。7、English is very useful. Now many students are becoming _ in English.A. more int

5、erested and more interestedB. more and more interestedC. interested and more interestedD. more interested and interestedB本题考查形容词比较级。表示“越来越”用比较级+and +比较级。多音节的形容词比较级用more and more +形容词原级构成。8、The science and technology are developing so fast. Everything is changing.Yeah, they make our life _.A. not com

6、fortableB. comfortablyC. more comfortableD. more comfortablyC形容词比较级作宾语补足语。9、My English isn't good. Xiao Gang isn't good at English, either. Xiao Gang's English is _ mine.A. better thanB. more thanC. no better thanD. best thanCno better than 跟一样,并不比好,由题意知小刚的英语并不比我的好。10、The boy grows _ and

7、 he is as tall as me.A. taller and tallerB. tallestC. shorter and shorterD. shortestA根据题意可知是指长得越来越高,故选A。11、Pizza is much _ than bread, I think.A. expensiveB. dearC. dearestD. more expensiveD根据than可知应是比较级,故选D。12、We should try our best to make our country _.A. the most beautifulB. a most beautifulC. m

8、ore and more beautifulD. less and less beautifulC根据题意可知是使我们的国家越来越美,故选C。13、-The computer is _ than the telephone.-Yes, I agree with you.A. usefulB. useC. more usefulD. the most usefulC根据than可知应为比较级,故选C。14、-I think a cold is more terrible than a toothache. -But I think a toothache is _ of the two.A. t

9、he more terribleB. more terribleC. the most terribleD. a most terribleA根据of the two可知只能选择the比较级的表达,故选A。15、_ friends you have, _ you will be.A. more; happierB. Fewer; happierC. The fewer; the happierD. The more; the happierD根据固定结构the比较级,the比较级,故选D。16、-I don't want to learn French. It's diffic

10、ult.-But Japanese is _ than French.A. difficultB. more difficultC. the most difficultD. most difficultB根据句中than可判断出用比较级,difficult是多音节词,其比较级为more difficult, 故选B。17、The air in the countryside is much _ than that in the city. So my grandma likes living in the countryside.A. freshB. more fresherC. fresh

11、erD. freshestCa little可以修饰形容词或副词的比较级,故选C。18、-Our teacher told us that these exercises were _.-Really?A. far more easyB. much easierC. even more easyD. so easierBmuch可用于修饰比较级,意为“得多”,故选B。19、-Do you like playing football?-Yes. And _ young people are interested in playing football.A. many and manyB. muc

12、h and muchC. little and littleD. more and moreDmore and more. 意指“越来越多”。20、Chinese food is _ delicious than any other food.【选项】A. more muchB. muchC. much moreD. very moreC多音节形容词delicious的比较级应为more delicious;比较级的前面可以用much, a little, still, even等来加强语气,但不用 very, more。21、I love Urumqi because it is becom

13、ing _.【选项】A. more and more beautifulB. beautiful and beautifulC. clean and cleanD. more and more cleanA本题考查多音节形容词的比较级。more and more +原级,表示“越来越”,故答案为A项。22、Let's go by plane. It's _ than by train.【选项】A. fasterB. fastestC. slowerD. slowestA句子中有比较级句式的标志词than, 飞机又比火车跑得快,故答案为A项。23、-Which coat is _

14、 on me, the blue one or the black one?-The blue one.【选项】A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the bestB本句是the blue one和the black one两者比较,应该用good的比较级better。所以选B。24、I still don't understand it. Can you give me a _ example?【选项】A. furtherB. fartherC. farD. furthestAfarther和further都是far的比较级形式。在表示距离时,都可以表示“更远(的,较

15、远(的”,但further还可以表示“更深人的,进一步的”。25、(2012 湖北孝感中考Let's go shopping at the new mall.Why not shop online? It's _ .【选项】A. expensiveB. more expensiveC. less expensiveD. the most expensive考查形容词的比较等级。根据答句句意“为什么不在网上购物?那样更便宜”。less expensive意为“更便宜的”。26、(2010 甘肃兰州丨33, Many Chinese students think science s

16、ubjects are foreign languages.【选项】A. more difficult asB. less difficult thanC. much difficult thanD. so difficult as考查形容词比较级的用法。A项和D项的结构不对,应用as.as的句型。C项中much用来修饰比较级,不能用来构成比较级。27、(2012 陕西中考 This place is not big enough for Lucy's birthday party. We should find a _ one.【选项】A. bigC. biggerD. smalle

17、r考查形容词的比较等级。句意:举行露西的生日聚会这个地方不够大。我们应该找一个更大的。由句意可知用比较级。28、Why don't you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.【选项】A. as cold asB. much colder thanC. not so cold asD. not colder than根据句意可知他并不喜欢北京的冬天,因为在冬天北京比广州冷。29、Sometimes walking is even _ than driving during the busy traffic

18、 time.【选项】A. fastC. slowD. slower考查形容词比较级的用法。even修饰比较级,than是比较级的标志词,因此,排除A、C。30、Which do you like _ ,summer or winter?I prefer summer.【选项】A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best考查形容词比较级的用法。在两者之间进行比较,用better,如果是三者或三者以上用best。31、careful we are, _ mistakes we will make.【选项】A. The fewer; the moreC. The less ; the

19、 fewerD. The more ; the fewer句意:我们越细心,犯的错误就越少。the more careful “越细心” ;the fewer mistakes“越少的错误”。32、Are you _ in tennis?Sorry, I don't think it is _ .【选项】A. interested ; interestedB. interesting; interestingC. interested ; interestingD. interesting ; interestedbe interested in “对感兴趣”,主语是人;而主语是物时用

20、 interesting。33、He plays basketball every day because he wants to be _ .【选项】A. tall and tallC. taller and tallerD. tall and taller越来越高为 taller and taller。34、If we don't protect wildlife, we will see _ wild animals.【选项】A. less and lessB. little and littleC. fewer and fewerD. more and moreanimal为可

21、数名词。35、Our own planet, Earth, is becoming _ crowded and polluted.【选项】A. little and littleB. less and littleC. less and lessD. more and moremore and more 越来越。36、The snowball is becoming _ .【选项】A. small and smallerB. small and smallC. smaller and smallerD. smallest and smallest“形容词比较级+ and+形容词比较级”表示“越来越”。37、Li Hua's shoes are as _ as Zhang Hui


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