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1、2017 2018 九年级英语期末试卷知识运用(共 14 分)一?单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分)从下面各题所给的 A?B?C?D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项?1. Amy,would you please pass _ the salt? Sure,here you are.A. I B. me C. my D. mine2. When do you leave home for school? I usually leave _ 7 oclock in the morning.A. at B. on C. in D. duri ng3. The inven ti o

2、n of airpla nes makes traveli ng much _ tha n before.A. easy B. easily C. easier D. the easiest4. I will call you as soon as I _ the tickets for the con cert.A. get B. got C. have got D. will get5. The rain is heavy now. You n eed to put on your rain coat, _ you will get wet.A. or B. and C. but D. s

3、o6. What did you do last weeke nd? We _ a picnic in the park. It was a nice day.A. have B. had C. has had D. will have7. The water is so clear here,is nt it? Yes. I _ see the colorful fishes swimming in it.A. should n,t B. must n,tC. n eedD. can8. I _ great progress in English since I started to rea

4、d an English story every day.A. made B. make C. have made D. will make9. I _ basketball when my mum called me.A. am playi ng B. was playi ngC. played D. have played10. The book _ you are talking about is written in everyday English.A. who B. that C. whe n D. what11. My teachers glassesby her baby ye

5、sterday.A. broke B. break C. were broke nD. are broke n12. Could you tell metomorrow? By bus.A. how did you go to theB. how you went to the museummuseumC. how will you go to the D. how you will go to the museum museum二?完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)When I started work in g,I could nt un dersta nd why some peop

6、le seemed to succeed in anything they tried.However,others just could n,t man age to achieve anything. After a while,I found the biggest 13 lies in _ setting andreviewing goals regularly. A study shows those who have written goals and review them regularly are among thehighest achievers.What do you

7、do with your desires (渴望)and wants in life?You could pay no attention to them and leave themto 14 in your mind,or start taking action to get what you want. You need to set goals. A goal starts with a simple desire.Do you use any 15 for not sett ing goals?Whatever it is,I am sure your excuse is limit

8、i ng you. If you,re 16 aboutwhat you wan t,you might end up at a certa in age with things that you did n,t want.Sett ing goals and reviewi ng them regularly can in crease your cha nces of succeed in g. It can give you the rightdirecti on and 17 you movi ng closer to what you want. You will achieve m

9、ore in mon ths tha n many people do in years.If you have a strong desire for someth in g,you have two 18 :wishful thi nkin g,or tak ing action. You can wish fora miracle (奇迹),but do nothing. Or,you can get clear on the steps and take them, 19 ,one by one un til you reachsuccess.Sett ing goals is the

10、 most importa nt and n ecessary step to achieve success in any area. It beg ins with adesire,and then a written goal, 20 by the right attitude and action. Keep reviewing your goals and watch how your wishmiraculously turns into your reality.13. A. differe nee B. surprise C. hope D. sale14. A. si ng

11、B. dance C. light D. disappear19. A. slowlyB. sudde nly C. luckily D. sadly20. A. decidedB. corrected C. followed D. built阅读理解(共 36 分)三?阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A?B?C?D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项?(共 26 分,每小题 2 分)15. A. toolsB. excuses16. A. excitedB. unclear17. A. imagi ne B. feel18. A. steps B. decisi onsC. stori

12、es D. examples wishesC. sure D. un happyC. stop D. keepC. choicesCaliforniathai m*et his陶i rtiJidel (鰭像),alan with Hu或i Jiclcman, Lanoe Annstranand Bral and. Angetrha , all at Madame Tussauds.讪丘CmzGoIDthe Santa Cruz Surfing Muse口in. which is inAlighthouwe,and seesurAlifbarJs rii-clming tne eaten hy

13、a sliarlc. Pfert stop, the SanL Gruz Btach RaardwAIk l*ra占山 gJut Gia nt Diaper r*ILtTtftAst*r.Vk血世EeaehTh诫i自Ahtrt日讯说皿r还咚 曲世t&dj观yo-u cu晞i诃也1 thu fmaus曲船焙parlc曲it an. tLe IteacJi. Also Tvatd tie tHwiyliuiUArs at Wluscle 3eacL Gym,whifth is where Amnld StlrwAr2? i*gger etan-ed his -caf&er.Las AngelesK

14、avA you ever wan ted to record yaurselP? No训you can at tht fan tasticGraimriy IVluseun. YDUIcan述汕learn haw la dance lilce Michael JidcsonA AndfindOULthe cAiinettiini ammig different music styles.21. If you want to sta nd in the footpri nts of Joh nny Depp,where will you go?A.Los An geles. B. Hollywo

15、o D. C. Ven ice Beach.D. Santa Cru z.22. People must visit the skate park on Venice Beach because .A. skateboard ing started there B. many famous people go thereC. they can lear n how to dance there D. there are rollercosters to ride on23. The passage is probably a(n).A. bedtime story B. letter from

16、 an old friendC. school no tice D. in troduct ion for touristsBTonya An drews is a math teacher in Texas. For 16 years,she loved her dear pet cat Bion die very much an d wanted to spe nd as much time with her as possible. It is totally un dersta ndable that she had a special feeli ng for Bion diebec

17、ause she,d saved her from a build ing in Forth Worth. But rece n tly,shortly after she and her husba nd had realizedthat Bion die seemed to be gett ing sick,the elderly cat died in her arms on her way to the pet hospital. Naturally,Mrs.Andrews was heart broke n.After Blo ndie,s death,Mrs.A ndrews we

18、nt to work every day,feeli ng upset. She could n,t help but share the sadn ews of her sad loss with some of her stude nts at Joshua High School in Joshua, TX,a nd shortly after,a few of thegirls in her class came up with a few surprises to cheer her up.As one stude nt filmed the mome n t,the girls f

19、irst gave her some white roses,followed by cupcakes and ballo onsto express their care. Mrs.A n drews seemed touched,but it was their next surprise that deeply moved her and thatthai m*et his陶i rtiJidel (鰭像),alan with Hu或i Jiclcman, Lanoe Annstranand Bra24rI)25. A26. R27. C2K. A% D如匚31. DS2. L四?阅读短文

20、根据短文内容回答问题?34. Just like they treated everybody else.35. Because his eyesight was very bad36. He was double majori ng,go ing to summer school and tak ing part in aferclass activities.37. They are frien dly smiles.38. It is the power to help him to get over difficulties,become con fide nt,a nd be pro

21、ud of his pers onal achieveme nt.书面表达 五?文段表达39. 参考范文:题目(1)Dear Sir/ Madam,Im writi ng to apply for the singing club because I love singing and many people say I have a beautiful voice.Si nee the third grade,l,ve bee n a member of the school choir. We trained very hard,a nd our performa nee wasa real

22、 hit at the New Year,s celebratio n last year. From my experie nces,l have gained self con fide nee and frien dship.I think I have a good sense of music and I can get along well with others. So I am the right pers on for this club.I really hope that I can join this club to share beautiful music with my frien ds.Thank you for considering my application and I,m looking forward to your early reply. Yours, LiHua题目(2)I want to be a positive pers on. Being positive is the key to livi ng a happy and healthy life. I thi nk with a positiveattitude,we can always find a way to love


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