已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、教学基本信息Lesson 1 Skirt and pants教材分析本教材注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练,努力为学生营造语境,课本中出现了大量的图片以及有趣的教学活动,既贴近学生的生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同的文化背景。本课主要教授学生常见的几种服装,以及相关的句型。学情分析四年级的学生已经接触过一年多的英语,基本熟悉了教师的课堂用语。学习态度开始由被动学习向主动学习转变,对新事物的兴趣较为浓厚,因此,使用丰富多样的直观教学手段,更能调动他们学习的积极性教学目标知识与技能目标:1. 学生能够听懂、会说、认读并拼写下列词汇:skirt, shirt, sweater, pants , w

2、ear;2.学生能够听懂、会说并口头运用下列用语和句子:What' s he wearing? He ' s wearing .What' s she wearing? She ' s wearing .学习策略目标:学生能积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流。情感目标:学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。教学重点和难点教学重点:学生能掌握四会单词以及本课句型。教学难点:1.服装的单复数2.学生能够听懂、会说并口头运用本课的新句型。教学过程陵学环节牧师活动预设学生行为设计意图.Class opening :1. Greeting:T: Hello , cla

3、ss.Ss: Hello , Ms Su.2.Review the colors :Show the word cards to the studentsSpeak out of the words.复习颜色单词,为本课新句en kinds of colours型的学习做铺垫。I. New concepts:1.Teach new words:(1) Show the pictures of new wordsLearn and follow the teacher.出示图片,让学生从直观的and teach the words. Pay attention toskirt,shirt,pan

4、ts.教具中认识和学习本课的 新单词。sweater , pants(2)Paly a guess game with thestudents(3) Practice: Ask these sentences:Guess new words with cards.猜单词游戏有助于巩固本 课新授的单词,激发学生学 习的兴趣。Answer the questions:T: What is it?Ss:It ' s a skirt/ blouse/ shirt/通过句型练习单词,能增强sweater.知识的语用性,通过不同的2.Teachnewsentences: What' s h

5、e wearing? He s wearing . What' s she wearing? She' s wearing .Il.Class Closing:T:What are they?T:What clothes do you like?T:What colour is it?Practice in this way: T- Ss Ss - T Ss -Ss(1) New word: wearExplainthe meaning and makesentences in thisway: I ' mwearing(2) Showsome pictures and

6、 talk about t. Then teach new sentences:What' s he wearing?He' s wearing . Later teach new sentences in the sameway:What' s she wearing?She' s wearing .(3) Ask them to practice to say the sentences in pairs.(4) Play the taperadio.(5) Drll:T: She is wearing a. Who ist?(6) Ask them to

7、open the exercise book.Say goodbye to the classSs: They' re pants.Ss: I like.Ss: it ' s.Practice time.Read after the teacher.Read after the teacher.And practice with the deskmates.Follow the teacher.Practice to say the sentences in pairs.Listen and follow the tape.Later read the text by them

8、selves.Try to find the student who wears, later practice ingroups to ask ,find, and answer.Do the exercise book.句型,练习本课的单词。出示图片能更加直观的教 授新句型,有利于学生对新 句型的理解。听录音模仿纯正的发音。小组内进行口语交流,是为 了让学生能将本课所学句 型用语实际的口语交际中.做练习能巩固本课所学知 识。板书设计教学反思:教学基本信息Lesson 2 New and Old教材分析本教材注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练,努力为学生营造语境,课本中出现了大量的图片以及

9、有趣的教学活动,既贴近学生的生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同的文化背景。本课主要教授学生喜欢的服装,以及相关的句型。学情分析上节课已经学习了几种常见的服装,本课涉及的单词与句型,与学生的喜好相关,联系生活实际,更能调动他们学习的积女性。教学目标知识目标:1)要求学生掌握new old这对反义词并能在句子中正确运用。2)句型:I like your.It' s nice.能力目标:学生能正确形容某物的新与旧,学会用本课句型。I like your_.It' s nice.来表达对人们的衣着进行评仑.情感目标:培养学生的探究精神 ,从而学会独立、自主获取知识的能力。教学重点和难点教学

10、重点:学生能用 new old正确形容某物的新与旧。.教学又i点:学会使用本课句型I like your.It' s nice.教学过程教学环节牧师活动预设学生行为设计意图.Class opening :Greeting:T: Hello , class.Ss: Hello ,Ms Su.2.ReviewclothesShow the word cards to the studentsSpeak out of the words.earned in Lesson 1.T:What color is this?(指一名学生的衣服)T:Is this aor a?T:What color

