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1、【西城二模】四 阅 读 短 文 ,根 据 短 文 内 容 回 答 问 题 (共 10分 ,每 小 题 2分 )Mom's Recipe for LifeI have a lot of Mom's recipes in a blue box where all my special ones were put,like thepumpkin pie she made during my growing up years. Even so,the recipe I treasure most is not on anyindex card,nor did she send it t

2、o me in a letter. Instead,she lived this recipe all of her life.My mother grew up in a small coal mining town in southwest Iowa. My grandfather once told methat she knew no stranger;she considered everyone in that community her friend. That attitudecontinued wherever she lived for the rest of her li

3、fe.As a teen,I was embarrassed(尴 尬 的 )every time my mother talked to strangers and offered asmile to everyone in the store or on the city bus. Almost all of them responded(回 应 )with a brightsmile of their own. Some spoke,others nodded their heads at this elderly woman who brought a littlelight into

4、their day.What really sold me on Mom's approach to life was her experience on the senior bus. The weeksI could not be there,she used this lowcost transportation to the grocery store. After her first trip,Iasked her how it went.“ Ha!”she said,“ I got on that bus and what did I see?Thirteen little

5、 old ladies and one oldman,and not one word was spoken.”I wondered how long it would be until the silence on that bus would change. On my next visit,Mom mentioned the 13 little old ladies on the bus and something one of them had told her.“ Oh,are you talking with them now?”I asked.“ Of course,”she s

6、aid. “ One day I climbed up the steps of the bus and before I looked for aseat,I gave them a big smile and I said, Isn't it a wonderful day? I noticed a few shy smiles.”Mom didn't give up. She greeted them all each time she got on the bus and before long,thewhole group was laughing and talki

7、ng to one another. The bus became more than just transportation.When we went to the various stores,I watched as she smiled and chatted with perfect strangers.Some of them looked like the poorest person you'd ever met,but once Mom smiled at them andstarted a conversation,most responded favorably.

8、 My mother didn't embarrass me any longer. I foundmyself admiring her.She's been gone for ten years but I've carried on her recipe for life. It was me who had done thesmiling first and all those people had responded. My mother didn't lecture but taught me by example.She'd given m

9、e a recipe for life.34. Where did the writer's mom grow up?35. Did the people talk on the bus on Mom's first trip?36. What did Mom do to make the bus more than transportation?37. How did the writer feel about Mom in the end?38. What is Mom's recipe for life?34. In a small coal mining tow

10、n in southwest Iowa.35. No,they didn't.36. She greeted them all each time she got on the bus.37. Proud.38. The attitude of considering everyone her friend.【东城二模】四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)P. I. C. K. the Right Books for YouThe secret to learn how to choose the right book is simple. Its one wo

11、rdyou can depend on when youre in a library or a bookstore. All you need toremember is “ P. I. C. K. “ P. I. C. K. ” stands for Purpose, Interest,Comprehend, and Know the Words.P= Purpose. Why are you looking for a bookreading for pleasure or trying tolearn something? Reading silently for yourself o

12、r reading out loud for someone else?Most often, your purpose for reading can be found with a quick answer.I = Interest. With the many millions of books on shelves today, there mustbe something out there for everyone. If you are interested in cars, considerbooks about history of racing, race car driv

13、ers, or car design. Even if you havea short amount of time to choose books, you can determine interest by lookingat the front cover, flipping through(快速翻阅)the pages to have a quick look atphotos or illustrations, or reading the back cover or the chapter titles.C = Comprehend. Its important to choose

14、 a book right for your level orability. How to choose such a book? If you read books at Level A, for example,youd better not choose a book at Level D. If the book isnt labeled(贴标签)with a level, you can open the book and choose a pagethen you can decidewhether the book is at a right level for you by

15、asking yourself;Did I understand what I just read?Do I remember what I read?Was I able to read most of the words?This brings us to our final letter; K.K=Know the Words. Readers should be able to understand most of thewords on the page. The key is the Five Finger Rule” : Choose a book youwould like t

16、o read, look at a page in the middle and put one finger down forevery word you dont understand. The “Five Finger Rule” shows a general ideaof the relationship between the number of unknown words and the difficultylevel of a book;0 1 unknown word = too easy2 3 unknown words=just right45 unknown words

17、 = too difficultYou want to know how to choose books right for you一books that areenjoyable, fun and exciting. P. I. C. K. is all about giving you the tools to be astrong and confident reader.34.What does “P. I. C. K. ” stand for?35.According to the passage, what is one possible purpose for reading?3

18、6.What books does the writer advise you to read if youre interested in cars?37.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?38.If you put three fingers down when youre reading a page, whats thedifficulty level of the book?34. It stands for Purpose,Interest,Comprehend,and Know the Words. 35.For pleasure

