已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1. 1. 阅历经受阅历经受 _2. 2. 记下,放下,登记记下,放下,登记 _ 3. 3. 蒙受,蒙受, 患病患病 _ _4. 4. 将将打包打包 _5. 5. 关怀,牵挂关怀,牵挂 _6. 6. 对对腻烦腻烦 _7. 7. 与与相处;进展相处;进展 _ _8. 8. 相爱,爱上相爱,爱上 _ _ 词组互译词组互译 将以下词组译成英语或汉语。将以下词组译成英语或汉语。fall in love with go throughset downsuffer frompack sth upbe concerned aboutbe /get tired ofget along with9. a ser

2、ies of _10. on purpose _ 11. at dusk _ 12. in order to _13. face to face _14. join in _15. live in peace _一连串的,一系列一连串的,一系列 故意故意 在傍晚时在傍晚时 为了为了 面对面地面对面地 参与,参与参与,参与 和平相处和平相处 1. add up 把加起来把加起来 add up to 总计共达总计共达 add to = increase 添加添加 add A to B 把把A加加 到到B上上运用:用以上的短语填空。运用:用以上的短语填空。(1) _all the numbers a

3、nd you will see how much you owe me.(2) All the numbers _ exactly 900.(3) The bad weather only _our difficulties.(4) Dont _ fuel _ the flames.Add up added up to added to add to 2. go through 阅历;经受阅历;经受 (experience, endure or suffer)运用:用运用:用go through完成句子。完成句子。(1)这个国家阅历了太多的战争。这个国家阅历了太多的战争。 The countr

4、y has _.(2)他终身中经受过多次严峻的他终身中经受过多次严峻的(severe)考验。考验。He has _ during his lifetime. gone through too many wars gone through many a severe testhidden3. be/ get/ grow crazy about1) The boy is crazy about skiing. 2) The teenagers are crazy about the pop singer.be crazy to do sth1) You are crazy to do such a

5、 thing.2) You are crazy to buy a car at such a high price.= Its crazy of you to buy a car at such a high price.4. set down放下,记下放下,记下(=write/get/put down) 了解:了解以下句子中了解:了解以下句子中set down的意义与用的意义与用法。法。(1)He set down the bag and rested for a while. (2)I have set down everything that happened. 记下记下放下放下5. a

6、s 正如正如, 照照的方式的方式 1) Do as I say.2) David, as you know, is aphotographer.3) As I said in my last letter,Im taking the exam in July.6. in order to (do)为了为了(可位于句首可位于句首) in order that (从句从句)为了为了(可位于句首可位于句首) so as to (do) 为了为了 (不能位于句首不能位于句首) so that (从句从句)为了,结果为了,结果(不能位于句首不能位于句首) 提示提示: (1)in order to 的否认

7、式为的否认式为in order not to do;so as to的否认式是的否认式是so as not to;(2)in order that和和so that引导目的状语从句引导目的状语从句运用:根据汉语意思完成句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)他很早到学校为的是在上课前清洁教室。他很早到学校为的是在上课前清洁教室。He came to school early_ clean the classroom before class. (2)为了天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身。为了天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身。_arrive before dark, we started early i

8、n order that he could /so that he could/ in order to /so as toIn order that we could /In order to (3)为了不增肥他在节食。为了不增肥他在节食。He is on a diet _ gain pounds.(4)他学习非常努力,因此,这次竞赛他得了他学习非常努力,因此,这次竞赛他得了第一名。第一名。He studied very hard, _ he came first in the contest.in order not to /so as not toso that 7. be/get ti

9、red of 对对腻烦腻烦比较:比较:be tired from因因累了累了/疲劳疲劳同义:同义:be fed up with对对感到腻烦感到腻烦 be bored with对对极其厌倦极其厌倦运用:完成句子运用:完成句子(1)我厌倦了国外生活。我厌倦了国外生活。Im tired _ abroad.(2)老做这样的事情,他们曾经很腻烦。老做这样的事情,他们曾经很腻烦。They have _doing such things.(3)长时间地搭乘飞机您一定累了,今天就请长时间地搭乘飞机您一定累了,今天就请好好休憩吧。好好休憩吧。You must _the long flight. Please t

10、ake a rest today.of living got tired of be tired from 8. get along/on with 与与相处;进展相处;进展运用:用该短语翻译以下句子。运用:用该短语翻译以下句子。(1)我和同窗相处融洽。我和同窗相处融洽。I get _ my classmates.(2)我们觉得与他相处很容易。我们觉得与他相处很容易。We found it easy_.(3)他英语学得怎样样了?他英语学得怎样样了?How are _your English study?on/along well with to get on/along with him ge

11、tting on/along with9. fall in love with爱上爱上(动作,不可与时间段动作,不可与时间段连用连用)be in love with相爱相爱(形状,可与时间段连用形状,可与时间段连用)运用运用 请将以下句子译成英文请将以下句子译成英文(1)我爱上了他。我爱上了他。Ive _ him.(2)他们相爱三年了。他们相爱三年了。They have _each other for three years. fallen in love with been in love with 1. You want to see a very interesting film wit

