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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 10 Learn how to manage your wealth.Done with this task.    Your current score: 96%Unit 10 testDirections: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordings for Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts

2、playing, please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording.   窗体顶端Part I      Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers

3、 to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)  A. Stocks.B. Government bonds.  C. Corporate bonds.

4、60; D. Stocks and corporate bonds. 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)  A. Nasdaq takes an average of all its stocks while Dow does not.  B. Dow takes the average of its all its stocks while Nasdaq does not.  C. Neither uses the average of its stocks.D. Both take

5、an average of all their stocks. 3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)  A. A depression is approaching.  B. The stock market may crash.C. The stock market is stable.  D. The stock market is rising fast. 4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)  A

6、. The woman will follow the man to buy the company's shares.  B. The man's stocks have gone up.  C. The man suffers a great loss caused by the company's bad performance.D. The woman suggests the man think carefully before he acts. 5.(Listen to the audio recording for the q

7、uestion.)  A. The man lost a lot of money in the stock market.B. The stock market is in a slump.  C. The woman is surprised at Jack's bad luck.  D. Jack has stayed away from the stock market to avoid losses. Part II      Directions: Listen to the passage t

8、hree times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from (1) to (7) with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from (8) to (10), write down either the exact words you hear or the main poin

9、ts in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers. Just like an (1), a mutual fund can also buy or sell shares of a company's stock. A mutual fund is a group of stocks and bonds that is (2) by a group of people. A financial company is in charge of the mutual fund,

10、 which is (3) by one or more portfolio managers. The people who (4) in mutual funds are also known as shareholders because a unit of (5) in a mutual fund is called a share. A mutual fund uses the cash invested by its (6) to purchase stocks, or in some cases, bonds. The fund's shareholders are in

11、direct (7) in that portfolio of stocks or bonds. Since a mutual fund may contain the stocks of many companies in its portfolio, (8). Most mutual funds are open-end funds. This means that at the end of every day, (9). A mutual fund can also be a closed-end fund. The sponsor of a closed-end fund regis

12、ters and issues a fixed number of shares at the initial offering, similar to a common stock. Investors then can buy or sell these shares through a stock exchange. (10).  Your answerCorrect answer(1)individualindividual(2)ownedowned(3)managedmanaged(4)investinvest(5)ownershipownership(6)sharehol

13、dersshareholders(7)investorsinvestors (8)shareholders are often able to own a greater and more diverse number of stocks than if they invested directly in the stock market (9)the investment management company sponsoring the fund issues new shares to investors and buys back shares from inves

14、tors wishing to leave the fund (10)The sponsor does not buy back or issue shares after a closed-end fund is launched, so the investor must trade them through a brokerPart III      Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the quest

15、ions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.How much did an Apple Computer PowerBook G3 250 laptop cost in 1997 according to the passage?  A. $3,700.  B. $5,500.C

16、. $5,700.  D. $7,500. 2.Who has hundreds of examples on his personal Website that show what would have happened if one had decided to purchase Apple stock?  A. A stock broker.  B. An economist.  C. A manager.D. A student. 3.When was the iPod Shuffle released?  A. 1

17、998.  B. 2001.C. 2008.  D. 1997. 4.How much did the first generation iPod cost?A. $400.  B. $40.  C. $11,500.  D. $350. 5.What would be the best title for the passage?A. If You Bought Apple Stock Instead of Its Products  B. If You Bought Apple Products Instead

18、 of Its Stock  C. You Should Invest Your Money in Stocks  D. Stocks Are Your Best Choice to Make Money Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements. 1.Many investors jump on IPOs, hoping to get rich by getting into a stock early, before it goes up. But

19、 isn't that a bit like buying a book without reading it? I mean, _ it doesn't go up?  A. how ifB. what if  C. how about  D. what about 2.Online share trading has totally changed the stock market and the lives of investors. _ the Internet and be your own broker!  A. C

20、onnectB. LinkC. Hook up to  D. Hook over 3._ about $500, you can open an account and begin buying and selling shares from your own home, 24 hours a day.A. For  B. To  C. In  D. At 4.The days of dot-com fortunes from IPOs are _.  A. across  B. up  C. above