11、 is this?Ss: It ' s.Ss:It ' s a.Ss: It ' s.Ss:He She is wearing aO复习服装单词,为本课新句 型的学习做铺垫。T:What is he she wearing?T:What are they?(指一名学生的裤子)Ss:They are pants.Learn and follow the teacher.I. New concepts:1.Teach new words:(1)看书上的图片,和学生一起读下列单词:new pants old pants newnew and oldsweater old sw

12、eater然后让学生说出Guess new words with cards.新旧用实物表现比较困难,new和01d的中文意思。因此让学生看课本,这样更(2)Play the tape radio and ask them加直观。2.Teachnewsentences:like your.t ' s nice.3.sing a songIl.Class Closing:to followthe tape.(3) Practice: Ask these sentences:T:(指一条裤子)What are they?T:Yes they are pants.Are they green

13、?T:Are they new?Are they new?T:Yes they are new.( 领学生读这个句子).T:Are they old?T:No they are (1) Presentation:告诉学生怎样用英 吾表达赞美。从班中选出四位学生到前 瓦展示他们的衬衣、裤子、裙子。老师 ?旨着学生的衣服问:Do you like this?如果他们喜欢某件衣服,可以 回答 Yes it ' s nice.(2)Practice:T:(指一学生的衣服)What' s this?T:Do you like this?T:Yes,it ' sT:Thanks!

14、I like your.It' snice.(领读)(3) Ask them to practice to say the sentences in pairs.(4) Play the taperadio.T: What is Li Ming wearing? What does Jenny like?Are Li Ming ' s pants new or old?(5) Drill:编对话,学生两人一组,让也们互相称赞对方的衣服,要求学生提 可或说出衣服的名称、颜色及新旧。在 学生练习的时候,老师在教师巡视并帮 为学生解决编对话所遇到的问题。(6) Ask them to

15、 open the exercise book.Playthe tape radio.Say goodbye to the classListen and follow the tape.Answer the questions:Ss:Pants.Ss:Yes they are green.Ss:Yes.Ss:Yes they are newSs:No.Ss:New.Ss:It's a.Ss:Yes.Ss:Yes,it ' s niceSs: I like your.It ' s nice.Practice to say the sentences in pairs.L

16、isten and follow the tape.LaterAnswer the auestions.Try to make dialogue in pairs.Do the exercise book.Sing along the tape.先听录音,有助于学生模仿 纯正的语音。通过句型练习单词,能增强 知识的语用性,通过不同的 句型,练习本课的单词。通过让学生赞美身边同学 的衣服,来了解东西方文化 的差别。听录音模仿纯正的发音。小组内进行口语交流,是为 了让学生能将本课所学句 型用语实际的口语交际中.做练习能巩固本课所学知 识。板书设计教学反思:教学基本信息Lesson 3 Coat a

17、nd scarf教材分析本教材注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练,努力为学生营造语境,课本中出现了大量的图片以及有趣的教学活动, 既贴近学生的生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同的文化背景。本课主要教授几种新的服装,以及相关的句型。学情分析前两节课已经学习了几种常见的服装和一些简单句型,本课涉及的服装与句型,是学生日常生活中常见的服装,所以联系,更能调动他们学习的积极性。教学目标coat 和 hat.scarf、gloves、boots.知识目标:1)要求学生能正确听、说、读、写、用2)练习说和写,并能口头应答单词:应答和运用Whose is this?能力目标:学生能把所学的应用到日常交际生活中

18、去,在适时环境中能够灵活运用。 情感目标:能交流个人信息,乐于参与小组活动,积极参与。教学重点和难点教学重点:学生掌握 coat和hat.学难点:学会能理解gloves 、 boots经常以复数形式出现,同时要用在复数句型中。教学过程学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图.Class opening :1.Greeting:T: Hello , class.2.Reviewclothesearned in Lesson 1.Show the word cards to the studentsT:What is this?T:What color is this?T:What are they?(

19、指一名学生的裤子)T: Are they new or old?Ss: Hello , Ms Su.Speak out of the words.Ss: It ' s.Ss: It ' s.Ss:They are pants.Ss: They are.Learn and follow the teacher.复习服装单词,为本课新句 型的学习做铺垫。I. New concepts:1.Teach new words:(1) Show the pictures of new wordsand teach the words. Pay attentionCoat, scarf、 h