19、./Trying to learn something./Reading silently for oneself./ Reading out loud for someone else. 36.Books about history of racing,race car drivers,or car design. 37. How to choose a book right for a reader's level or ability. 38. The level of the book is just right. 【海淀二模】四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每

20、小题2分)Email helps workers to communicate at any time, from any place. Email is an important tool, but it can also lead to a waste of time. How can workers make sure that email is a tool and not a time-waster? Here are some simple tips to follow. They can help you use email more efficiently (高效地) at w

21、ork.First of all, turn off the sound in your computer that tells you that you have a new email message. That “Youve got mail!” sound is like a telephone or a doorbell. It interrupts your work. When you hear it, you will want to check your messages. And it will take you at least a few minutes to get

22、back to work after that. Can you imagine how much time you waste because of that little sound?Second, limit how often you check your email. Try checking it only three times a day, for example, at 9:00, 12:00 and 16:00. Also, limit the time you spend reading and answering email each time. Fifteen min

23、utes is usually long enough.Third, use a separate email account for work and personal life. Do not give your work address to friends or family, and do not give your personal address to people at work. If you are working on several projects at one time, use a separate email account for each one. So y

24、ou can focus on the most important project.Fourth, you wont have to read all the email messages every time you open your email. You can look quickly at the subject lines and then decide which messages to answer right away. You can read the others later.Finally, do not always use “reply to all” to an

25、swer email. Only send the message to people who need to read your answer. That way, you wont fill your workmates inboxes with messages that they dont need. And they wont waste time reading them.If you follow these simple steps, you will be a more efficient worker. Best of all, you will be able to le

26、ave the office earlier.34. Does email help workers to communicate at any time?35. How long should you spend reading and answering email each time?36. Why is it necessary to use a separate email account for each project?37. How can you decide which messages to answer right away?38. What is the passag

27、e mainly about?34. Yes. /Yes, it does.35. 15 minutes.36. Because it can help you/us focus on the most important project.37. By looking quickly at the subject lines.38. Some tips on how to use email more efficiently at work.【朝阳二模】四、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)Everyone speaks a language, but language

28、 is not just for talking. It is our most important communication tool. Through language, we can tell other people what we think, how we feel, and what we need. In fact, civilization (文明) itself depends on our ability to communicate. In the long history of human, languages survive, grow, disappear, m

29、ove from place to place, and change with time. Now, some languages are ancient, and others are new. There are about 6,000 different living languages around the world today, and there are many thousands more that are no longer in use. Languages might sound different, but they are thought to have come

30、 from a single ancient language. It would be quite interesting if we search for stories about the creation and disappearance of languages. Nobody knows exactly when people first started using language. Some scientists say that people first spoke to one another about two million years ago. Today, our

31、 sophisticated (复杂的) languages get fully used in the magazines, novels, science books, and movies that fill our libraries and bookstores. As human, it is important that we can tell the long stories, which separate us from the great apes (类人猿). Other animals may use various methods to communicate, bu

32、t we humans send complicated messages through space and time. Throughout history there were many languages that served as a lingua franca (通用语) a common language that could serve as a bridge between people of different cultures. Today, English is the main language that plays that role around the wor

33、ld. Many people have some ability to use English. Most of these people have studied English as a second or third language. Language helps people to work together, to share knowledge, feelings, and build up modern societies. The development of humanitys many languages was an important process that he

34、lped humans move forward toward civilization. 34. Is language our most important communication tool?35. How many living languages are there around the world today?36. When did people start to speak to one another, according to some scientists? 37. Whats the main language around the world today?38. W

35、hat is the passage mainly about?34. Yes.35. About 6,000.36. About two million years ago.37. English.38. The development of language and its roles in human society.【丰台二模】四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)We see them everywhere on boxes of food, on packages and on CDs. They, of course, are bar codes.

36、The invention of bar codes has changed the way we shop and how companies learn where their products are.It was two university students from America, Bernard Silver and Norman Woodland, who first got theidea of bar codes. In 1948, they heard that the president of a food company was looking for a way

37、to easily get information about what was being sold to customers. They tried to help by using a code system. They invented a large electronic reader to read the codes. However, computers couldnt easily record the data that was read.Then, in the 1960s, David Collins made important developments in bar

38、 codes. He developed a system for recognizing train carriages. In order to develop the recognition system for other kinds of businesses, Collins started his own company. In 1969, Collinss company put a bar code reading system in a car factory, showing that bar codes could be useful.Shortly after Col

