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1、试卷代码:2015-2016 学年度第二学期酒店管理专业酒店英语期末考试试题班级:学号:姓名:2016 年 6 月题号一二三四五六七总分合分人分数得分 评卷人一、单选题(每题1 分,共 20 分)1. Good morning. I help you?D 、 AmD、 lookforA、 WouldB、 MustC、 May2. I would like to a room, please.A orderB、 bookC、 see3. It s very kind you to help me.A ofB、 toC、 byD、4. What s the for a double room?A.

2、 right B. rate C、 money D、 for5. I would like to book a double roombath.A. with B. ofC、 byD、 for6. Excuse me, sir. You need to the form.A. fill in B. fill onC、 fill ofD、 fill for7. We are looking forward to you.A. see B. saw C、 seeingD、 sees8.1 'm afraid we are fully booked the 5th.A. with B. of

3、 C、 by D、 for9 .Do you want to pay cash or credit card.A. in in B. by byC、 by inD、 in by10 .The porter will show you your room.A. with B. to C、 by D、 for11 .My flight will leave 6 pm today.A. with B. onC、 atD、 for12 .The hotel is full and there is someone your room.A. take B. To takeC、 takesD、 takin

4、g13 .Let me you with your luggage.A. help B. helpingC、 helpsD、 to help14 .May I the curtain?A. draw B. Turn onC、 turn offD、 make up15 .the way, how long will it take to clean the room?A. With B. OnC、 By D、 For16 .Can you the air conditioning?A. draw B. Turn onC、 turn offD、 make up17 .Do you want the

5、se shirts to be ?A. starch B. starches C、 starchedD、 starching18 .Let me help you your luggage?A. by B. withC、 onD、 of19.1 hope you will a morning call at 7:00.A. arrange B. arrangesC、 arrangedD、 making20.1 'll ask a porter to your luggage.A. take care B. take care ofC、 take care offD、 look得分 评卷

6、人 二、根据对话填写入住单(每题1 分,共 10 分)G: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Mr. Tomlinson.R: Ok .I ve found it. Checking out on the 27th?G: That s right.R: Can I take a credit card for the deposit?G: Yes, sure. Also, I d like a non-smoking room please.R: Certainly madam. Here s your key. Your

7、 room is on the 7th floor and on the left. Room 781. Check-out time is at 12:00 noon. By the way, you are from America, I m right?G: You are right. And I ll stay in your hotel for 4 nights.得分评卷人Part one.(每题2 分,共40 分)Hotel Registration FormGuest s name 客人名字Guest s sex (M / F) 客人性别Check-out Time 退房时间R

8、oom No.房号Preference for Rooms 特别要求Floor 楼层Check-in Time入住时间Means of settlement 结账方式Country(来自国家)Days of staying天数A: Good morning . What can I do for you, sir ?B: Yes,( 我想预定一间房间。)A: OK ,sir .(什么时候?)B: From May 1st.A:(几个晚上?)B: For three nights .A:(您一行共有多少人呢?)B: Just my wife and myself .A:(哪种房间你比较喜欢呢,要

9、一张大床房的房间还是两张单人床的房间?)B: Twin-room ,please .A: Could you hold the line ,please ?(我要查查这几天有没有房间。)(先生,让您久等了。 ) We have a twin-room with windows at RMB288 and without windows at RMB258, Which would you prefer?B: We ll take the one with windows .A: Certainly ,sir .May I have your name and initials ,please

10、?B: Yes ,it s Caruthers T.E.Part TwoA: Good evening.(有什么可以帮助您的,先生?)B:(三个星期前,我预定了一间带窗的两张单人床的房间)I mC aruthers T.E.A: Just a moment, please, Mr. Caruthers.(我查看一下今天的预订单). Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. Yes, you have reserved atwin-room with windows from today to the 3rd.B: Yes, exactly.A:(请出示您的护照)

11、Thank you, sir.(_请您填一下这张_登记表。 )B: Ok. Here you are. Is it all right?A: Yes, thanks.(您打算怎么付款,现金还是信用卡?)B:(我能用旅行支票付费吗?)A: Certainly.Here s the key to Room 808. Please keep it.(晚安,并预祝 _您入住愉快。)B: Thank you.Part ThreeA: 您想喝点什么呢,先生 _(?)B: I'd like some tea.你们这里都有些什么_(茶? )A: We have black tea and green

12、tea.请问你想喝_ (什么茶? )B: I don't know. 你能给我推荐下么?_()A: I suggest you to have some green tea. Green tea has a cooler flavor,夏天喝很好 (.)得分评卷人B: Ok, I'd like a pot of Biluochun (碧螺春).1 分,共 10 分)1. A cashier should remind his client to keep the exchange slip well. ( )2. Telephone service is round the c

13、lock and free of charge in the hote( l.)3. After registration, the receptionist should wish the guest an enjoyable stay at the hotel. ()4. Guests feel pleased when the room attendant calls them by the nam(es.)5. The room attendant should never touch the banknotes or documents on the desk when cleani

14、ng the guestroom.()6. Honesty is the best policy.()7. The hotel staff should report the problems to the superior no matter what it is. ()8. When you must leave during the meal, you should put your napkin on the chair and fold it carefully, but never take it away with you. ()9. Some hotels accept gue

15、sts person( al chec) ks得分评卷人10. Room service means to do service in the guestroom( .)五、阅读理解题.(每题分,共分)Americans like to travel on their yearly holiday. Today, more and more travelers in the United States are spending nights at small houses or inns instead of hotels. They get a room for the night and

16、the breakfast the next morning.Rooms for the night in private (私人) homes with breakfast have been popular withtravelers in Europe for many years. In the past five to ten years, these bed-and-breakfast places have become popular in the United States. Many of these America s b-eadnd-breakfast inns are

17、 old historic buildings. Some bed-and-breakfast inns have only a few rooms, others are much larger. Some inns do not provide telephones or televisions in the rooms, others do.Staying in a bed-and-breakfast inn is much different from staying at a hotel. Usually the cost is much less. Staying at an in

18、n is almost like visiting someone owners are glad to tell about the areas and the interesting places to visit. Manyvacationers say that they enjoy the chance to meet local families.1. Americans like to take to a holiday trip.A.every year B.every season C.every month D.twice a year 2.Nowadays more Am

19、erican travellers prefer spending nights at.A.big hotelsB.colleges and universitiesC.their relatives homDe.ss mall houses and inns.3 .According to the passag,e which of the following is true?A.Travellers can get breakfast and lunch at small houses or inns.B.There are only a few rooms in all kinds of

20、 small inns.C.In some inns travellers can's watch TV in the rooms.D.It is more expensive to spend nights in private homes.4 .Rooms for the night in local families have been popular in for many years.A.Asia B.Europe C.America D.Africa Many of these America s- abnedd-breakfast inns are .A.old buil

21、dingsB.new buildingsC.tall buildingD.small houseRossiya HotelI read an article in the newspaper yesterday that the Hotel Rossiya in Moscow is the largest one in the world. It is a 12-story building that has 3,200 rooms. It can accommodate 6,000 guests. It has 15 restaurants and 93 lifts. About 3,000 people work in the hotel. The ballroom is known as the world s largest. Furthermore, there is a 21-story“ Presidential tower” in the central courtyard. Local residents are not allowed to live in the hotel. Foreigners are charged 16 times more than the usual very low rat


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