20、at、pants.、boots.(2)Paly a guess game withLearn and follow the teacher.tothe Guess new words with cards.students新旧用实物表现比较困难, 因此让学生看课本,这样更 加直观。(3) Practice: Ask these sentences:T: What is it?T:What are they?T:What clothes do you like?T:What colour is it?Practice in this way:T- Ss Ss - T Ss -SsAnswer t

21、he questions:Ss:It ' s a skirt/ blouse/ shirt/ sweater.Ss: They' re pants.Ss: I like.Ss: it ' s.Practice time.先听录音,有助于学生模仿 纯正的语音。通过句型练习单词,能增强 知识的语用性,通过不同的 句型,练习本课的单词。2. Teaching the new(1)师拿起一件大衣(假装在班里寻找它dialogue的主人,然后指着一位不是物主的学生可:Is this yourcoat?帮助学生回答 No ,it ' s not mine.司三至五位学生进行

22、对话练习,然后引Try to answer the questions.Practice with the teacher.用实物引出本课的对话,帮 助学生理解新句型。出Whose is this? 并解释、带读。) (2)Play the tape.Listen the tape.听录音模仿纯正的发音。(3)教师就会话向学生做简单的提问。Try to answer the questions.检测学生是否理解会话内(4)学生听录音跟读,同桌 2人操练。Listen and follow the tape.later容.(5) Act out the dcalogtce.practice in

23、 pairs.Try to act out the diaologue in课堂上安排“对子活动”使pairs.每个学生都得到练说的机 会,互帮互学,同时汇报表 演还能增强课堂的趣味性, 锻炼学生的胆量。3.sing a songll.Class Closing:(6)扩展活动:创设某生捡到某物寻找 失主的情景。Playthe tape radio.Say goodbye to the classMake one dialogue by themselves.Do the exercise book.Sing along the tape.通过这一环节,培养学生的 创新能力,合作学习的能 力,

24、组织运用语言的能力。板书设计教学反思:教学基本信息Lesson 4 shoes and socks教材分析本教材注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练,努力为学生营造语境,课本中出现了大量的图片以及有趣的教学活动,既贴近学生的生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同的文化背景。本课主要教授几种新的服装,以及相关的句型。学情分析前两节课已经学习了几种常见的服装和一些简单句型,本课涉及的服装与句型,是学生日常生活中常见的服装,所以联系生活实际,更能调动他们学习的积极性。教学目标知识目标:1)要求学生能正确听、说、读、写、用shoes,socks,dress,shorts.2)练习说和写,并能口头运用词组:a

25、pair of.3)学生能够理解、应答和运用Whoseare these?能力目标:学生能把所学的应用到日常交际生活中去,在适时环境中能够灵活运用。情感目标:能交流个人信息,乐于参与小组活动,积极参与。教学重点和难点教学重点:学生掌握shoes,socks,dress,shorts教学又t点:学会能理解shoes,socks,shorts经常以复数形式出现,同时要用在复数句型中。教学过程陵学环节牧师活动预设学生行为设计意图.Class opening :Greeting:T: Hello , class.Ss: Hello , Ms Su.2.ReviewclothesShow the wor

26、d cards to the studentsSpeak out of the words.earned in Lesson 1T:What is this?Ss: It ' s复习服装单词,为本课新句and 3.T:What color is this?Ss: It ' s型的学习做铺垫。T:Is this your?Ss:Yes./ No.T: Whoseis this?Ss: It ' s' s.I. New concepts:1.Teach new words:(1) Show the pictures of new wordsLearn and fol

27、low the teacher.and teach the words. Pay attention toshoes, socks, dress,pants.shorts, a pair of.(2)Paly a guess game with theGuess new words with cards.students新旧用实物表现比较困难,(3) Practice: Ask these sentences:Answer the questions:因此让学生看课本,这样更 加直观。2. Teaching the newdialoguell.Class Closing:T: What are

28、 they ?T:What colour are they?T: This is a pair of.Practice in this way:T- Ss Ss - T Ss -Ss(1)师拿起一双手套(假装在班里寻找它的主人,然后指着一位不是物主的学生问:Are these your gloves? 帮助学生回答 No ,they are not mine.同三至五位学生进行对话练习,然后引出 Whoseare they?并解释、带读。)(2)Play the tape.(3)教师就会话向学生做简单的提问。(4)学生听录音跟读,同桌2人操练。(5) Act out the dcalogtce

