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1、译林版8B语法专练现在完成时专项练习1. 现在完成时的结构: 2.现在完成时的定义 _z2. 写出 have been to, have gone to, have been in的用法(并说出它们的特征):4. 写出短暂性动词和其对应的延续性动词:buyleavedieborrowjoinfinisharrivestopget married catch a cold begin/startcome/go典型例题解析1. When I was at college, Iup early to dosome morning exercises.A. used to get B. used to

2、 getting C. used get D. used to get2. Mr Smith has taught in this universityhecame here in 1999.A. since B. before C. for D. after3. -“ Mary hasfinished the difficult work. What about his classmates? ”A. yet; Not already B. not already; Not yetC. already; Not still D. already; Not yet4. I ' mbus

3、y this week that I have to have my dirty clothesnearby.A. so; to be washed B. quite; washing C. so; washedD. very; washing5. “ We are going to the Zijin Mountain tomorrow.A. fun B. time C. wishes D. photos6.1 found my sister greatlyafter watching thefilm.A. exciting; excited B. excited; excitingC. e

4、xciting; excited D. excited; excited同学们你们一定对现在完成时的用法非常地熟悉了吧!,下 面让我们来作个自我检测吧!一. 选择填空1. ( ) Mr. Dongactuallyin SunshineTown since he was very young.A. have lived B. has lived C. have live D. hasliving2. ( )-Do you know Yao Ming very well?-Of course !.la lot of news about himon TV so far.A. read B. am

5、reading C. have read D. reads3. ( )-Now Nanjing is so beautiful that I can' t recognize it when I came back.-Yes. Great changesin the past ten years.A. has taken place B. have taken place C. took place D. take place4. ( )-Where is my English book ? -Iithere but I can ' t find it now.A. putte

6、d B. have just put C. was putting D. am put ting5. ( )It' s 7:30.1 can ' t believe youcooking dinner yet, Sandy.A. didn ' t start B. haven ' t started C. don ' t startD. won ' t start6. ( ) Motherme a new coat yesterday. Iit on. It fits me well.A. had made have tried B. made

7、have triedC. has made tried D. made tried7. ( )“Heto draw horses already ” .“Whenhe learn? ”“Last year ”Aearned has B. learned did C. has learned hasD. has learned did8. ( ) Tomup into the tree. Look, hehighup there !A. has get is B. has climbedwas C. got was D. climbed is9. ( )youthe text? Yes, wei

8、t two hours ago.A. Didcopyyet did B. Have copied already haveC. Have -copied yet did D. Did-copyever had10. ( ) -Have you got the plan ready? -No,A. already , not yet B. yet , not yet C. already ,I haven ' t D. ever , not yet二. 用动词的正确形式填空1. We(study ) in Little Star English since two years ago.2

9、. -Oxfam Trailwalker(be) one of Hong Kong ' s biggest fund -raising events since 1981? -Yes , it.3. Tsunami(not happen) in the southeast of China recently.4. My father(read) the novel twice.5. - The door is open. Who(open) it? Do you know?- Sorry, I don ' t know.6. -She(buy) a Hello Kitty fo

10、r you , hasn ' t she?-Yes, she.She(buy) it in Sanrio Puroland last summer.7. This is the nicest park I(see).8. -Are you sure you(lose) your dictionary?-Yes, I(look) for it everywhere ,but I still can ' t find it.9. The children(enjoy) themselves in theparty last Sunday morning.10. They(study

11、) English for a long time.三. 句型转换1. The dress is very beautiful. I want to buy it very much.( 同义句)The dress is beautiful I want to buy it very much.对划线部分提问)heus?3. I wonder who can join in this party.(同义句)I won der who canthis party.4. To join the Riding Club is fun.(用 it 改写)isth e Riding Club.5. We

12、 learnt Japanese last year.(同义句)Japanese_ . 对划线部分提问)youSandy?7. They borrowd the book three days ago.(同义句)Theythe bookthree days.8. He is watching TV now.( 用 at that time 改写)HeTV at that time.9. I ' ll show my friend these photos when I come back.(同义句)I ' II show these photosI come back.10.

13、Millie spent at least 50 yuan on the dictionary.(同义句)at least 50 yuan the d ictionary.The dictionary11t is three days since he died.(同义句)Three dayssince he died.Itthree days since he died.四. 根据汉语提示完成句子1 .你最近收到你爸爸的来信了吗?youyour father?2. 我已经很长时间没有拜访过我姑姑了。Imy aunt3. Simon曾经去过几次中国。Sim onChi na for4. 他们已

14、经去电影院了。Theythe cin ema.5. Smith 夫妇还没有回来。The Smiths.被动语态专项练习请写出被动语态的基本结构: A. 一般现在时的被动语态结构:1. Football(play ) all over the world2. Many trees(plant ) in North China.3. Rice(grow) in South China.4. A camera(use)for taking photos5. I often(ask)to do this work.B.般过去时的被动语态结构:1.The house(build)in 1978.2. A

15、ll the students(ask) to bring akite with them last Sunday3. The car(clean) by Dad yesterday.4.1(tell ) to wait for him right here.5. When the present(give ) to him by his mother ?C. 含有情态动词的被动语态结构:情态动词 can / may / must / should + be +及物动词的过去分词+其它+by sb.1. Chocolate may (send) to him as a pres ent.2.