21、D. over 5.I won't recommend any specific stock. You have to make the decision _.  A. by your ownB. on your own  C. for you  D. by you 6.After you bought a stock that was already very low, it may continue to drop. In that case you will lose your _.  A. shares  B

22、. pantsC. shirt  D. skirt 7.To make money, you have to _.  A. seize with opportunities  B. grasp for opportunities  C. make chancesD. take chances 8.I'm not _ a gambler. I don't want to risk my money in the stock market.A. much of  B. a lot of  C. very

23、  D. very much 9.You can probably try blue chip stocks for a guaranteed _ your investment.  A. report for  B. release from  C. report onD. return on 10.Shareholders may make money or lose money by selling stocks that they own, _ on whether the price has gone up or down

24、since they bought their shares.  A. dependB. depending  C. depends  D. depended  窗体底端 Please note that your first submission will be recorded as the ONLY learning record.Do you want to submit your answer now? ··Add note Edit note View note ·Ask a question

25、 View my questions View all class questions Edit my questions 窗体顶端窗体底端 Word tips   Language and culture tips    Overview   Learning strategies   Script Question 1 W: Owing to my hard work, I was rewarded with a large sum of m

26、oney this year. So I'm considering doing some investing. But I would definitely like it to be safe. M: Well, since you are a risk-averse investor, I strongly advise you to buy government bonds. Stocks and corporate bonds are too risky. Q: What will the woman probably invest in according to the d

27、ialog? Question 2 M: I often hear the term stock indexes. How do they work? I know the Nasdaq index is roughly the average value of all the stocks on that exchange. But what about the Dow? W: The Dow Jones Industrial Average covers 30 well-known industrial stocks. The editors add up the prices and d

28、ivide by 30. It's a snapshot of the market at a given time. Q: What can we know about the two stock indexes from the dialog? Question 3 M: You're probably right: One can make money on the stock market. But there's the chance of a 1929-type crash with another Great Depression bringing wor

29、ldwide misery. W: Problems that caused that crash have largely been solved. Today investors put up more cash to cover purchases; pension funds with millions of shares steady the market. Q: What does the woman mean? Question 4 M: Great news! The company I invested in is launching a new product. I bet

30、 the price of its stocks will go up. I'll call my broker to buy more shares from the company for me. W: Be careful. What if the product is a flop? Q: Which of the following is true according to the dialog? Question 5 M: Mary, go and say a few words of comfort to Jack. He's down in the dumps.

31、 The stock market swallowed all his savings. W: It's little wonder he lost everything in such a bearish market. He should have stayed away from it. Q: What can we infer from the dialog?   Script Just like an individual, a mutual fund can also buy or sell shares of a company's

32、stock. A mutual fund is a group of stocks and bonds that is owned by a group of people. A financial company is in charge of the mutual fund, which is managed by one or more portfolio managers. The people who invest in mutual funds are also known as shareholders because a unit of ownership in a mutua

33、l fund is called a share. A mutual fund uses the cash invested by its shareholders to purchase stocks, or in some cases, bonds. The fund's shareholders are indirect investors in that portfolio of stocks or bonds. Since a mutual fund may contain the stocks of many companies in its portfolio, shar

34、eholders are often able to own a greater and more diverse number of stocks than if they invested directly in the stock market. Most mutual funds are open-end funds. This means that at the end of every day, the investment management company sponsoring the fund issues new shares to investors and buys

35、back shares from investors wishing to leave the fund. A mutual fund can also be a closed-end fund. The sponsor of a closed-end fund registers and issues a fixed number of shares at the initial offering, similar to a common stock. Investors then can buy or sell these shares through a stock exchange.

36、The sponsor does not buy back or issue shares after a closed-end fund is launched, so the investor must trade them through a broker.   Script Let us pretend for a moment that the year is 1997 and you're in the market for a new laptop computer. You want the top-of-the-line product at the time, so you opt for the newly released Apple Computer PowerBook G3 250 laptop. This revolutionary piece of technology, which comes with a 250-megahertz processor and a whopping 5 gigabytes


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