29、.(6)扩展活动:创设某生捡到某物寻找 失主的情景。Say goodbye to the classSs:They are.Ss: They' re .Ss:.Practice time.Try to answer the questions.Practice with the teacher.Listen the tape.Try to answer the questions.Listen and follow the tape.later practice in pairs.Try to act out the diaologue in pairs.Make one dialog

30、ue by themselves.Do the exercise book.先听录音,有助于学生模仿 纯正的语音。通过句型练习单词,能增强 知识的语用性,通过不同的 句型,练习本课的单词。用实物引出本课的对话,帮 助学生理解新句型。听录音模仿纯正的发音。检测学生是否理解会话内 容.课堂上安排“对子活动”使 每个学生都得到练说的机 会,互帮互学,同时汇报表 演还能增强课堂的趣味性, 锻炼学生的胆量。通过这一环节,培养学生的 创新能力,合作学习的能 力,组织运用语言的能力。板书设计教学反思:教学基本信息Lesson 5 Days of the week教材分析本教材注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和

31、训练,努力为学生营造语境,课本中出现了大量的图片以及有趣的教学活动,既贴近学生的生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同的文化背景。本课主要教授一周七天的星期词,以及相关的句型。学情分析学生是第一次接触时间词,因此教授的时候联系学生的学校生活实际,帮助学生记忆星期词。教学目标知识目标:1、能够认读、掌握、灵活运用Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday , Saturday ,Sunday七个单词。2、能够理解、应答和运用下列句子:What day is it ? It 's Monday/Tuesday/指力目标:1、能把所学单词灵活应用于日常口

32、语交流中.2、了解西方关于星期的知识.恰感目标:通过创设情境激发学生学习兴趣,通过顺口溜英语调动学生学习英语的积极主动性。教学重点和难点教学重点:学生能掌握7个星期词。.教学难点:能灵活运用星期词以及相关句型。教学过程教学环节牧师活动预设学生行为设计意图.Class opening :Greeting:T: Good morning ! Boys and girls !S: Good morning teacher !T : How are you ?S: I'm fine, thanks. And you?T: I' m fine, too. ( Then come to o

33、ne student. Ask a question) What is it?T: What is it?51: It ' s housecoat. (one by one)52: It ' s slipper.复习颜色单词,为本课新句 型的学习做铺垫。I. New concepts:1.Teach new words and(1) Show a calendar. and teach the words.出示日历牌,让学生在真实sentences:教具中认识和学习本课的 新单词。Monday to Sunday;T: What day is it?S1: It ' s

34、 Monday. ( Help S1 toWhat day is it?answer)t ' s.T: Who can read this word?S2: Monday. S3/S4/S5 (one byone)(在把星期一练熟的前提下,进行如下对话练习)T: What day is it?通过句型练习单词,能增强S1: It ' s Monday. What day is it?知识的语用性,通过不同的句型,练习本课的单词。S2 It ' s Monday. What day is it ?S3:The same way to teach other days.猜单

35、词游戏有助于巩固本(2)Paly a guess game with theGuess new words with cards.课新授的单词,激发学生学students习的兴趣。(3) Play the taperadio.Listen and follow the tape.Later听录音模仿纯正的发音。(4) Game:read the text by themselves.Put the day in order.Write in their notebook.做练习能巩固本课所学知(5)Ask them to open the exerciseDo the exercise boo

36、k.识。Il.Class Closing:book.Say goodbye to the class板书设计教学反思:教学基本信息Lesson 6 Pyjamas教材分析本教材注重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练,努力为学生营造语境,课本中出现了大量的图片以及有趣的教学活动,既1占近学生的生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同的文化背景。本课主要教授常见的服装词,相关的词组和句型,以及新的语音。学情分析语音仍是教学的难点,学生对于字母的发音仍然掌握的不好。教学目标初识目标:1、学生能正确认读 pyjamas、slippers、housecoat2、学生能听懂、会说、认读并拼写词组too big、too

37、 small3、学生能说、写并口头应答 just right4.学生能了解字母a,e,i,o,u在单词中的基本发音规律,通过发音规律认读单词,并能根据拼读规律,读出课本上的单词。指力目标:学生能把所学单词灵活应用于日常口语交流中,能了解字母的发音规律.恰感目标:通过本课的学习,学生有兴趣听英语,说英语。教学重点和难点教学重点:学生能掌握四会和三会单词,以及五个字母的发音。教学难点:学生能正确运用并区分too big, too small和just right教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图.Class opening:Greeting:T: Good morning ! Boys