12、h your friend, but your friend cant go until he/she finishes cleaning his/her bicycle.他想和他他想和他朋友一同看一场很有意思的电影,但是只需当朋友一同看一场很有意思的电影,但是只需当他他/她清洗了单车以后才可以去的。她清洗了单车以后才可以去的。(P13) 句型:句型:not until/till 直到直到才才提示:引导时间状语从句时提示:引导时间状语从句时, , 从句中用普通如从句中用普通如今时或如今完成时表示未来的意义。今时或如今完成时表示未来的意义。仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。仿写:根据汉语意思,完

13、成英语句子。1我们将不断等到他回来。我们将不断等到他回来。We will wait until he_ _.2直到她答应帮他,他才分开。直到她答应帮他,他才分开。He _ _until she promises to help him.3在星期五之前她不能分开。在星期五之前她不能分开。She cant leave_ Friday.until comes back wont leave 2. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.他在遛狗他在遛狗的时候,他不小心让狗松开了,结果

14、被车撞了。的时候,他不小心让狗松开了,结果被车撞了。句中句中While walking the dog, =While you were walking the dog, While doing意为意为“在在期间,在做期间,在做的时的时候。又如:候。又如:While providing convenience to consumers, plastic bags have also caused serious pollution, waste of energy and resources.在给在给顾客提供方面的同时,塑料袋也会影起严重的污顾客提供方面的同时,塑料袋也会影起严重的污染,能源的

15、浪费。染,能源的浪费。运用:改写以下各句。运用:改写以下各句。(1)When I was traveling in Beijing, I happened to meet a former classmate._in Beijing, I happened to meet a former classmate.(2)Though he is over sixty, he still keeps on studying English_, he still keeps on studying English.(3)She wont go to the conference unless he i

16、s invitedShe wont go to the conference_.归纳:此句型的运用条件:归纳:此句型的运用条件:(1)在在_状语从句中;状语从句中;(2)假设从句的主语与主句的主语假设从句的主语与主句的主语_,而且从句中,而且从句中的谓语含有的谓语含有_动词的某种方式;动词的某种方式;(3)从句中的主语和从句中的主语和be可以省略,并且要可以省略,并且要_,不能只省略其一。不能只省略其一。When travelingThough over sixtyunless invited时间、条件、退让时间、条件、退让一样一样有有be同时省略同时省略3. I wonder if its

17、because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long 我不知道这是不是我不知道这是不是由于我长久无法出门的缘故由于我长久无法出门的缘故句型:句型:I wonder if 我不知道我不知道仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。1 我不知道可不可以费事您给换一下坐位。我不知道可不可以费事您给换一下坐位。I _ if I can trouble you to change the seat. 2我不知道她能否想去。我不知道她能否想去。I wonder if _.3不知道我的学分够不够。不知道我的学分够不够。I won

18、der_ enough credit. if I have wonder shed like to go4. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.我不知道这是不是由于我长久我不知道这是不是由于我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。比狂热。构造分析:本句是一个复杂句,构造分析:本句是一个复杂句,I wo

19、nder是主句的主语和是主句的主语和谓语,谓语,if引导一个宾语从句,在宾语从句中引导一个宾语从句,在宾语从句中because引导一引导一个缘由状语从句,且用了个缘由状语从句,且用了“It is/ was +被强调部分被强调部分+that/ who +其它这个强调构造,强调缘由状语从句。运用该强其它这个强调构造,强调缘由状语从句。运用该强调构造需知以下两点:调构造需知以下两点:(1)此句型常用来强调除谓语动词外的句子成分。此句型常用来强调除谓语动词外的句子成分。(2)此句中的此句中的that是固定的是固定的, 即使被强调部分是时间或地点,即使被强调部分是时间或地点,也用也用that; 强调人物

20、时可用强调人物时可用who。运用:用运用:用it isthat强调下句中的划线部。强调下句中的划线部。Jack broke a glass yesterday afternoon at his uncles home.(1) _broke a glass yesterday afternoon at his uncles home.(强调主语强调主语)(2) _Jack broke yesterday afternoon at his uncles home.(强调宾语强调宾语)(3) _Jack broke a glass at his uncles home.(强调时间状语强调时间状语)(

21、4) _Jack broke a glass yesterday afternoon. (强调地点状语强调地点状语)It was at his uncles home thatIt was Jack that / whoIt was a glass thatIt was yesterday afternoon that5. I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. 我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。的。P219句型:句型:happen to dowhen当当的时的时候候碰巧碰巧提示:提示:sb. h

22、appen to do碰巧做;偶尔做;也可用碰巧做;偶尔做;也可用It happened that碰巧发生某事碰巧发生某事仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。1事故发生时,我碰巧在现场。事故发生时,我碰巧在现场。I _there when the accident took place. (2)我来见他时,恰巧他出去了。我来见他时,恰巧他出去了。You happened to be out_ I called on you. 大楼发生火灾时,碰巧里面没人。大楼发生火灾时,碰巧里面没人。(3) _there was nobody in the big building when the fire broke out.happened to be when It happened that 6. It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen


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