



1、润州区片区合作七年级(上)英语教学案期中复习 7 A Unit 3 主备:王芳 课型:复习 审核:区七年级英语备课班级 姓名 学号 1.你最喜欢哪一门课? Which of the subjects do you like best?/ Which is your favourite subject?2.今天几号?十月九号。 Whats the date today? Its 9 October.3.明天是我们的开放日。 Tomorrow is our Open Day.4.家长会在下午两点开始。The parents meeting begins at 2 oclock in the aft

2、ernoon.5.在那之后,家长们会听两节课。 After that, parents watch two of our lessons.6.我们1点半在校门口见。 Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30.7.操场是如此的大。 The playground is so big.8.让我带你参观一下。 Let me show you around.9.我们现在在教学楼的前面。 Were now in front of the classroom building. 我们现在在教室的前面。 We are now in the front of the classr

3、oom.10.请走这边。 This way,please.11.我们在学校礼堂里开会。 We have meetings in the school hall.12.那个穿着白衬衫的人是谁? Who is that man in a white shirt?13.那个带着眼镜的男孩是谁? Who is the boy with glasses?14. 我们的父母在这一天会来参观我们的学校。 Our parents come and visit our school on this day.15. 我的教室在一楼。 My classroom is on the ground floor.16.

4、我们的学校真的非常美。 Our school is really nice.17. 你认识在那边的老师吗? Do you know the teacher over there?18.看看墙上我朋友的照片。 Look at the pictures of my friends on the wall.19. 我们只有一些教室。 We only have a few classrooms.20. Daniel正和他的祖父通电话。 Daniel is talking to his grandfather on the phone.21. 什么?我电话里听不清楚你的话。Pardon? I cant

5、hear you well on the phone.22. 让我告诉你有关我的新学校的情况。Let me tell you about my new school.23. 吴老师是我们的英语老师。 Mr Wu is our English teacher. 吴老师教我们英语。 Mr Wu teaches us English.24. 我喜欢下课后和他们玩。 I like to play with them after class.25. 我想和她问好。 I want to say hello to her.26. 你怎么上学的? How do you get to school?我骑车到学校

6、。 I ride a bike to school./I get to school by bike/ on my bike.我坐公交车到学校。 I take a bus to school./I get to school by bus.我坐车到学校。 I take a car to school./I get to school by car.我走回家。 I walk home./I walk to my home. 27.你上学需要花多长时间? How long does it take you to get to school? 我要花半个小时。 It takes me half an

7、 hour to get to school.28. 从我家到学校比较远。 It is a long way from my home to my school. I live far away from my school.29. 我朋友住在学校附近。 My friend lives near my school.30. 这个图书馆从早上八点开下午5点半。The library is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The library opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 4 p.m.下午六点钟的时候这个图书馆关门了。The library i

8、s closed at 6 p.m.31. 阅览室只在下午开放。The reading room is only open in the afternoon.32. 我们图书馆里有各种各样的书。There are all kinds of books in our library.33. 他经常从图书馆里借书。 He often borrows books from the library.34. 谢谢你写给我的信。 Thanks for your letter./Thank your for writing to me.35. 老师们对我们很好。All the best./I hope yo

9、u will be all the best./Best wishes.期中复习7 A Unit 4主备:戴蓉 课型:复习 审核:区七年级英语备课组 班级 姓名 学号 1. 把他/她醒来 wake him/her up2. 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭have breakfast/lunch/dinner3. 该吃早饭了。 Its time to have breakfast. Its time for breakfast.4. 做很愉快have (great) fun/have a good time (doing sth)5. 出门、外出go out6. 需要好好休息 need a good res

10、t7. 做早操 do morning exercises8. 做数学练习 do maths exercises9. 多锻炼take/do more exercise10. 进行课外活动do after-school activities11. 我上学从不迟到。Im never late for school.12. 在8:15at eight fifteen (顺读法) at a quarter past eight(逆读法)13.我们学校周一至周五在早上8点开始上学。 Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Frida

11、y.14.我们的课是8:15开始。Our lessons begin at 8:15.15.我最喜欢的科目是英语。My favourite subject is English. I like English best.16.互相聊天chat with each other17.有一个阅读小组have a Reading Club18.在学校排球队in the school volleyball team19.练习打排球practice playing volleyball20.在周三的下午on Wednesday afternoon21.每周三下午every Wednesday aftern

12、oon22.在六岁时 at 6 years old23.在儿童节on Childrens Day24.放学后/课后after school/ after class25.第22届世界杯the 22nd World Cup26.谢谢你的邮件。Thanks for your e-mail.27.跟你说说我这里的生活 tell you about my life here28.有许多时间打网球have much time to play tennis29.去上她的舞蹈课go to her dancing lessons30.跳半个小时舞dance for half an hour31.去溜冰go roller skating32.预祝我们队好运! Wish our team good luck!33.你多长时间参观一次博物馆?How often do you visit a museum?34.一个月一/两次once/twice a month35.和我的家人去野餐go on/ have a picnic with my family36.对我们有好处be good for us37.为这一天做好准备get ready for the day38.对这


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