



1、最新资料推比较级专项练习选择填空:1. This picture istha n that one.A. beautiful B. more beautifulC. most beautiful D. the most beautiful2. These flowers aretha n those on es.A. much beautiful B. much more beautifulC. very beautiful D. as beautiful3. The Chan gjia ng River is one ofrivers in the world.A. l ong B. l o

2、n ger C. Ion gest D. the Ion gest4. Kate is much earlier tha n.A. I B. me C. my D. mi ne5. I think it isolder tha n yesterday.A. very B. much too C. much D. quite6. This film isin terest ing tha n that one.A. more B. much C. very D. the most7. -Your En glish is very good.-But my brother lear ns it m

3、uchtha n I do.A. good B. well C. better D. best8. Don't worry. Your mother will get.A. well and well B. better and better C. well and better D. good and well9. Egypt is one ofin the world.A. the oldest country B. the oldest coun triesC. much older country D. much older coun tries10. The girl doe

4、s n't runthe boy.A. much faster as B. as faster asC. more fast tha n D. so fast as11. -Mum, I thi nk rmto get back to school.-Not really, my dear. You'd better stay at home for ano ther day or two.A. so well B. so good C. well eno ugh D. good eno ugh12. The stude nts areyoung people betwee n

5、 the age of sixtee nand twen ty.A. most B. almost C. mostly D. almostly13. She told usstory that we all forgot about the time.A. such an in teresti ng B. such in terest ingC. so an in terest ing D. a so in terest ing14. Jack'sbrother isthan him.A. old; elder B. elder; older C. old; eld D. elder;

6、 youn ger15. They all looked at the masterand felt quite.A. sad; sad B. sadly; sad C. sad; sadly D. sadly; sadly16. We come to school very early, but our teachers come toschool.A. very earlier B. much early C. earlier D. the earliest17. of the two men is my un cle.A. The older B. Older C. The old D.

7、 The oldest18. Do you knowof the three?A. the tallest B. tallest C. the taller D. the tall19. all the boys in his class. Tom is the shortest.A. In B. For C. From D. Of20. If there were no exam in ati ons, we should haveat school.A. the happiest time B. a more happier timeC. much happiest time D. a m

8、uch happier time21. The Chan gjia ng River is the thirdriver in the world.A. l ong B. l on ger C. Ion gest D. the Ion gest22. Which do you like, tea, orange or water?A. good B. well C. better D. best23. How beautifully she sin gs! I have n ever heard.A. the better voice B.a good voice C. the best vo

9、ice D. a better voice24. -Lucy, do you have a ruler?-Yes, I do. But it's.A. very small one B. an only small rulerC. quite small ruler D. only a small one25. -What's the weather like in win ter here?-It'swarmer in win ter here tha n in your hometow n.A. very B. fairly C. quite D. rather选择

10、填空1. Which does Jimmy like,Chi nese or Art?A. well B. best C. better D. much2. The Chang jia ng River is one ofin the world.A. the Ion gest river B. l on gest riversC. the Iongest rivers D. longer rivers3. of the two wome n is Mrs Brow n.A. The beautiful B. The more beautifulC.More beautiful D. The

11、most beautiful4. My moon cake is ni cerhis.A. likeB. withC. for D. tha n5. You are fatter tha nA. heB. hisc. he is tall6. He jumpsof the three.A. far B. further C. farthest D. furthest7. My hair is Ion ger tha nA. my sisterB. Kate C. my brother's D. Lucys'8. There are paper here .Please brin

12、g some.A. little B. less C. fewer D. a little9. The pen istha n that one.A. more cheap B. cheap C. much cheaper D. quite cheaper10. Tom speaks Chin esebetter tha n Jimmy.A. more B. very C. a lot of D. much11. There aregirls in Class Two tha n in Class Four.A. more B. nicest C. most D. best 12.lt'

13、; s too for you to do that.A. easy B. more dangerous C. harder D. the easiest13. Who has apples now, Jim, Lily or Lucy?A. much B. biggest C. better D. the most14. You have more rulers tha n me. Butare ni cer than.A. mine, yours B. mine, your C. my, yours D. my, your15. T in gt ing isthan Meimei, but

14、 Meimei istha n Ting ting.A. tall, stron gerB. taller, stron gestC. tallest, strongD. taller, stron ger16. Mother isin my family.A. busy B. busier C. the busiest D. more busy17. There arein the park on Sun day.A. more childre n B. a lot of peopleC. much men and women D. many peoples18. The dumpli ng

15、s are tha n the no odles, I think.A. more ni cer B. much deliciousC. very niceD. much more delicious19.She is tha n me at draw in gs.A. better B. best C. good D. harder20.-This blue sweater is too big for me .-Will you please show me a one?A. small B. smaller C. the smallestD. smallestThis garden is

16、 that one .A. three times as long as B. three times Ion ger asC. as long as three times D. three times Ion ger as22. Tom is taller tha nin his class .A. any other boysB. any other boyC. any boys D. any of other boys23. we get together ,we are .A. The more ; the happier B. The many ; the happyC. The

17、more ; the happyD. The more ; the happiest24. That is one ofben ches in the world .A. more beautiful B. beautifulC. the most beautiful D. most beautiful25. The build ing is about 100 meters.A. tall B. high26. Li Ming is thanA. three year youngerC. three_ year_ youn gerD. higherC. taller I .B. three

18、years oldD. three years younger627. The sec ondinven ti on is computer.A. more useful B. much usefulC. most useful D. most use28. Mrs Scott was worried about both of her sons , especially the one .A. young B. youn gerC. youn gest29.lt' stoday than it was yesterday .改错1.A. as warm B. warmest C. w

19、arm D. warmerLess on 9 is more easier tha n Less on 10.2. My mother is younger than your.3. He is one of Iongest boys in his class.4. The boy doesn t draw much well.5. Betty is the youngest on the three girls.6. Tom runs faster than any other girl in his class.7. There is fewer bread in the fridge.8

20、. Mother is the busiest of my family.9. Jim is shorter of the two boys.10. You can jump very higher on the moon than on the earth.答案及说明1. B beautiful为多音节形容词,其比较级要用 more,故选B。2. B than前用比较级,beautiful 一词是多音节词,它的比较级是 more beautiful,另外形容词比较级前可以用 much等词修饰,故 选B。3. D "one of是"之一"的意思,常用形容词最高级表

21、示,且后面跟名词复数形式,故选 D。4. A 比较级句式中所比事物要属同一类,根据这一原则,句中 主语为人,而C、D选项为表所属关系的物主代词,因此可排除。A、B为人称代词,且都可用于than后,此时要用这一原理即在 比较级中如人称代词的主格和宾格同时出现,要选主格,故选A。5. C 在英语中,much, even, a little, still可修饰形容词,副词的 比较级,而 very, very much, much too, quite, too等程度副词只能 修饰形容词,副词的原级,故选 Co6. A 在英语中,两者进行比较,强调"一方比另一方",可使用"形容词/副词的比较级+ tha n"结构;三者或三者以上进行 比较时,应使用最高级。根据题意,本题应选用比较级,故A项是正确答案。7. C8. B 表示"越来越"可以采用"比较级 +比较级"或"moreand more+原级"


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