39、lins started his company, an American electronic company called RCA also saw the potential (潜力) of bar codes to help businesses. RCAssystem, which recorded how much of a product was sold, was not perfect. Since bar codes were not common, not all products had them and different companies used differe

40、nt codes. Then, Woodland helped develop the Universal Product Code (UPC), which gave every product a code that included information about the manufacturer and the kind of product being sold. This made bar codes much more practical.In addition to shops, hospitals use bar codes to recognize patients b

41、y giving them cards with bar codes on them. Libraries use bar codes to record which books have been lent, and airports use them to find out where bags are going. Bar codes have made life much easier and simpler.34. What changed the way we shop?35. Who first got the idea of bar codes?36. Why did Coll

42、ins start his own company?37. What do hospitals use bar codes to do?38. What is the passage mainly about?34. The invention of bar codes has changed the way we shop./The invention of bar codes./Bar codes.35.It was two university students from America, Bernard Silver and NormanWoodland./Bernard Silver

43、 and Norman Woodland.36.In order to develop the recognition system for other kinds of businesses./ Because he wanted to develop the recognition system for other kinds of businesses.37. Hospitals use bar codes to recognize patients (by giving them cards with bar codes on them).38. The development of

44、bar codes and the effect on life./How bar codes have developed and how they help people in life. (两个点)(达意可得分)【石景山二模】四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)FootballAncient Chinese, Roman and Egyptian writings help you know about games played by kicking a ball. We also know that in the twelfth century, in some

45、 English towns, on certain days of the year, hundreds of young men would kick a ball around the streets. Unluckily, fight often resulted. People were hurt and even killed. In 1314, such games were not allowed because they were too dangerous.The game we now know as football developed in England in th

46、e early nineteenth century. Football was played in many schools and clubs as early as 1823. These schools and clubs often had different rules, but in 1863, the Football Association or FA was created, and standard rules were agreed for everyone to follow. These are the rules that many parts of the wo

47、rld use for football today. In 1871, a cup was given for the best English club, called the FA Cup. Football soon spread across the world.In the United States and Canada, however, a different type of football game developed, where the football players could pick the ball up and carry it. The ball is

48、also in a different shape. In American football there is also more violent contact (激烈交锋) between players, who have to wear special clothing to protect themselves.Football is now certainly the most popular game on earth. Why is that? One reason may be that its a simple game. All we need is a ball, a

49、nd a few things to mark the goals. Its a more relaxed game which can be enjoyed by just a few people of any age, on any piece of ground or even in the street. Another reason may be that it allows people to show their special skills. Some footballers become very rich and famous, like David Beckham. F

50、or this reason, many young people dream of becoming football stars and getting very rich. Television too has made football more popular. Millions of people can watch international matches such as the World Cup, which is held every four years. 34. What helps you know about games played by kicking a b

51、all?35. Where did the football game develop in the early 19th century?36. When were the football standard rules made for everyone to follow? 37. Why do American football players have to wear special clothing? 38. Why is football now the most popular game on earth?34. Ancient Chinese, Roman and Egypt

52、ian writings.35. In England.36. In 1863.37. To protect themselves (from the violent contact).38. One reason may be that its a simple game and another one may be that it allows people to show their special skills.【昌平二模】四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)My Mother, My Role ModelMy mom is one of the mos

53、t important people in my life and what makes her so special is that she seems to have no idea how encouraging she is. She has led our family and guided my brothers and sisters and me simply by being herself. She leads by example, showing us her values and making sure we live by our own. She carries

54、out this example by pushing us to do our first volunteer work when I was only seven, and she joined in herself. She pushes us to treat everyone we meet with respect and I have never heard of her speaking ill of others or putting someone down.She cares for the people she loves from the bottom of her

55、heart and always puts our needs before those of her own. My mother herself is easy-going and selfless and works hard to connect and understand each of her children to make sure we are able to laugh at ourselves and never take life too seriously. Shestrongly believes in treating everyone equally (平等的

56、), but not completely in the same way. She couldalways find the right way for the different child so that everyone can get the most from her advice.She looks to the goal of making us independent, successful, and capable (有能力的) in the world and while she encourages me to work through difficulties, sh

57、e also hardly ever pushes her ideas onto me. She is always there supporting me whether I win or lose, pass or fail.She is my leadership role model and from her I learn to focus on ones strong points, but not weaknesses. I learn to not only set a drive in my followers but also have them know that the

58、y are important to me no matter what they achieved.In my last leadership experience, the girls in my group were to examine their lives and decide who they want to be for the future. My mothers example helped me find ways to make these girls comfortable enough to open up and share their experiences. I have taken what my mother has taught me and carried it out into a special leadership style that perfectly puts her practice and my own experience together.34. Who is the writers role model?35. When did the writer start to do v


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