16、Computers should( look) after well.3. Can this kind of machine( mend) by Uncle Wan g?4. No stars can( see) in the day-timeby us.5. Must the old people(speak) to politely?D. 你能试着做一做含有其它时态的被动语态吗?F. 主动语态中,这些动词后面跟的是动词原形,即do sth.,但变成被动语态后原形要变成 to do的不定式结构。有哪些 动词:G. The old should be taken care by us.这句话对

17、不对?为什么?(如果有错的话,请更正H. He passed me the football.(改成被动语态)Ithe football by him.The footballme by him.结论:练习一选择题()1.The strange thing was usedwine(酒) byancient (古代的) people.A.for drink B.to drink C.drinking D.drinked()2.Today,too many trees are stillin the worid.A.cutting down B.cut down C.being cut down

18、 D.cutted down()3.Englishin many countries, but Chinese _their own languages.A.is spoken,speaks B.speaks,is spokenC.is spoken,speaken D.is spoken,is spoken()4.This kind of applein Jinzhou.A.is grown B.grow C.grew D.are grown()5.These young trees mustafter well.A.look B.looks after C.be looked D.look

19、ed()6.My coat is madecool(羊毛) and silk.A.to B.for C.from D.of()7.Our teacher was seento the office a moment ago.A.go B.to go C.going D.goes()8.The Oxford Castleby Henry. It is in very good condition now.A.built B.was built C.has been built D.is built()9ce can bewater.A.turn into B.turn to C.turned i

20、nto D.turned to()10.Keys are used fordoors.A.lock B.locked C.locking D.locks()11.The greenhouse( 温室)should beglass.A.made of B.made from C.made into D.made in()12.Sorry, all the vegetables. Please cometomorrow.A.sells well B.have sold out C.have been sold out D.are selling()13.The man is badly hurt.

21、 Heto the hospital.A.has sent B.has been sent C.sent D.has sent for()14.A big cinemain our town next year.A.will build B.is built C.will be built D.has built()15.This bookby a famous writer many yearsago.A. writes B. is written C. was writen D. was written()16n China the moneyto children for good lu

22、ck by their parents or other seniorin Spring FestivalA.gives B.is given C.are given D.give二、改写句子1. They built a new school in the village last year.(改为被动语态)A new schoolin the village last year.2n the old days people used teapots(茶壶)to make tea.(改为被动语态)In the old days teapotstomake tea.3. This makes

23、me feel thirsty.(改为被动语态)Ifeel thirsty bythis.4. Did you buy this bike from the shop ?(改为被动语态)from the shop (by you ) ?5.Only this year, millions of trees has been planted by the soldiers.(改为主动语态)Only this year, The soldiers_ millions of trees.6. We should speak to old men politely.(改为被动语态)Old men sh

24、ouldpolitely.7. My watch needs repairing.(同义句)My watch n eeds8. He ' s often seen to dance in his room,?( 反意疑问句)(改为否定句 )(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答) (对划线提问)形容词写出下列词的形容词harmendusemeaninghelp hopecheer noisecolour wonderdelightsuccess写出下列词的名词agreeinventcelebrateadvertisedevelopillhappyin vitecollectrichdon

25、atepunishimprovekindeducateorganizeugly语法梳理(1)1. It is + 形容词 of sb. to do sth./not to do sth.2. It is + 形容词for 3. It is +形容词+ that 从句4. subject + be+ enough +to do sth.1.Istrue that Americans eat hamburgers and hot dogs every day? NO, that ' s not true, but they are both very p opular foods in A

26、merica.A. this B. anything C. it D. something2t ' s importantthe piano wellA. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D. for him playing3. This exercise isdifficult.A. so; that few of us can do B. so: that few of us can do itC. too; for anyone of us to do D. too; for anyone of us to

27、do it.4. They hardly decide what they will do next.(同义句)for them to decide what5. Meeting each other with a smile is necessary in our daily life.( 同义句)to meet each other with a smilein our daily life.6. Can you hear me? No, I can ' t. Would you please speak?A. clearly enough B. clear enoughC. en

28、ough clear D. enough clearly7t ' s very nicepictures for me.A. of you to draw B. for you to drawC. for you drawing D. of you drawing8t ' s very kindthem to pick me up at therailway station and drive me home.A. for B. to C. of D. with9. Simon isto make us all.A.enough funny ;laugh B. funny enough;laughC.enough funny;to laugh D. funny enough;to laugh10. I thinksillyyou not to for


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