38、and girls!S: Good morning teacher!T: How are you ?T: I ' mfine, too. ( Then come to oneS: I' m fine, thanks. And you?student. Ask a question) What is it?S1: It ,_ (one by one)复习旧单词,为本课新句型S2: It _ s.的学习做铺垫。I. New concepts:(1) Introduction:利用单词卡片,把衣服1.Teach new words:类的卡片放在黑板上, 让学生先读两遍,pyjamas

39、、 slippers、而后再拿下一张,让学生猜一猜那一张housecoat不见了。在剩下四、五张的时候把通过游戏导入,既复习了旧pyjamas的卡片拿出来,让学生看,这是单词,又增强学生的学习积学生会发现多了一张卡片,这是引出新极性。聿词的教学。这样以旧引新既可以复习 日知识有避免了以往枯燥的引入,可以 是高学生的兴趣。(2) Show cards and teach the words.(3)指名叫学生读;分组读;教师大声读, 学生小声读;教师小声读,学生大声读(4)Practice with cards.一个学生拿着卡片问 What is it ?另一个Read after the tea

40、cher.通过句型练习单词,能增强学生背对着他猜Is it ?其他的学生回答Yes,it ' s./ No ,Nos,.Try guess the words.知识的语用性,通过不同的 句型,练习本课的单词。2. Teach new Phraces:(1)出示事先准备好的衣服,找一个身材Too big, too small, just矮小的学生,让他试穿衣服,让后说Oh ,出示实物进行演示,能让学rightt 'too big!再由教师试穿,说 Oh , its生直观的了解本课的新短too small!这时学生就能很容易的猜出这 两句话的意思。再找出这件衣服的主人, 让他试穿,

41、说just right(2) Teach new phraces.Follow the teacher.Listen and follow the tape.Later语。3. Teach new sounds:(3) Play the taperadio.(1). Listen to the tape and pay attention toread the text by themselves.听录音模仿纯正的发音。".Class Closing:the red letters.(2). Follow and read oudly.(3.) find out the pronun

42、ciation of a,e,i,o,u(4). read the words by themselves. Say goodbye to the classFollow the teacher.read the words by themselves.板书设计教学反思:教学基本信息Lesson 7 Betty's Closet教材分析本课的故事与本单元的知识点息息相关,并且故事很有趣味性,能吸引学生的注意力。学情分析学生能够在图片的帮助下理解故事,但是对于故事中的新句型会很陌生,复述故事可能会有难度。教学目标初识与技能目标:1 .学生能在图片和老师的帮助下听懂故事。2 .学生能在图片

43、和老师的帮助下读懂故事.3.学生能正确朗读故事。4.学生能在图片和老师的帮助下表演故事。衰略目标:学生能运用一些阅读策略,如寻读,略读,猜词等。恰感目标:通过本课的学习,学生能从故事到学到一些道理,有所感悟。教学重点和难点教学重点:学生能在图片和老师的帮助下听懂、读懂、朗读以及表演故事。教学难点:学生能正确朗读故事以及在图片和老师的帮助下表演故事教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图.Class opening: Greeting:T: Good morning ! Boys and girls!T: How are you ?T: I ' mfine, too. ( Then

44、come to one student. Ask a question) What is it?S: Good morning teacher!S: I' m fine, thanks. And you?51: It ,_ (one by one)52: It _ s.复习旧单词,为本课故事做 铺垫。I. New concepts:I.Prapare to read:(1)Lead in: Ask students if they have attended a party. What clothes do they like to wear at the party?(2) Talk

45、 about the pictures: lead students to discuss about the pictures in the story. And ask them to tell the story in English or Chinese. Then help them to understand some new words and sentences. Give some examples as possible. For example: Pic1 : who is the girl? Is she happy?Pic2: What does the shorts

46、 say? Will Betty wear the shorts?Pic3What does the pants say? Will BettyAnswer the questions.Read the story quickly and silently.!Answer the questions.通过练习学生实际生活导入本课的故事。通过提问的方式,帮助学生 理解故事。2.Read the story:3.After-reading:Il.Class Closing:wear the pants?Pic4: What does the shirt say? Will Betty wear the shirt?Pic5: What does the sweater say? Will Betty wear the sweater?Pic6: What does the blouse say? Will Betty wear the blouse?Pic7: What does the skirt say? Will Betty wear


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